# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import os, re, binascii, sys, exceptions, traceback, inspect try: import readline except ImportError: pass class Shell: """This class handles a shell with all the usual goodies: history, tab-completion, start-up script. The readline module will be used when available to provide some of the functionality.""" def __init__(self, basename): """Creates a new shell object with the specified basename. The basename will be used when constructing the history and start-up script filenames: ~/.basename.history and ~/.basenamerc. Note that the start-up script will not be called at instantiation time but when starting the main-loop. This is so that you can register your own commands first.""" if sys.modules.has_key("readline"): histfile = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".%s.history" % basename) try: readline.read_history_file(histfile) except IOError: pass import atexit atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile) del histfile readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") ## FIXME basenamerc readline.set_completer(self.complete) readline.set_completer_delims("") else: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: No readline module available. Most functionality will be missing." self._commandsets = [] ## This contains command sets, it's a list of (object, dictionary) tuples self.basename = basename self.env = {"print_backtrace": "true"} self.register_commands(self) self.startup_ran = False self.fallback = None self.pre_hook = [] self.post_hook = [] self.prompt = "" def get_prompt(self): return self.prompt def set_prompt(self, prompt): self.prompt = prompt def register_pre_hook(self, function): self.pre_hook.append(function) def register_post_hook(self, function): self.post_hook.append(function) def unregister_pre_hook(self, function): self.pre_hook.remove(function) def unregister_post_hook(self, function): self.post_hook.remove(function) def run(self): """Runs a loop to read commands and execute them. This function does not (normally) return.""" if not self.startup_ran: self.run_startup() self._run() def run_startup(self): lines = [] self.startup_ran = True try: fp = file(os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".%src" % self.basename)) lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() except IOError: return self._run(lines) def _run(self, lines = None): line = "" while lines is None or len(lines) > 0: try: for function in self.pre_hook: function() if lines is not None and len(lines) > 0: line = lines.pop(0) else: line = raw_input("%s> " % self.prompt) except EOFError: print ## line break (there probably was none after the prompt) break except KeyboardInterrupt: print ## only clear the current command continue try: self.parse_and_execute(line) for function in self.post_hook: function() except Exception: exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2] if exctype == exceptions.SystemExit: raise exctype, value print "%s: %s" % (exctype, value) if self.env.get("print_backtrace", "") != "": traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) _commandregex = re.compile(r'\s*(\w+)(\s+.*)?') _argumentregex = re.compile(r"""\s*(?:"((?:[^"]|\\"|\\\\)*)"|'([^']*)'|(\S+))(\s+\S.*)?""") def parse_and_execute(self, line): """Parses a command line and executes the associated function.""" match = self._commandregex.match(line) if not match: return else: command = match.group(1) argstring = match.group(2) and match.group(2).strip() or "" function = None object = None args = [] command_mapping = self.get_command_mapping() if command_mapping.has_key(command): command_set = command_mapping[command] object = command_set[0] ## Implicit first argument, if set function = command_set[1][command] ## The actual function to call if object is not None: args.append(object) else: if self.fallback is None: print "Unknown command '%s'. Try 'help' to list known commands." % command else: ## Fall back to the fallback function/method ## It will receive the command executed as first parameter args.append(command) function = self.fallback object = None ## fallback must be a function or a bound method if function is not None: (argnames, varargs, varkw, defaults) = \ inspect.getargspec(function) ## minimum number of argument the function accepts args_needed = len(argnames) - len(args) - (defaults and len(defaults) or 0) ## maximum number of arguments the function accepts args_possible = varargs is None and (len(argnames) - len(args)) or None args_so_far = 0 while len(argstring) > 0: match = self._argumentregex.match(argstring) if not match: break else: args_so_far = args_so_far + 1 current_arg = match.group(1) or match.group(2) or match.group(3) or "" argstring = match.group(4) or "" args.append(current_arg) if args_so_far < args_needed: print "The %s command takes at least %i arguments. You gave %i." % (command, args_needed, args_so_far) return if args_possible is not None and args_so_far > args_possible: print "The %s command takes at most %i arguments. You gave %i." % (command, args_possible, args_so_far) return try: return function(*args) except NotImplementedError: print "Unknown command '%s'. Try 'help' to list known commands." % command def complete(self, line, state): """Try to complete a command line. Known command names first, then programmable completion (if applicable).""" match = self._commandregex.match(line) if not match: groups = (None, None) else: groups = match.groups() found = -1 if groups[1] is None: ## (Possibly incomplete) command command_to_match = groups[0] or "" retval = False for cmdset in self._commandsets: # OK cmd_dict = cmdset[1] or cmdset[0].COMMANDS for (command, function) in cmd_dict.items(): if command[:len(command_to_match)] == command_to_match: found = found + 1 if found == state: retval = command ## We break when we know there are at least 2 matches ## and the correct match according to the current state ## has been reached. Normally it would be enough ## to break when found == state, but we want to know ## if this is the only match, so that we can append a ## space if found > 0 and found >= state: break if found > 0 and found >= state: break if found == 0 and sys.modules.has_key("readline"): ## There is exactly one command that matches. Append a space ## after it return retval + " " return retval else: return False return False def _make_cmdset(target, commands): """Convenience function for code shared between register_commands and unregister_commands.""" if commands is None: if isinstance(target, dict): new_target = None new_commands = target elif hasattr(target, "COMMANDS"): new_target = target new_commands = None # MUST be added on the fly later else: raise TypeError, "target must be either an object with a COMMANDS attribute or a dictionary, not %s" % type(target) else: if isinstance(commands, dict): new_target = target new_commands = commands else: raise TypeError, "commands must be a dictionary, not %s" % type(commandset) return (new_target, new_commands) _make_cmdset = staticmethod(_make_cmdset) def register_commands(self, target, commands=None): """Register an object to provide commands. When commands is None or not given then target must either be an object with a COMMANDS attribute or a dictionary mapping command strings to functions. When commands is given then target can be any object and commands must be a dictionary mapping command strings to functions. Note: When this method is called with an object with a COMMANDS attribute for the first parameter and no second parameter, then the shell will follow all changes on that COMMANDS attribute, e.g. you can dynamically add or remove commands from the COMMANDS attribute without the need to notify the shell object.""" new_commandset = self._make_cmdset(target, commands) current_commands = self.get_command_mapping() new_cmd_dict = new_commandset[1] or new_commandset[0].COMMANDS for (command,function) in new_cmd_dict.items(): if not hasattr(function, "__doc__"): print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: function %s does not have a docstring, bug author" % function old_commandset = current_commands.get(command) if old_commandset is not None: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: command '%s' already defined from %s, new definition from %s" % ( command, old_commandset[0] or "Anonymous list", new_target or "Anonymous list" ) self._commandsets.append( new_commandset ) # OK def unregister_commands(self, target, commands=None): """Unregister an object to provide commands. You should provide the same parameters as in the call to register_commands().""" old_commandset = self._make_cmdset(target, commands) return self._commandsets.remove( old_commandset ) # OK def get_command_mapping(self): """Returns a dictionary that maps commands to their commandsets. NOTE: The return value might be generated on the fly and MUST NOT be cached beyond the scope of the calling function.""" commands = {} for cmdset in self._commandsets: # OK cmd_dict = cmdset[1] or cmdset[0].COMMANDS on_the_fly_cmdset = (cmdset[0], cmd_dict) for (command, function) in cmd_dict.items(): commands[command] = cmdset[1] and cmdset or on_the_fly_cmdset return commands def has_command(self, name): """Returns whether this shell knows about a specified command.""" for cmdset in self._commandsets: # OK cmd_dict = cmdset[1] or cmdset[0].COMMANDS for (command, function) in cmd_dict.items(): if command == name: return True return False def help(self, name): """Return a dictionary with help about command named name. The dictionary keys are: name, formatted_parameters, description, long_description""" for cmdset in self._commandsets: # OK cmd_dict = cmdset[1] or cmdset[0].COMMANDS for (command, function) in cmd_dict.items(): if command == name: parts = function.__doc__.split("\n", 1) if len(parts) != 2: parts = [ e.strip() for e in (parts + ["",""])[:2] ] (argnames, varargs, varkw, defaults) = \ inspect.getargspec(function) if argnames[0] == "self": ## Any better way? argnames = argnames[1:] len_mandatory = len(argnames) - \ len(defaults or []) argstring = " ".join( [(i < len_mandatory and "%s" or "[%s]") % argnames[i] for i in range(len(argnames))] ) return { "name": command, "formatted_parameters": argstring, "description": parts[0], "long_description": parts[1] } raise ValueError, "No such command '%s'" % name def cmd_exit(self): "Exit the shell." sys.exit(0) SETTINGS_FORMATSTRING="%s=%s" def cmd_set(self, name=None, value=None): "Set a variable or print current settings." if name == None and value == None: for (name, value) in self.env.items(): print self.SETTINGS_FORMATSTRING % (name, value) elif name is not None and value is not None: self.env[name] = value else: raise ValueError, "Need either name and value, or no parameters at all." def cmd_unset(self, name): """Unset a variable.""" if self.env.has_key(name): del self.env[name] SHORT_HELP_FORMATSTRING = "%(name)-20s %(description)s" LONG_HELP_FORMATSTRING = "%(description)s\nSynopsis: %(name)s %(formatted_parameters)s\n%(long_description)s" def cmd_help(self, command=None): "Print help, either for all commands or for a specific one." if command is None: command_list = self.get_command_mapping().keys() command_list.sort() for command in command_list: print self.SHORT_HELP_FORMATSTRING % self.help(command) else: if self.has_command(command): print self.LONG_HELP_FORMATSTRING % self.help(command) else: print "No such command '%s'" % command COMMANDS = { "exit": cmd_exit, "set": cmd_set, "unset": cmd_unset, "help": cmd_help } if __name__ == "__main__": s = Shell("foobar") s.run()