added a roadmap of the strongSwan project (TODO)

added some NEWS
This commit is contained in:
Martin Willi 2006-12-19 10:46:58 +00:00
parent 532f2347dc
commit 2b4405a3e7
3 changed files with 94 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
- IKEv2: Support for reauthentication when rekeying
- fixed most (all?) bugs related to byte order
- a lot of bugfixes

TODO Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
strongSwan - Roadmap
These notes mostly belong to charon, the new IKEv2 daemon. The plan is to
migrate IKEv1 into charon. It's hard to say how much effort is needed to
do that, and how much code we can reuse from pluto. But a port IS necessary to
gain hassle-free confiugration, version negotiation and maintainability.
Roadmap for 2007
Jan ¦ - first stable release of the strongSwan 4.x branch, 4.1.0?
Feb ¦ - refactoring of exchange handling for better code sharing,
¦ we need to separate specific tasks to reuse them in multiple
¦ exchanges
¦ - merge of EAP authentication code / plugin loader
¦ - merge of the virtual IP support currently in the pipeline
¦ - merge of the experimental "mediated double-NAT" support
¦ - write an IETF draft for this feature
Mar ¦ - interface in charon for the new SMP management interface
¦ - full certificate support
¦ - Cookie support, other fixes to mature against DoS
Apr ¦ - start porting efforts of IKEv1 into charon
¦ - support of IKEv1 messages and payloads in charon
May ¦ - migration of plutos state machine into charon
Jun ¦ - get a useable IKEv1 implementation for simple cases
Jul ¦ - first release of charon supporting IKEv2 and IKEv1, 4.9.0?
¦ - holidays :-)
Aug ¦ - get IKEv1 support to the level of pluto
Sep ¦
Oct ¦
Nov ¦
Dec ¦ - feature complete release, 5.0.0!
¦ - world domination
A set of TODOs. This is only a list of things I write down to not forget them.
Watch out for TODOs in the code.
Build system
- configure flag which allows to ommit vendor id in pluto
- reduce printf handlers count to 10, as uClibc does not support more
Denail of service
- Cookie support
- thread exhaustion (multiple messages to a single IKE_SA)
Certificate support
- New trustchain mechanism?
- proper CERTREQ support
- proper handling of multiple certificate payloads (import order)
- synchronized CRL fetcher
- OCSP support
- Smartcard interface
- Attribute certificates
Stroke interface
- add a Rekey-Counter for SAs in "statusall"
- ipsec statusall bytecount
- detach console after first keyingtry
- proper handling of CTRL+C console detach (SIG_PIPE)
- retry transaction on failure while keyingtries > 1

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@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
Todo-List for charon
+ = done, / = partial, - = todo, ordered by priority
+ private key loading: der, without passphrase
+ load all private keys from ipsec.d/private/ in stroke.c
+ handle leftcert and rightcert in starterstroke.c/stroke.c
+ load specified certs in stroke.c
+ extract public keys from certs
+ public key authentication
+ release for Andreas
+ stroke loglevels
+ stroke up
+ ike_sa_manager checkout_by_hosts
+ stroke down
+ stroke output redirection
+ stroke status
+ libx509
+ new charon build - libstrong?
+ transforms
+ utils (plus host)
+ logger_manager instance in lib
+ leak detective usable for charon and pluto and anything else
+ integrate asn1 parser/oid (asn1/oid)
+ integrate basic PEM loading
+ port x509 stuff
+ doxygen cleanup (charon/lib)
+ new build environment (autotools?)
+ useable certificate support
+ more id types (use atodn from pluto)
+ rewrite certificate storage the clean way
+ further subjectAltName support
+ certificate validation/chaining
+ certificate exchange
+ Apply -W's from Makefile.program to charon
+ do ipsec status via starter
+ stroke status should show configured connections
+ stroke loglevel update
+ stroke argument parsing via getopts/gperf?
+ ipsec.secrets parsing
+ trapping
+ proper delete messages
+ notifys on connection setup failure
+ create child sa message/rekeying
+ IKE_SA rekeying
+ handle all simultaneous rekeying/delete/create cases
+ replace state machine with something more transaction oriented
+ find existing IKE_SA on CHILD_SA initiation
+ use dpdaction/dpddelay parameters from ipsec.conf
+ add firewall script support
+ do not link unneeded libraries in bins
+ include only a minimum of NATD payloads
+ implement 3DES to load encrypted pem files
+ implement a "event bus" mechanism
+ add more output to to up/down, somehow...
- detach console after first keyingtry
- proper handling of CTRL+C console detach (SIG_PIPE)
- configure flag which allows to ommit vendor id in pluto
- ikelifetime should optionally enforce reauthentication
- cookies/DDoS prevention
- implement a mechanism against thread exhaustion
when a blocked IKE_SA receives a lot of messages
- add a crl fetch mechanism which synchronizes equal fetches
- add support for CERTREQs
- proper handling of multiple certificate payloads (import order)
- add a Rekey-Counter for SAs in "statusall"
- ipsec status:
+ on one line: ip, id, spi
+ no key age, rekey for IKE
- byte count
- retry transaction on failure while keyingtries > 1
- reduce printf handlers count to 10, as uClibc does not support more