Implement InListPassiveTargets response parsing for ISO 14443 B

Implement PC/SC ATR generation for ISO 14443 B
This commit is contained in:
Henryk Plötz 2010-03-03 04:23:25 +01:00
parent 30828a01e8
commit 7bc2017424
3 changed files with 58 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -120,6 +120,15 @@ class PN532_Virtual_Card(Card):
len(target.ats), " ".join(map(lambda a: "%02X" % a, target.ats)))
elif target.type == utils.PN532_Target.TYPE_ISO14443B:
s = s + ", ATQB: %s" % (
" ".join(map(lambda a: "%02X" % a, target.atqb)) )
if len(target.attrib_res) > 0:
s = s + ", ATTRIB_RES (%i bytes): %s" % (
len(target.attrib_res), " ".join(map(lambda a: "%02X" % a, target.attrib_res)))
return result

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@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ class ACR122_Reader(Smartcard_Reader):
def __init__(self, parent):
self._parent = parent
self._name ="-RFID"
self._last_ats = None
self._current_target = None
self._current_target_number = 0
def pn532_transceive_raw(self, command):
c_apdu = "\xff\x00\x00\x00" + chr(len(command)) + command
@ -173,13 +174,14 @@ class ACR122_Reader(Smartcard_Reader):
r = utils.PN532_Frame(response)
if len(r.targets) > 0:
self._last_ats = r.targets.values()[0].ats
self._current_target_number, self._current_target = r.targets.items()[0]
return True
response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x4a\x01\x03\x00")
r = utils.PN532_Frame(response)
if len(r.targets) > 0:
self._current_target_number, self._current_target = r.targets.items()[0]
return True
def _internal_connect(self):
@ -194,21 +196,37 @@ class ACR122_Reader(Smartcard_Reader):
def get_ATR(self):
# FIXME Properly implement for PC/SC version 2
if len(self._last_ats) == 0:
return "\x3b\x80\x80\x01\x01"
if self._current_target is None: return ""
hist_bytes = []
if self._current_target.type == utils.PN532_Target.TYPE_ISO14443A:
if len(self._current_target.ats) > 0:
# Quick and dirty: Extract historical bytes from ATS
ats = self._current_target.ats
if ats[0] > 1:
interface_bytes = 0
if ats[1] & 0x40: interface_bytes = interface_bytes + 1
if ats[1] & 0x20: interface_bytes = interface_bytes + 1
if ats[1] & 0x10: interface_bytes = interface_bytes + 1
hist_bytes = ats[ (2+interface_bytes): ]
if len(hist_bytes) > 15: hist_bytes = hist_bytes[:15]
return "\x3b\x80\x80\x01\x01"
elif self._current_target.type == utils.PN532_Target.TYPE_ISO14443B:
hist_bytes = self._current_target.atqb[5:9] + self._current_target.atqb[5:12]
if len(self._current_target.attrib_res) > 0:
hist_bytes.append(self._current_target.attrib_res[0] & 0xf0)
# Quick and dirty: Extract historical bytes from ATS
hist_bytes = []
if self._last_ats[0] > 1:
interface_bytes = 0
if self._last_ats[1] & 0x40: interface_bytes = interface_bytes + 1
if self._last_ats[1] & 0x20: interface_bytes = interface_bytes + 1
if self._last_ats[1] & 0x10: interface_bytes = interface_bytes + 1
hist_bytes = self._last_ats[ (2+interface_bytes): ]
if len(hist_bytes) > 15: hist_bytes = hist_bytes[:15]
atr = [0x3b, 0x80 + len(hist_bytes), 0x80, 0x01] + hist_bytes
atr.append( reduce(lambda a,b: a ^ b, atr) ^ 0x3b )
return "".join(map(chr, atr))
return ""
# The ISO 14443-4 A or -3 B code paths should have filled the hist_bytes list
atr = [0x3b, 0x80 + len(hist_bytes), 0x80, 0x01] + hist_bytes
atr.append( reduce(lambda a,b: a ^ b, atr) ^ 0x3b )
return "".join(map(chr, atr))
def transceive(self, data):
# FIXME Properly determine target number

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@ -531,6 +531,7 @@ class PN532_Response(PN532_Frame):
class PN532_Target(object):
TYPE_ISO14443A = "ISO 14443-A"
TYPE_ISO14443B = "ISO 14443-B"
def __init__(self, type):
self.type = type
@ -567,6 +568,20 @@ class PN532_Response_InListPassiveTarget(PN532_Response):
target.ats = []
# ATS length does count length byte
elif baudrate_polled == 3:
target = PN532_Target(PN532_Target.TYPE_ISO14443B)
self.targets[response[pos]] = target
target.atqb = response[(pos+1):(pos+13)]
pos = pos + 13
if response[pos] > 0:
target.attrib_res = response[pos+1:(pos+1+response[pos])]
pos = pos + response[pos]
target.attrib_res = []
pos = pos + 1 # ATTRIB_RES length does not count the length byte
if last_pos == pos:
return False