
549 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Tobias Brunner
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "hashtable.h"
#include "hashtable_profiler.h"
#include <utils/chunk.h>
#include <utils/debug.h>
#include <utils/backtrace.h>
/** The minimum size of the hash table (MUST be a power of 2) */
#define MIN_SIZE 8
/** The maximum size of the hash table (MUST be a power of 2) */
#define MAX_SIZE (1 << 30)
/** Maximum load factor before the hash table is resized */
#define LOAD_FACTOR 0.75f
/** Provided by hashtable_t */
u_int hashtable_get_nearest_powerof2(u_int n);
typedef struct pair_t pair_t;
* This pair holds a pointer to the key and value it represents.
struct pair_t {
* Key of a hash table item.
const void *key;
* Value of a hash table item.
void *value;
* Cached hash (used in case of a resize).
u_int hash;
* Next pair in an overflow list.
pair_t *next;
typedef struct private_hashlist_t private_hashlist_t;
* Private data of a hashlist_t object.
struct private_hashlist_t {
* Public interface.
hashlist_t public;
* The number of items in the hash table.
u_int count;
* The current size of the hash table (always a power of 2).
u_int size;
* The current mask to calculate the row index (size - 1).
u_int mask;
* The actual table.
pair_t **table;
* The hashing function.
hashtable_hash_t hash;
* The equality function.
hashtable_equals_t equals;
* Alternative comparison function.
hashtable_cmp_t cmp;
* Profiling information
hashtable_profile_t profile;
typedef struct private_enumerator_t private_enumerator_t;
* Hash table enumerator implementation
struct private_enumerator_t {
* Implements enumerator interface.
enumerator_t enumerator;
* Associated hash table.
private_hashlist_t *table;
* Current row index.
u_int row;
* Number of remaining items to enumerate.
u_int count;
* Current pair.
pair_t *current;
* Previous pair (used by remove_at).
pair_t *prev;
* Init hash table parameters
static void init_hashtable(private_hashlist_t *this, u_int size)
size = max(MIN_SIZE, min(size, MAX_SIZE));
this->size = hashtable_get_nearest_powerof2(size);
this->mask = this->size - 1;
profile_size(&this->profile, this->size);
this->table = calloc(this->size, sizeof(pair_t*));
* Insert an item into a bucket.
static inline void insert_pair(private_hashlist_t *this, pair_t *to_insert,
pair_t *prev)
u_int row;
if (prev)
to_insert->next = prev->next;
prev->next = to_insert;
row = to_insert->hash & this->mask;
to_insert->next = this->table[row];
this->table[row] = to_insert;
* Double the size of the hash table and rehash all the elements.
static void rehash(private_hashlist_t *this)
pair_t **old_table, *to_move, *pair, *next;
u_int row, old_size;
if (this->size >= MAX_SIZE)
old_size = this->size;
old_table = this->table;
init_hashtable(this, old_size << 1);
for (row = 0; row < old_size; row++)
to_move = old_table[row];
while (to_move)
pair_t *prev = NULL;
pair = this->table[to_move->hash & this->mask];
while (pair)
if (this->cmp && this->cmp(to_move->key, pair->key) < 0)
prev = pair;
pair = pair->next;
next = to_move->next;
insert_pair(this, to_move, prev);
to_move = next;
* Find the pair with the given key, optionally returning the hash and previous
* (or last) pair in the bucket.
static inline pair_t *find_key(private_hashlist_t *this, const void *key,
hashtable_equals_t equals, u_int *out_hash,
pair_t **out_prev)
pair_t *pair, *prev = NULL;
bool use_callback = equals != NULL;
u_int hash;
if (!this->count && !out_hash)
{ /* no need to calculate the hash if not requested */
return NULL;
equals = equals ?: this->equals;
hash = this->hash(key);
if (out_hash)
*out_hash = hash;
pair = this->table[hash & this->mask];
while (pair)
/* when keys are sorted, we compare all items so we can abort earlier
* even if the hash does not match, but only as long as we don't
* have a callback */
if (!use_callback && this->cmp)
int cmp = this->cmp(key, pair->key);
if (cmp == 0)
else if (cmp < 0)
{ /* no need to continue as the key we search is smaller */
pair = NULL;
else if (hash == pair->hash && equals(key, pair->key))
prev = pair;
pair = pair->next;
if (out_prev)
*out_prev = prev;
if (pair)
return pair;
METHOD(hashtable_t, put, void*,
private_hashlist_t *this, const void *key, void *value)
void *old_value = NULL;
pair_t *pair, *prev = NULL;
u_int hash;
if (this->count >= this->size * LOAD_FACTOR)
pair = find_key(this, key, NULL, &hash, &prev);
if (pair)
old_value = pair->value;
pair->value = value;
pair->key = key;
.key = key,
.value = value,
.hash = hash,
insert_pair(this, pair, prev);
profile_count(&this->profile, this->count);
return old_value;
METHOD(hashtable_t, get, void*,
private_hashlist_t *this, const void *key)
pair_t *pair = find_key(this, key, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return pair ? pair->value : NULL;
METHOD(hashlist_t, get_match, void*,
private_hashlist_t *this, const void *key, hashtable_equals_t match)
pair_t *pair = find_key(this, key, match, NULL, NULL);
return pair ? pair->value : NULL;
METHOD(hashtable_t, remove_, void*,
private_hashlist_t *this, const void *key)
void *value = NULL;
pair_t *pair, *prev = NULL;
pair = find_key(this, key, NULL, NULL, &prev);
if (pair)
if (prev)
prev->next = pair->next;
this->table[pair->hash & this->mask] = pair->next;
value = pair->value;
return value;
METHOD(hashtable_t, remove_at, void,
private_hashlist_t *this, private_enumerator_t *enumerator)
if (enumerator->table == this && enumerator->current)
pair_t *current = enumerator->current;
if (enumerator->prev)
enumerator->prev->next = current->next;
this->table[enumerator->row] = current->next;
enumerator->current = enumerator->prev;
METHOD(hashtable_t, get_count, u_int,
private_hashlist_t *this)
return this->count;
METHOD(enumerator_t, enumerate, bool,
private_enumerator_t *this, va_list args)
const void **key;
void **value;
VA_ARGS_VGET(args, key, value);
while (this->count && this->row < this->table->size)
this->prev = this->current;
if (this->current)
this->current = this->current->next;
this->current = this->table->table[this->row];
if (this->current)
if (key)
*key = this->current->key;
if (value)
*value = this->current->value;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
METHOD(hashtable_t, create_enumerator, enumerator_t*,
private_hashlist_t *this)
private_enumerator_t *enumerator;
.enumerator = {
.enumerate = enumerator_enumerate_default,
.venumerate = _enumerate,
.destroy = (void*)free,
.table = this,
.count = this->count,
return &enumerator->enumerator;
static void destroy_internal(private_hashlist_t *this,
void (*fn)(void*,const void*))
pair_t *pair, *next;
u_int row;
profiler_cleanup(&this->profile, this->count, this->size);
for (row = 0; row < this->size; row++)
pair = this->table[row];
while (pair)
if (fn)
fn(pair->value, pair->key);
next = pair->next;
pair = next;
METHOD2(hashlist_t, hashtable_t, destroy, void,
private_hashlist_t *this)
destroy_internal(this, NULL);
METHOD(hashtable_t, destroy_function, void,
private_hashlist_t *this, void (*fn)(void*,const void*))
destroy_internal(this, fn);
* Create a hash list
static private_hashlist_t *hashlist_create_internal(hashtable_hash_t hash,
u_int size)
private_hashlist_t *this;
.public = {
.ht = {
.put = _put,
.get = _get,
.remove = _remove_,
.remove_at = (void*)_remove_at,
.get_count = _get_count,
.create_enumerator = _create_enumerator,
.destroy = _destroy,
.destroy_function = _destroy_function,
.get_match = _get_match,
.destroy = _destroy,
.hash = hash,
init_hashtable(this, size);
profiler_init(&this->profile, 3);
return this;
* Described in header
hashlist_t *hashlist_create(hashtable_hash_t hash, hashtable_equals_t equals,
u_int size)
private_hashlist_t *this = hashlist_create_internal(hash, size);
this->equals = equals;
return &this->public;
* Described in header
hashlist_t *hashlist_create_sorted(hashtable_hash_t hash,
hashtable_cmp_t cmp, u_int size)
private_hashlist_t *this = hashlist_create_internal(hash, size);
this->cmp = cmp;
return &this->public;