from generic_application import Application import struct, sha, binascii from utils import hexdump, C_APDU from tcos_card import SE_Config, TCOS_Security_Environment from generic_card import Card import crypto_utils, tcos_card, TLV_utils from TLV_utils import identifier identifier("context_EFcom") for _i in range(1,17): identifier("context_EFdg%i" % _i) del _i identifier("context_EFsod") class Passport_Security_Environment(TCOS_Security_Environment): def __init__(self, card): TCOS_Security_Environment.__init__(self, card) self.last_vanilla_c_apdu = None # Set up a fake SE config to be able to reuse the TCOS code self.set_key( 1, self.card.KSenc) enc_config = "\x80\x01\x0d\x83\x01\x01\x85\x00" self.set_key( 2, self.card.KSmac) mac_config = "\x80\x01\x0d\x83\x01\x02\x85\x00" self.set_config( tcos_card.SE_APDU, tcos_card.TEMPLATE_CCT, SE_Config(mac_config) ) self.set_config( tcos_card.SE_RAPDU, tcos_card.TEMPLATE_CCT, SE_Config(mac_config) ) self.set_config( tcos_card.SE_APDU, tcos_card.TEMPLATE_CT, SE_Config(enc_config) ) self.set_config( tcos_card.SE_RAPDU, tcos_card.TEMPLATE_CT, SE_Config(enc_config) ) def before_send(self, apdu): self.last_vanilla_c_apdu = C_APDU(apdu) if (apdu.cla & 0x80 != 0x80) and (apdu.CLA & 0x0C != 0x0C): # Transform for SM apdu.CLA = apdu.CLA | 0x0C apdu_string = binascii.b2a_hex(apdu.render()) new_apdu = [apdu_string[:8]] new_apdu.append("YY") if in (3,4): new_apdu.append("87[01") new_apdu.append(binascii.b2a_hex( new_apdu.append("]") if in (2,4): if apdu.Le == 0: apdu.Le = 0xe7 # FIXME: Probably not the right way new_apdu.append("97(%02x)" % apdu.Le) new_apdu.append("8E()00") new_apdu_string = "".join(new_apdu) apdu = C_APDU.parse_fancy_apdu(new_apdu_string) return TCOS_Security_Environment.before_send(self, apdu) def after_send(self, result): if (self.last_vanilla_c_apdu.cla & 0x80 != 0x80) and (self.last_vanilla_c_apdu.CLA & 0x0C != 0x0C): # Inject fake response descriptor so that TCOS_Security_Environment.after_send sees the need to authenticate/decrypt response_descriptor = "\x99\x00\x8e\x00" if in (2,4): response_descriptor = "\x87\x00" + response_descriptor response_descriptor = "\xba" + chr(len(response_descriptor)) + response_descriptor = + response_descriptor return TCOS_Security_Environment.after_send(self, result) def _mac(self, data): (ssc,) = struct.unpack(">Q", self.card.ssc) ssc = ssc + 1 self.card.ssc = struct.pack(">Q", ssc) return Passport_Application._mac(self.card.KSmac, data, self.card.ssc, dopad=False) class Passport_Application(Application): DRIVER_NAME = "Passport" APDU_GET_RANDOM = C_APDU(CLA=0, INS=0x84, Le=0x08) APDU_MUTUAL_AUTHENTICATE = C_APDU(CLA=0, INS=0x82, Le=0x28) AID_LIST = [ "a0000002471001" ] STATUS_MAP = { Card.PURPOSE_SM_OK: ("6282", "6982", "6A82") } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ssc = None self.KSenc = None self.KSmac = None = None def derive_key(Kseed, c): """Derive a key according to TR-PKI mrtds ICC read-only access v1.1 annex E.1. c is either 1 for encryption or 2 for MAC computation. Returns: Ka + Kb Note: Does not adjust parity. Nobody uses that anyway ...""" D = Kseed + struct.pack(">i", c) H = sha.sha(D).digest() Ka = H[0:8] Kb = H[8:16] return Ka + Kb derive_key = staticmethod(derive_key) def derive_seed(mrz2, verbose=0): """Derive Kseed from the second line of the MRZ according to TR-PKI mrtds ICC read-only access v1.1 annex F.1.1""" if verbose: print "MRZ_information: '%s' + '%s' + '%s'" % (mrz2[0:10], mrz2[13:20], mrz2[21:28]) MRZ_information = mrz2[0:10] + mrz2[13:20] + mrz2[21:28] H = sha.sha(MRZ_information).digest() Kseed = H[:16] print "SHA1('%s')[:16] =\nKseed = %s" % (MRZ_information, hexdump(Kseed)) return Kseed derive_seed = staticmethod(derive_seed) def cmd_perform_bac(self, mrz2, verbose=1): "Perform the Basic Acess Control authentication and establishment of session keys" Kseed = self.derive_seed(mrz2, verbose) Kenc = self.derive_key(Kseed, 1) Kmac = self.derive_key(Kseed, 2) if verbose: print "Kenc = %s" % hexdump(Kenc) print "Kmac = %s" % hexdump(Kmac) print result = self.send_apdu(self.APDU_GET_RANDOM) assert self.check_sw(result.sw) rnd_icc = if verbose: print "RND.icc = %s" % hexdump(rnd_icc) rndtmp = self._make_random(8 + 16) rnd_ifd = rndtmp[:8] Kifd = rndtmp[8:] if verbose: print "RND.ifd = %s" % hexdump(rnd_ifd) print "Kifd = %s" % hexdump(Kifd, indent=10) S = rnd_ifd + rnd_icc + Kifd Eifd = crypto_utils.cipher(True, "des3-cbc", Kenc, S) Mifd = self._mac(Kmac, Eifd) if verbose: print "Eifd = %s" % hexdump(Eifd, indent=10) print "Mifd = %s" % hexdump(Mifd) print auth_apdu = C_APDU(self.APDU_MUTUAL_AUTHENTICATE, data = Eifd + Mifd) result = self.send_apdu(auth_apdu) assert self.check_sw(result.sw) resp_data = Eicc = resp_data[:-8] Micc = self._mac(Kmac, Eicc) if not Micc == resp_data[-8:]: raise ValueError, "Passport authentication failed: Wrong MAC on incoming data during Mutual Authenticate" if verbose: print "Eicc = %s" % hexdump(Eicc, indent=10) print "Micc = %s" % hexdump(Micc) print "Micc verified OK" R = crypto_utils.cipher(False, "des3-cbc", Kenc, Eicc) if verbose: print "R = %s" % hexdump(R, indent=10) if not R[:8] == rnd_icc: raise ValueError, "Passport authentication failed: Wrong RND.icc on incoming data during Mutual Authenticate" if not R[8:16] == rnd_ifd: raise ValueError, "Passport authentication failed: Wrong RND.ifd on incoming data during Mutual Authenticate" Kicc = R[16:] if verbose: print "Kicc = %s" % hexdump(Kicc) print KSseed = crypto_utils.operation_on_string(Kicc, Kifd, lambda a,b: a^b) self.KSenc = self.derive_key(KSseed, 1) self.KSmac = self.derive_key(KSseed, 2) self.ssc = rnd_icc[-4:] + rnd_ifd[-4:] if False: self.KSenc = binascii.a2b_hex("979EC13B1CBFE9DCD01AB0FED307EAE5") self.KSmac = binascii.a2b_hex("F1CB1F1FB5ADF208806B89DC579DC1F8") self.ssc = binascii.a2b_hex("887022120C06C226") if verbose: print "KSseed = %s" % hexdump(KSseed) print "KSenc = %s" % hexdump(self.KSenc) print "KSmac = %s" % hexdump(self.KSmac) print "ssc = %s" % hexdump(self.ssc) = Passport_Security_Environment(self) def before_send(self, apdu): if apdu = return apdu def after_send(self, result): if result = return result def _mac(key, data, ssc = None, dopad=True): if ssc: data = ssc + data if dopad: topad = 8 - len(data) % 8 data = data + "\x80" + ("\x00" * (topad-1)) a = crypto_utils.cipher(True, "des-cbc", key[:8], data) b = crypto_utils.cipher(False, "des-ecb", key[8:16], a[-8:]) c = crypto_utils.cipher(True, "des-ecb", key[:8], b) return c _mac = staticmethod(_mac) def _make_random(len): "Get len random bytes from /dev/urandom" urand = file("/dev/urandom","r") try: r = finally: urand.close() return r _make_random = staticmethod(_make_random) def get_prompt(self): return "(%s)%s" % (self.DRIVER_NAME, and "[SM]" or "") COMMANDS = { "perform_bac": cmd_perform_bac, } DATA_GROUPS = { 0x61: (1, "Machine readable zone information"), 0x75: (2, "Encoded face"), 0x63: (3, "Encoded finger(s)"), 0x76: (4, "Encoded iris(s)"), 0x65: (5, "Displayed portrait"), 0x66: (6, "Reserved for future use"), 0x67: (7, "Displayed signature or usual mark"), 0x68: (8, "Data feature(s)"), 0x69: (9, "Structure feature(s)"), 0x6A: (10, "Substance feature(s)"), 0x6B: (11, "Additional personal data elements"), 0x6C: (12, "Additional document data elements"), 0x6D: (13, "Discretionary data elements"), 0x6E: (14, "Reserved for future use"), 0x6F: (15, "Active authentication public key info"), 0x70: (16, "Persons to notify data element(s)"), } TLV_OBJECTS = { None: { 0x60: (TLV_utils.recurse, "EF.COM - Common data elements", context_EFcom), 0x77: (TLV_utils.recurse, "EF.SOD - Security Data", context_EFsod), } } for _key, (_a, _b) in DATA_GROUPS.items(): TLV_OBJECTS[None][_key] = (TLV_utils.recurse, "EF.DG%i - %s" % (_a, _b), globals()["context_EFdg%i" % _a]) del _key, _a, _b def decode_version_number(value): result = [] while len(value) > 0: v, value = value[:2], value[2:] result.append(str(int(v))) return " "+".".join(result) def decode_tag_list(value): result = [] for t in value: e = Passport_Application.DATA_GROUPS.get(ord(t)) if e is None: result.append("Error: '%02X' is an unknown Data Group tag" % ord(t)) else: result.append("DG%-2i - %s" % e) return "\n" + "\n".join(result) TLV_OBJECTS[context_EFcom] = { 0x5F01: (decode_version_number, "LDS version number"), 0x5F36: (decode_version_number, "Unicode version number"), 0x5C: (decode_tag_list, "List of all data groups present") } if __name__ == "__main__": mrz1 = "P