
484 lines
9.7 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2014 Tobias Brunner
* Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Willi
* Copyright (C) 2013 revosec AG
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* for qsort_r() */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "array.h"
* Data is an allocated block, with potentially unused head and tail:
* "esize" each (or sizeof(void*) if esize = 0)
* /-\ /-\ /-\ /-\ /-\ /-\
* +---------------+-------------------------------+---------------+
* | h | e | a | d | e | l | e | m | e | n | t | s | t | a | i | l |
* +---------------+-------------------------------+---------------+
* \--------------/ \-----------------------------/ \-------------/
* unused used unused
* "head" "count" "tail"
struct array_t {
/** number of elements currently in array (not counting head/tail) */
u_int32_t count;
/** size of each element, 0 for a pointer based array */
u_int16_t esize;
/** allocated but unused elements at array front */
u_int8_t head;
/** allocated but unused elements at array end */
u_int8_t tail;
/** array elements */
void *data;
/** maximum number of unused head/tail elements before cleanup */
* Get the actual size of a number of elements
static size_t get_size(array_t *array, u_int32_t num)
if (array->esize)
return array->esize * num;
return sizeof(void*) * num;
* Increase allocated but unused tail room to at least "room"
static void make_tail_room(array_t *array, u_int8_t room)
if (array->tail < room)
array->data = realloc(array->data,
get_size(array, array->count + array->head + room));
array->tail = room;
* Increase allocated but unused head room to at least "room"
static void make_head_room(array_t *array, u_int8_t room)
if (array->head < room)
u_int8_t increase = room - array->head;
array->data = realloc(array->data,
get_size(array, array->count + array->tail + room));
memmove(array->data + get_size(array, increase), array->data,
get_size(array, array->count + array->tail + array->head));
array->head = room;
* Make space for an item at index using tail room
static void insert_tail(array_t *array, int idx)
make_tail_room(array, 1);
/* move up all elements after idx by one */
memmove(array->data + get_size(array, array->head + idx + 1),
array->data + get_size(array, array->head + idx),
get_size(array, array->count - idx));
* Make space for an item at index using head room
static void insert_head(array_t *array, int idx)
make_head_room(array, 1);
/* move down all elements before idx by one */
memmove(array->data + get_size(array, array->head - 1),
array->data + get_size(array, array->head),
get_size(array, idx));
* Remove an item, increase tail
static void remove_tail(array_t *array, int idx)
/* move all items after idx one down */
memmove(array->data + get_size(array, idx + array->head),
array->data + get_size(array, idx + array->head + 1),
get_size(array, array->count - idx));
* Remove an item, increase head
static void remove_head(array_t *array, int idx)
/* move all items before idx one up */
memmove(array->data + get_size(array, array->head + 1),
array->data + get_size(array, array->head), get_size(array, idx));
array_t *array_create(u_int esize, u_int8_t reserve)
array_t *array;
.esize = esize,
.tail = reserve,
if (array->tail)
array->data = malloc(array->tail * array->esize);
return array;
int array_count(array_t *array)
if (array)
return array->count;
return 0;
void array_compress(array_t *array)
if (array)
u_int32_t tail;
tail = array->tail;
if (array->head)
memmove(array->data, array->data + get_size(array, array->head),
get_size(array, array->count + array->tail));
tail += array->head;
array->head = 0;
if (tail)
array->data = realloc(array->data, get_size(array, array->count));
array->tail = 0;
typedef struct {
/** public enumerator interface */
enumerator_t public;
/** enumerated array */
array_t *array;
/** current index +1, initialized at 0 */
int idx;
} array_enumerator_t;
METHOD(enumerator_t, enumerate, bool,
array_enumerator_t *this, void **out)
void *pos;
if (this->idx >= this->array->count)
return FALSE;
pos = this->array->data +
get_size(this->array, this->idx + this->array->head);
if (this->array->esize)
/* for element based arrays we return a pointer to the element */
*out = pos;
/* for pointer based arrays we return the pointer directly */
*out = *(void**)pos;
return TRUE;
enumerator_t* array_create_enumerator(array_t *array)
array_enumerator_t *enumerator;
if (!array)
return enumerator_create_empty();
.public = {
.enumerate = (void*)_enumerate,
.destroy = (void*)free,
.array = array,
return &enumerator->public;
void array_remove_at(array_t *array, enumerator_t *public)
array_enumerator_t *enumerator = (array_enumerator_t*)public;
if (enumerator->idx)
array_remove(array, --enumerator->idx, NULL);
void array_insert_create(array_t **array, int idx, void *ptr)
if (*array == NULL)
*array = array_create(0, 0);
array_insert(*array, idx, ptr);
void array_insert_enumerator(array_t *array, int idx, enumerator_t *enumerator)
void *ptr;
while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ptr))
array_insert(array, idx, ptr);
void array_insert(array_t *array, int idx, void *data)
if (idx < 0 || idx <= array_count(array))
void *pos;
if (idx < 0)
idx = array_count(array);
if (array->head && !array->tail)
insert_head(array, idx);
else if (array->tail && !array->head)
insert_tail(array, idx);
else if (idx > array_count(array) / 2)
insert_tail(array, idx);
insert_head(array, idx);
pos = array->data + get_size(array, array->head + idx);
if (array->esize)
memcpy(pos, data, get_size(array, 1));
/* pointer based array, copy pointer value */
*(void**)pos = data;
bool array_get(array_t *array, int idx, void *data)
if (!array)
return FALSE;
if (idx >= 0 && idx >= array_count(array))
return FALSE;
if (idx < 0)
if (array_count(array) == 0)
return FALSE;
idx = array_count(array) - 1;
if (data)
memcpy(data, array->data + get_size(array, array->head + idx),
get_size(array, 1));
return TRUE;
bool array_remove(array_t *array, int idx, void *data)
if (!array_get(array, idx, data))
return FALSE;
if (idx > array_count(array) / 2)
remove_tail(array, idx);
if (idx < 0)
idx = array_count(array) - 1;
remove_head(array, idx);
if (array->head + array->tail > ARRAY_MAX_UNUSED)
return TRUE;
typedef struct {
/** the array */
array_t *array;
/** comparison function */
int (*cmp)(const void*,const void*,void*);
/** optional user arg */
void *arg;
} sort_data_t;
static int compare_elements(const void *a, const void *b, void *arg)
#else /* HAVE_QSORT_R_BSD */
static int compare_elements(void *arg, const void *a, const void *b)
sort_data_t *data = (sort_data_t*)arg;
if (data->array->esize)
return data->cmp(a, b, data->arg);
return data->cmp(*(void**)a, *(void**)b, data->arg);
void array_sort(array_t *array, int (*cmp)(const void*,const void*,void*),
void *user)
if (array)
sort_data_t data = {
.array = array,
.cmp = cmp,
.arg = user,
void *start;
start = array->data + get_size(array, array->head);
qsort_r(start, array->count, get_size(array, 1), compare_elements,
#else /* HAVE_QSORT_R_BSD */
qsort_r(start, array->count, get_size(array, 1), &data,
void array_invoke(array_t *array, array_callback_t cb, void *user)
if (array)
void *obj;
int i;
for (i = array->head; i < array->count + array->head; i++)
obj = array->data + get_size(array, i);
if (!array->esize)
/* dereference if we store store pointers */
obj = *(void**)obj;
cb(obj, i - array->head, user);
void array_invoke_offset(array_t *array, size_t offset)
if (array)
void (*method)(void *data);
void *obj;
int i;
for (i = array->head; i < array->count + array->head; i++)
obj = array->data + get_size(array, i);
if (!array->esize)
/* dereference if we store store pointers */
obj = *(void**)obj;
method = *(void**)(obj + offset);
void array_destroy(array_t *array)
if (array)
void array_destroy_function(array_t *array, array_callback_t cb, void *user)
array_invoke(array, cb, user);
void array_destroy_offset(array_t *array, size_t offset)
array_invoke_offset(array, offset);