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* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Tobias Brunner
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* Special assertions using listener_t etc.
* @defgroup exchange_test_asserts exchange_test_asserts
* @{ @ingroup test_utils_c
#include <bus/listeners/listener.h>
typedef struct listener_hook_assert_t listener_hook_assert_t;
typedef struct listener_message_assert_t listener_message_assert_t;
typedef struct listener_message_rule_t listener_message_rule_t;
typedef struct ipsec_sas_assert_t ipsec_sas_assert_t;
struct listener_hook_assert_t {
* Implemented interface
listener_t listener;
* Original source file
const char *file;
* Source line
int line;
* Name of the hook
const char *name;
* Expected number of calls (-1 to ignore)
int expected;
* Number of times the hook was called
int count;
* Expected updown result
bool up;
* Initiator/Inbound SPIs to expect in rekey event
uint64_t spi_old, spi_new;
* Basic callback for methods on listener_t, counting the number of calls.
bool exchange_test_asserts_hook(listener_t *this);
* Implementation of listener_t::ike_updown.
bool exchange_test_asserts_ike_updown(listener_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa,
bool up);
* Implementation of listener_t::child_updown.
bool exchange_test_asserts_child_updown(listener_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa,
child_sa_t *child_sa, bool up);
* Implementation of listener_t::ike_rekey.
bool exchange_test_asserts_ike_rekey(listener_t *this, ike_sa_t *old,
ike_sa_t *new);
* Implementation of listener_t::child_rekey.
bool exchange_test_asserts_child_rekey(listener_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa,
child_sa_t *old, child_sa_t *new);
* Check if a statement evaluates to TRUE, use original source file and line
* in the error message if not.
* @param x statement to evaluate
* @param l listener providing original source file and line
* @param fmt printf format string
* @param ... arguments for fmt
#define assert_listener_msg(x, l, fmt, ...) ({ \
test_fail_if_worker_failed(); \
if (!(x)) \
{ \
test_fail_msg((l)->file, (l)->line, "%s: " fmt, #x, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
* Initialize an assertion that enforces that the given hook was called.
* Must be matched by a call to assert_hook().
* @param name name of the hook
#define assert_hook_called(name) \
_assert_hook_init(name, exchange_test_asserts_hook, .expected = 1)
* Initialize an assertion that enforces that the given hook was not called.
* Must be matched by a call to assert_hook().
* @param name name of the hook
#define assert_hook_not_called(name) \
_assert_hook_init(name, exchange_test_asserts_hook, .expected = 0)
* Initialize an assertion that enforces that the given updown hook was called
* with the expected result.
* Must be matched by a call to assert_hook().
* @param name name of the hook
* @param e whether to expect up in the hook to be TRUE or not
#define assert_hook_updown(name, e) \
_assert_hook_init(name, \
streq(#name, "ike_updown") ? (void*)exchange_test_asserts_ike_updown \
: (void*)exchange_test_asserts_child_updown, \
.expected = 1, \
.up = e, \
* Initialize an assertion that enforces that the given rekey hook was called
* with the SAs with the matching initiator/inbound SPIs.
* Must be matched by a call to assert_hook().
* @param name name of the hook
* @param old SPI of the old SA
* @param new SPI of the new SA
#define assert_hook_rekey(name, old, new) \
_assert_hook_init(name, \
streq(#name, "ike_rekey") ? (void*)exchange_test_asserts_ike_rekey \
: (void*)exchange_test_asserts_child_rekey, \
.expected = 1, \
.spi_old = old, \
.spi_new = new, \
* Initialize assertions against invocations of listener_t hooks. Each call
* must be matched by a call to assert_hook().
#define _assert_hook_init(n, callback, ...) \
do { \
listener_hook_assert_t _hook_listener = { \
.listener = { .n = (void*)callback, }, \
.file = __FILE__, \
.line = __LINE__, \
.name = #n, \
##__VA_ARGS__ \
}; \
exchange_test_helper->add_listener(exchange_test_helper, &_hook_listener.listener)
* Enforce the most recently initialized hook assertion.
#define assert_hook() \
charon->bus->remove_listener(charon->bus, &_hook_listener.listener); \
if (_hook_listener.expected > 0) { \
if (_hook_listener.count > 0) { \
assert_listener_msg(_hook_listener.expected == _hook_listener.count, \
&_hook_listener, "hook '%s' was called %d times " \
"instead of %d",, \
_hook_listener.count, _hook_listener.expected); \
} else { \
assert_listener_msg(_hook_listener.count, &_hook_listener, \
"hook '%s' was not called (expected %d)",, \
_hook_listener.expected); \
} \
} else if (_hook_listener.expected == 0) { \
assert_listener_msg(_hook_listener.count == 0, &_hook_listener, \
"hook '%s' was called unexpectedly",; \
} \
} while(FALSE)
* Rules regarding payloads/notifies to expect/not expect in a message
struct listener_message_rule_t {
* Whether the payload/notify is expected in the message, FALSE to fail if
* it is found
bool expected;
* Payload type to expect/not expect
payload_type_t payload;
* Notify type to expect/not expect (paylod type does not have to be
* specified)
notify_type_t notify;
* Data used to check plaintext messages via listener_t
struct listener_message_assert_t {
* Implemented interface
listener_t listener;
* Original source file
const char *file;
* Source line
int line;
* Whether to check the next inbound or outbound message
bool incoming;
* Payload count to expect (-1 to ignore the count)
int count;
* Payloads to expect or not expect in a message
listener_message_rule_t *rules;
* Number of rules
int num_rules;
* Implementation of listener_t::message collecting data and asserting
* certain things.
bool exchange_test_asserts_message(listener_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa,
message_t *message, bool incoming, bool plain);
* Assert that the next in- or outbound plaintext message is empty.
* @param dir IN or OUT to check the next in- or outbound message
#define assert_message_empty(dir) \
_assert_payload(#dir, 0)
* Assert that the next in- or outbound plaintext message contains exactly
* one payload of the given type.
* @param dir IN or OUT to check the next in- or outbound message
* @param expected expected payload type
#define assert_single_payload(dir, expected) \
_assert_payload(#dir, 1, { TRUE, expected, 0 })
* Assert that the next in- or outbound plaintext message contains a payload
* of the given type.
* @param dir IN or OUT to check the next in- or outbound message
* @param expected expected payload type
#define assert_payload(dir, expected) \
_assert_payload(#dir, -1, { TRUE, expected, 0 })
* Assert that the next in- or outbound plaintext message contains no payload
* of the given type.
* @param dir IN or OUT to check the next in- or outbound message
* @param unexpected not expected payload type
#define assert_no_payload(dir, unexpected) \
_assert_payload(#dir, -1, { FALSE, unexpected, 0 })
* Assert that the next in- or outbound plaintext message contains exactly
* one notify of the given type.
* @param dir IN or OUT to check the next in- or outbound message
* @param expected expected notify type
#define assert_single_notify(dir, expected) \
_assert_payload(#dir, 1, { TRUE, 0, expected })
* Assert that the next in- or outbound plaintext message contains a notify
* of the given type.
* @param dir IN or OUT to check the next in- or outbound message
* @param expected expected notify type
#define assert_notify(dir, expected) \
_assert_payload(#dir, -1, { TRUE, 0, expected })
* Assert that the next in- or outbound plaintext message does not contain a
* notify of the given type.
* @param dir IN or OUT to check the next in- or outbound message
* @param unexpected not expected notify type
#define assert_no_notify(dir, unexpected) \
_assert_payload(#dir, -1, { FALSE, 0, unexpected })
#define _assert_payload(dir, c, ...) ({ \
listener_message_rule_t _rules[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
listener_message_assert_t _listener = { \
.listener = { .message = exchange_test_asserts_message, }, \
.file = __FILE__, \
.line = __LINE__, \
.incoming = streq(dir, "IN") ? TRUE : FALSE, \
.count = c, \
.rules = _rules, \
.num_rules = countof(_rules), \
}; \
exchange_test_helper->add_listener(exchange_test_helper, &_listener.listener); \
* Data used to check IPsec SAs
struct ipsec_sas_assert_t {
* Original source file
const char *file;
* Source line
int line;
* IKE_SA that installed the IPsec SAs
ike_sa_t *ike_sa;
* SPIs to check
uint32_t *spis;
* Number of SPIs for IPsec SAs to check
int count;
* Assert that all given IPsec SAs (and only these) are installed for the given
void exchange_test_asserts_ipsec_sas(ipsec_sas_assert_t *sas);
* Assert that the IPsec SAs with the given SPIs (and none other) are currently
* installed by the given IKE_SA.
* @param sa IKE_SA
* @param ... list of SPIs
#define assert_ipsec_sas_installed(sa, ...) ({ \
uint32_t _spis[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
ipsec_sas_assert_t _sas_assert = { \
.file = __FILE__, \
.line = __LINE__, \
.ike_sa = sa, \
.spis = _spis, \
.count = countof(_spis), \
}; \
exchange_test_asserts_ipsec_sas(&_sas_assert); \
#endif /** EXCHANGE_TEST_ASSERTS_H_ @}*/