Add fingerpass for passport fingerprinting

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://localhost/home/henryk/svn/cyberflex-shell/trunk@193 f711b948-2313-0410-aaa9-d29f33439f0b
This commit is contained in:
hploetz 2007-05-30 16:48:35 +00:00
parent 10a9dab1ef
commit 92e16bef2c
2 changed files with 207 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Project SYSTEM "Project-3.7.dtd">
<!-- Project file for project cyberflex-shell -->
<!-- Saved: 2007-02-11, 06:20:08 -->
<!-- Saved: 2007-05-30, 17:22:46 -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 2007 Henryk Plötz, -->
<Project version="3.7">
<ProgLanguage mixed="0">Python</ProgLanguage>
@ -95,6 +95,9 @@

203 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import pycsc, utils, cards, TLV_utils, sys, binascii, time, getopt, traceback
OPTIONS = "r:l"
LONG_OPTIONS = ["reader=", "list-readers"]
exit_now = False
reader = None
def list_readers():
for index, name in enumerate(pycsc.listReader()):
print "%i: %s" % (index, name)
def connect(reader = None):
"Open the connection to a card"
if reader is None:
reader = 0
if isinstance(reader, int) or reader.isdigit():
reader = int(reader)
readerName = pycsc.listReader()[reader]
readerName = reader
newState = pycsc.getStatusChange(ReaderStates=[
{'Reader': readerName, 'CurrentState':pycsc.SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE}
print "Using reader: %s" % readerName
print "Card present: %s" % ((newState[0]['EventState'] & pycsc.SCARD_STATE_PRESENT) and "yes" or "no")
if not newState[0]['EventState'] & pycsc.SCARD_STATE_PRESENT:
print "Please insert card ..."
last_was_mute = False
while not newState[0]['EventState'] & pycsc.SCARD_STATE_PRESENT \
or newState[0]['EventState'] & pycsc.SCARD_STATE_MUTE:
newState = pycsc.getStatusChange(ReaderStates=[
{'Reader': readerName, 'CurrentState':newState[0]['EventState']}
], Timeout = 100
) ## 100 ms latency from Ctrl-C to abort should be almost unnoticeable by the user
except pycsc.PycscException, e:
if e.args[0] == 'Command timeout.': pass ## ugly
else: raise
if newState[0]['EventState'] & pycsc.SCARD_STATE_MUTE:
if not last_was_mute:
print "Card is mute, please retry ..."
last_was_mute = True
last_was_mute = False
print "Card present: %s" % ((newState[0]['EventState'] & pycsc.SCARD_STATE_PRESENT) and "yes" or "no")
print "ATR: %s" % utils.hexdump(newState[0]['Atr'], short = True)
return pycsc.pycsc(reader = readerName, protocol = pycsc.SCARD_PROTOCOL_ANY)
def fingerprint_7816(card):
# Need ISO 7816-4
if not isinstance(card, cards.iso_7816_4_card.ISO_7816_4_Card):
return []
# Try a select MF, just in case ...
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
"\x90\x00": 0,
"\x69\x82": 1, # Security status not satisfied
"\x6a\x82": 2, # File not found
None: 3,
def detect_bac(card):
"Check whether BAC is active and if yes what type of card-os (select not allowed, select allowed but read not allowed)"
result = card.open_file("\x01\x01", 0x0c) # EF.DG1
if result.sw == "\x90\x00":
prefix = str(SHORT_SW_MAP[result.sw])
result = card.send_apdu(utils.C_APDU(card.APDU_READ_BINARY, p1=0, p2=0, le=1))
prefix = ""
if SHORT_SW_MAP.has_key(result.sw):
return prefix + str(SHORT_SW_MAP[result.sw])
return prefix + "%s:%s" % (SHORT_SW_MAP[None], binascii.b2a_hex(result.sw) )
def map_dg(card):
"Get a map of which DGs exist and are readable/unreadable and with which SW they are unreadable"
# Try to read 1 byte from each DG through READ BINARY with short file identifier
responses = [card.send_apdu(utils.C_APDU(card.APDU_READ_BINARY, p1=i|0x80, p2=0, le=1)) for i in range(1,17)]
result = []
exceptional = []
for response in responses:
if SHORT_SW_MAP.has_key( response.sw ):
result.append( SHORT_SW_MAP[response.sw] )
result.append( SHORT_SW_MAP[None] )
compressed = []
current = 0
count = 0
for r in result:
if count >= 8:
compressed.append( current )
current = count = 0
current = (current << SHORT_SW_WIDTH) | r
count = count + SHORT_SW_WIDTH
if count > 0:
compressed.append( current )
current = count = 0
return "".join( ["%02X" % r for r in compressed] ) + ":".join( (len(exceptional) > 0 and [""] or []) + [binascii.b2a_hex(e) for e in exceptional] )
result = []
test_icao = card.select_application(card.resolve_symbolic_aid("mrtd"), le=None)
if not card.check_sw(test_icao.sw, card.PURPOSE_SUCCESS):
result.append("N") # Not an ICAO MRTD
result.append("P") # An ICAO MRTD
bac = detect_bac(card)
result.append(bac) # BAC status
dgmap = map_dg(card)
result.append(dgmap) # Data Group map
return result
def fingerprint(card):
def compress_atr(atr):
numhist = ord(atr[1]) & 0x0f
if binascii.a2b_hex( "3B8%X8001" % numhist ) == atr[:4]:
# Contactless, conforming to PC/SC part 3 section
if atr[4:6] == "\x80\x4f": # Status indicator in compact-tlv object
si_len = ord(atr[6])
aid = atr[7:7+si_len]
if aid[:5] == "\xa0\x00\x00\x03\x06": # RID of PC/SC Workgroup
standard_and_name = aid[5:]
if standard_and_name[3:] == "\x00" * (len(standard_and_name)-3):
return "1:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(standard_and_name[:3]) # RFU bytes unset
return "2:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(standard_and_name[:3]) # RFU bytes set
return "0:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(atr[4:])
# Not contactless (or not conforming)
return "3:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(atr)
return ""
result = []
catr = compress_atr(card.get_atr())
print catr
result.append( catr )
result.extend( fingerprint_7816(card) )
return ",".join(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
(options, arguments) = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], OPTIONS, LONG_OPTIONS)
for (option, value) in options:
if option in ("-r","--reader"):
reader = value
if option in ("-l","--list-readers"):
exit_now = True
if exit_now:
del exit_now
pycsc_card = connect(reader)
card = cards.new_card_object(pycsc_card)
#cards.generic_card.DEBUG = False
print >>sys.stderr, "Using %s" % card.DRIVER_NAME
fp = fingerprint(card)
print "Fingerprint: %s" % fp