
353 lines
7.9 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010 Sansar Choinyambuu
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "pb_error_msg.h"
#include <tnc/tnccs/tnccs.h>
#include <bio/bio_writer.h>
#include <bio/bio_reader.h>
#include <pen/pen.h>
#include <utils/debug.h>
ENUM(pb_tnc_error_code_names, PB_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_BATCH_TYPE,
"Unexpected Batch Type",
"Invalid Parameter",
"Local Error",
"Unsupported Mandatory Message",
"Version Not Supported"
typedef struct private_pb_error_msg_t private_pb_error_msg_t;
* PB-Error message (see section 4.9 of RFC 5793)
* 0 1 2 3
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
* | Flags | Error Code Vendor ID |
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
* | Error Code | Reserved |
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
* | Error Parameters (Variable Length) |
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#define ERROR_FLAG_NONE 0x00
#define ERROR_FLAG_FATAL (1<<7)
#define ERROR_RESERVED 0x0000
* Private data of a pb_error_msg_t object.
struct private_pb_error_msg_t {
* Public pb_error_msg_t interface.
pb_error_msg_t public;
* PB-TNC message type
pb_tnc_msg_type_t type;
* Fatal flag
bool fatal;
* PB Error Code Vendor ID
u_int32_t vendor_id;
* PB Error Code
u_int16_t error_code;
* PB Error Offset
u_int32_t error_offset;
* Bad PB-TNC version received
u_int8_t bad_version;
* Encoded message
chunk_t encoding;
* reference count
refcount_t ref;
METHOD(pb_tnc_msg_t, get_type, pb_tnc_msg_type_t,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
return this->type;
METHOD(pb_tnc_msg_t, get_encoding, chunk_t,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
return this->encoding;
METHOD(pb_tnc_msg_t, build, void,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
bio_writer_t *writer;
if (this->encoding.ptr)
/* build message header */
writer = bio_writer_create(ERROR_HEADER_SIZE);
writer->write_uint8 (writer, this->fatal ?
writer->write_uint24(writer, this->vendor_id);
writer->write_uint16(writer, this->error_code);
writer->write_uint16(writer, ERROR_RESERVED);
/* build message body */
if (this->error_code == PB_ERROR_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED)
/* Bad version */
writer->write_uint8(writer, this->bad_version);
writer->write_uint8(writer, PB_TNC_VERSION); /* Max version */
writer->write_uint8(writer, PB_TNC_VERSION); /* Min version */
writer->write_uint8(writer, 0x00); /* Reserved */
/* Error Offset */
writer->write_uint32(writer, this->error_offset);
this->encoding = writer->get_buf(writer);
this->encoding = chunk_clone(this->encoding);
METHOD(pb_tnc_msg_t, process, status_t,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this, u_int32_t *offset)
u_int8_t flags, max_version, min_version;
u_int16_t reserved;
bio_reader_t *reader;
if (this->encoding.len < ERROR_HEADER_SIZE)
DBG1(DBG_TNC,"%N message is shorter than header size of %u bytes",
pb_tnc_msg_type_names, PB_MSG_ERROR, ERROR_HEADER_SIZE);
*offset = 0;
return FAILED;
/* process message header */
reader = bio_reader_create(this->encoding);
reader->read_uint8 (reader, &flags);
reader->read_uint24(reader, &this->vendor_id);
reader->read_uint16(reader, &this->error_code);
reader->read_uint16(reader, &reserved);
this->fatal = (flags & ERROR_FLAG_FATAL) != ERROR_FLAG_NONE;
if (this->vendor_id == PEN_IETF && reader->remaining(reader) == 4)
if (this->error_code == PB_ERROR_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED)
reader->read_uint8(reader, &this->bad_version);
reader->read_uint8(reader, &max_version);
reader->read_uint8(reader, &min_version);
reader->read_uint32(reader, &this->error_offset);
return SUCCESS;
METHOD(pb_tnc_msg_t, get_ref, pb_tnc_msg_t*,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
return &this->public.pb_interface;
METHOD(pb_tnc_msg_t, destroy, void,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
if (ref_put(&this->ref))
METHOD(pb_error_msg_t, get_fatal_flag, bool,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
return this->fatal;
METHOD(pb_error_msg_t, get_vendor_id, u_int32_t,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
return this->vendor_id;
METHOD(pb_error_msg_t, get_error_code, u_int16_t,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
return this->error_code;
METHOD(pb_error_msg_t, get_offset, u_int32_t,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
return this->error_offset;
METHOD(pb_error_msg_t, get_bad_version, u_int8_t,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this)
return this->bad_version;
METHOD(pb_error_msg_t, set_bad_version, void,
private_pb_error_msg_t *this, u_int8_t version)
this->bad_version = version;
* See header
pb_tnc_msg_t* pb_error_msg_create(bool fatal, u_int32_t vendor_id,
pb_tnc_error_code_t error_code)
private_pb_error_msg_t *this;
.public = {
.pb_interface = {
.get_type = _get_type,
.get_encoding = _get_encoding,
.build = _build,
.process = _process,
.get_ref = _get_ref,
.destroy = _destroy,
.get_fatal_flag = _get_fatal_flag,
.get_vendor_id = _get_vendor_id,
.get_error_code = _get_error_code,
.get_offset = _get_offset,
.get_bad_version = _get_bad_version,
.set_bad_version = _set_bad_version,
.type = PB_MSG_ERROR,
.ref = 1,
.fatal = fatal,
.vendor_id = vendor_id,
.error_code = error_code,
return &this->public.pb_interface;
* See header
pb_tnc_msg_t* pb_error_msg_create_with_offset(bool fatal, u_int32_t vendor_id,
pb_tnc_error_code_t error_code,
u_int32_t error_offset)
private_pb_error_msg_t *this;
.public = {
.pb_interface = {
.get_type = _get_type,
.get_encoding = _get_encoding,
.build = _build,
.process = _process,
.get_ref = _get_ref,
.destroy = _destroy,
.get_fatal_flag = _get_fatal_flag,
.get_vendor_id = _get_vendor_id,
.get_error_code = _get_error_code,
.get_offset = _get_offset,
.get_bad_version = _get_bad_version,
.set_bad_version = _set_bad_version,
.type = PB_MSG_ERROR,
.ref = 1,
.fatal = fatal,
.vendor_id = vendor_id,
.error_code = error_code,
.error_offset = error_offset,
return &this->public.pb_interface;
* See header
pb_tnc_msg_t *pb_error_msg_create_from_data(chunk_t data)
private_pb_error_msg_t *this;
.public = {
.pb_interface = {
.get_type = _get_type,
.get_encoding = _get_encoding,
.build = _build,
.process = _process,
.get_ref = _get_ref,
.destroy = _destroy,
.get_fatal_flag = _get_fatal_flag,
.get_vendor_id = _get_vendor_id,
.get_error_code = _get_error_code,
.get_offset = _get_offset,
.get_bad_version = _get_bad_version,
.set_bad_version = _set_bad_version,
.type = PB_MSG_ERROR,
.ref = 1,
.encoding = chunk_clone(data),
return &this->public.pb_interface;