/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2018 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * Copyright (C) 2018 René Korthaus * Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "botan_rsa_private_key.h" #include "botan_rsa_public_key.h" #include #ifdef BOTAN_HAS_RSA #include "botan_util.h" #include #include typedef struct private_botan_rsa_private_key_t private_botan_rsa_private_key_t; /** * Private data of a botan_rsa_private_key_t object. */ struct private_botan_rsa_private_key_t { /** * Public interface for this signer. */ botan_rsa_private_key_t public; /** * Botan private key */ botan_privkey_t key; /** * reference count */ refcount_t ref; }; /** * Get the Botan string identifier for an EMSA PSS signature */ bool botan_emsa_pss_identifier(rsa_pss_params_t *params, char *id, size_t len) { const char *hash; if (!params) { return FALSE; } /* botan currently does not support passing the mgf1 hash */ if (params->hash != params->mgf1_hash) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "passing mgf1 hash not supported via botan"); return FALSE; } hash = botan_get_hash(params->hash); if (!hash) { return FALSE; } return snprintf(id, len, "EMSA-PSS(%s,MGF1,%zd)", hash, params->salt_len) < len; } /** * Build an EMSA PSS signature described in PKCS#1 */ static bool build_emsa_pss_signature(private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this, rsa_pss_params_t *params, chunk_t data, chunk_t *sig) { char hash_and_padding[BUF_LEN]; if (!botan_emsa_pss_identifier(params, hash_and_padding, sizeof(hash_and_padding))) { return FALSE; } return botan_get_signature(this->key, hash_and_padding, data, sig); } METHOD(private_key_t, get_type, key_type_t, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this) { return KEY_RSA; } METHOD(private_key_t, sign, bool, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this, signature_scheme_t scheme, void *params, chunk_t data, chunk_t *signature) { switch (scheme) { case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_NULL: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(Raw)", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA1: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-1)", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA2_224: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-224)", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA2_256: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-256)", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA2_384: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-384)", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA2_512: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-512)", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA3_224: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-3(224))", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA3_256: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-3(256))", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA3_384: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-3(384))", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA3_512: return botan_get_signature(this->key, "EMSA_PKCS1(SHA-3(512))", data, signature); case SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PSS: return build_emsa_pss_signature(this, params, data, signature); default: DBG1(DBG_LIB, "signature scheme %N not supported via botan", signature_scheme_names, scheme); return FALSE; } } METHOD(private_key_t, decrypt, bool, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this, encryption_scheme_t scheme, chunk_t crypto, chunk_t *plain) { botan_pk_op_decrypt_t decrypt_op; const char *padding; switch (scheme) { case ENCRYPT_RSA_PKCS1: padding = "PKCS1v15"; break; case ENCRYPT_RSA_OAEP_SHA1: padding = "OAEP(SHA-1)"; break; case ENCRYPT_RSA_OAEP_SHA224: padding = "OAEP(SHA-224)"; break; case ENCRYPT_RSA_OAEP_SHA256: padding = "OAEP(SHA-256)"; break; case ENCRYPT_RSA_OAEP_SHA384: padding = "OAEP(SHA-384)"; break; case ENCRYPT_RSA_OAEP_SHA512: padding = "OAEP(SHA-512)"; break; default: DBG1(DBG_LIB, "encryption scheme %N not supported via botan", encryption_scheme_names, scheme); return FALSE; } if (botan_pk_op_decrypt_create(&decrypt_op, this->key, padding, 0)) { return FALSE; } plain->len = 0; if (botan_pk_op_decrypt_output_length(decrypt_op, crypto.len, &plain->len)) { botan_pk_op_decrypt_destroy(decrypt_op); return FALSE; } *plain = chunk_alloc(plain->len); if (botan_pk_op_decrypt(decrypt_op, plain->ptr, &plain->len, crypto.ptr, crypto.len)) { chunk_free(plain); botan_pk_op_decrypt_destroy(decrypt_op); return FALSE; } botan_pk_op_decrypt_destroy(decrypt_op); return TRUE; } METHOD(private_key_t, get_keysize, int, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this) { botan_mp_t n; size_t bits = 0; if (botan_mp_init(&n)) { return 0; } if (botan_privkey_get_field(n, this->key, "n") || botan_mp_num_bits(n, &bits)) { botan_mp_destroy(n); return 0; } botan_mp_destroy(n); return bits; } METHOD(private_key_t, get_public_key, public_key_t*, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this) { botan_pubkey_t pubkey; if (botan_privkey_export_pubkey(&pubkey, this->key)) { return NULL; } return (public_key_t*)botan_rsa_public_key_adopt(pubkey); } METHOD(private_key_t, get_fingerprint, bool, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this, cred_encoding_type_t type, chunk_t *fingerprint) { botan_pubkey_t pubkey; bool success = FALSE; /* check the cache before doing the export */ if (lib->encoding->get_cache(lib->encoding, type, this, fingerprint)) { return TRUE; } if (botan_privkey_export_pubkey(&pubkey, this->key)) { return FALSE; } success = botan_get_fingerprint(pubkey, this, type, fingerprint); botan_pubkey_destroy(pubkey); return success; } METHOD(private_key_t, get_encoding, bool, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this, cred_encoding_type_t type, chunk_t *encoding) { return botan_get_privkey_encoding(this->key, type, encoding); } METHOD(private_key_t, get_ref, private_key_t*, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this) { ref_get(&this->ref); return &this->public.key; } METHOD(private_key_t, destroy, void, private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this) { if (ref_put(&this->ref)) { lib->encoding->clear_cache(lib->encoding, this); botan_privkey_destroy(this->key); free(this); } } /** * Internal generic constructor */ static private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *create_empty() { private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .key = { .get_type = _get_type, .sign = _sign, .decrypt = _decrypt, .get_keysize = _get_keysize, .get_public_key = _get_public_key, .equals = private_key_equals, .belongs_to = private_key_belongs_to, .get_fingerprint = _get_fingerprint, .has_fingerprint = private_key_has_fingerprint, .get_encoding = _get_encoding, .get_ref = _get_ref, .destroy = _destroy, }, }, .ref = 1, ); return this; } /* * Described in header */ botan_rsa_private_key_t *botan_rsa_private_key_adopt(botan_privkey_t key) { private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this; this = create_empty(); this->key = key; return &this->public; } /* * Described in header */ botan_rsa_private_key_t *botan_rsa_private_key_gen(key_type_t type, va_list args) { private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this; botan_rng_t rng; char buf[BUF_LEN]; u_int key_size = 0; while (TRUE) { switch (va_arg(args, builder_part_t)) { case BUILD_KEY_SIZE: key_size = va_arg(args, u_int); continue; case BUILD_END: break; default: return NULL; } break; } if (!key_size) { return NULL; } if (!botan_get_rng(&rng, RNG_TRUE)) { return NULL; } this = create_empty(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", key_size); if (botan_privkey_create(&this->key, "RSA", buf, rng)) { botan_rng_destroy(rng); free(this); return NULL; } botan_rng_destroy(rng); return &this->public; } /** * Recover the primes from n, e and d using the algorithm described in * Appendix C of NIST SP 800-56B. */ static bool calculate_pq(botan_mp_t *n, botan_mp_t *e, botan_mp_t *d, botan_mp_t *p, botan_mp_t *q) { botan_mp_t k = NULL, one = NULL, r = NULL, zero = NULL, two = NULL; botan_mp_t n1 = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL, g = NULL, rem = NULL; botan_rng_t rng = NULL; int i, t, j; bool success = FALSE; if (botan_mp_init(&k) || botan_mp_init(&one) || botan_mp_set_from_int(one, 1)) { goto error; } /* 1. k = d * e - 1 */ if (botan_mp_mul(k, *d, *e) || botan_mp_sub(k, k, one)) { goto error; } /* k must be even */ if (botan_mp_get_bit(k, 0) != 0) { goto error; } /* 2. k = 2^t * r, where r is the largest odd integer dividing k, and t >= 1 */ if (botan_mp_init(&r) || botan_mp_set_from_mp(r, k)) { goto error; } for (t = 0; botan_mp_get_bit(r, 0) != 1; t++) { if (botan_mp_rshift(r, r, 1)) { goto error; } } /* need 0 and n-1 below */ if (botan_mp_init(&zero) || botan_mp_init(&n1) || botan_mp_sub(n1, *n, one)) { goto error; } if (botan_mp_init(&g)) { goto error; } if (!botan_get_rng(&rng, RNG_STRONG)) { goto error; } if (botan_mp_init(&two)) { goto error; } if (botan_mp_set_from_int(two, 2)) { goto error; } if (botan_mp_init(&y) || botan_mp_init(&x)) { goto error; } for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { /* 3a. generate a random integer g in the range [0, n-1] */ if (botan_mp_rand_range(g, rng, zero, n1)) { goto error; } /* 3b. y = g^r mod n */ if (botan_mp_powmod(y, g, r, *n)) { goto error; } /* 3c. If y = 1 or y = n – 1, try again */ if (botan_mp_equal(y, one) || botan_mp_equal(y, n1)) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < t; j++) { /* x = y^2 mod n */ if (botan_mp_powmod(x, y, two, *n)) { goto error; } /* stop if x == 1 */ if (botan_mp_equal(x, one)) { goto done; } /* retry with new g if x = n-1 */ if (botan_mp_equal(x, n1)) { break; } /* let y = x */ if (botan_mp_set_from_mp(y, x)) { goto error; } } } done: /* 5. p = GCD(y – 1, n) and q = n/p */ if (botan_mp_sub(y, y, one)) { goto error; } if (botan_mp_init(p) || botan_mp_gcd(*p, y, *n)) { goto error; } if (botan_mp_init(q) || botan_mp_init(&rem) || botan_mp_div(*q, rem, *n, *p)) { goto error; } if (!botan_mp_is_zero(rem)) { goto error; } success = TRUE; error: if (!success) { botan_mp_destroy(*p); botan_mp_destroy(*q); } botan_rng_destroy(rng); botan_mp_destroy(k); botan_mp_destroy(one); botan_mp_destroy(r); botan_mp_destroy(zero); botan_mp_destroy(two); botan_mp_destroy(n1); botan_mp_destroy(x); botan_mp_destroy(y); botan_mp_destroy(g); botan_mp_destroy(rem); return success; } /* * Described in header */ botan_rsa_private_key_t *botan_rsa_private_key_load(key_type_t type, va_list args) { private_botan_rsa_private_key_t *this; chunk_t n, e, d, p, q, blob; n = e = d = p = q = blob = chunk_empty; while (TRUE) { switch (va_arg(args, builder_part_t)) { case BUILD_BLOB_ASN1_DER: blob = va_arg(args, chunk_t); continue; case BUILD_RSA_MODULUS: n = va_arg(args, chunk_t); continue; case BUILD_RSA_PUB_EXP: e = va_arg(args, chunk_t); continue; case BUILD_RSA_PRIV_EXP: d = va_arg(args, chunk_t); continue; case BUILD_RSA_PRIME1: p = va_arg(args, chunk_t); continue; case BUILD_RSA_PRIME2: q = va_arg(args, chunk_t); continue; case BUILD_RSA_EXP1: case BUILD_RSA_EXP2: case BUILD_RSA_COEFF: /* not required for botan */ va_arg(args, chunk_t); continue; case BUILD_END: break; default: return NULL; } break; } if (type == KEY_ANY && !blob.ptr) { return NULL; } if (blob.ptr) { this = create_empty(); if (botan_privkey_load_rsa_pkcs1(&this->key, blob.ptr, blob.len)) { free(this); return NULL; } return &this->public; } if (n.ptr && e.ptr && d.ptr) { botan_mp_t n_mp, e_mp, d_mp, p_mp = NULL, q_mp = NULL; if (!chunk_to_botan_mp(n, &n_mp)) { return NULL; } if (!chunk_to_botan_mp(e, &e_mp)) { botan_mp_destroy(n_mp); return NULL; } if (!chunk_to_botan_mp(d, &d_mp)) { botan_mp_destroy(n_mp); botan_mp_destroy(e_mp); return NULL; } if (p.ptr && q.ptr) { if (!chunk_to_botan_mp(p, &p_mp)) { botan_mp_destroy(n_mp); botan_mp_destroy(e_mp); botan_mp_destroy(d_mp); return NULL; } if (!chunk_to_botan_mp(q, &q_mp)) { botan_mp_destroy(n_mp); botan_mp_destroy(e_mp); botan_mp_destroy(d_mp); botan_mp_destroy(p_mp); return NULL; } } else { /* calculate p,q from n, e, d */ if (!calculate_pq(&n_mp, &e_mp, &d_mp, &p_mp, &q_mp)) { botan_mp_destroy(n_mp); botan_mp_destroy(e_mp); botan_mp_destroy(d_mp); return NULL; } } botan_mp_destroy(n_mp); botan_mp_destroy(d_mp); this = create_empty(); if (botan_privkey_load_rsa(&this->key, p_mp, q_mp, e_mp)) { botan_mp_destroy(e_mp); botan_mp_destroy(p_mp); botan_mp_destroy(q_mp); free(this); return NULL; } botan_mp_destroy(e_mp); botan_mp_destroy(p_mp); botan_mp_destroy(q_mp); return &this->public; } return NULL; } #endif