
415 lines
8.8 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Steffen
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Security Innovation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "ntru_poly.h"
#include "ntru_mgf1.h"
#include <utils/debug.h>
#include <utils/test.h>
typedef struct private_ntru_poly_t private_ntru_poly_t;
typedef struct indices_len_t indices_len_t;
* Stores number of +1 and -1 coefficients
struct indices_len_t {
int p;
int m;
* Private data of an ntru_poly_t object.
struct private_ntru_poly_t {
* Public ntru_poly_t interface.
ntru_poly_t public;
* Ring dimension equal to the number of polynomial coefficients
uint16_t N;
* Large modulus
uint16_t q;
* Array containing the indices of the non-zero coefficients
uint16_t *indices;
* Number of indices of the non-zero coefficients
size_t num_indices;
* Number of sparse polynomials
int num_polynomials;
* Number of nonzero coefficients for up to 3 sparse polynomials
indices_len_t indices_len[3];
METHOD(ntru_poly_t, get_size, size_t,
private_ntru_poly_t *this)
return this->num_indices;
METHOD(ntru_poly_t, get_indices, uint16_t*,
private_ntru_poly_t *this)
return this->indices;
* Multiplication of polynomial a with a sparse polynomial b given by
* the indices of its +1 and -1 coefficients results in polynomial c.
* This is a convolution operation
static void ring_mult_i(uint16_t *a, indices_len_t len, uint16_t *indices,
uint16_t N, uint16_t mod_q_mask, uint16_t *t,
uint16_t *c)
int i, j, k;
/* initialize temporary array t */
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
t[k] = 0;
/* t[(i+k)%N] = sum i=0 through N-1 of a[i], for b[k] = -1 */
for (j = len.p; j < len.p + len.m; j++)
k = indices[j];
for (i = 0; k < N; ++i, ++k)
t[k] += a[i];
for (k = 0; i < N; ++i, ++k)
t[k] += a[i];
/* t[(i+k)%N] = -(sum i=0 through N-1 of a[i] for b[k] = -1) */
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
t[k] = -t[k];
/* t[(i+k)%N] += sum i=0 through N-1 of a[i] for b[k] = +1 */
for (j = 0; j < len.p; j++)
k = indices[j];
for (i = 0; k < N; ++i, ++k)
t[k] += a[i];
for (k = 0; i < N; ++i, ++k)
t[k] += a[i];
/* c = (a * b) mod q */
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
c[k] = t[k] & mod_q_mask;
METHOD(ntru_poly_t, get_array, void,
private_ntru_poly_t *this, uint16_t *array)
uint16_t *t, *bi;
uint16_t mod_q_mask = this->q - 1;
indices_len_t len;
int i;
/* form polynomial F or F1 */
memset(array, 0x00, this->N * sizeof(uint16_t));
bi = this->indices;
len = this->indices_len[0];
for (i = 0; i < len.p + len.m; i++)
array[bi[i]] = (i < len.p) ? 1 : mod_q_mask;
if (this->num_polynomials == 3)
/* allocate temporary array t */
t = malloc(this->N * sizeof(uint16_t));
/* form F1 * F2 */
bi += len.p + len.m;
len = this->indices_len[1];
ring_mult_i(array, len, bi, this->N, mod_q_mask, t, array);
/* form (F1 * F2) + F3 */
bi += len.p + len.m;
len = this->indices_len[2];
for (i = 0; i < len.p + len.m; i++)
if (i < len.p)
array[bi[i]] += 1;
array[bi[i]] -= 1;
array[bi[i]] &= mod_q_mask;
METHOD(ntru_poly_t, ring_mult, void,
private_ntru_poly_t *this, uint16_t *a, uint16_t *c)
uint16_t *t1, *t2;
uint16_t *bi = this->indices;
uint16_t mod_q_mask = this->q - 1;
int i;
/* allocate temporary array t1 */
t1 = malloc(this->N * sizeof(uint16_t));
if (this->num_polynomials == 1)
ring_mult_i(a, this->indices_len[0], bi, this->N, mod_q_mask, t1, c);
/* allocate temporary array t2 */
t2 = malloc(this->N * sizeof(uint16_t));
/* t1 = a * b1 */
ring_mult_i(a, this->indices_len[0], bi, this->N, mod_q_mask, t1, t1);
/* t1 = (a * b1) * b2 */
bi += this->indices_len[0].p + this->indices_len[0].m;
ring_mult_i(t1, this->indices_len[1], bi, this->N, mod_q_mask, t2, t1);
/* t2 = a * b3 */
bi += this->indices_len[1].p + this->indices_len[1].m;
ring_mult_i(a, this->indices_len[2], bi, this->N, mod_q_mask, t2, t2);
/* c = (a * b1 * b2) + (a * b3) */
for (i = 0; i < this->N; i++)
c[i] = (t1[i] + t2[i]) & mod_q_mask;
METHOD(ntru_poly_t, destroy, void,
private_ntru_poly_t *this)
memwipe(this->indices, sizeof(uint16_t) * get_size(this));
* Creates an empty ntru_poly_t object with space allocated for indices
static private_ntru_poly_t* ntru_poly_create(uint16_t N, uint16_t q,
uint32_t indices_len_p,
uint32_t indices_len_m,
bool is_product_form)
private_ntru_poly_t *this;
int n;
.public = {
.get_size = _get_size,
.get_indices = _get_indices,
.get_array = _get_array,
.ring_mult = _ring_mult,
.destroy = _destroy,
.N = N,
.q = q,
if (is_product_form)
this->num_polynomials = 3;
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
this->indices_len[n].p = 0xff & indices_len_p;
this->indices_len[n].m = 0xff & indices_len_m;
this->num_indices += this->indices_len[n].p +
indices_len_p >>= 8;
indices_len_m >>= 8;
this->num_polynomials = 1;
this->indices_len[0].p = indices_len_p;
this->indices_len[0].m = indices_len_m;
this->num_indices = indices_len_p + indices_len_m;
this->indices = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * this->num_indices);
return this;
* Described in header.
ntru_poly_t *ntru_poly_create_from_seed(hash_algorithm_t alg, chunk_t seed,
uint8_t c_bits, uint16_t N, uint16_t q,
uint32_t indices_len_p,
uint32_t indices_len_m,
bool is_product_form)
private_ntru_poly_t *this;
size_t hash_len, octet_count = 0, i;
uint8_t octets[HASH_SIZE_SHA512], *used, num_left = 0, num_needed;
uint16_t index, limit, left = 0;
int n, num_indices, index_i = 0;
ntru_mgf1_t *mgf1;
DBG2(DBG_LIB, "MGF1 is seeded with %u bytes", seed.len);
mgf1 = ntru_mgf1_create(alg, seed, TRUE);
if (!mgf1)
return NULL;
i = hash_len = mgf1->get_hash_size(mgf1);
this = ntru_poly_create(N, q, indices_len_p, indices_len_m, is_product_form);
used = malloc(N);
limit = N * ((1 << c_bits) / N);
/* generate indices for all polynomials */
for (n = 0; n < this->num_polynomials; n++)
memset(used, 0, N);
num_indices = this->indices_len[n].p + this->indices_len[n].m;
/* generate indices for a single polynomial */
while (num_indices)
/* generate a random candidate index with a size of c_bits */
/* use any leftover bits first */
index = num_left ? left << (c_bits - num_left) : 0;
/* get the rest of the bits needed from new octets */
num_needed = c_bits - num_left;
while (num_needed)
if (i == hash_len)
/* get another block from MGF1 */
if (!mgf1->get_mask(mgf1, hash_len, octets))
return NULL;
octet_count += hash_len;
i = 0;
left = octets[i++];
if (num_needed <= 8)
/* all bits needed to fill the index are in this octet */
index |= left >> (8 - num_needed);
num_left = 8 - num_needed;
num_needed = 0;
left &= 0xff >> (8 - num_left);
/* more than one octet will be needed */
index |= left << (num_needed - 8);
num_needed -= 8;
while (index >= limit);
/* form index and check if unique */
index %= N;
if (!used[index])
used[index] = 1;
this->indices[index_i++] = index;
DBG2(DBG_LIB, "MGF1 generates %u octets to derive %u indices",
octet_count, this->num_indices);
return &this->public;
* Described in header.
ntru_poly_t *ntru_poly_create_from_data(uint16_t *data, uint16_t N, uint16_t q,
uint32_t indices_len_p,
uint32_t indices_len_m,
bool is_product_form)
private_ntru_poly_t *this;
int i;
this = ntru_poly_create(N, q, indices_len_p, indices_len_m, is_product_form);
for (i = 0; i < this->num_indices; i++)
this->indices[i] = data[i];
return &this->public;
EXPORT_FUNCTION_FOR_TESTS(ntru, ntru_poly_create_from_seed);
EXPORT_FUNCTION_FOR_TESTS(ntru, ntru_poly_create_from_data);