
156 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2017 Andreas Steffen
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* @defgroup sw_collector_db_t sw_collector_db
* @{ @ingroup sw_collector
#include <library.h>
typedef struct sw_collector_db_t sw_collector_db_t;
typedef enum sw_collector_db_query_t sw_collector_db_query_t;
* Type of software identifier queries
enum sw_collector_db_query_t {
* Software collector database object
struct sw_collector_db_t {
* bAdd event to database
* @param timestamp Timestamp in 20 octet RFC 3339 format
* @return Primary key pointing to event ID or 0 if failed
uint32_t (*add_event)(sw_collector_db_t *this, char *timestamp);
* Get last event, zero EID if none exists
* @param eid Primary key pointing to last event
* @param epoch Epoch
* @param last_time Timestamp in 20 octet RFC 3339 format of last event
* @return
bool (*get_last_event)(sw_collector_db_t *this, uint32_t *eid,
uint32_t *epoch, char **last_time);
* Add software identifier event to database
* @param eid Foreign key pointing to an event ID
* @param sw_id Foreign key pointing to a software identifier
* @param action 1 for CREATION, 2 for deletion
* @return TRUE if successful
bool (*add_sw_event)(sw_collector_db_t *this, uint32_t eid, uint32_t sw_id,
uint8_t action);
* Set software_identifier, checking if the identifier already exists
* @param name Software identifier
* @param package Software package
* @param version Version of software package
* @param source Source ID of the software collector
* @param installed Installation status to be set, TRUE if installed
* @return Primary key pointing to SW ID or 0 if failed
uint32_t (*set_sw_id)(sw_collector_db_t *this, char *name, char *package,
char *version, uint8_t source, bool installed);
* Get software_identifier record
* @param name Software identifier
* @param package Software package
* @param version Version of software package
* @param source Source ID of the software collector
* @param installed Installation status
* @return Primary key pointing to SW ID or 0 if failed
uint32_t (*get_sw_id)(sw_collector_db_t *this, char *name, char **package,
char **version, uint8_t *source, bool *installed);
* Get number of installed or removed software identifiers
* @param type Query type (ALL, INSTALLED, REMOVED)
* @return Count
uint32_t (*get_sw_id_count)(sw_collector_db_t *this,
sw_collector_db_query_t type);
* Update the software identifier version
* @param sw_id Primary key of software identifier
* @param name Software identifier
* @param version Package version
* @param installed Installation status
* @return TRUE if update successful
bool (*update_sw_id)(sw_collector_db_t *this, uint32_t sw_id, char *name,
char *version, bool installed);
* Update the package name
* @param package_filter Package name[s] to be changed
* @param package New package name
* @return TRUE if update successful
int (*update_package)(sw_collector_db_t *this, char *package_filter,
char *package);
* Enumerate over all collected [installed] software identities
* @param type Query type (ALL, INSTALLED, REMOVED)
* @param package If not NULL enumerate over all package versions
* @return Enumerator
enumerator_t* (*create_sw_enumerator)(sw_collector_db_t *this,
sw_collector_db_query_t type,
char *package);
* Destroy sw_collector_db_t object
void (*destroy)(sw_collector_db_t *this);
* Create an sw_collector_db_t instance
* @param uri database URI
sw_collector_db_t* sw_collector_db_create(char *uri);
#endif /** SW_COLLECTOR_DB_H_ @}*/