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"""This package contains different card-specific modules.
The file will automatically load all modules in the cards directory
and import all classes that have a DRIVER_NAME attribute. If you want to write
your own classes you should therefore make sure it has a DRIVER_NAME and then
put it in the same directory as the other classes. Preferably you should derive
from the generic_card.Card class."""
from sys import modules as _modules
from dircache import listdir as _listdir
from new import classobj as _classobj
for filename in _listdir(_modules[__name__].__path__[0]):
if filename[-3:].lower() == ".py":
possible_module = filename[:-3]
if possible_module.lower() == "__init__":
module = __import__(possible_module, globals(), locals(), [])
for possible_class in dir(module):
if hasattr(getattr(module, possible_class), "DRIVER_NAME"):
setattr(_modules[__name__], possible_class, getattr(module, possible_class))
except ImportError:
del filename, possible_module, module, possible_class
def new_card_object(card):
"""Return a new object that will incorporate all classes that
think that they can handle the given card. The object will always
contain the Card class."""
card_classes = [Card]
for card_class in dir(_modules[__name__]):
card_class = getattr(_modules[__name__], card_class)
if card_class in card_classes:
if hasattr(card_class, "can_handle"):
if card_class.can_handle(card):
return Cardmultiplexer( tuple(card_classes), card )
class Cardmultiplexer:
"""This class will provide an object that 'multiplexes' several card classes
into one.
This is somewhat different from multiple inheritance in that classes can
be dynamically added and removed from instances of this class. It also
provides support for merging some list and dictionary class attributes
of the participating classes instead of overriding them."""
def __init__(self, classes, *args, **kwargs):
"""Creates a new Cardmultiplexer object.
The first positional argument must be a list of classes that you want
to initially melt together.
Any additional positional or keyword arguments that you give will be saved
and provided to the __init__ methods of all classes that you add.
(You may change the saved arguments at a later time with
self._classes = []
self._classes_needed = []
self._init_args = args
self._init_kwargs = kwargs
def add_classes(self, classes):
"""Add some new classes to this Cardmultiplexer object. classes
should be a sequence of class objects.
Note that there are two tricky parts in this process:
1. We wouldn't want to add superclasses of classes that
already are here. This usually makes no sense, because
Python can handle the method resolution order in this
case for itself pretty fine.
2. The way to get bound methods is kind of hackish:
As soon as the list of classes changes we create a new
class object incorporating all classes from _classes as
well as this class (Cardmultiplexer) and then set our
__class__ attribute to this new object."""
(newcls, delcls) = self._update_classes(list(classes), [])
for cls in newcls:
cls.__init__(self, *self._init_args, **self._init_kwargs)
def remove_classes(self, classes):
"""Remove classes from this Cardmultiplexer object."""
(newcls, delcls) = self._update_classes([], list(classes))
def _update_classes(self, addclasses, delclasses):
"""This handles the task of figuring out which classes to actually
melt together. It uses two lists: new_classes and classes_needed:
new_classes contains all the classes the user wishes to melt. Then
classes will be continually added from new_classes to classes_needed
unless there is already a subclass in this list. If a class is added
then all superclasses of it will be removed from the list."""
new_classes = self._classes + addclasses
for cls in delclasses:
classes_needed = []
for new_class in new_classes:
already_covered = False
## Check if this class is already covered by classes_needed
for potential_sub in classes_needed:
if issubclass(potential_sub, new_class):
already_covered = True
if not already_covered:
## Remove all super classes of this class and then add the class itself
classes_needed = [cls for cls in classes_needed
if not issubclass(new_class, cls)]
diffplus = [cls for cls in classes_needed if cls not in self._classes_needed]
diffminus = [cls for cls in self._classes_needed if cls not in classes_needed]
self._classes = new_classes
self._classes_needed = classes_needed
self.__class__ = _classobj("Cardmultiplexer (merged)",
tuple(classes_needed + [Cardmultiplexer]), {})
return (diffplus,diffminus)
def _merge_attributes(self):
"""Update the local copy of merged attributes."""
for attr in self.MERGE_DICTS + self.MERGE_DICTS_RECURSIVE:
tmpdict = {}
have_one = False
for cls in self._classes:
if hasattr(cls, attr):
if not attr in self.MERGE_DICTS_RECURSIVE:
tmpdict.update( getattr(cls, attr) )
def recurse(target, source):
for (key, value) in source.items():
if target.has_key(key):
if isinstance(value, dict) and isinstance(target[key], dict):
recurse( target[key], value )
elif isinstance(value, dict):
target[key] = dict(value)
target[key] = value
if isinstance(value, dict):
target[key] = dict(value)
target[key] = value
recurse( tmpdict, getattr(cls, attr) )
have_one = True
if have_one:
setattr(self, attr, tmpdict)
for attr in self.MERGE_LISTS:
tmplist = []
have_one = False
for cls in self._classes:
if hasattr(cls, attr):
tmplist.extend( getattr(cls, attr) )
have_one = True
if have_one:
setattr(self, attr, tmplist)