/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "simaka_message.h" typedef struct private_simaka_message_t private_simaka_message_t; typedef struct hdr_t hdr_t; typedef struct attr_hdr_t attr_hdr_t; typedef struct attr_t attr_t; /** * packed EAP-SIM/AKA header struct */ struct hdr_t { /** EAP code (REQUEST/RESPONSE) */ u_int8_t code; /** unique message identifier */ u_int8_t identifier; /** length of whole message */ u_int16_t length; /** EAP type => EAP_SIM/EAP_AKA */ u_int8_t type; /** SIM subtype */ u_int8_t subtype; /** reserved bytes */ u_int16_t reserved; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /** * packed EAP-SIM/AKA attribute header struct */ struct attr_hdr_t { /** attribute type */ u_int8_t type; /** attibute length */ u_int8_t length; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /** * SIM/AKA attribute, parsed */ struct attr_t { /** type of attribute */ simaka_attribute_t type; /** length of data */ size_t len; /** start of data, variable length */ char data[]; }; ENUM_BEGIN(simaka_subtype_names, AKA_CHALLENGE, AKA_IDENTITY, "AKA_CHALLENGE", "AKA_AUTHENTICATION_REJECT", "AKA_3", "AKA_SYNCHRONIZATION_FAILURE", "AKA_IDENTITY"); ENUM_NEXT(simaka_subtype_names, SIM_START, AKA_CLIENT_ERROR, AKA_IDENTITY, "SIM_START", "SIM_CHALLENGE", "SIM/AKA_NOTIFICATION", "SIM/AKA_REAUTHENTICATION", "SIM/AKA_CLIENT_ERROR"); ENUM_END(simaka_subtype_names, AKA_CLIENT_ERROR); ENUM_BEGIN(simaka_attribute_names, AT_RAND, AT_CLIENT_ERROR_CODE, "AT_RAND", "AT_AUTN", "AT_RES", "AT_AUTS", "AT_5", "AT_PADDING", "AT_NONCE_MT", "AT_8", "AT_9", "AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ", "AT_MAC", "AT_NOTIFICATION", "AT_ANY_ID_REQ", "AT_IDENTITY", "AT_VERSION_LIST", "AT_SELECTED_VERSION", "AT_FULLAUTH_ID_REQ", "AT_18", "AT_COUNTER", "AT_COUNTER_TOO_SMALL", "AT_NONCE_S", "AT_CLIENT_ERROR_CODE"); ENUM_NEXT(simaka_attribute_names, AT_IV, AT_RESULT_IND, AT_CLIENT_ERROR_CODE, "AT_IV", "AT_ENCR_DATA", "AT_131", "AT_NEXT_PSEUDONYM", "AT_NEXT_REAUTH_ID", "AT_CHECKCODE", "AT_RESULT_IND"); ENUM_END(simaka_attribute_names, AT_RESULT_IND); /** * Private data of an simaka_message_t object. */ struct private_simaka_message_t { /** * Public simaka_message_t interface. */ simaka_message_t public; /** * EAP message, starting with EAP header */ hdr_t *hdr; /** * List of parsed attributes, attr_t */ linked_list_t *attributes; /** * Currently parsing AT_ENCR_DATA wrapped attributes? */ bool encrypted; /** * Phase a NOTIFICATION is sent within */ bool p_bit; /** * MAC value, pointing into message */ chunk_t mac; }; /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.is_request */ static bool is_request(private_simaka_message_t *this) { return this->hdr->code == EAP_REQUEST; } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.get_identifier */ static u_int8_t get_identifier(private_simaka_message_t *this) { return this->hdr->identifier; } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.get_subtype */ static simaka_subtype_t get_subtype(private_simaka_message_t *this) { return this->hdr->subtype; } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.get_type */ static eap_type_t get_type(private_simaka_message_t *this) { return this->hdr->type; } /** * convert attr_t to type and data enumeration */ static bool attr_enum_filter(void *null, attr_t **in, simaka_attribute_t *type, void *dummy, chunk_t *data) { attr_t *attr = *in; *type = attr->type; *data = chunk_create(attr->data, attr->len); return TRUE; } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.create_attribute_enumerator */ static enumerator_t* create_attribute_enumerator(private_simaka_message_t *this) { return enumerator_create_filter( this->attributes->create_enumerator(this->attributes), (void*)attr_enum_filter, NULL, NULL); } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.add_attribute */ static void add_attribute(private_simaka_message_t *this, simaka_attribute_t type, chunk_t data) { attr_t *attr; attr = malloc(sizeof(attr_t) + data.len); attr->len = data.len; attr->type = type; memcpy(attr->data, data.ptr, data.len); this->attributes->insert_last(this->attributes, attr); } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.parse */ static bool parse(private_simaka_message_t *this, crypter_t *crypter, signer_t *signer, chunk_t sigdata) { chunk_t in, iv = chunk_empty, encr = chunk_empty; in = chunk_create((char*)(this->hdr + 1), ntohs(this->hdr->length) - sizeof(hdr_t)); while (in.len) { attr_hdr_t *hdr; chunk_t data; if (in.len < sizeof(attr_hdr_t)) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "found short %N attribute header", eap_type_names, this->hdr->type); return FALSE; } hdr = (attr_hdr_t*)in.ptr; switch (hdr->type) { /* attributes without data */ case AT_COUNTER_TOO_SMALL: if (!this->encrypted) { return FALSE; } /* FALL */ case AT_ANY_ID_REQ: case AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ: case AT_FULLAUTH_ID_REQ: { if (hdr->length != 1 || in.len < 4) { return FALSE; } data = chunk_empty; in = chunk_skip(in, 4); break; } /* attributes with two bytes data */ case AT_COUNTER: if (!this->encrypted) { return FALSE; } /* FALL */ case AT_CLIENT_ERROR_CODE: case AT_SELECTED_VERSION: case AT_NOTIFICATION: { if (hdr->length != 1 || in.len < 4) { return FALSE; } data = chunk_create(in.ptr + 2, 2); in = chunk_skip(in, 4); break; } /* attributes with an additional actual-length */ case AT_NEXT_PSEUDONYM: case AT_NEXT_REAUTH_ID: if (!this->encrypted) { return FALSE; } /* FALL */ case AT_IDENTITY: case AT_VERSION_LIST: { u_int16_t len; if (hdr->length < 1 || in.len < 4) { return FALSE; } memcpy(&len, in.ptr + 2, 2); len = ntohs(len); if (len > hdr->length * 4 || len > in.len) { return FALSE; } data = chunk_create(in.ptr + 4, len); in = chunk_skip(in, hdr->length * 4); break; } /* attributes with two reserved bytes, 16 bytes length */ case AT_NONCE_S: if (!this->encrypted) { return FALSE; } /* FALL */ case AT_AUTN: case AT_RES: case AT_NONCE_MT: case AT_IV: case AT_MAC: { if (hdr->length != 5 || in.len < 20) { return FALSE; } data = chunk_create(in.ptr + 4, 16); in = chunk_skip(in, 20); break; } /* attributes with two reserved bytes, variable length */ case AT_ENCR_DATA: case AT_RAND: { if (hdr->length * 4 > in.len || in.len < 4) { return FALSE; } data = chunk_create(in.ptr + 4, hdr->length * 4 - 4); in = chunk_skip(in, hdr->length * 4); break; } /* attributes with no reserved bytes, 14 bytes length */ case AT_AUTS: { if (hdr->length != 4 || in.len < 16) { return FALSE; } data = chunk_create(in.ptr + 2, 14); in = chunk_skip(in, 16); break; } /* other attributes (with 4n + 2 length) */ case AT_PADDING: default: { if (hdr->length * 4 > in.len || in.len < 4) { return FALSE; } data = chunk_create(in.ptr + 2, hdr->length * 4 - 2); in = chunk_skip(in, hdr->length * 4); break; } } /* handle special attributes */ switch (hdr->type) { case AT_MAC: this->mac = data; break; case AT_IV: iv = data; break; case AT_ENCR_DATA: encr = data; break; case AT_PADDING: break; case AT_NOTIFICATION: if (this->p_bit) { /* remember P bit for MAC verification */ this->p_bit = !!(data.ptr[0] & 0x40); } else if (!this->encrypted) { /* found a P bit notify in an unencrypted message */ return FALSE; } /* FALL */ default: add_attribute(this, hdr->type, data); break; } } /* decrypt, invoke parser recursively */ if (iv.len && encr.len) { bool success; if (this->encrypted) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "%N message is recursively encrypted", eap_type_names, this->hdr->type); return FALSE; } if (!crypter) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "%N message contains unexpected encrypted data", eap_type_names, this->hdr->type); return FALSE; } if (encr.len % crypter->get_block_size(crypter)) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "%N ENCR_DATA not a multiple of block size", eap_type_names, this->hdr->type); return FALSE; } /* decrypt inline */ crypter->decrypt(crypter, encr, iv, NULL); this->encrypted = TRUE; success = parse(this, NULL, NULL, chunk_empty); this->encrypted = FALSE; return success; } return TRUE; } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.verify */ static bool verify(private_simaka_message_t *this, signer_t *signer, chunk_t sigdata) { chunk_t data, backup; switch (this->hdr->subtype) { case SIM_START: case SIM_CLIENT_ERROR: /* AKA_CLIENT_ERROR: */ case AKA_AUTHENTICATION_REJECT: case AKA_SYNCHRONIZATION_FAILURE: case AKA_IDENTITY: { if (this->mac.ptr) { /* invalid if it contains a MAC */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } case SIM_CHALLENGE: /* AKA_CHALLENGE: */ case SIM_REAUTHENTICATION: /* AKA_REAUTHENTICATION: */ { if (!this->mac.ptr || !signer) { /* require MAC, but not found */ return FALSE; } break; } case SIM_NOTIFICATION: /* AKA_NOTIFICATION: */ { if (this->p_bit) { /* MAC not verified if in Phase 1 */ return TRUE; } if (!this->mac.ptr || !signer) { /* require MAC, but not found */ return FALSE; } break; } default: /* unknown message? */ return FALSE; } /* zero MAC for verification */ backup = chunk_clonea(this->mac); memset(this->mac.ptr, 0, this->mac.len); data = chunk_create((char*)this->hdr, ntohs(this->hdr->length)); if (sigdata.len) { data = chunk_cata("cc", data, sigdata); } if (!signer->verify_signature(signer, data, backup)) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "%N MAC verification failed", eap_type_names, this->hdr->type); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.generate */ static eap_payload_t* generate(private_simaka_message_t *this, crypter_t *crypter, rng_t *rng, signer_t *signer, chunk_t sigdata) { /* buffers large enough for messages we generate */ char out_buf[1024], encr_buf[512]; enumerator_t *enumerator; chunk_t out, encr, data, *target, mac = chunk_empty; simaka_attribute_t type; attr_hdr_t *hdr; u_int16_t len; out = chunk_create(out_buf, sizeof(out_buf)); encr = chunk_create(encr_buf, sizeof(encr_buf)); /* copy header */ memcpy(out.ptr, this->hdr, sizeof(hdr_t)); out = chunk_skip(out, sizeof(hdr_t)); /* encode attributes */ enumerator = create_attribute_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &type, &data)) { /* encrypt this attribute? */ switch (type) { case AT_NONCE_S: case AT_NEXT_PSEUDONYM: case AT_NEXT_REAUTH_ID: case AT_COUNTER: case AT_COUNTER_TOO_SMALL: target = &encr; break; case AT_NOTIFICATION: /* P bit not set, encrypt */ if (!(data.ptr[0] & 0x40)) { target = &encr; break; } /* FALL */ default: target = &out; break; } hdr = (attr_hdr_t*)target->ptr; hdr->type = type; /* encode type specific */ switch (type) { /* attributes without data */ case AT_COUNTER_TOO_SMALL: case AT_ANY_ID_REQ: case AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ: case AT_FULLAUTH_ID_REQ: { hdr->length = 1; memset(target->ptr + 2, 0, 2); *target = chunk_skip(*target, 4); break; } /* attributes with two bytes data */ case AT_COUNTER: case AT_CLIENT_ERROR_CODE: case AT_SELECTED_VERSION: case AT_NOTIFICATION: { hdr->length = 1; memcpy(target->ptr + 2, data.ptr, 2); *target = chunk_skip(*target, 4); break; } /* attributes with an additional actual-length */ case AT_NEXT_PSEUDONYM: case AT_NEXT_REAUTH_ID: case AT_IDENTITY: case AT_VERSION_LIST: { u_int16_t len, padding; len = htons(data.len); memcpy(target->ptr + 2, &len, sizeof(len)); memcpy(target->ptr + 4, data.ptr, data.len); hdr->length = data.len / 4 + 1; padding = (4 - (data.len % 4)) % 4; if (padding) { hdr->length++; memset(target->ptr + 4 + data.len, 0, padding); } *target = chunk_skip(*target, hdr->length * 4); break; } /* attributes with two reserved bytes, 16 bytes length */ case AT_NONCE_S: case AT_NONCE_MT: case AT_AUTN: case AT_RES: { hdr->length = 5; memset(target->ptr + 2, 0, 2); memcpy(target->ptr + 4, data.ptr, data.len); *target = chunk_skip(*target, 20); break; } /* attributes with two reserved bytes, variable length */ case AT_RAND: { hdr->length = 1 + data.len / 4; memset(target->ptr + 2, 0, 2); memcpy(target->ptr + 4, data.ptr, data.len); *target = chunk_skip(*target, data.len + 4); break; } /* attributes with no reserved bytes, 14 bytes length */ case AT_AUTS: { hdr->length = 4; memcpy(target->ptr + 2, data.ptr, data.len); *target = chunk_skip(*target, 16); break; } default: { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "no rule to encode %N, skipped", simaka_attribute_names, type); break; } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); /* encrypt attributes, if any */ if (encr.len < sizeof(encr_buf)) { chunk_t iv; size_t bs; encr = chunk_create(encr_buf, sizeof(encr_buf) - encr.len); bs = crypter->get_block_size(crypter); /* add IV attribute */ hdr = (attr_hdr_t*)out.ptr; hdr->type = AT_IV; hdr->length = bs / 4 + 1; memset(out.ptr + 2, 0, 2); out = chunk_skip(out, 4); rng->get_bytes(rng, bs, out.ptr); iv = chunk_clonea(chunk_create(out.ptr, bs)); out = chunk_skip(out, bs); /* inline encryption */ crypter->encrypt(crypter, encr, iv, NULL); /* add ENCR_DATA attribute */ hdr = (attr_hdr_t*)out.ptr; hdr->type = AT_ENCR_DATA; hdr->length = encr.len / 4 + 1; memset(out.ptr + 2, 0, 2); memcpy(out.ptr + 4, encr.ptr, encr.len); out = chunk_skip(out, encr.len + 4); } /* include MAC ? */ switch (this->hdr->subtype) { case SIM_CHALLENGE: /* AKA_CHALLENGE: */ case SIM_REAUTHENTICATION: /* AKA_REAUTHENTICATION: */ /* TODO: Notifications without P bit */ { size_t bs; bs = signer->get_block_size(signer); hdr = (attr_hdr_t*)out.ptr; hdr->type = AT_MAC; hdr->length = bs / 4 + 1; memset(out.ptr + 2, 0, 2 + bs); mac = chunk_create(out.ptr + 4, bs); out = chunk_skip(out, bs + 4); break; } default: break; } /* calculate message length */ out = chunk_create(out_buf, sizeof(out_buf) - out.len); len = htons(out.len); memcpy(out.ptr + 2, &len, sizeof(len)); /* generate MAC */ if (mac.len) { data = chunk_cata("cc", out, sigdata); signer->get_signature(signer, data, mac.ptr); } return eap_payload_create_data(out); } /** * Implementation of simaka_message_t.destroy. */ static void destroy(private_simaka_message_t *this) { this->attributes->destroy_function(this->attributes, free); free(this->hdr); free(this); } /** * Generic constructor. */ static simaka_message_t *simaka_message_create_data(chunk_t data) { private_simaka_message_t *this; hdr_t *hdr = (hdr_t*)data.ptr; if (data.len < sizeof(hdr_t) || hdr->length != htons(data.len)) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "EAP-SIM/AKA header has invalid length"); return NULL; } if (hdr->code != EAP_REQUEST && hdr->code != EAP_RESPONSE) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "invalid EAP code in EAP-SIM/AKA message", eap_type_names, hdr->type); return NULL; } if (hdr->type != EAP_SIM && hdr->type != EAP_AKA) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "invalid EAP type in EAP-SIM/AKA message", eap_type_names, hdr->type); return NULL; } this = malloc_thing(private_simaka_message_t); this->public.is_request = (bool(*)(simaka_message_t*))is_request; this->public.get_identifier = (u_int8_t(*)(simaka_message_t*))get_identifier; this->public.get_type = (eap_type_t(*)(simaka_message_t*))get_type; this->public.get_subtype = (simaka_subtype_t(*)(simaka_message_t*))get_subtype; this->public.create_attribute_enumerator = (enumerator_t*(*)(simaka_message_t*))create_attribute_enumerator; this->public.add_attribute = (void(*)(simaka_message_t*, simaka_attribute_t type, chunk_t data))add_attribute; this->public.parse = (bool(*)(simaka_message_t*, crypter_t *crypter))parse; this->public.verify = (bool(*)(simaka_message_t*, signer_t *signer, chunk_t sigdata))verify; this->public.generate = (eap_payload_t*(*)(simaka_message_t*, crypter_t *crypter, rng_t *rng, signer_t *signer, chunk_t sigdata))generate; this->public.destroy = (void(*)(simaka_message_t*))destroy; this->attributes = linked_list_create(); this->encrypted = FALSE; this->p_bit = TRUE; this->mac = chunk_empty; this->hdr = malloc(data.len); memcpy(this->hdr, hdr, data.len); return &this->public; } /** * See header. */ simaka_message_t *simaka_message_create_from_payload(eap_payload_t *payload) { return simaka_message_create_data(payload->get_data(payload)); } /** * See header. */ simaka_message_t *simaka_message_create(bool request, u_int8_t identifier, eap_type_t type, simaka_subtype_t subtype) { hdr_t hdr = { .code = request ? EAP_REQUEST : EAP_RESPONSE, .identifier = identifier, .length = htons(sizeof(hdr_t)), .type = type, .subtype = subtype, }; return simaka_message_create_data(chunk_create((char*)&hdr, sizeof(hdr))); }