import utils, crypto_utils, binascii from java_card import * KEY_AUTH = 0x01 KEY_MAC = 0x02 KEY_KEK = 0x03 DEFAULT_KEYSET = { KEY_AUTH: "\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4A\x4B\x4C\x4D\x4E\x4F", KEY_MAC: "\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4A\x4B\x4C\x4D\x4E\x4F", KEY_KEK: "\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4A\x4B\x4C\x4D\x4E\x4F"} DEFAULT_CARD_MANAGER_AID = "\xA0\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00" SECURE_CHANNEL_NONE = -1 SECURE_CHANNEL_CLEAR = 0 SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC = 1 SECURE_CHANNEL_MACENC = 3 MAC_LENGTH = 8 class Cyberflex_Card(Java_Card): APDU_INITIALIZE_UPDATE = '\x80\x50\x00\x00\x08' APDU_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE = '\x84\x82\x00\x00' APDU_GET_STATUS = '\x84\xF2\x00\x00\x02\x4f\x00' DRIVER_NAME = "Cyberflex" ATRS = [ ## Cyberflex Access 32k v2 ??? ("3B 75 13 00 00 9C 02 02 01 02", "FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF"), ## Cyberflex Access Developer 32k ("3B 17 13 9C 12 00 00 00 00 00", "FF FF 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00"), ## Cyberflex Access e-gate 32K ("3B 75 94 00 00 62 02 02 00 80", "FF FF FF 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00"), ## Cyberflex Access 32K v4 ("3b 76 00 00 00 00 9c 11 01 00 00", "FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF"), ## Cyberflex Access 64K v1 (non-FIPS-compliant, softmask 1.1) ("3b 75 00 00 00 29 05 01 01 01", "FF FF 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00"), ## Cyberflex Access 64K v1 (FIPS-compliant, softmask 2.1) ("3b 75 00 00 00 29 05 01 02 01", "FF FF 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00") ] ## Will convert the ATRS to binary strings ATRS = [(binascii.a2b_hex("".join(_a.split())), binascii.a2b_hex("".join(_b.split()))) for (_a,_b) in ATRS] del _a, _b def __init__(self, card = None, keyset = None): Java_Card.__init__(self, card = card) if keyset is not None: self.keyset = keyset else: self.keyset = dict(DEFAULT_KEYSET) self.card_manager_aid = DEFAULT_CARD_MANAGER_AID self.session_key_enc = None self.session_key_mac = None self.last_mac = None self.secure_channel_state = SECURE_CHANNEL_NONE def before_send(self, apdu): """Will be called by send_apdu before sending a command APDU. Is responsible for authenticating/encrypting commands when needed.""" if apdu[0] == '\x84': ## Need security if self.secure_channel_state == SECURE_CHANNEL_NONE: raise Exception, "Need security but channel is not established" if self.secure_channel_state == SECURE_CHANNEL_CLEAR: return apdu elif self.secure_channel_state == SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC: if len(apdu) < 4: raise Exception, "Malformed APDU" elif len(apdu) == 4: apdu = apdu + chr(MAC_LENGTH) else: apdu = apdu[:4] + chr( ord(apdu[4]) + MAC_LENGTH ) + apdu[5:] mac = crypto_utils.calculate_MAC(self.session_key_mac, apdu, self.last_mac) self.last_mac = mac apdu = apdu + mac elif self.secure_channel_state == SECURE_CHANNEL_MACENC: raise Exception, "MAC+Enc Not implemented yet" return apdu def open_secure_channel(self, keyset_version = 0x0, key_index = 0x0, security_level = SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC): """Opens a secure channel by sending an InitializeUpdate and ExternalAuthenticate. keyset_version is either the explicit key set version or 0x0 for the implicit key set version. key_index is either 0x0 for implicit or 0x1 for explicit key index. security_level is one of SECURE_CHANNEL_CLEAR, SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC or SECURE_CHANNEL_MACENC. Note that SECURE_CHANNEL_CLEAR is only available for cards that are not secured. Returns: True on success, generates an exception otherwise. Warning: Cyberflex Access 64k v2 cards maintain a failure counter and will lock their key set if they receive 3 InitializeUpdate commands that are not followed by a successful ExternalAuthenticate! If this function does not return True you should not retry the call, but must closely inspect the situation.""" if security_level not in (SECURE_CHANNEL_CLEAR, SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC, SECURE_CHANNEL_MACENC): raise ValueError, "security_level must be one of SECURE_CHANNEL_CLEAR, SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC or SECURE_CHANNEL_MACENC" apdu = self.APDU_INITIALIZE_UPDATE[:2] + \ chr(keyset_version) + \ chr(key_index) host_challenge = crypto_utils.generate_host_challenge() apdu = apdu + chr(len(host_challenge)) + \ host_challenge self.secure_channel_state = SECURE_CHANNEL_NONE self.last_mac = '\x00' * 8 self.session_key_enc = None self.session_key_mac = None result = self.send_apdu(apdu) if result[-2:] != self.SW_OK: raise Exception, "Statusword after InitializeUpdate was %s. Warning: No successful ExternalAuthenticate; keyset might be locked soon" % binascii.b2a_hex(result[-2:]) card_challenge = result[12:20] card_cryptogram = result[20:28] self.session_key_enc = crypto_utils.get_session_key( self.keyset[KEY_AUTH], host_challenge, card_challenge) self.session_key_mac = crypto_utils.get_session_key( self.keyset[KEY_MAC], host_challenge, card_challenge) if not crypto_utils.verify_card_cryptogram(self.session_key_enc, host_challenge, card_challenge, card_cryptogram): raise Exception, "Validation error, card not authenticated. Warning: No successful ExternalAuthenticate; keyset might be locked soon" host_cryptogram = crypto_utils.calculate_host_cryptogram( self.session_key_enc, card_challenge, host_challenge) apdu = self.APDU_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE[:2] + \ chr(security_level) + '\x00' + chr(len(host_cryptogram)) + \ host_cryptogram self.secure_channel_state = SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC result = self.send_apdu(apdu) self.secure_channel_state = security_level if result[-2:] != self.SW_OK: self.secure_channel_state = SECURE_CHANNEL_NONE raise Exception, "Statusword after ExternalAuthenticate was %s. Warning: No successful ExternalAuthenticate; keyset might be locked soon" % binascii.b2a_hex(result[-2:]) return True def get_status(self, reference_control=0x20): """Sends a GetStatus APDU und returns the result. reference_control is either: 0x20 Load files 0x40 Applications 0x60 Applications and load files 0x80 Card manager 0xA0 Card manager and load files 0xC0 Card manager and applications 0xE0 Card manager, applications and load files. Returns: the response APDU which can be parsed with utils.parse_status()""" return self.send_apdu(self.APDU_GET_STATUS[:2] + chr(reference_control) + self.APDU_GET_STATUS[3:]) def cmd_status(self, *args): if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError, "Can have at most one argument." if len(args) == 1: reference_control = int(args[0], 0) else: reference_control = 0x20 result = self.get_status(reference_control) utils.parse_status(result[:-2]) def cmd_secure(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: arg1 = 0 arg2 = 0 arg3int = SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC elif len(args)== 3: arg1 = int(args[0],0) arg2 = int(args[1],0) if arg1 not in range(256): raise ValueError, "keyset_version must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive)." if arg2 not in (0,1): raise ValueError, "key_index must be 0 or 1." arg3 = args[2].strip().lower() try: arg3int = int(args[2],0) except: arg3int = None if arg3 == "clear": arg3int = SECURE_CHANNEL_CLEAR elif arg3 == "mac": arg3int = SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC elif arg3 in ("macenc", "mac+enc"): arg3int = SECURE_CHANNEL_MACENC else: raise TypeError, "Must give none or three arguments." self.open_secure_channel(arg1, arg2, arg3int) def cmd_setkey(self, *args): if len(args) != 2: raise TypeError, "Need exactly two arguments: keyset index and key" arg1 = args[0].strip().lower() try: arg1int = int(arg1,0) except: arg1int = None if len(args[1]) != 16: arg2 = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(args[1].split())) else: arg2 = args[1] if len(arg2) != 16: raise TypeError, "Need either exactly 16 binary bytes or 16 hexadezimal bytes for the key argument." if arg1int == 0 or arg1 == "all": all = True else: all = False if all or arg1int == KEY_AUTH or arg1 in("auth","enc"): self.keyset[KEY_AUTH] = arg2 if all or arg1int == KEY_MAC or arg1 == "mac": self.keyset[KEY_MAC] = arg2 if all or arg1int == KEY_KEK or arg1 == "kek": self.keyset[KEY_KEK] = arg2 def cmd_printkeyset(self, *args): print "ENC,AUTH:", utils.hexdump(self.keyset[KEY_AUTH], short=True) print "MAC: ", utils.hexdump(self.keyset[KEY_MAC], short=True) print "KEK: ", utils.hexdump(self.keyset[KEY_KEK], short=True) def cmd_resetkeyset(self, *args): self.keyset = dict(DEFAULT_KEYSET) def cmd_savekeyset(self, *args): if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError, "Must give exactly one argument: the name of the file to save the keyset in." fd = file(args[0], "w") fd.write(self.keyset[KEY_AUTH]) fd.write(self.keyset[KEY_MAC]) fd.write(self.keyset[KEY_KEK]) fd.close() def cmd_loadkeyset(self, *args): if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError, "Must give exactly one argument: the name of the file to load the keyset from." fd = file(args[0], "r") keys =*3) if len(keys) != 16*3: del keys fd.close() raise ValueError, "The file must must contain three keys of 16 bytes each." self.keyset[KEY_AUTH] = keys[:16] self.keyset[KEY_MAC] = keys[16:16*2] self.keyset[KEY_KEK] = keys[16*2:16*3] del keys fd.close() _secname = {SECURE_CHANNEL_NONE: "", SECURE_CHANNEL_CLEAR: " [clear]", SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC: " [MAC]", SECURE_CHANNEL_MACENC: " [MAC+enc]"} def get_prompt(self): return "(%s)%s" % (self.DRIVER_NAME, Cyberflex_Card._secname[self.secure_channel_state]) APPLICATIONS = dict(Java_Card.APPLICATIONS) APPLICATIONS.update( { "card_manager": DEFAULT_CARD_MANAGER_AID } ) COMMANDS = dict(Java_Card.COMMANDS) COMMANDS.update( { "status": (cmd_status, "status [reference_control]", """Execute a GetStatus command and return the result."""), "open_secure_channel": (cmd_secure, "open_secure_channel [keyset_version key_index security_level]", """Open a secure channel. If given, keyset_version and key_index must be integers while security_level can be one of 0, clear, 1, mac, 3, macenc, mac+enc."""), "set_key": (cmd_setkey, "set_key key_index key", """Set a key in the current keyset. key_index should be one of 0, all, 1, enc, auth, 2, mac, 3, kek."""), "print_keyset": (cmd_printkeyset, "print_keyset", """Print the current keyset."""), "reset_keyset": (cmd_resetkeyset, "reset_keyset", """Reset the keyset to the default keyset for this card."""), "save_keyset": (cmd_savekeyset, "save_keyset filename", """Saves the keyset to the named file."""), "load_keyset": (cmd_loadkeyset, "load_keyset filename", """Loads the keyset from the named file.""") } ) STATUS_WORDS = dict(Java_Card.STATUS_WORDS) STATUS_WORDS.update( { "\x62\x83": "The Card Manager is locked (SelectApplication).", "\x63\x00": "Authentication of the host cryptogram failed.", "\x63\x10": "More data is available for return than is specified in the Le value.", "\x64\x00": "Technical problem that has no specified diagnosis.", "\x65\x81": "Memory failure.", "\x67\x00": "The specified length of the input data (Lc) is incorrect.", "\x69\x81": "No key is specified (GetResponse, called internally).", "\x69\x82": "Security status not satisfied. For example, MAC verification failed, the authentication key is locked, or the current security domain requires DAP verification and no verification data was included with the command.", "\x69\x83": "The key is blocked (GetResponse, called internally).", "\x69\x85": """A requirement for using the command is not satisfied. For example: + Command issued outside of a secure channel. + Current application does not have the required application privilege or life cycle state. + The required preceding command was not present. + The object to delete is referenced by another object on the card.""", "\x69\x87": "The MAC or other verification data is missing (Install).", "\x69\x99": "Application selection failed (SelectApplication).", "\x6A\x80": """Invalid or inconsistent input data, including input data that is inconsistent with a command header parameter, and LV/TLV-format elements in the input data that are not self-consistent. For example: + Incorrect number of padding bytes, incorrect key used for encryption, or the specified key set or key index value is invalid. + Referenced AID is not found in the card registry or package, or the newly specified AID already exists in the registry. + Inappropriate application privilege byte value (installing security domain), or card already has a default selected application (specifying default selected application). + First block of input data for a load file is not preceded by the correct tag and/or valid length, or the load file refers to a nonexistent package.""", "\x6A\x81": "Target is locked (SelectApplication).", "\x6A\x82": "Registry contains no valid application (or no additional valid application) with the specified AID (SelectApplication).", "\x6A\x84": "Insufficient EEPROM memory available to add the object to the card.", "\x6A\x86": "Incorrect or unsupported value is specified for P1, P2, or both.", "\x6A\x88": "Data referred to in P1, P2, or both is not found.", "\x6D\x00": "Unsupported value entered for the INS byte.", "\x6E\x00": "Unsupported value entered for the CLA byte.", "\x6F\x00": "JVM error that has no specified diagnosis.", "\x90\x00": "Command succeeded.", "\x94\x81": "Target has an invalid life cycle state.", "\x94\x84": "Unsupported algorithm ID in input data (PutKey).", "\x94\x85": "Invalid key check value in input data (PutKey).", } ) if __name__ == "__main__": c = Cyberflex_Card() print utils.hexdump( c.select_application(DEFAULT_CARD_MANAGER_AID) ) c.open_secure_channel(security_level = SECURE_CHANNEL_MAC) utils.parse_status(c.get_status(224)[:-2])