configure: Add an option to select a specific printf hook implementation

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Brunner 2014-03-03 18:18:47 +01:00
parent 60a0bb6767
commit 4ffe02a75d
1 changed files with 37 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ ARG_WITH_SET([tss], [no], [set implementation of the Trusted Co
ARG_WITH_SET([capabilities], [no], [set capability dropping library. Currently supported values are "libcap" and "native"])
ARG_WITH_SET([mpz_powm_sec], [yes], [use the more side-channel resistant mpz_powm_sec in libgmp, if available])
ARG_WITH_SET([dev-headers], [no], [install strongSwan development headers to directory.])
ARG_WITH_SET([printf-hooks], [auto], [force the use of a specific printf hook implementation (auto, builtin, glibc, vstr).])
if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
systemdsystemunitdir_default=$($PKG_CONFIG --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd)
@ -272,7 +273,6 @@ ARG_ENABL_SET([integrity-test], [enable integrity testing of libstrongswan and p
ARG_DISBL_SET([load-warning], [disable the charon plugin load option warning in starter.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([mediation], [enable IKEv2 Mediation Extension.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([unwind-backtraces],[use libunwind to create backtraces for memory leaks and segfaults.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([vstr], [enforce using the Vstr string library to replace glibc-like printf hooks.])
# compile options
ARG_ENABL_SET([coverage], [enable lcov coverage report generation.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([leak-detective], [enable malloc hooks to find memory leaks.])
@ -685,28 +685,43 @@ AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE(
# check for the new register_printf_specifier function with len argument,
# or the deprecated register_printf_function without
[AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PRINTF_SPECIFIER], [], [have register_printf_specifier()])],
[AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PRINTF_FUNCTION], [], [have register_printf_function()])],
AC_MSG_NOTICE([printf does not support custom format specifiers!])
case "$printf_hooks" in
AC_MSG_NOTICE([invalid printf hook implementation, defaulting to 'auto'])
if test x$vstr = xtrue; then
AC_CHECK_LIB([vstr],[main],[LIBS="$LIBS"],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Vstr string library not found])],[])
AC_DEFINE([USE_VSTR], [], [use Vstr string library for printf hooks])
if test x$printf_hooks = xauto -o x$printf_hooks = xglibc; then
# check for the new register_printf_specifier function with len argument,
# or the deprecated register_printf_function without
[AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PRINTF_SPECIFIER], [], [have register_printf_specifier()])],
[AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PRINTF_FUNCTION], [], [have register_printf_function()])],
AC_MSG_NOTICE([printf(3) does not support custom format specifiers!])
if test x$printf_hooks = xglibc; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([please select a different printf hook implementation])
# fallback to builtin printf hook implementation
if test x$builtin_printf = xtrue; then
if test x$printf_hooks = xvstr; then
AC_CHECK_LIB([vstr],[main],[LIBS="$LIBS"],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Vstr string library not found])],[])
AC_DEFINE([USE_VSTR], [], [use Vstr string library for printf hooks])
if test x$printf_hooks = xbuiltin; then
AC_DEFINE([USE_BUILTIN_PRINTF], [], [using builtin printf for printf hooks])
@ -1354,8 +1369,8 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBPTTLS, test x$tnc_tnccs = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_FILE_CONFIG, test x$stroke = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_IPSEC_SCRIPT, test x$stroke = xtrue -o x$tools = xtrue -o x$conftest = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBCAP, test x$capabilities = xlibcap)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_VSTR, test x$vstr = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_BUILTIN_PRINTF, test x$builtin_printf = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_VSTR, test x$printf_hooks = xvstr)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_BUILTIN_PRINTF, test x$printf_hooks = xbuiltin)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SIMAKA, test x$simaka = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_TLS, test x$tls = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_RADIUS, test x$radius = xtrue)