
730 lines
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* @file linked_list.c
* @brief Implementation of linked_list_t.
* Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter, Martin Willi
* Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "linked_list.h"
#include <utils/allocator.h>
typedef struct linked_list_element_t linked_list_element_t;
* @brief Element in a linked list.
* This element holds a pointer to the value it represents.
struct linked_list_element_t {
* Value of a list item.
void *value;
* Previous list element.
* NULL if first element in list.
linked_list_element_t *previous;
* Next list element.
* NULL if last element in list.
linked_list_element_t *next;
* Destroys a linked_list_element object.
* @param linked_list_element_t calling object
void (*destroy) (linked_list_element_t *this);
* Implementation of linked_list_element_t.destroy.
static void linked_list_element_destroy(linked_list_element_t *this)
* @brief Creates an empty linked list object.
* @warning Only the pointer to the value is stored.
* @param[in] value value of item to be set
* @return linked_list_element_t object
linked_list_element_t *linked_list_element_create(void *value)
linked_list_element_t *this = allocator_alloc_thing(linked_list_element_t);
this->destroy = linked_list_element_destroy;
this->value = value;
return (this);
typedef struct private_linked_list_t private_linked_list_t;
* Private data of a linked_list_t object.
struct private_linked_list_t {
* Public part of linked list.
linked_list_t public;
* Number of items in the list.
int count;
* First element in list.
* NULL if no elements in list.
linked_list_element_t *first;
* Last element in list.
* NULL if no elements in list.
linked_list_element_t *last;
typedef struct private_iterator_t private_iterator_t;
* Private variables and functions of linked list iterator.
struct private_iterator_t {
* Public part of linked list iterator.
iterator_t public;
* Associated linked list.
private_linked_list_t * list;
* Current element of the iterator.
linked_list_element_t *current;
* Direction of iterator.
bool forward;
* Implementation of iterator_t.has_next.
static bool iterate(private_iterator_t *this, void** value)
if (this->list->count == 0)
return FALSE;
if (this->current == NULL)
this->current = (this->forward) ? this->list->first : this->list->last;
*value = this->current->value;
return TRUE;
if (this->forward)
if (this->current->next == NULL)
return FALSE;
this->current = this->current->next;
*value = this->current->value;
return TRUE;
/* backward */
if (this->current->previous == NULL)
return FALSE;
this->current = this->current->previous;
*value = this->current->value;
return TRUE;
* Implementation of iterator_t.has_next.
static bool iterator_has_next(private_iterator_t *this)
if (this->list->count == 0)
return FALSE;
if (this->current == NULL)
this->current = (this->forward) ? this->list->first : this->list->last;
return TRUE;
if (this->forward)
if (this->current->next == NULL)
return FALSE;
this->current = this->current->next;
return TRUE;
/* backward */
if (this->current->previous == NULL)
return FALSE;
this->current = this->current->previous;
return TRUE;
* Implementation of iterator_t.current.
static status_t iterator_current(private_iterator_t *this, void **value)
if (this->current == NULL)
return NOT_FOUND;
*value = this->current->value;
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of iterator_t.reset.
static void iterator_reset(private_iterator_t *this)
this->current = NULL;
* Implementation of iterator_t.remove.
static status_t remove(private_iterator_t *this)
linked_list_element_t *new_current;
if (this->current == NULL)
return NOT_FOUND;
if (this->list->count == 0)
return NOT_FOUND;
/* find out the new iterator position */
if (this->current->previous != NULL)
new_current = this->current->previous;
else if (this->current->next != NULL)
new_current = this->current->next;
new_current = NULL;
/* now delete the entry :-) */
if (this->current->previous == NULL)
if (this->current->next == NULL)
this->list->first = NULL;
this->list->last = NULL;
this->current->next->previous = NULL;
this->list->first = this->current->next;
else if (this->current->next == NULL)
this->current->previous->next = NULL;
this->list->last = this->current->previous;
this->current->previous->next = this->current->next;
this->current->next->previous = this->current->previous;
/* set the new iterator position */
this->current = new_current;
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of iterator_t.insert_before.
static void insert_before(private_iterator_t * iterator, void *item)
if (iterator->current == NULL)
iterator->list->public.insert_first(&(iterator->list->public), item);
linked_list_element_t *element =(linked_list_element_t *) linked_list_element_create(item);
if (iterator->current->previous == NULL)
iterator->current->previous = element;
element->next = iterator->current;
iterator->list->first = element;
iterator->current->previous->next = element;
element->previous = iterator->current->previous;
iterator->current->previous = element;
element->next = iterator->current;
* Implementation of iterator_t.replace.
status_t replace (private_iterator_t *this, void **old_item, void *new_item)
if (this->current == NULL)
return NOT_FOUND;
if (old_item != NULL)
*old_item = this->current->value;
this->current->value = new_item;
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of iterator_t.insert_after.
static void insert_after(private_iterator_t * iterator, void *item)
if (iterator->current == NULL)
linked_list_element_t *element =(linked_list_element_t *) linked_list_element_create(item);
if (iterator->current->next == NULL)
iterator->current->next = element;
element->previous = iterator->current;
iterator->list->last = element;
iterator->current->next->previous = element;
element->next = iterator->current->next;
iterator->current->next = element;
element->previous = iterator->current;
* Implementation of iterator_t.destroy.
static void iterator_destroy(private_iterator_t *this)
* Implementation of linked_list_t.get_count.
static int get_count(private_linked_list_t *this)
return this->count;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.call_on_items.
static void call_on_items(private_linked_list_t *this, void(*func)(void*))
iterator_t *iterator;
void *item;
iterator = this->public.create_iterator(&(this->public),TRUE);
while (iterator->has_next(iterator))
iterator->current(iterator, &item);
* Implementation of linked_list_t.insert_first.
static void insert_first(private_linked_list_t *this, void *item)
linked_list_element_t *element;
element =(linked_list_element_t *) linked_list_element_create(item);
if (this->count == 0)
/* first entry in list */
this->first = element;
this->last = element;
element->previous = NULL;
element->next = NULL;
linked_list_element_t *old_first_element = this->first;
element->next = old_first_element;
element->previous = NULL;
old_first_element->previous = element;
this->first = element;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.remove_first.
static status_t remove_first(private_linked_list_t *this, void **item)
if (this->count == 0)
return NOT_FOUND;
linked_list_element_t *element = this->first;
if (element->next != NULL)
element->next->previous = NULL;
this->first = element->next;
if (item != NULL)
*item = element->value;
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.get_first.
static status_t get_first(private_linked_list_t *this, void **item)
if (this->count == 0)
return NOT_FOUND;
*item = this->first->value;
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.insert_last.
static void insert_last(private_linked_list_t *this, void *item)
linked_list_element_t *element = (linked_list_element_t *) linked_list_element_create(item);
if (this->count == 0)
/* first entry in list */
this->first = element;
this->last = element;
element->previous = NULL;
element->next = NULL;
linked_list_element_t *old_last_element = this->last;
element->previous = old_last_element;
element->next = NULL;
old_last_element->next = element;
this->last = element;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.remove_last.
static status_t remove_last(private_linked_list_t *this, void **item)
if (this->count == 0)
return NOT_FOUND;
linked_list_element_t *element = this->last;
if (element->previous != NULL)
element->previous->next = NULL;
this->last = element->previous;
if (item != NULL)
*item = element->value;
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.insert_at_position.
static status_t insert_at_position (private_linked_list_t *this,size_t position, void *item)
linked_list_element_t *current_element;
int i;
if (this->count <= position)
current_element = this->first;
for (i = 0; i < position;i++)
current_element = current_element->next;
if (current_element == NULL)
return SUCCESS;
linked_list_element_t *element =(linked_list_element_t *) linked_list_element_create(item);
if (current_element->previous == NULL)
current_element->previous = element;
element->next = current_element;
this->first = element;
current_element->previous->next = element;
element->previous = current_element->previous;
current_element->previous = element;
element->next = current_element;
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.remove_at_position.
static status_t remove_at_position (private_linked_list_t *this,size_t position, void **item)
iterator_t *iterator;
int i;
if (this->count <= position)
iterator = this->public.create_iterator(&(this->public),TRUE);
for (i = 0; i < position;i++)
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.get_at_position.
static status_t get_at_position (private_linked_list_t *this,size_t position, void **item)
int i;
iterator_t *iterator;
status_t status;
if (this->count <= position)
iterator = this->public.create_iterator(&(this->public),TRUE);
for (i = 0; i < position;i++)
status = iterator->current(iterator,item);
return status;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.get_last.
static status_t get_last(private_linked_list_t *this, void **item)
if (this->count == 0)
return NOT_FOUND;
*item = this->last->value;
return SUCCESS;
* Implementation of linked_list_t.create_iterator.
static iterator_t *create_iterator (private_linked_list_t *linked_list,bool forward)
private_iterator_t *this = allocator_alloc_thing(private_iterator_t);
this->public.iterate = (bool (*) (iterator_t *this, void **value)) iterate;
this->public.has_next = (bool (*) (iterator_t *this)) iterator_has_next;
this->public.current = (status_t (*) (iterator_t *this, void **value)) iterator_current;
this->public.insert_before = (void (*) (iterator_t *this, void *item)) insert_before;
this->public.insert_after = (void (*) (iterator_t *this, void *item)) insert_after;
this->public.replace = (status_t (*) (iterator_t *, void **, void *)) replace;
this->public.remove = (status_t (*) (iterator_t *this)) remove;
this->public.reset = (void (*) (iterator_t *this)) iterator_reset;
this->public.destroy = (void (*) (iterator_t *this)) iterator_destroy;
this->forward = forward;
this->current = NULL;
this->list = linked_list;
return &(this->public);
* Implementation of linked_list_t.destroy.
static void linked_list_destroy(private_linked_list_t *this)
void * value;
/* Remove all list items before destroying list */
while (this->public.remove_first(&(this->public),&value) != NOT_FOUND)
/* values are not destroyed so memory leaks are possible
* if list is not empty when deleting */
* Described in header.
linked_list_t *linked_list_create()
private_linked_list_t *this = allocator_alloc_thing(private_linked_list_t);
this->public.get_count = (int (*) (linked_list_t *)) get_count;
this->public.create_iterator = (iterator_t * (*) (linked_list_t *,bool )) create_iterator;
this->public.call_on_items = (void (*) (linked_list_t *, void(*func)(void*)))call_on_items;
this->public.get_first = (status_t (*) (linked_list_t *, void **item)) get_first;
this->public.get_last = (status_t (*) (linked_list_t *, void **item)) get_last;
this->public.insert_first = (void (*) (linked_list_t *, void *item)) insert_first;
this->public.insert_last = (void (*) (linked_list_t *, void *item)) insert_last;
this->public.remove_first = (status_t (*) (linked_list_t *, void **item)) remove_first;
this->public.remove_last = (status_t (*) (linked_list_t *, void **item)) remove_last;
this->public.insert_at_position =(status_t (*) (linked_list_t *,size_t, void *)) insert_at_position;
this->public.remove_at_position =(status_t (*) (linked_list_t *,size_t, void **)) remove_at_position;
this->public.get_at_position =(status_t (*) (linked_list_t *,size_t, void **)) get_at_position;
this->public.destroy = (void (*) (linked_list_t *)) linked_list_destroy;
this->count = 0;
this->first = NULL;
this->last = NULL;
return (&(this->public));