
299 lines
7.5 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Willi
* Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "ha_tunnel.h"
#include "ha_plugin.h"
#include <daemon.h>
#include <utils/identification.h>
#include <processing/jobs/callback_job.h>
typedef struct private_ha_tunnel_t private_ha_tunnel_t;
typedef struct ha_backend_t ha_backend_t;
typedef struct ha_creds_t ha_creds_t;
* Serves credentials for the HA SA
struct ha_creds_t {
* Implements credential_set_t
credential_set_t public;
* own identity
identification_t *local;
* peer identity
identification_t *remote;
* Shared key to serve
shared_key_t *key;
* Serves configurations for the HA SA
struct ha_backend_t {
* Implements backend_t
backend_t public;
* peer config we serve
peer_cfg_t *cfg;
* Private data of an ha_tunnel_t object.
struct private_ha_tunnel_t {
* Public ha_tunnel_t interface.
ha_tunnel_t public;
* Reqid of installed trap
u_int32_t trap;
* backend for HA SA
ha_backend_t backend;
* credential set for HA SA
ha_creds_t creds;
* Implementation of ha_tunnel_t.is_sa
static bool is_sa(private_ha_tunnel_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa)
peer_cfg_t *cfg = this->backend.cfg;
return cfg && ike_sa->get_ike_cfg(ike_sa) == cfg->get_ike_cfg(cfg);
* Enumerator over HA shared_key
typedef struct {
/** Implements enumerator_t */
enumerator_t public;
/** a single secret we serve */
shared_key_t *key;
} shared_enum_t;
* Implementation of shared_enum_t.enumerate
static bool shared_enumerate(shared_enum_t *this, shared_key_t **key,
id_match_t *me, id_match_t *other)
if (this->key)
if (me)
if (other)
*key = this->key;
this->key = NULL;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Implements ha_creds_t.create_shared_enumerator
static enumerator_t* create_shared_enumerator(ha_creds_t *this,
shared_key_type_t type, identification_t *me,
identification_t *other)
shared_enum_t *enumerator;
if (type != SHARED_IKE && type != SHARED_ANY)
return NULL;
if (me && !me->equals(me, this->local))
return NULL;
if (other && !other->equals(other, this->remote))
return NULL;
enumerator = malloc_thing(shared_enum_t);
enumerator->public.enumerate = (void*)shared_enumerate;
enumerator->public.destroy = (void*)free;
enumerator->key = this->key;
return &enumerator->public;
* Implementation of backend_t.create_peer_cfg_enumerator.
static enumerator_t* create_peer_cfg_enumerator(ha_backend_t *this,
identification_t *me, identification_t *other)
return enumerator_create_single(this->cfg, NULL);
* Implementation of backend_t.create_ike_cfg_enumerator.
static enumerator_t* create_ike_cfg_enumerator(ha_backend_t *this,
host_t *me, host_t *other)
return enumerator_create_single(this->cfg->get_ike_cfg(this->cfg), NULL);
* Install configs and a a trap for secured HA message exchange
static void setup_tunnel(private_ha_tunnel_t *this,
char *local, char *remote, char *secret)
peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg;
ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg;
auth_cfg_t *auth_cfg;
child_cfg_t *child_cfg;
traffic_selector_t *ts;
lifetime_cfg_t lifetime = {
.time = {
.life = 21600, .rekey = 20400, .jitter = 400,
/* setup credentials */
this->creds.local = identification_create_from_string(local);
this->creds.remote = identification_create_from_string(remote);
this->creds.key = shared_key_create(SHARED_IKE,
chunk_clone(chunk_create(secret, strlen(secret))));
this->creds.public.create_private_enumerator = (void*)return_null;
this->creds.public.create_cert_enumerator = (void*)return_null;
this->creds.public.create_shared_enumerator = (void*)create_shared_enumerator;
this->creds.public.create_cdp_enumerator = (void*)return_null;
this->creds.public.cache_cert = (void*)nop;
charon->credentials->add_set(charon->credentials, &this->creds.public);
/* create config and backend */
ike_cfg = ike_cfg_create(FALSE, FALSE, local, IKEV2_UDP_PORT,
remote, IKEV2_UDP_PORT);
ike_cfg->add_proposal(ike_cfg, proposal_create_default(PROTO_IKE));
peer_cfg = peer_cfg_create("ha", 2, ike_cfg, CERT_NEVER_SEND,
UNIQUE_KEEP, 0, 86400, 0, 7200, 3600, FALSE, 30,
auth_cfg = auth_cfg_create();
auth_cfg->add(auth_cfg, AUTH_RULE_AUTH_CLASS, AUTH_CLASS_PSK);
auth_cfg->add(auth_cfg, AUTH_RULE_IDENTITY,
peer_cfg->add_auth_cfg(peer_cfg, auth_cfg, TRUE);
auth_cfg = auth_cfg_create();
auth_cfg->add(auth_cfg, AUTH_RULE_AUTH_CLASS, AUTH_CLASS_PSK);
auth_cfg->add(auth_cfg, AUTH_RULE_IDENTITY,
peer_cfg->add_auth_cfg(peer_cfg, auth_cfg, FALSE);
child_cfg = child_cfg_create("ha", &lifetime, NULL, TRUE, MODE_TRANSPORT,
ts = traffic_selector_create_dynamic(IPPROTO_UDP, HA_PORT, HA_PORT);
child_cfg->add_traffic_selector(child_cfg, TRUE, ts);
ts = traffic_selector_create_dynamic(IPPROTO_ICMP, 0, 65535);
child_cfg->add_traffic_selector(child_cfg, TRUE, ts);
ts = traffic_selector_create_dynamic(IPPROTO_UDP, HA_PORT, HA_PORT);
child_cfg->add_traffic_selector(child_cfg, FALSE, ts);
ts = traffic_selector_create_dynamic(IPPROTO_ICMP, 0, 65535);
child_cfg->add_traffic_selector(child_cfg, FALSE, ts);
child_cfg->add_proposal(child_cfg, proposal_create_default(PROTO_ESP));
peer_cfg->add_child_cfg(peer_cfg, child_cfg);
this->backend.cfg = peer_cfg;
this->backend.public.create_peer_cfg_enumerator = (void*)create_peer_cfg_enumerator;
this->backend.public.create_ike_cfg_enumerator = (void*)create_ike_cfg_enumerator;
this->backend.public.get_peer_cfg_by_name = (void*)return_null;
charon->backends->add_backend(charon->backends, &this->backend.public);
/* install an acquiring trap */
this->trap = charon->traps->install(charon->traps, peer_cfg, child_cfg);
* Implementation of ha_tunnel_t.destroy.
static void destroy(private_ha_tunnel_t *this)
if (this->backend.cfg)
charon->backends->remove_backend(charon->backends, &this->backend.public);
if (this->creds.key)
charon->credentials->remove_set(charon->credentials, &this->creds.public);
if (this->trap)
charon->traps->uninstall(charon->traps, this->trap);
* See header
ha_tunnel_t *ha_tunnel_create(char *local, char *remote, char *secret)
private_ha_tunnel_t *this = malloc_thing(private_ha_tunnel_t);
this->public.is_sa = (bool(*)(ha_tunnel_t*, ike_sa_t *ike_sa))is_sa;
this->public.destroy = (void(*)(ha_tunnel_t*))destroy;
setup_tunnel(this, local, remote, secret);
return &this->public;