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import smartcard, smartcard.CardRequest
except ImportError:
print >>sys.stderr, """Could not import smartcard module. Please install pyscard
If you can't install pyscard and want to continue using
pycsc you'll need to downgrade to SVN revision 246.
class Smartcard_Reader(object):
def list_readers(cls):
"Return a list of tuples: (reader name, implementing object)"
return []
list_readers = classmethod(list_readers)
def connect(self):
"Create a connection to this reader"
raise NotImplementedError, "Please implement in a sub-class"
def get_ATR(self):
"Get the ATR of the inserted card as a binary string"
raise NotImplementedError, "Please implement in a sub-class"
def transceive(self, data):
"Send a binary blob, receive a binary blob"
raise NotImplementedError, "Please implement in a sub-class"
def disconnect(self):
"Disconnect from the card and release all resources"
raise NotImplementedError, "Please implement in a sub-class"
class PCSC_Reader(Smartcard_Reader):
def __init__(self, reader):
self._reader = reader
self._name = str(reader)
self._cardservice = None
name = property(lambda self: self._name, None, None, "The human readable name of the reader")
def list_readers(cls):
return [ (str(r), cls(r)) for r in smartcard.System.readers() ]
list_readers = classmethod(list_readers)
def connect(self):
unpatched = False
printed = False
while True:
if not unpatched:
cardrequest = smartcard.CardRequest.CardRequest( readers=[self._reader], timeout=0.1 )
cardrequest = smartcard.CardRequest.CardRequest( readers=[self._reader], timeout=1 )
self._cardservice = cardrequest.waitforcard()
except TypeError:
unpatched = True
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
except smartcard.Exceptions.CardRequestException:
if sys.exc_info()[1].message.endswith("Command timeout."):
if not printed:
print "Please insert card ..."
printed = True
except smartcard.Exceptions.CardRequestTimeoutException:
if not printed:
print "Please insert card ..."
printed = True
except smartcard.Exceptions.NoCardException:
print "Card is mute or absent. Please retry."
def get_ATR(self):
return smartcard.util.toASCIIString(self._cardservice.connection.getATR())
def get_protocol(self):
hresult, reader, state, protocol, atr = smartcard.scard.SCardStatus( self._cardservice.connection.component.hcard )
return ((protocol == smartcard.scard.SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0) and (0,) or (1,))[0]
0: smartcard.scard.SCARD_PCI_T0,
1: smartcard.scard.SCARD_PCI_T1,
def transceive(self, data):
data_bytes = map(lambda x: ord(x), data)
data, sw1, sw2 = self._cardservice.connection.transmit(data_bytes, protocol=self.PROTOMAP[self.get_protocol()])
result_binary = map(lambda x: chr(x), data + [sw1,sw2])
return result_binary
def disconnect(self):
del self._cardservice
self._cardservice = None
class ACR122_Reader(Smartcard_Reader):
"""This class implements ISO 14443-4 access through the
PN532 in an ACR122 reader with firmware version 1.x"""
def list_readers(cls):
pcsc_readers = PCSC_Reader.list_readers()
readers = []
for name, obj in pcsc_readers:
if name.startswith("ACS ACR 38U-CCID"):
reader = cls(obj)
readers.append( (, reader) )
return readers
list_readers = classmethod(list_readers)
name = property(lambda self: self._name, None, None, "The human readable name of the reader")
def __init__(self, parent):
self._parent = parent
self._name ="-RFID"
def pn532_transceive_raw(self, command):
c_apdu = "\xff\x00\x00\x00" + chr(len(command)) + command
r_apdu = self._parent.transceive(c_apdu)
if len(r_apdu) == 2 and r_apdu[0] == "\x61":
c_apdu = "\xff\xc0\x00\x00" + r_apdu[1]
r_apdu = self._parent.transceive(c_apdu)
return r_apdu
def pn532_transceive(self, command):
response = self.pn532_transceive_raw(command)
if len(response) < 2 or response[-2:] != ["\x90", "\x00"]:
raise IOError, "Couldn't communicate with PN532"
if not (response[0] == "\xd5" and ord(response[1]) == ord(command[1])+1 ):
raise IOError, "Wrong response from PN532"
return "".join(response[:-2])
def pn532_acquire_card(self):
response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x04")
if ord(response[4]) > 0:
return True
response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x4a\x01\x00")
if ord(response[2]) > 0:
return True
response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x4a\x01\x03")
if ord(response[2]) > 0:
return True
def connect(self):
# FIXME Add loop or something similar to PCSC_Reader.connect
def get_ATR(self):
# FIXME Properly implement for PC/SC version 2
return "\x3b\x80\x80\x01\x01"
def transceive(self, data):
# FIXME Properly determine target number
response = self.pn532_transceive("\xd4\x40\x01" + data)
if response[2] != "\x00":
# FIXME Proper error processing
raise IOError, "Error while transceiving"
return response[3:]
def disconnect(self):
def list_readers():
"Collect readers from all known drivers"
readers = PCSC_Reader.list_readers()
readers.extend( ACR122_Reader.list_readers() )
return readers
def connect_to(reader):
"Open the connection to a reader"
readerObject = None
readers = list_readers()
if isinstance(reader, int) or reader.isdigit():
reader = int(reader)
readerObject = readers[reader][1]
for i, name, obj in readers:
if str(name).startswith(reader):
readerObject = obj
if readerObject is None:
readerObject = readers[0][1]
print "Using reader: %s" %
from utils import hexdump
print "ATR: %s" % hexdump(readerObject.get_ATR(), short = True)
return readerObject
if __name__ == "__main__":