conf: Split strongswan.conf(5) man page and use generated snippet

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Brunner 2014-01-29 13:59:34 +01:00
parent 7f62b7d02d
commit c4bb26b849
6 changed files with 741 additions and 1782 deletions

conf/.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@

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@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ strongswan.conf.5.main: $(alloptions)
$(AM_V_GEN) \
$(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ -f man $^ > $@
strongswan.conf.5: strongswan.conf.5.head strongswan.conf.5.main strongswan.conf.5.tail
$(AM_V_GEN) \
cat $^ > $@
cd $(srcdir) && \
rm -f $(confsnippets) default.conf plugins/*.conf plugins/*.tmp

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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
strongswan.conf \- strongSwan configuration file
While the
.IR ipsec.conf (5)
configuration file is well suited to define IPsec related configuration
parameters, it is not useful for other strongSwan applications to read options
from this file.
The file is hard to parse and only
.I ipsec starter
is capable of doing so. As the number of components of the strongSwan project
is continually growing, a more flexible configuration file was needed, one that
is easy to extend and can be used by all components. With strongSwan 4.2.1
.IR strongswan.conf (5)
was introduced which meets these requirements.
The format of the strongswan.conf file consists of hierarchical
.B sections
and a list of
.B key/value pairs
in each section. Each section has a name, followed by C-Style curly brackets
defining the section body. Each section body contains a set of subsections
and key/value pairs:
settings := (section|keyvalue)*
section := name { settings }
keyvalue := key = value\\n
Values must be terminated by a newline.
Comments are possible using the \fB#\fP-character, but be careful: The parser
implementation is currently limited and does not like brackets in comments.
Section names and keys may contain any printable character except:
. { } # \\n \\t space
An example file in this format might look like this:
a = b
section-one {
somevalue = asdf
subsection {
othervalue = xxx
# yei, a comment
yetanother = zz
section-two {
x = 12
Indentation is optional, you may use tabs or spaces.
Using the
.B include
statement it is possible to include other files into strongswan.conf, e.g.
include /some/path/*.conf
If the file name is not an absolute path, it is considered to be relative
to the directory of the file containing the include statement. The file name
may include shell wildcards (see
.IR sh (1)).
Also, such inclusions can be nested.
Sections loaded from included files
.I extend
previously loaded sections; already existing values are
.IR replaced .
It is important to note that settings are added relative to the section the
include statement is in.
As an example, the following three files result in the same final
config as the one given above:
a = b
section-one {
somevalue = before include
include include.conf
include other.conf
# settings loaded from this file are added to section-one
# the following replaces the previous value
somevalue = asdf
subsection {
othervalue = yyy
yetanother = zz
# this extends section-one and subsection
section-one {
subsection {
# this replaces the previous value
othervalue = xxx
section-two {
x = 12
Values are accessed using a dot-separated section list and a key.
With reference to the example above, accessing
.B section-one.subsection.othervalue
will return
.BR xxx .
The following keys are currently defined (using dot notation). The default
value (if any) is listed in brackets after the key.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
The options described below provide a much more flexible way to configure
loggers for the IKEv2 daemon charon than using the
.B charondebug
option in
.BR ipsec.conf (5).
.B Please note
that if any loggers are specified in strongswan.conf,
.B charondebug
does not have any effect.
There are currently two types of loggers defined:
.B File loggers
Log directly to a file and are defined by specifying the full path to the
file as subsection in the
.B charon.filelog
section. To log to the console the two special filenames
.BR stdout " and " stderr
can be used.
.B Syslog loggers
Log into a syslog facility and are defined by specifying the facility to log to
as the name of a subsection in the
.B charon.syslog
section. The following facilities are currently supported:
.BR daemon " and " auth .
Multiple loggers can be defined for each type with different log verbosity for
the different subsystems of the daemon.
.SS Options
.BR charon.filelog.<filename>.default " [1]"
.BR charon.syslog.<facility>.default
Specifies the default loglevel to be used for subsystems for which no specific
loglevel is defined.
.BR charon.filelog.<filename>.<subsystem> " [<default>]"
.BR charon.syslog.<facility>.<subsystem>
Specifies the loglevel for the given subsystem.
.BR charon.filelog.<filename>.append " [yes]"
If this option is enabled log entries are appended to the existing file.
.BR charon.filelog.<filename>.flush_line " [no]"
Enabling this option disables block buffering and enables line buffering.
.BR charon.filelog.<filename>.ike_name " [no]"
.BR charon.syslog.<facility>.ike_name
Prefix each log entry with the connection name and a unique numerical
identifier for each IKE_SA.
.BR charon.filelog.<filename>.time_format
Prefix each log entry with a timestamp. The option accepts a format string as
passed to
.BR strftime (3).
.BR charon.syslog.identifier
Global identifier used for an
.BR openlog (3)
call, prepended to each log message by syslog. If not configured,
.BR openlog (3)
is not called, so the value will depend on system defaults (often the program
.SS Subsystems
.B dmn
Main daemon setup/cleanup/signal handling
.B mgr
IKE_SA manager, handling synchronization for IKE_SA access
.B ike
.B chd
.B job
Jobs queueing/processing and thread pool management
.B cfg
Configuration management and plugins
.B knl
IPsec/Networking kernel interface
.B net
IKE network communication
.B asn
Low-level encoding/decoding (ASN.1, X.509 etc.)
.B enc
Packet encoding/decoding encryption/decryption operations
.B tls
libtls library messages
.B esp
libipsec library messages
.B lib
libstrongwan library messages
.B tnc
Trusted Network Connect
.B imc
Integrity Measurement Collector
.B imv
Integrity Measurement Verifier
.B pts
Platform Trust Service
.SS Loglevels
.B -1
Absolutely silent
.B 0
Very basic auditing logs, (e.g. SA up/SA down)
.B 1
Generic control flow with errors, a good default to see whats going on
.B 2
More detailed debugging control flow
.B 3
Including RAW data dumps in Hex
.B 4
Also include sensitive material in dumps, e.g. keys
.SS Example
charon {
filelog {
/var/log/charon.log {
time_format = %b %e %T
append = no
default = 1
stderr {
ike = 2
knl = 3
ike_name = yes
syslog {
# enable logging to LOG_DAEMON, use defaults
daemon {
# minimalistic IKE auditing logging to LOG_AUTHPRIV
auth {
default = -1
ike = 0
Some operations in the IKEv2 daemon charon are currently implemented
synchronously and blocking. Two examples for such operations are communication
with a RADIUS server via EAP-RADIUS, or fetching CRL/OCSP information during
certificate chain verification. Under high load conditions, the thread pool may
run out of available threads, and some more important jobs, such as liveness
checking, may not get executed in time.
To prevent thread starvation in such situations job priorities were introduced.
The job processor will reserve some threads for higher priority jobs, these
threads are not available for lower priority, locking jobs.
.SS Implementation
Currently 4 priorities have been defined, and they are used in charon as
Priority for long-running dispatcher jobs.
INFORMATIONAL exchanges, as used by liveness checking (DPD).
Everything not HIGH/LOW, including IKE_SA_INIT processing.
IKE_AUTH message processing. RADIUS and CRL fetching block here
Although IKE_SA_INIT processing is computationally expensive, it is explicitly
assigned to the MEDIUM class. This allows charon to do the DH exchange while
other threads are blocked in IKE_AUTH. To prevent the daemon from accepting more
IKE_SA_INIT requests than it can handle, use IKE_SA_INIT DROPPING.
The thread pool processes jobs strictly by priority, meaning it will consume all
higher priority jobs before looking for ones with lower priority. Further, it
reserves threads for certain priorities. A priority class having reserved
.I n
threads will always have
.I n
threads available for this class (either currently processing a job, or waiting
for one).
.SS Configuration
To ensure that there are always enough threads available for higher priority
tasks, threads must be reserved for each priority class.
.BR charon.processor.priority_threads.critical " [0]"
Threads reserved for CRITICAL priority class jobs
.BR charon.processor.priority_threads.high " [0]"
Threads reserved for HIGH priority class jobs
.BR charon.processor.priority_threads.medium " [0]"
Threads reserved for MEDIUM priority class jobs
.BR charon.processor.priority_threads.low " [0]"
Threads reserved for LOW priority class jobs
Let's consider the following configuration:
charon {
processor {
priority_threads {
high = 1
medium = 4
With this configuration, one thread is reserved for HIGH priority tasks. As
currently only liveness checking and stroke message processing is done with
high priority, one or two threads should be sufficient.
The MEDIUM class mostly processes non-blocking jobs. Unless your setup is
experiencing many blocks in locks while accessing shared resources, threads for
one or two times the number of CPU cores is fine.
It is usually not required to reserve threads for CRITICAL jobs. Jobs in this
class rarely return and do not release their thread to the pool.
The remaining threads are available for LOW priority jobs. Reserving threads
does not make sense (until we have an even lower priority).
.SS Monitoring
To see what the threads are actually doing, invoke
.IR "ipsec statusall" .
Under high load, something like this will show up:
worker threads: 2 or 32 idle, 5/1/2/22 working,
job queue: 0/0/1/149, scheduled: 198
From 32 worker threads,
.IP 2
are currently idle.
.IP 5
are running CRITICAL priority jobs (dispatching from sockets, etc.).
.IP 1
is currently handling a HIGH priority job. This is actually the thread currently
providing this information via stroke.
.IP 2
are handling MEDIUM priority jobs, likely IKE_SA_INIT or CREATE_CHILD_SA
.IP 22
are handling LOW priority jobs, probably waiting for an EAP-RADIUS response
while processing IKE_AUTH messages.
The job queue load shows how many jobs are queued for each priority, ready for
execution. The single MEDIUM priority job will get executed immediately, as
we have two spare threads reserved for MEDIUM class jobs.
If a responder receives more connection requests per seconds than it can handle,
it does not make sense to accept more IKE_SA_INIT messages. And if they are
queued but can't get processed in time, an answer might be sent after the
client has already given up and restarted its connection setup. This
additionally increases the load on the responder.
To limit the responder load resulting from new connection attempts, the daemon
can drop IKE_SA_INIT messages just after reception. There are two mechanisms to
decide if this should happen, configured with the following options:
.BR charon.init_limit_half_open " [0]"
Limit based on the number of half open IKE_SAs. Half open IKE_SAs are SAs in
connecting state, but not yet established.
.BR charon.init_limit_job_load " [0]"
Limit based on the number of jobs currently queued for processing (sum over all
job priorities).
The second limit includes load from other jobs, such as rekeying. Choosing a
good value is difficult and depends on the hardware and expected load.
The first limit is simpler to calculate, but includes the load from new
connections only. If your responder is capable of negotiating 100 tunnels/s, you
might set this limit to 1000. The daemon will then drop new connection attempts
if generating a response would require more than 10 seconds. If you are
allowing for a maximum response time of more than 30 seconds, consider adjusting
the timeout for connecting IKE_SAs
.RB ( charon.half_open_timeout ).
A responder, by default, deletes an IKE_SA if the initiator does not establish
it within 30 seconds. Under high load, a higher value might be required.
To do stability testing and performance optimizations, the IKEv2 daemon charon
provides the load-tester plugin. This plugin allows one to setup thousands of
tunnels concurrently against the daemon itself or a remote host.
Never enable the load-testing plugin on productive systems. It provides
preconfigured credentials and allows an attacker to authenticate as any user.
.SS Options
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.addrs
Subsection that contains key/value pairs with address pools (in CIDR notation)
to use for a specific network interface e.g. eth0 =
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.addrs_keep " [no]"
Whether to keep dynamic addresses even after the associated SA got terminated
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.addrs_prefix " [16]"
Network prefix length to use when installing dynamic addresses. If set to -1 the
full address is used (i.e. 32 or 128)
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.ca_dir
Directory to load (intermediate) CA certificates from
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.child_rekey " [600]"
Seconds to start CHILD_SA rekeying after setup
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.delay " [0]"
Delay between initiatons for each thread
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.delete_after_established " [no]"
Delete an IKE_SA as soon as it has been established
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.digest " [sha1]"
Digest algorithm used when issuing certificates
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.dpd_delay " [0]"
DPD delay to use in load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.dynamic_port " [0]"
Base port to be used for requests (each client uses a different port)
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.eap_password " [default-pwd]"
EAP secret to use in load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.enable " [no]"
Enable the load testing plugin
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.esp " [aes128-sha1]"
CHILD_SA proposal to use for load tests
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.fake_kernel " [no]"
Fake the kernel interface to allow load-testing against self
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.ike_rekey " [0]"
Seconds to start IKE_SA rekeying after setup
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.init_limit " [0]"
Global limit of concurrently established SAs during load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.initiator " []"
Address to initiate from
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.initiators " [0]"
Number of concurrent initiator threads to use in load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.initiator_auth " [pubkey]"
Authentication method(s) the intiator uses
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.initiator_id
Initiator ID used in load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.initiator_match
Initiator ID to match against as responder
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.initiator_tsi
Traffic selector on initiator side, as proposed by initiator
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.initiator_tsr
Traffic selector on responder side, as proposed by initiator
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.iterations " [1]"
Number of IKE_SAs to initiate by each initiator in load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.issuer_cert
Path to the issuer certificate (if not configured a hard-coded value is used)
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.issuer_key
Path to private key that is used to issue certificates (if not configured a
hard-coded value is used)
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.mode " [tunnel]"
IPsec mode to use, one of \fBtunnel\fR, \fBtransport\fR, or \fBbeet\fR.
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.pool
Provide INTERNAL_IPV4_ADDRs from a named pool
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.preshared_key " [default-psk]"
Preshared key to use in load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.proposal " [aes128-sha1-modp768]"
IKE proposal to use in load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.responder " []"
Address to initiation connections to
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.responder_auth " [pubkey]"
Authentication method(s) the responder uses
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.responder_id
Responder ID used in load test
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.responder_tsi " [initiator_tsi]"
Traffic selector on initiator side, as narrowed by responder
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.responder_tsr " [initiator_tsr]"
Traffic selector on responder side, as narrowed by responder
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.request_virtual_ip " [no]"
Request an INTERNAL_IPV4_ADDR from the server
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.shutdown_when_complete " [no]"
Shutdown the daemon after all IKE_SAs have been established
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.socket " [unix://@piddir@/charon.ldt]"
Socket provided by the load-tester plugin
.BR charon.plugins.load-tester.version " [0]"
IKE version to use (0 means use IKEv2 as initiator and accept any version as
.SS Configuration details
For public key authentication, the responder uses the
.B \(dqCN=srv, OU=load-test, O=strongSwan\(dq
identity. For the initiator, each connection attempt uses a different identity
in the form
.BR "\(dqCN=c1-r1, OU=load-test, O=strongSwan\(dq" ,
where the first number inidicates the client number, the second the
authentication round (if multiple authentication is used).
For PSK authentication, FQDN identities are used. The server uses
.BR ,
the client uses an identity in the form
.BR .
For EAP authentication, the client uses a NAI in the form
.BR .
To configure multiple authentication, concatenate multiple methods using, e.g.
initiator_auth = pubkey|psk|eap-md5|eap-aka
The responder uses a hardcoded certificate based on a 1024-bit RSA key.
This certificate additionally serves as CA certificate. A peer uses the same
private key, but generates client certificates on demand signed by the CA
certificate. Install the Responder/CA certificate on the remote host to
authenticate all clients.
To speed up testing, the load tester plugin implements a special Diffie-Hellman
implementation called modpnull. By setting
proposal = aes128-sha1-modpnull
this wicked fast DH implementation is used. It does not provide any security
at all, but allows one to run tests without DH calculation overhead.
.SS Examples
In the simplest case, the daemon initiates IKE_SAs against itself using the
loopback interface. This will actually establish double the number of IKE_SAs,
as the daemon is initiator and responder for each IKE_SA at the same time.
Installation of IPsec SAs would fails, as each SA gets installed twice. To
simulate the correct behavior, a fake kernel interface can be enabled which does
not install the IPsec SAs at the kernel level.
A simple loopback configuration might look like this:
charon {
# create new IKE_SAs for each CHILD_SA to simulate
# different clients
reuse_ikesa = no
# turn off denial of service protection
dos_protection = no
plugins {
load-tester {
# enable the plugin
enable = yes
# use 4 threads to initiate connections
# simultaneously
initiators = 4
# each thread initiates 1000 connections
iterations = 1000
# delay each initiation in each thread by 20ms
delay = 20
# enable the fake kernel interface to
# avoid SA conflicts
fake_kernel = yes
This will initiate 4000 IKE_SAs within 20 seconds. You may increase the delay
value if your box can not handle that much load, or decrease it to put more
load on it. If the daemon starts retransmitting messages your box probably can
not handle all connection attempts.
The plugin also allows one to test against a remote host. This might help to
test against a real world configuration. A connection setup to do stress
testing of a gateway might look like this:
charon {
reuse_ikesa = no
threads = 32
plugins {
load-tester {
enable = yes
# 10000 connections, ten in parallel
initiators = 10
iterations = 1000
# use a delay of 100ms, overall time is:
# iterations * delay = 100s
delay = 100
# address of the gateway
remote =
# IKE-proposal to use
proposal = aes128-sha1-modp1024
# use faster PSK authentication instead
# of 1024bit RSA
initiator_auth = psk
responder_auth = psk
# request a virtual IP using configuration
# payloads
request_virtual_ip = yes
# enable CHILD_SA every 60s
child_rekey = 60
Retransmission timeouts in the IKEv2 daemon charon can be configured globally
using the three keys listed below:
.BR charon.retransmit_base " [1.8]"
.BR charon.retransmit_timeout " [4.0]"
.BR charon.retransmit_tries " [5]"
The following algorithm is used to calculate the timeout:
relative timeout = retransmit_timeout * retransmit_base ^ (n-1)
.I n
is the current retransmission count.
Using the default values, packets are retransmitted in:
l r r
lB r r.
Retransmission Relative Timeout Absolute Timeout
1 4s 4s
2 7s 11s
3 13s 24s
4 23s 47s
5 42s 89s
giving up 76s 165s
\fBipsec.conf\fR(5), \fBipsec.secrets\fR(5), \fBipsec\fR(8), \fBcharon-cmd\fR(8)
Written for the
strongSwan project
by Tobias Brunner, Andreas Steffen and Martin Willi.

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@ -1545,7 +1545,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
# =================