
205 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2012 Tobias Brunner
* Copyright (C) 2012 Giuliano Grassi
* Copyright (C) 2012 Ralf Sager
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* @defgroup ipsec_sa_mgr ipsec_sa_mgr
* @{ @ingroup libipsec
#ifndef IPSEC_SA_MGR_H_
#define IPSEC_SA_MGR_H_
#include "ipsec_sa.h"
#include <library.h>
#include <ipsec/ipsec_types.h>
#include <selectors/traffic_selector.h>
#include <networking/host.h>
typedef struct ipsec_sa_mgr_t ipsec_sa_mgr_t;
* IPsec SA manager
* The first methods are modeled after those in kernel_ipsec_t.
struct ipsec_sa_mgr_t {
* Allocate an SPI for an inbound IPsec SA
* @param src source address of the SA
* @param dst destination address of the SA
* @param protocol protocol of the SA (only ESP supported)
* @param spi the allocated SPI
* @return SUCCESS of operation successful
status_t (*get_spi)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst,
uint8_t protocol, uint32_t *spi);
* Add a new SA
* @param src source address for this SA (gets cloned)
* @param dst destination address for this SA (gets cloned)
* @param spi SPI for this SA
* @param protocol protocol for this SA (only ESP is supported)
* @param reqid reqid for this SA
* @param mark mark for this SA (ignored)
* @param tfc Traffic Flow Confidentiality (not yet supported)
* @param lifetime lifetime for this SA
* @param enc_alg encryption algorithm for this SA
* @param enc_key encryption key for this SA
* @param int_alg integrity protection algorithm
* @param int_key integrity protection key
* @param mode mode for this SA (only tunnel mode is supported)
* @param ipcomp IPcomp transform (not supported, use IPCOMP_NONE)
* @param cpi CPI for IPcomp (ignored)
* @param initiator TRUE if initiator of the exchange creating this SA
* @param encap enable UDP encapsulation (must be TRUE)
* @param esn Extended Sequence Numbers (currently not supported)
* @param inbound TRUE if this is an inbound SA, FALSE otherwise
* @param update TRUE if an SPI has already been allocated for SA
* @return SUCCESS if operation completed
status_t (*add_sa)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst,
uint32_t spi, uint8_t protocol, uint32_t reqid,
mark_t mark, uint32_t tfc, lifetime_cfg_t *lifetime,
uint16_t enc_alg, chunk_t enc_key, uint16_t int_alg,
chunk_t int_key, ipsec_mode_t mode, uint16_t ipcomp,
uint16_t cpi, bool initiator, bool encap, bool esn,
bool inbound, bool update);
* Update the hosts on an installed SA.
* @param spi SPI of the SA
* @param protocol protocol for this SA (ESP/AH)
* @param cpi CPI for IPComp, 0 if no IPComp is used
* @param src current source address
* @param dst current destination address
* @param new_src new source address
* @param new_dst new destination address
* @param encap current use of UDP encapsulation
* @param new_encap new use of UDP encapsulation
* @param mark optional mark for this SA
* @return SUCCESS if operation completed
status_t (*update_sa)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this,
uint32_t spi, uint8_t protocol, uint16_t cpi,
host_t *src, host_t *dst,
host_t *new_src, host_t *new_dst,
bool encap, bool new_encap, mark_t mark);
* Query the number of bytes processed by an SA from the SAD.
* @param src source address for this SA
* @param dst destination address for this SA
* @param spi SPI allocated by us or remote peer
* @param protocol protocol for this SA (ESP/AH)
* @param mark optional mark for this SA
* @param[out] bytes the number of bytes processed by SA
* @param[out] packets number of packets processed by SA
* @param[out] time last (monotonic) time of SA use
* @return SUCCESS if operation completed
status_t (*query_sa)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst,
uint32_t spi, uint8_t protocol, mark_t mark,
uint64_t *bytes, uint64_t *packets, time_t *time);
* Delete a previously added SA
* @param spi SPI of the SA
* @param src source address of the SA
* @param dst destination address of the SA
* @param protocol protocol of the SA
* @param cpi CPI for IPcomp
* @param mark optional mark
* @return SUCCESS if operation completed
status_t (*del_sa)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this, host_t *src, host_t *dst,
uint32_t spi, uint8_t protocol, uint16_t cpi,
mark_t mark);
* Flush all SAs
* @return SUCCESS if operation completed
status_t (*flush_sas)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this);
* Checkout an installed IPsec SA by SPI and destination address
* Can be used to find the correct SA for an inbound packet.
* The matching SA is locked until it is checked in using checkin().
* If the matching SA is already checked out, this call blocks until the
* SA is checked in.
* Since other threads may be waiting for the checked out SA, it should be
* checked in as soon as possible after use.
* @param spi SPI (e.g. of an inbound packet)
* @param dst destination address (e.g. of an inbound packet)
* @return the matching IPsec SA, or NULL if none is found
ipsec_sa_t *(*checkout_by_spi)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this, uint32_t spi,
host_t *dst);
* Checkout an installed IPsec SA by its reqid and inbound/outbound flag.
* Can be used to find the correct SA for an outbound packet.
* The matching SA is locked until it is checked in using checkin().
* If the matching SA is already checked out, this call blocks until the
* SA is checked in.
* Since other threads may be waiting for a checked out SA, it should be
* checked in as soon as possible after use.
* @param reqid reqid of the SA
* @param inbound TRUE for an inbound SA, FALSE for an outbound SA
* @return the matching IPsec SA, or NULL if none is found
ipsec_sa_t *(*checkout_by_reqid)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this, uint32_t reqid,
bool inbound);
* Checkin an SA after use.
* @param sa checked out SA
void (*checkin)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this, ipsec_sa_t *sa);
* Destroy an ipsec_sa_mgr_t
void (*destroy)(ipsec_sa_mgr_t *this);
* Create an ipsec_sa_mgr instance
* @return IPsec SA manager instance
ipsec_sa_mgr_t *ipsec_sa_mgr_create();
#endif /** IPSEC_SA_MGR_H_ @}*/