
384 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import sys;sys.path.append(".."); sys.path.append(".")
import TLV_utils
from generic_card import *
from generic_application import Application
import building_blocks
class iso_node(object):
SORT_DFFIRST = object() # Random object, just for identity testing
def __init__(self, parent=None, management_information=None, card_object=None, generic_description=None):
self._parent = parent
self._management_information = management_information # FCI, FCP or FMD
self._card_object = card_object
self._children = []
self._generic_description = generic_description # Note: Only used for iso_node, not for iso_ef or iso_df
if self._parent is not None:
if self._card_object is None and self._parent._card_object is not None:
self._card_object = self._parent._card_object
def print_node(self, indent=0, stream=None, stringlist=None, **kwargs):
result = self._format_node(indent, **kwargs)
if stream is not None:
elif stringlist is not None:
print "\n".join(result)
if kwargs.get("recurse", True):
tosort = kwargs.get("sort", self.SORT_NONE)
def cmp_normal(a,b): return cmp(a.fid,b.fid)
def cmp_dffirst(a,b):
return (a.__class__ != b.__class__) and (a.__class__ == iso_df and -1 or 1) or cmp(a.fid,b.fid)
if tosort is self.SORT_DFFIRST:
for child in sorted(self._children, cmp=cmp_dffirst):
child.print_node(indent+1, **kwargs)
elif tosort:
for child in sorted(self._children, cmp=cmp_normal):
child.print_node(indent+1, **kwargs)
for child in self._children:
child.print_node(indent+1, **kwargs)
def _dump_internal(self, data, indent, do_tlv=True):
c = utils.hexdump(data)
r = map(lambda a: self.get_indent(indent)+a, c.splitlines(False))
if do_tlv:
if self._card_object is not None:
c = TLV_utils.decode(data, tags=self._card_object.TLV_OBJECTS, context = self._card_object.DEFAULT_CONTEXT)
c = TLV_utils.decode(data)
r.append( self.get_indent(indent) + "Trying TLV parse:" )
r.extend( map(lambda a: self.get_indent(indent)+a, c.splitlines(False)) )
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
return r
def _format_node(self, indent, **kwargs):
result = []
if self._generic_description:
result.append(self.get_indent(indent) + "+ " + self._generic_description)
result.append(self.get_indent(indent) + "+ Generic Node")
if kwargs.get("with_management_information", True):
return result
def _format_management_information(self, indent):
result = []
if self._management_information is None: return result
if self._card_object is not None:
c = TLV_utils.decode(self._management_information, tags=self._card_object.TLV_OBJECTS, context = self._card_object.DEFAULT_CONTEXT)
c = TLV_utils.decode(self._management_information)
result.append(self.get_indent(indent+1) + "Management information:")
result.extend( map(lambda a: self.get_indent(indent+2)+a, c.splitlines(False)) )
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
result.append(self.get_indent(indent+1) + "Raw dump of unparseable management information following:")
result.extend(self._dump_internal(self._management_information, indent=indent+2, do_tlv=False))
return result
def add_child(self, node):
raise NotImplementedError, "Can't add a child to a mere node"
def get_fid(self): return self._fid
def get_parent(self): return self._parent
fid = property(get_fid)
parent = property(get_parent)
def get_indent(indent):
return "\t"*indent
class iso_ef(iso_node):
def __init__(self, fid, type=None, **kwargs):
super(iso_ef, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._fid = fid
self._content = None
self._type = type
def _format_node(self, indent, **kwargs):
result = [self.get_indent(indent) + "+ EF: %s" % utils.hexdump(self.fid, short=True)]
if kwargs.get("with_management_information", True):
if kwargs.get("with_content", True) and self._content is not None:
if self._type is self.TYPE_TRANSPARENT:
result.append(self.get_indent(indent+1) +
"Contents (length: %i (0x%0X)):" % (len(self._content),len(self._content))
elif self._type is self.TYPE_RECORD:
result.append(self.get_indent(indent+1) + "%i (0x0%X) records following:" % (len(self._content),len(self._content)) )
for i,d in enumerate(self._content):
result.append(self.get_indent(indent+2) +
"Record %i (length: %i (0x%0X)):" % (i, len(d),len(d))
result.append(self.get_indent(indent+1) + "Contents:")
result.append(self.get_indent(indent+2) + repr(self._content))
return result
class iso_df(iso_node):
def __init__(self, fid, **kwargs):
super(iso_df, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._fid = fid
def _format_node(self, indent, **kwargs):
result = [self.get_indent(indent) + "+ DF: %s" % utils.hexdump(self.fid, short=True)]
if kwargs.get("with_management_information", True):
return result
def add_child(self, node):
if node not in self._children:
class ISO_7816_4_Card(building_blocks.Card_with_read_binary,Card):
APDU_SELECT_FILE = C_APDU(ins=0xa4, le=0)
APDU_READ_BINARY = C_APDU(ins=0xb0,le=0)
APDU_READ_RECORD = C_APDU(ins=0xb2,le=0)
DRIVER_NAME = ["ISO 7816-4"]
FID_MF = "\x3f\x00"
SELECT_P2 = 0x0
EF_CLASS = iso_ef
DF_CLASS = iso_df
## def can_handle(cls, card):
## return True
## can_handle = classmethod(can_handle)
def select_file(self, p1, p2, fid):
result = self.send_apdu(
p1 = p1, p2 = p2,
data = fid, le = self.SELECT_FILE_LE) )
return result
def change_dir(self, fid = None):
"Change to a child DF. Alternatively, change to MF if fid is None."
if fid is None:
return self.select_file(0x00, self.SELECT_P2, "")
return self.select_file(0x01, self.SELECT_P2, fid)
def cmd_cd(self, dir = None):
"Change into a DF, or into the MF if no dir is given"
if dir is None:
result = self.change_dir()
fid = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(dir.split()))
result = self.change_dir(fid)
if len( > 0:
print utils.hexdump(
print TLV_utils.decode(,tags=self.TLV_OBJECTS)
def open_file(self, fid, p2 = None):
"Open an EF under the current DF"
if p2 is None: p2 = self.SELECT_P2
return self.select_file(self.SELECT_FILE_P1, p2, fid)
def cmd_open(self, file):
"Open a file"
fid = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(file.split()))
result = self.open_file(fid)
if len( > 0:
print utils.hexdump(
print TLV_utils.decode(,tags=self.TLV_OBJECTS)
def read_record(self, p1 = 0, p2 = 0, le = 0):
"Read a record from the currently selected file"
command = C_APDU(self.APDU_READ_RECORD, p1 = p1, p2 = p2, le = le)
result = self.send_apdu(command)
def cmd_read_record(self, p1 = None, p2 = None, le = "0"):
"Read a record"
if p1 is None and p2 is None:
p1 = p2 = "0"
elif p2 is None:
p2 = "0x04" # Use record number in P1
contents = self.read_record(p1 = int(p1,0), p2 = int(p2,0), le = int(le,0))
print utils.hexdump(contents)
def cmd_next_record(self, le = "0"):
"Read the next record"
return self.cmd_read_record(p1 = "0", p2 = "2", le = le)
def cmd_selectfile(self, p1, p2, fid):
"""Select a file on the card."""
p1 = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(p1.split()))
p2 = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(p2.split()))
fid = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(fid.split()))
result = self.select_file(p1, p2, fid)
if len( > 0:
print utils.hexdump(
print TLV_utils.decode(,tags=self.TLV_OBJECTS)
def select_application(self, aid, le=0, **kwargs):
result = self.send_apdu(
data = aid, le = le, **kwargs) ) ## FIXME With or without le
if self.check_sw(result.sw):
Application.load_applications(self, aid)
return result
def resolve_symbolic_aid(self, symbolic_name):
"Returns symbolic_name, or if symbolic_name is a known symbolic_name then its corresponding aid."
s = [a for a,b in self.APPLICATIONS.items()
if (b[0] is not None and b[0].lower() == symbolic_name.lower())
or (len(b) > 2 and symbolic_name.lower() in [c.lower() for c in b[2].get("alias", [])])
if len(s) > 0:
aid = s[0]
aid = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(symbolic_name.split()))
return aid
def cmd_selectapplication(self, application):
"""Select an application on the card.
application can be given either as hexadecimal aid or by symbolic name (if known)."""
aid = self.resolve_symbolic_aid(application)
result = self.select_application(aid)
if len( > 0:
print utils.hexdump(
print TLV_utils.decode(,tags=self.TLV_OBJECTS)
def cmd_pretendapplication(self, application):
"Pretend that an application has been selected on the card without actually sending a SELECT APPLICATION. Basically for debugging purposes."
aid = self.resolve_symbolic_aid(application)
Application.load_applications(self, aid)
ATRS = list(Card.ATRS)
ATRS.extend( [
(".*", None), ## For now we accept any card
] )
STOP_ATRS.extend( [
("3b8f8001804f0ca000000306......00000000..", None), # Contactless storage cards (PC/SC spec part 3 section
("3b8180018080", None), # Mifare DESfire (special case of contactless smartcard, ibid.)
] )
COMMANDS.update( {
"select_application": cmd_selectapplication,
"pretend_application": cmd_pretendapplication,
"select_file": cmd_selectfile,
"cd": cmd_cd,
"open": cmd_open,
"read_record": cmd_read_record,
"next_record": cmd_next_record,
} )
STATUS_WORDS.update( {
"62??": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory unchanged",
"63??": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory changed",
"64??": "Error, State of non-volatile memory unchanged",
"65??": "Error, State of non-volatile memory changed",
"66??": "Reserved for security-related issues",
"6700": "Wrong length",
"68??": "Functions in CLA not supported",
"69??": "Command not allowed",
"6A??": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2",
"6B00": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2",
"6D00": "Instruction code not supported or invalid",
"6E00": "Class not supported",
"6F00": "No precise diagnosis",
"6200": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory unchanged, No information given",
"6281": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory unchanged, Part of returned data may be corrupted",
"6282": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory unchanged, End of file/record reached before reading Le bytes",
"6283": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory unchanged, Selected file invalidated",
"6284": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory unchanged, FCI not formatted according to ISO-7816-4 5.1.5",
"6300": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory changed, No information given",
"6381": "Warning, State of non-volatile memory changed, File filled up by the last write",
"63C?": lambda SW1,SW2: "Warning, State of non-volatile memory changed, Counter provided by '%i'" % (SW2%16),
"6500": "Error, State of non-volatile memory changed, No information given",
"6581": "Error, State of non-volatile memory changed, Memory failure",
"6800": "Functions in CLA not supported, No information given",
"6881": "Functions in CLA not supported, Logical channel not supported",
"6882": "Functions in CLA not supported, Secure messaging not supported",
"6900": "Command not allowed, No information given",
"6981": "Command not allowed, Command incompatible with file structure",
"6982": "Command not allowed, Security status not satisfied",
"6983": "Command not allowed, Authentication method blocked",
"6984": "Command not allowed, Referenced data invalidated",
"6985": "Command not allowed, Conditions of use not satisfied",
"6986": "Command not allowed, Command not allowed (no current EF)",
"6987": "Command not allowed, Expected SM data objects missing",
"6988": "Command not allowed, SM data objects incorrect",
"6A00": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, No information given",
"6A80": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, Incorrect parameters in the data field",
"6A81": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, Function not supported",
"6A82": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, File not found",
"6A83": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, Record not found",
"6A84": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, Not enough memory space in the file",
"6A85": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, Lc inconsistent with TLV structure",
"6A86": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, Incorrect parameters P1-P2",
"6A87": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, Lc inconsistent with P1-P2",
"6A88": "Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2, Referenced data not found",
} )
TLV_OBJECTS = TLV_utils.tags
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = iso_df('\x3f\x00')
ef_one = iso_ef('\xb0\x01', parent=root, type=iso_ef.TYPE_TRANSPARENT, management_information="he")
ef_two = iso_ef('\xa0\x00', parent=root, type=iso_ef.TYPE_RECORD, management_information="h")
df_one = iso_df('\xa0\x01', parent=root)
df_two = iso_df('\xa0\x00', parent=df_one)
ef_three = iso_ef('\x00\x03', parent=df_one, type=iso_ef.TYPE_RECORD)
ef_four = iso_ef('\x00\x04', parent=df_one)
ef_five = iso_ef('\x00\x05', parent=df_two)
df_three = iso_df('\xa0\x00', parent=df_one)
ef_one._content = "Foobaluhahihohoahajabla"
ef_two._content = ("bla", "bli", "blu")
ef_three._content = ("Foobaluhahihohoahajabla",)