Move InListPassiveTarget response parsing to PN532_Response_InListPassiveTarget class

This commit is contained in:
Henryk Plötz 2010-03-03 01:38:53 +01:00
parent b27a1e034f
commit da261b1332
3 changed files with 91 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -99,32 +99,28 @@ class PN532_Virtual_Card(Card):
return cmd
def pn532_parse_response_4B(self, response):
response = map(ord, response)
numtg = response[0]
result = ["Targets detected: %i" % numtg]
pos = 1
last_pos = pos
r = utils.PN532_Response_InListPassiveTarget(data = response)
parse_ok = r.parse_result(self._last_baudrate_polled)
while pos < len(response):
if self._last_baudrate_polled == 0:
s = "Target %i: ISO 14443-A, SENS_RES: %02X %02X, SEL_RES: %02X" % \
( response[pos], response[pos+1], response[pos+2], response[pos+3] )
pos = pos + 4
if response[pos] > 0:
s = s+", NFCID (%02X bytes): %s" % (response[pos], " ".join(map(lambda a: "%02X" % a, response[pos+1:(pos+1+response[pos])])))
pos = pos + response[pos]
pos = pos + 1 # NFCID length does not count length byte
if len(response) > pos and response[pos] > 0:
s = s+", ATS (%02X bytes): %s" % (response[pos], " ".join(map(lambda a: "%02X" % a, response[pos:(pos+response[pos])])))
pos = pos + response[pos]
# ATS length does count length byte
result = ["Targets detected: %i" % len(r.targets)]
if not parse_ok:
result.append("Parse error, results unreliable")
for index, target in r.targets.items():
s = "Target %i: %s" % (index, target.type)
if target.type == utils.PN532_Target.TYPE_ISO14443A:
s = s + ", SENS_RES: %02X %02X, SEL_RES: %02X" % (
target.sens_res[0], target.sens_res[1], target.sel_res)
if len(target.nfcid) > 0:
s = s + ", NFCID (%i bytes): %s" % (
len(target.nfcid), " ".join(map(lambda a: "%02X" % a, target.nfcid)))
if len(target.ats) > 0:
s = s + ", ATS (%i bytes): %s" % (
len(target.ats), " ".join(map(lambda a: "%02X" % a, target.ats)))
if last_pos == pos:
print "Implementation error, no advance, abort"
return result
def can_handle(cls, reader):

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@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ class ACR122_Reader(Smartcard_Reader):
return "".join(response[:-2])
def pn532_acquire_card(self):
response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x04")
if ord(response[4]) > 0:
return True
# Turn antenna power off and on to forcefully reinitialize the card
response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x4a\x01\x00")
if ord(response[2]) > 0:
return True

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def _unformat_hexdump(dump):
def _make_byte_property(prop):
"Make a byte property(). This is meta code."
return property(lambda self: getattr(self, "_"+prop, 0),
return property(lambda self: getattr(self, "_"+prop, getattr(self, "_DEFAULT_"+prop, 0)),
lambda self, value: self._setbyte(prop, value),
lambda self: delattr(self, "_"+prop),
"The %s attribute of the APDU" % prop)
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class APDU(object):
setattr(self, name, value)
def _getdata(self):
return self._data
return getattr(self, "_data", [])
def _setdata(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self._data = "".join([e for e in value])
@ -491,6 +491,7 @@ class PN532_Frame(APDU):
if m != -1:
matches[candidate] = m
if len(matches) > 0:
# Remove all candidates that don't have maximal score
max_score = max(matches.values())
candidates = [ k for k,v in matches.items() if v == max_score ]
@ -506,8 +507,13 @@ class PN532_Frame(APDU):
CMD = _make_byte_property("CMD"); cmd = CMD
def parse(self, data):
if len(data) > 0:
self.dir = data[0]
if len(data) > 1:
self.cmd = data[1]
if len(data) > 2: = data[2:]
def _format_fields(self):
@ -518,13 +524,54 @@ class PN532_Frame(APDU):
return chr(self.cmd) + chr(self.dir) +
class PN532_Command(PN532_Frame):
MATCH_BY_dir = 0xd4
MATCH_BY_dir = _DEFAULT_DIR = 0xd4
class PN532_Response(PN532_Frame):
MATCH_BY_dir = 0xd5
MATCH_BY_dir = _DEFAULT_DIR = 0xd5
class PN532_Target(object):
TYPE_ISO14443A = "ISO 14443-A"
def __init__(self, type):
self.type = type
class PN532_Response_InListPassiveTarget(PN532_Response):
MATCH_BY_cmd = _DEFAULT_CMD = 0x4b
def parse_result(self, baudrate_polled):
response = map(ord,
self.targets = {}
pos = 1
last_pos = pos
while pos < len(response):
if baudrate_polled == 0:
target = PN532_Target(PN532_Target.TYPE_ISO14443A)
self.targets[response[pos]] = target
target.sens_res = response[(pos+1):(pos+3)]
target.sel_res = response[pos+3]
pos = pos + 4
if response[pos] > 0:
target.nfcid = response[pos+1:(pos+1+response[pos])]
pos = pos + response[pos]
target.nfcid = []
pos = pos + 1 # NFCID length does not count length byte
if len(response) > pos and response[pos] > 0:
target.ats = response[pos:(pos+response[pos])]
pos = pos + response[pos]
target.ats = []
# ATS length does count length byte
if last_pos == pos:
return False
return True
class PN532_Response_InListPassiveTarget(PN532_Frame):
MATCH_BY_cmd = 0x4b
if __name__ == "__main__":