
721 lines
18 KiB

* convert from text form of arbitrary data (e.g., keys) to binary
* Copyright (C) 2000 Henry Spencer.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
* License for more details.
#include "internal.h"
#include "freeswan.h"
/* converters and misc */
static int unhex(const char *, char *, size_t);
static int unb64(const char *, char *, size_t);
static int untext(const char *, char *, size_t);
static const char *badch(const char *, int, char *, size_t);
/* internal error codes for converters */
#define SHORT (-2) /* internal buffer too short */
#define BADPAD (-3) /* bad base64 padding */
#define BADCH0 (-4) /* invalid character 0 */
#define BADCH1 (-5) /* invalid character 1 */
#define BADCH2 (-6) /* invalid character 2 */
#define BADCH3 (-7) /* invalid character 3 */
#define BADOFF(code) (BADCH0-(code))
- ttodatav - convert text to data, with verbose error reports
* If some of this looks slightly odd, it's because it has changed
* repeatedly (from the original atodata()) without a major rewrite.
const char * /* NULL on success, else literal or errp */
ttodatav(src, srclen, base, dst, dstlen, lenp, errp, errlen, flags)
const char *src;
size_t srclen; /* 0 means apply strlen() */
int base; /* 0 means figure it out */
char *dst; /* need not be valid if dstlen is 0 */
size_t dstlen;
size_t *lenp; /* where to record length (NULL is nowhere) */
char *errp; /* error buffer */
size_t errlen;
unsigned int flags;
size_t ingroup; /* number of input bytes converted at once */
char buf[4]; /* output from conversion */
int nbytes; /* size of output */
int (*decode)(const char *, char *, size_t);
char *stop;
int ndone;
int i;
int underscoreok;
int skipSpace = 0;
if (srclen == 0)
srclen = strlen(src);
if (dstlen == 0)
dst = buf; /* point it somewhere valid */
stop = dst + dstlen;
if (base == 0) {
if (srclen < 2)
return "input too short to be valid";
if (*src++ != '0')
return "input does not begin with format prefix";
switch (*src++) {
case 'x':
case 'X':
base = 16;
case 's':
case 'S':
base = 64;
case 't':
case 'T':
base = 256;
return "unknown format prefix";
srclen -= 2;
switch (base) {
case 16:
decode = unhex;
underscoreok = 1;
ingroup = 2;
case 64:
decode = unb64;
underscoreok = 0;
ingroup = 4;
skipSpace = 1;
case 256:
decode = untext;
ingroup = 1;
underscoreok = 0;
return "unknown base";
/* proceed */
ndone = 0;
while (srclen > 0) {
char stage[4]; /* staging area for group */
size_t sl = 0;
/* Grab ingroup characters into stage,
* squeezing out blanks if we are supposed to ignore them.
for (sl = 0; sl < ingroup; src++, srclen--) {
if (srclen == 0)
return "input ends in mid-byte, perhaps truncated";
else if (!(skipSpace && (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t')))
stage[sl++] = *src;
nbytes = (*decode)(stage, buf, sizeof(buf));
switch (nbytes) {
case BADCH0:
case BADCH1:
case BADCH2:
case BADCH3:
return badch(stage, nbytes, errp, errlen);
case SHORT:
return "internal buffer too short (\"can't happen\")";
case BADPAD:
return "bad (non-zero) padding at end of base64 input";
if (nbytes <= 0)
return "unknown internal error";
for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) {
if (dst < stop)
*dst++ = buf[i];
while (srclen >= 1 && skipSpace && (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t')){
if (underscoreok && srclen > 1 && *src == '_') {
/* srclen > 1 means not last character */
if (ndone == 0)
return "no data bytes specified by input";
if (lenp != NULL)
*lenp = ndone;
return NULL;
- ttodata - convert text to data
const char * /* NULL on success, else literal */
ttodata(src, srclen, base, dst, dstlen, lenp)
const char *src;
size_t srclen; /* 0 means apply strlen() */
int base; /* 0 means figure it out */
char *dst; /* need not be valid if dstlen is 0 */
size_t dstlen;
size_t *lenp; /* where to record length (NULL is nowhere) */
return ttodatav(src, srclen, base, dst, dstlen, lenp, (char *)NULL,
- atodata - convert ASCII to data
* backward-compatibility interface
size_t /* 0 for failure, true length for success */
atodata(src, srclen, dst, dstlen)
const char *src;
size_t srclen;
char *dst;
size_t dstlen;
size_t len;
const char *err;
err = ttodata(src, srclen, 0, dst, dstlen, &len);
if (err != NULL)
return 0;
return len;
- atobytes - convert ASCII to data bytes
* another backward-compatibility interface
const char *
atobytes(src, srclen, dst, dstlen, lenp)
const char *src;
size_t srclen;
char *dst;
size_t dstlen;
size_t *lenp;
return ttodata(src, srclen, 0, dst, dstlen, lenp);
- unhex - convert two ASCII hex digits to byte
static int /* number of result bytes, or error code */
unhex(src, dst, dstlen)
const char *src; /* known to be full length */
char *dst;
size_t dstlen; /* not large enough is a failure */
char *p;
unsigned byte;
static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
if (dstlen < 1)
return SHORT;
p = strchr(hex, *src);
if (p == NULL)
p = strchr(hex, tolower(*src));
if (p == NULL)
return BADCH0;
byte = (p - hex) << 4;
p = strchr(hex, *src);
if (p == NULL)
p = strchr(hex, tolower(*src));
if (p == NULL)
return BADCH1;
byte |= (p - hex);
*dst = byte;
return 1;
- unb64 - convert four ASCII base64 digits to three bytes
* Note that a base64 digit group is padded out with '=' if it represents
* less than three bytes: one byte is dd==, two is ddd=, three is dddd.
static int /* number of result bytes, or error code */
unb64(src, dst, dstlen)
const char *src; /* known to be full length */
char *dst;
size_t dstlen;
char *p;
unsigned byte1;
unsigned byte2;
static char base64[] =
if (dstlen < 3)
return SHORT;
p = strchr(base64, *src++);
if (p == NULL)
return BADCH0;
byte1 = (p - base64) << 2; /* first six bits */
p = strchr(base64, *src++);
if (p == NULL) {
return BADCH1;
byte2 = p - base64; /* next six: two plus four */
*dst++ = byte1 | (byte2 >> 4);
byte1 = (byte2 & 0xf) << 4;
p = strchr(base64, *src++);
if (p == NULL) {
if (*(src-1) == '=' && *src == '=') {
if (byte1 != 0) /* bad padding */
return BADPAD;
return 1;
return BADCH2;
byte2 = p - base64; /* next six: four plus two */
*dst++ = byte1 | (byte2 >> 2);
byte1 = (byte2 & 0x3) << 6;
p = strchr(base64, *src++);
if (p == NULL) {
if (*(src-1) == '=') {
if (byte1 != 0) /* bad padding */
return BADPAD;
return 2;
return BADCH3;
byte2 = p - base64; /* last six */
*dst++ = byte1 | byte2;
return 3;
- untext - convert one ASCII character to byte
static int /* number of result bytes, or error code */
untext(src, dst, dstlen)
const char *src; /* known to be full length */
char *dst;
size_t dstlen; /* not large enough is a failure */
if (dstlen < 1)
return SHORT;
*dst = *src;
return 1;
- badch - produce a nice complaint about an unknown character
* If the compiler complains that the array bigenough[] has a negative
* size, that means the TTODATAV_BUF constant has been set too small.
static const char * /* literal or errp */
badch(src, errcode, errp, errlen)
const char *src;
int errcode;
char *errp; /* might be NULL */
size_t errlen;
static const char pre[] = "unknown character (`";
static const char suf[] = "') in input";
char buf[5];
# define REQD (sizeof(pre) - 1 + sizeof(buf) - 1 + sizeof(suf))
struct sizecheck {
char bigenough[TTODATAV_BUF - REQD]; /* see above */
char ch;
if (errp == NULL || errlen < REQD)
return "unknown character in input";
strcpy(errp, pre);
ch = *(src + BADOFF(errcode));
if (isprint(ch)) {
buf[0] = ch;
buf[1] = '\0';
} else {
buf[0] = '\\';
buf[1] = ((ch & 0700) >> 6) + '0';
buf[2] = ((ch & 0070) >> 3) + '0';
buf[3] = ((ch & 0007) >> 0) + '0';
buf[4] = '\0';
strcat(errp, buf);
strcat(errp, suf);
return (const char *)errp;
#include <stdio.h>
struct artab;
static void check(struct artab *r, char *buf, size_t n, err_t oops, int *status);
static void regress(char *pgm);
static void hexout(const char *s, size_t len, FILE *f);
- main - convert first argument to hex, or run regression
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char buf[1024];
char buf2[1024];
char err[512];
size_t n;
size_t i;
char *p = buf;
char *p2 = buf2;
char *pgm = argv[0];
const char *oops;
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s {0x<hex>|0s<base64>|-r}\n", pgm);
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r") == 0) {
regress(pgm); /* should not return */
fprintf(stderr, "%s: regress() returned?!?\n", pgm);
oops = ttodatav(argv[1], 0, 0, buf, sizeof(buf), &n,
err, sizeof(err), TTODATAV_IGNORESPACE);
if (oops != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ttodata error `%s' in `%s'\n", pgm,
oops, argv[1]);
if (n > sizeof(buf)) {
p = (char *)malloc((size_t)n);
if (p == NULL) {
"%s: unable to malloc %d bytes for result\n",
pgm, n);
oops = ttodata(argv[1], 0, 0, p, n, &n);
if (oops != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error `%s' in ttodata retry?!?\n",
pgm, oops);
hexout(p, n, stdout);
i = datatot(buf, n, 'h', buf2, sizeof(buf2));
if (i == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: datatot reports error in `%s'\n", pgm,
if (i > sizeof(buf2)) {
p2 = (char *)malloc((size_t)i);
if (p == NULL) {
"%s: unable to malloc %d bytes for result\n",
pgm, i);
i = datatot(buf, n, 'h', p2, i);
if (i == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error in datatoa retry?!?\n", pgm);
printf("%s\n", p2);
- hexout - output an arbitrary-length string in hex
static void
hexout(s, len, f)
const char *s;
size_t len;
FILE *f;
size_t i;
fprintf(f, "0x");
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
fprintf(f, "%02x", (unsigned char)s[i]);
struct artab {
int base;
# define IGNORESPACE_BIAS 1000
char *ascii; /* NULL for end */
char *data; /* NULL for error expected */
} atodatatab[] = {
{ 0, "", NULL, },
{ 0, "0", NULL, },
{ 0, "0x", NULL, },
{ 0, "0xa", NULL, },
{ 0, "0xab", "\xab", },
{ 0, "0xabc", NULL, },
{ 0, "0xabcd", "\xab\xcd", },
{ 0, "0x0123456789", "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89", },
{ 0, "0x01x", NULL, },
{ 0, "0xabcdef", "\xab\xcd\xef", },
{ 0, "0xABCDEF", "\xab\xcd\xef", },
{ 0, "0XaBc0eEd81f", "\xab\xc0\xee\xd8\x1f", },
{ 0, "0XaBc0_eEd8", "\xab\xc0\xee\xd8", },
{ 0, "0XaBc0_", NULL, },
{ 0, "0X_aBc0", NULL, },
{ 0, "0Xa_Bc0", NULL, },
{ 16, "aBc0eEd8", "\xab\xc0\xee\xd8", },
{ 0, "0s", NULL, },
{ 0, "0sA", NULL, },
{ 0, "0sBA", NULL, },
{ 0, "0sCBA", NULL, },
{ 0, "0sDCBA", "\x0c\x20\x40", },
{ 0, "0SDCBA", "\x0c\x20\x40", },
{ 0, "0sDA==", "\x0c", },
{ 0, "0sDC==", NULL, },
{ 0, "0sDCA=", "\x0c\x20", },
{ 0, "0sDCB=", NULL, },
{ 0, "0sDCAZ", "\x0c\x20\x19", },
{ 0, "0sDCAa", "\x0c\x20\x1a", },
{ 0, "0sDCAz", "\x0c\x20\x33", },
{ 0, "0sDCA0", "\x0c\x20\x34", },
{ 0, "0sDCA9", "\x0c\x20\x3d", },
{ 0, "0sDCA+", "\x0c\x20\x3e", },
{ 0, "0sDCA/", "\x0c\x20\x3f", },
{ 0, "0sAbraCadabra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0s AbraCadabra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sA braCadabra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAb raCadabra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbr aCadabra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbra Cadabra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbraC adabra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbraCa dabra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbraCad abra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbraCada bra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbraCadab ra+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbraCadabr a+", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbraCadabra +", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0, "0sAbraCadabra+ ", "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", },
{ 0, "0t", NULL, },
{ 0, "0tabc_xyz", "abc_xyz", },
{ 256, "abc_xyz", "abc_xyz", },
{ 0, NULL, NULL, },
struct drtab {
char *data; /* input; NULL for end */
char format;
int buflen; /* -1 means big buffer */
int outlen; /* -1 means strlen(ascii)+1 */
char *ascii; /* NULL for error expected */
} datatoatab[] = {
{ "", 'x', -1, -1, NULL, },
{ "", 'X', -1, -1, NULL, },
{ "", 'n', -1, -1, NULL, },
{ "0", 'x', -1, -1, "0x30", },
{ "0", 'x', 0, 5, "---", },
{ "0", 'x', 1, 5, "", },
{ "0", 'x', 2, 5, "0", },
{ "0", 'x', 3, 5, "0x", },
{ "0", 'x', 4, 5, "0x3", },
{ "0", 'x', 5, 5, "0x30", },
{ "0", 'x', 6, 5, "0x30", },
{ "\xab\xcd", 'x', -1, -1, "0xabcd", },
{ "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89", 'x', -1, -1, "0x0123456789", },
{ "\xab\xcd\xef", 'x', -1, -1, "0xabcdef", },
{ "\xab\xc0\xee\xd8\x1f", 'x', -1, -1, "0xabc0eed81f", },
{ "\x01\x02", 'h', -1, -1, "0x0102", },
{ "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06", 'h', -1, -1, "0x01020304_0506", },
{ "\xab\xc0\xee\xd8\x1f", 16, -1, -1, "abc0eed81f", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCBA", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 0, 7, "---", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 1, 7, "", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 2, 7, "0", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 3, 7, "0s", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 4, 7, "0sD", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 5, 7, "0sDC", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 6, 7, "0sDCB", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 7, 7, "0sDCBA", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x40", 's', 8, 7, "0sDCBA", },
{ "\x0c", 's', -1, -1, "0sDA==", },
{ "\x0c\x20", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCA=", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x19", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCAZ", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x1a", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCAa", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x33", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCAz", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x34", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCA0", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x3d", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCA9", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x3e", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCA+", },
{ "\x0c\x20\x3f", 's', -1, -1, "0sDCA/", },
{ "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", 's', -1, -1, "0sAbraCadabra+", },
{ "\x01\xba\xda\x09\xa7\x5a\x6e\xb6\xbe", 64, -1, -1, "AbraCadabra+", },
{ NULL, 'x', -1, -1, NULL, },
- regress - regression-test ttodata() and datatot()
static void
check(r, buf, n, oops, status)
struct artab *r;
char *buf;
size_t n;
err_t oops;
int *status;
if (oops != NULL && r->data == NULL)
{} /* error expected */
else if (oops != NULL) {
printf("`%s' gave error `%s', expecting %d `", r->ascii,
oops, strlen(r->data));
hexout(r->data, strlen(r->data), stdout);
*status = 1;
} else if (r->data == NULL) {
printf("`%s' gave %d `", r->ascii, n);
hexout(buf, n, stdout);
printf("', expecting error\n");
*status = 1;
} else if (n != strlen(r->data)) {
printf("length wrong in `%s': got %d `", r->ascii, n);
hexout(buf, n, stdout);
printf("', expecting %d `", strlen(r->data));
hexout(r->data, strlen(r->data), stdout);
*status = 1;
} else if (memcmp(buf, r->data, n) != 0) {
printf("`%s' gave %d `", r->ascii, n);
hexout(buf, n, stdout);
printf("', expecting %d `", strlen(r->data));
hexout(r->data, strlen(r->data), stdout);
*status = 1;
static void /* should not return at all, in fact */
char *pgm;
struct artab *r;
struct drtab *dr;
char buf[100];
size_t n;
int status = 0;
for (r = atodatatab; r->ascii != NULL; r++) {
int base = r->base;
int xbase = 0;
if ((base == 0 || base == IGNORESPACE_BIAS + 0) && r->ascii[0] == '0') {
switch (r->ascii[1]) {
case 'x':
case 'X':
xbase = 16;
case 's':
case 'S':
xbase = 64;
case 't':
case 'T':
xbase = 256;
if (base >= IGNORESPACE_BIAS) {
base = base - IGNORESPACE_BIAS;
check(r, buf, n, ttodatav(r->ascii, 0, base, buf, sizeof(buf), &n, NULL, 0, TTODATAV_IGNORESPACE), &status);
if (xbase != 0)
check(r, buf, n, ttodatav(r->ascii+2, 0, xbase, buf, sizeof(buf), &n, NULL, 0, TTODATAV_IGNORESPACE), &status);
} else {
check(r, buf, n, ttodata(r->ascii, 0, base, buf, sizeof(buf), &n), &status);
if (base == 64 || xbase == 64)
check(r, buf, n, ttodatav(r->ascii, 0, base, buf, sizeof(buf), &n, NULL, 0, TTODATAV_IGNORESPACE), &status);
if (xbase != 0) {
check(r, buf, n, ttodata(r->ascii+2, 0, xbase, buf, sizeof(buf), &n), &status);
if (base == 64 || xbase == 64)
check(r, buf, n, ttodatav(r->ascii+2, 0, xbase, buf, sizeof(buf), &n, NULL, 0, TTODATAV_IGNORESPACE), &status);
for (dr = datatoatab; dr->data != NULL; dr++) {
size_t should;
strcpy(buf, "---");
n = datatot(dr->data, strlen(dr->data), dr->format, buf,
(dr->buflen == -1) ? sizeof(buf) : dr->buflen);
should = (dr->ascii == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(dr->ascii) + 1;
if (dr->outlen != -1)
should = dr->outlen;
if (n == 0 && dr->ascii == NULL)
{} /* error expected */
else if (n == 0) {
hexout(dr->data, strlen(dr->data), stdout);
printf("' %c gave error, expecting %d `%s'\n",
dr->format, should, dr->ascii);
status = 1;
} else if (dr->ascii == NULL) {
hexout(dr->data, strlen(dr->data), stdout);
printf("' %c gave %d `%.*s', expecting error\n",
dr->format, n, (int)n, buf);
status = 1;
} else if (n != should) {
printf("length wrong in `");
hexout(dr->data, strlen(dr->data), stdout);
printf("': got %d `%s'", n, buf);
printf(", expecting %d `%s'\n", should, dr->ascii);
status = 1;
} else if (strcmp(buf, dr->ascii) != 0) {
hexout(dr->data, strlen(dr->data), stdout);
printf("' gave %d `%s'", n, buf);
printf(", expecting %d `%s'\n", should, dr->ascii);
status = 1;
#endif /* TTODATA_MAIN */