try: import smartcard, smartcard.CardRequest except ImportError: print >>sys.stderr, """Could not import smartcard module. Please install pyscard from If you can't install pyscard and want to continue using pycsc you'll need to downgrade to SVN revision 246. """ raise class Smartcard_Reader(object): def list_readers(cls): "Return a list of tuples: (reader name, implementing object)" return [] list_readers = classmethod(list_readers) _CONNECT_NO_CARD = object() _CONNECT_MUTE_CARD = object() _CONNECT_DONE = object() def _internal_connect(self): """Must implement the iterator protocol and yield one of self._CONNECT_NO_CARD, self._CONNECT_MUTE_CARD or self._CONNECT_DONE. The iterator will not be called again after yielding _CONNECT_DONE, so it must clean itself up before that.""" raise NotImplementedError, "Please implement in a sub-class" def connect(self): have_card = False printed = False for result in self._internal_connect(): if result is self._CONNECT_DONE: have_card = True break elif result is self._CONNECT_MUTE_CARD: print "Card is mute or absent. Please retry." elif result is self._CONNECT_NO_CARD: if not printed: print "Please insert card ..." printed = True return have_card def get_ATR(self): "Get the ATR of the inserted card as a binary string" raise NotImplementedError, "Please implement in a sub-class" def transceive(self, data): "Send a binary blob, receive a binary blob" raise NotImplementedError, "Please implement in a sub-class" def disconnect(self): "Disconnect from the card and release all resources" raise NotImplementedError, "Please implement in a sub-class" class PCSC_Reader(Smartcard_Reader): def __init__(self, reader): self._reader = reader self._name = str(reader) self._cardservice = None name = property(lambda self: self._name, None, None, "The human readable name of the reader") def list_readers(cls): try: return [ (str(r), cls(r)) for r in smartcard.System.readers() ] except smartcard.pcsc.PCSCExceptions.EstablishContextException: return [] list_readers = classmethod(list_readers) def _internal_connect(self): unpatched = False while True: try: if not unpatched: cardrequest = smartcard.CardRequest.CardRequest( readers=[self._reader], timeout=0.1 ) else: cardrequest = smartcard.CardRequest.CardRequest( readers=[self._reader], timeout=1 ) self._cardservice = cardrequest.waitforcard() self._cardservice.connection.connect() del cardrequest yield self._CONNECT_DONE except TypeError: unpatched = True except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except smartcard.Exceptions.CardRequestException: if sys.exc_info()[1].message.endswith("Command timeout."): yield self._CONNECT_NO_CARD else: raise except smartcard.Exceptions.CardRequestTimeoutException: yield self._CONNECT_NO_CARD except smartcard.Exceptions.NoCardException: yield self._CONNECT_MUTE_CARD except smartcard.Exceptions.CardConnectionException: yield self._CONNECT_MUTE_CARD def get_ATR(self): return smartcard.util.toASCIIString(self._cardservice.connection.getATR()) def get_protocol(self): hresult, reader, state, protocol, atr = smartcard.scard.SCardStatus( self._cardservice.connection.component.hcard ) return ((protocol == smartcard.scard.SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0) and (0,) or (1,))[0] PROTOMAP = { 0: smartcard.scard.SCARD_PCI_T0, 1: smartcard.scard.SCARD_PCI_T1, } def transceive(self, data): data_bytes = map(lambda x: ord(x), data) data, sw1, sw2 = self._cardservice.connection.transmit(data_bytes, protocol=self.PROTOMAP[self.get_protocol()]) result_binary = map(lambda x: chr(x), data + [sw1,sw2]) return result_binary def disconnect(self): self._cardservice.connection.disconnect() del self._cardservice self._cardservice = None class ACR122_Reader(Smartcard_Reader): """This class implements ISO 14443-4 access through the PN532 in an ACR122 reader with firmware version 1.x""" def list_readers(cls): pcsc_readers = PCSC_Reader.list_readers() readers = [] for name, obj in pcsc_readers: if name.startswith("ACS ACR 38U-CCID"): reader = cls(obj) readers.append( (, reader) ) return readers list_readers = classmethod(list_readers) name = property(lambda self: self._name, None, None, "The human readable name of the reader") def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent self._name ="-RFID" def pn532_transceive_raw(self, command): c_apdu = "\xff\x00\x00\x00" + chr(len(command)) + command r_apdu = self._parent.transceive(c_apdu) if len(r_apdu) == 2 and r_apdu[0] == "\x61": c_apdu = "\xff\xc0\x00\x00" + r_apdu[1] r_apdu = self._parent.transceive(c_apdu) return r_apdu def pn532_transceive(self, command): response = self.pn532_transceive_raw(command) if len(response) < 2 or response[-2:] != ["\x90", "\x00"]: raise IOError, "Couldn't communicate with PN532" if not (response[0] == "\xd5" and ord(response[1]) == ord(command[1])+1 ): raise IOError, "Wrong response from PN532" return "".join(response[:-2]) def pn532_acquire_card(self): response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x04") if ord(response[4]) > 0: return True else: response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x4a\x01\x00") if ord(response[2]) > 0: return True else: response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x4a\x01\x03\x00") if ord(response[2]) > 0: return True def _internal_connect(self): self._parent.connect() self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x32\x05\x00\x00\x00") self.pn532_acquire_card() yield self._CONNECT_DONE def get_ATR(self): # FIXME Properly implement for PC/SC version 2 return "\x3b\x80\x80\x01\x01" def transceive(self, data): # FIXME Properly determine target number response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x40\x01" + data) if response[2] != "\x00": # FIXME Proper error processing raise IOError, "Error while transceiving" return response[3:] def disconnect(self): self._parent.disconnect() def list_readers(): "Collect readers from all known drivers" readers = PCSC_Reader.list_readers() readers.extend( ACR122_Reader.list_readers() ) return readers def connect_to(reader): "Open the connection to a reader" readerObject = None readers = list_readers() if isinstance(reader, int) or reader.isdigit(): reader = int(reader) readerObject = readers[reader][1] else: for i, name, obj in readers: if str(name).startswith(reader): readerObject = obj if readerObject is None: readerObject = readers[0][1] print "Using reader: %s" % readerObject.connect() from utils import hexdump print "ATR: %s" % hexdump(readerObject.get_ATR(), short = True) return readerObject if __name__ == "__main__": list_readers()