
403 lines
11 KiB

* @file prime_pool.c
* @brief Implementation of prime_pool_t.
* Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter, Martin Willi
* Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include <pthread.h>
#include "prime_pool.h"
#include <daemon.h>
#include <utils/allocator.h>
#include <utils/linked_list.h>
#include <utils/randomizer.h>
typedef struct prime_list_t prime_list_t;
* A prime_list_t contains prime values of a specific size.
struct prime_list_t {
* Size of the stored primes .
size_t prime_size;
* Is this much used prime_size ?
u_int32_t usage;
* List of primes.
linked_list_t *primes;
typedef struct private_prime_pool_t private_prime_pool_t;
* @brief Private data of prime_pool_t.
struct private_prime_pool_t {
* Public part of the prime_pool_t object.
prime_pool_t public;
* A list which contains a set of prime_list_t's.
linked_list_t *prime_lists;
* prime generation is stopped if more than
* that primes of a kind are already generated.
int generation_limit;
* Access to prime_lists is locked through this mutex.
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
* If the queue is empty a thread has to wait
* This condvar is used to wake up such a thread.
pthread_cond_t condvar;
* Prime generation thread.
pthread_t thread;
* Logger instance for the prime_pool.
logger_t *logger;
* Function for the prime thread, generate primes.
void (*generate_primes) (private_prime_pool_t *this);
* Calculate a prime of requested size.
void (*compute_prime) (private_prime_pool_t *this, size_t prime_size, mpz_t *prime);
* Implementation of prime_pool_t.get_count.
static int get_count(private_prime_pool_t *this, size_t prime_size)
int count = 0;
iterator_t *iterator;
iterator = this->prime_lists->create_iterator(this->prime_lists, TRUE);
while (iterator->has_next(iterator))
prime_list_t *prime_list;
iterator->current(iterator, (void*)&prime_list);
if (prime_list->prime_size == prime_size)
count = prime_list->primes->get_count(prime_list->primes);
return count;
* Implementation of prime_pool_t.get_prime.
static void get_prime(private_prime_pool_t *this, size_t prime_size, mpz_t *prime)
bool prime_found = FALSE;
iterator_t *iterator;
bool create_new_list = TRUE;
iterator = this->prime_lists->create_iterator(this->prime_lists, TRUE);
while (iterator->has_next(iterator))
prime_list_t *prime_list;
iterator->current(iterator, (void*)&prime_list);
/* decrease usage marker for every kind of prime */
prime_list->usage = max(prime_list->usage - 1, 0);
if (prime_list->prime_size == prime_size)
mpz_t *removed_prime;
create_new_list = FALSE;
/* this prime is well selling, increase usage marker by number of different prime sizes */
prime_list->usage += this->prime_lists->get_count(this->prime_lists);
if (prime_list->primes->remove_first(prime_list->primes, (void*)&removed_prime) == SUCCESS)
this->logger->log(this->logger, CONTROL|LEVEL2, "Thread removed a prime with size %d", prime_size);
mpz_init_set(*prime, *removed_prime);
prime_found = TRUE;
/* wake up prime thread, he may be sleeping */
if (create_new_list)
this->logger->log(this->logger, CONTROL|LEVEL1, "Creating a new list for primes with size %d", prime_size);
/* there is no list for this prime size, create one */
prime_list_t *prime_list;
prime_list = allocator_alloc_thing(prime_list_t);
prime_list->usage = 1;
prime_list->primes = linked_list_create();
prime_list->prime_size = prime_size;
this->prime_lists->insert_last(this->prime_lists, (void*)prime_list);
/* wake up prime thread, he may be sleeping */
if (!prime_found)
/* no prime found, create one ourself */
this->logger->log(this->logger, CONTROL|LEVEL2, "Caller didn't find a prime, generates on it's own.");
this->compute_prime(this, prime_size, prime);
* Implementation of private_prime_pool_t.compute_prime.
void compute_prime(private_prime_pool_t *this, size_t prime_size, mpz_t *prime)
randomizer_t *randomizer;
chunk_t random_bytes;
randomizer = randomizer_create();
/* TODO change to true random device ? */
randomizer->allocate_pseudo_random_bytes(randomizer, prime_size, &random_bytes);
/* make sure most significant bit is set */
random_bytes.ptr[0] = random_bytes.ptr[0] | 0x80;
/* convert chunk to mpz value */
mpz_import(*prime, random_bytes.len, 1, 1, 1, 0, random_bytes.ptr);
/* get next prime */
mpz_nextprime (*prime, *prime);
/* check if it isnt too large */
while (((mpz_sizeinbase(*prime, 2) + 7) / 8) > prime_size);
* Implementation of private_prime_pool_t.generate_primes.
void generate_primes(private_prime_pool_t *this)
/* allow cancellation */
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
while (TRUE)
prime_list_t *selected_prime_list = NULL;
u_int32_t max_usage = 0;
iterator_t *iterator;
mpz_t *prime;
this->logger->log(this->logger, CONTROL|LEVEL2, "Finding most important prime size...");
/* get aprime to generate */
iterator = this->prime_lists->create_iterator(this->prime_lists, TRUE);
while (iterator->has_next(iterator))
prime_list_t *prime_list;
iterator->current(iterator, (void*)&prime_list);
this->logger->log(this->logger, CONTROL|LEVEL2, "Primes with size %d have usage %d, %d in list",
prime_list->prime_size, prime_list->usage,
/* get the prime_size with the highest usage factor */
if (prime_list->usage > max_usage)
if (prime_list->primes->get_count(prime_list->primes) < this->generation_limit)
/* there is work to do */
max_usage = prime_list->usage;
selected_prime_list = prime_list;
if (selected_prime_list == NULL)
this->logger->log(this->logger, CONTROL|LEVEL1, "Nothing to do, goint to sleep");
/* nothing to do. wait, while able to cancel */
pthread_cleanup_push((void(*)(void*))pthread_mutex_unlock, (void*)&(this->mutex));
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
pthread_cond_wait(&(this->condvar), &(this->mutex));
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
if (selected_prime_list != NULL)
this->logger->log(this->logger, CONTROL|LEVEL1, "Going to generate a prime with size %d",
/* generate the prime of requested size */
prime = allocator_alloc_thing(mpz_t);
compute_prime(this, selected_prime_list->prime_size, prime);
/* insert prime */
this->logger->log(this->logger, CONTROL|LEVEL2, "Prime generated, inserting in list");
selected_prime_list->primes->insert_last(selected_prime_list->primes, (void*)prime);
/* abort if requested */
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
* Implementation of prime_pool_t.destroy.
static void destroy (private_prime_pool_t *this)
/* cancel thread, if available */
if (this->generation_limit > 0)
pthread_join(this->thread, NULL);
/* get every prime list */
while ((this->prime_lists->get_count(this->prime_lists) > 0))
prime_list_t *prime_list;
this->prime_lists->remove_last(this->prime_lists, (void*)&prime_list);
/* clear every mpz */
while (prime_list->primes->get_count(prime_list->primes) > 0)
mpz_t *prime;
prime_list->primes->remove_last(prime_list->primes, (void**)&prime);
charon->logger_manager->destroy_logger(charon->logger_manager, this->logger);
* Documented in header,
prime_pool_t *prime_pool_create(int generation_limit)
private_prime_pool_t *this = allocator_alloc_thing(private_prime_pool_t);
/* public functions */
this->public.get_count = (int(*)(prime_pool_t*,size_t)) get_count;
this->public.get_prime = (void(*)(prime_pool_t*,size_t,mpz_t*)) get_prime;
this->public.destroy = (void(*)(prime_pool_t*)) destroy;
/* private members */
this->logger = charon->logger_manager->create_logger(charon->logger_manager, PRIME_POOL, NULL);
this->generate_primes = generate_primes;
this->compute_prime = compute_prime;
this->generation_limit = generation_limit;
this->prime_lists = linked_list_create();
pthread_mutex_init(&(this->mutex), NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&(this->condvar), NULL);
/* thread is only created if he has anything to do */
if (generation_limit > 0)
if (pthread_create(&(this->thread), NULL, (void*(*)(void*))this->generate_primes, this) != 0)
/* failed. we live with that problem, since getting primes is still possible */
this->logger->log(this->logger, ERROR, "Thread creation failed, working without thread!");
/* set priority */
struct sched_param param;
int policy;
/* get params first */
if (pthread_getschedparam(this->thread, &policy, &param) == 0)
param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_min(policy);
if (pthread_setschedparam(this->thread, policy, &param) != 0)
/* failed to set priority */
this->logger->log(this->logger, ERROR, "Could not reduce priority of thread, running in default priority!");
/* failed to get priority */
this->logger->log(this->logger, ERROR, "Could not reduce priority of thread, running in default priority!");
return (&this->public);