
318 lines
7.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Reto Buerki
* Copyright (C) 2012 Adrian-Ken Rueegsegger
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include <collections/linked_list.h>
#include <threading/mutex.h>
#include <utils/debug.h>
#include "tkm_kernel_sad.h"
typedef struct private_tkm_kernel_sad_t private_tkm_kernel_sad_t;
* Private data of tkm_kernel_sad.
struct private_tkm_kernel_sad_t {
* Public functions.
tkm_kernel_sad_t public;
* Linked list of SAD entries.
linked_list_t *data;
* Lock used to protect SA data.
mutex_t *mutex;
typedef struct sad_entry_t sad_entry_t;
* Data structure holding all information of an SAD entry.
struct sad_entry_t {
* ESA identifier.
esa_id_type esa_id;
* Reqid.
uint32_t reqid;
* Source address of CHILD SA.
host_t *src;
* Destination address of CHILD SA.
host_t *dst;
* Local SPI of CHILD SA.
uint32_t spi_loc;
* Remote SPI of CHILD SA.
uint32_t spi_rem;
* Protocol of CHILD SA (ESP/AH).
uint8_t proto;
* Destroy an sad_entry_t object.
static void sad_entry_destroy(sad_entry_t *entry)
if (entry)
CALLBACK(sad_entry_match, bool,
sad_entry_t * const entry, va_list args)
const host_t *src, *dst;
const uint32_t *spi;
const uint8_t *proto;
const bool *local;
VA_ARGS_VGET(args, src, dst, spi, proto, local);
if (entry->src == NULL || entry->dst == NULL || entry->proto != *proto)
return FALSE;
if (*local)
return entry->src->ip_equals(entry->src, (host_t *)dst) &&
entry->dst->ip_equals(entry->dst, (host_t *)src) &&
entry->spi_loc == *spi;
return entry->src->ip_equals(entry->src, (host_t *)src) &&
entry->dst->ip_equals(entry->dst, (host_t *)dst) &&
entry->spi_rem == *spi;
CALLBACK(sad_entry_match_dst, bool,
sad_entry_t * const entry, va_list args)
const uint32_t *reqid, *spi;
const uint8_t *proto;
VA_ARGS_VGET(args, reqid, spi, proto);
return entry->reqid == *reqid &&
entry->spi_rem == *spi &&
entry->proto == *proto;
CALLBACK(sad_entry_equal, bool,
sad_entry_t * const left, va_list args)
sad_entry_t *right;
VA_ARGS_VGET(args, right);
if (left->src == NULL || left->dst == NULL || right->src == NULL ||
right->dst == NULL)
return FALSE;
return left->esa_id == right->esa_id &&
left->reqid == right->reqid &&
left->src->ip_equals(left->src, right->src) &&
left->dst->ip_equals(left->dst, right->dst) &&
left->spi_loc == right->spi_loc &&
left->spi_rem == right->spi_rem &&
left->proto == right->proto;
METHOD(tkm_kernel_sad_t, insert, bool,
private_tkm_kernel_sad_t * const this, const esa_id_type esa_id,
const uint32_t reqid, const host_t * const src, const host_t * const dst,
const uint32_t spi_loc, const uint32_t spi_rem, const uint8_t proto)
sad_entry_t *new_entry;
bool found;
.esa_id = esa_id,
.reqid = reqid,
.src = (host_t *)src,
.dst = (host_t *)dst,
.spi_loc = spi_loc,
.spi_rem = spi_rem,
.proto = proto,
found = this->data->find_first(this->data, sad_entry_equal, NULL,
if (!found)
DBG3(DBG_KNL, "inserting SAD entry (esa: %llu, reqid: %u, src: %H, "
"dst: %H, spi_loc: %x, spi_rem: %x,proto: %u)", esa_id, reqid, src,
dst, ntohl(spi_loc), ntohl(spi_rem), proto);
new_entry->src = src->clone((host_t *)src);
new_entry->dst = dst->clone((host_t *)dst);
this->data->insert_last(this->data, new_entry);
DBG1(DBG_KNL, "SAD entry with esa id %llu already exists!", esa_id);
return !found;
METHOD(tkm_kernel_sad_t, get_esa_id, esa_id_type,
private_tkm_kernel_sad_t * const this, const host_t * const src,
const host_t * const dst, const uint32_t spi, const uint8_t proto,
const bool local)
esa_id_type id = 0;
sad_entry_t *entry = NULL;
const bool res = this->data->find_first(this->data, sad_entry_match,
(void**)&entry, src, dst, &spi,
&proto, &local);
if (res && entry)
id = entry->esa_id;
DBG3(DBG_KNL, "returning ESA id %llu of SAD entry (src: %H, dst: %H, "
"%sbound spi: %x, proto: %u)", id, src, dst, local ? "in" : "out",
ntohl(spi), proto);
DBG3(DBG_KNL, "no SAD entry found for src %H, dst %H, %sbound spi %x, "
"proto %u", src, dst, local ? "in" : "out", ntohl(spi), proto);
return id;
METHOD(tkm_kernel_sad_t, get_dst_host, host_t *,
private_tkm_kernel_sad_t * const this, const uint32_t reqid,
const uint32_t spi, const uint8_t proto)
host_t *dst = NULL;
sad_entry_t *entry = NULL;
const bool res = this->data->find_first(this->data, sad_entry_match_dst,
(void**)&entry, &reqid, &spi, &proto);
if (res && entry)
dst = entry->dst->clone(entry->dst);
DBG3(DBG_KNL, "returning destination host %H of SAD entry (reqid: %u,"
" spi: %x, proto: %u)", dst, reqid, ntohl(spi), proto);
DBG3(DBG_KNL, "no SAD entry found for reqid %u, spi %x, proto: %u",
reqid, ntohl(spi), proto);
return dst;
METHOD(tkm_kernel_sad_t, _remove, bool,
private_tkm_kernel_sad_t * const this, const esa_id_type esa_id)
sad_entry_t *current;
bool removed = FALSE;
enumerator_t *enumerator;
enumerator = this->data->create_enumerator(this->data);
while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void **)&current))
if (current->esa_id == esa_id)
this->data->remove_at(this->data, enumerator);
removed = TRUE;
if (removed)
DBG3(DBG_KNL, "removed SAD entry (esa: %llu)", esa_id);
DBG1(DBG_KNL, "no SAD entry with ESA id %llu found!", esa_id);
return removed;
METHOD(tkm_kernel_sad_t, destroy, void,
private_tkm_kernel_sad_t *this)
this->data->destroy_function(this->data, (void*)sad_entry_destroy);
* see header file
tkm_kernel_sad_t *tkm_kernel_sad_create()
private_tkm_kernel_sad_t *this;
.public = {
.insert = _insert,
.get_esa_id = _get_esa_id,
.get_dst_host = _get_dst_host,
.remove = __remove,
.destroy = _destroy,
.mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT),
.data = linked_list_create(),
return &this->public;