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* Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Willi
* Copyright (C) 2014 revosec AG
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "vici_query.h"
#include "vici_builder.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <daemon.h>
typedef struct private_vici_query_t private_vici_query_t;
* Private data of an vici_query_t object.
struct private_vici_query_t {
* Public vici_query_t interface.
vici_query_t public;
* Dispatcher
vici_dispatcher_t *dispatcher;
* List details of a CHILD_SA
static void list_child(private_vici_query_t *this, vici_builder_t *b,
child_sa_t *child, time_t now)
time_t t;
u_int64_t bytes, packets;
u_int16_t alg, ks;
proposal_t *proposal;
enumerator_t *enumerator;
traffic_selector_t *ts;
b->add_kv(b, "reqid", "%u", child->get_reqid(child));
b->add_kv(b, "state", "%N", child_sa_state_names, child->get_state(child));
b->add_kv(b, "mode", "%N", ipsec_mode_names, child->get_mode(child));
if (child->get_state(child) == CHILD_INSTALLED ||
child->get_state(child) == CHILD_REKEYING)
b->add_kv(b, "protocol", "%N", protocol_id_names,
if (child->has_encap(child))
b->add_kv(b, "encap", "yes");
b->add_kv(b, "spi-in", "%.8x", ntohl(child->get_spi(child, TRUE)));
b->add_kv(b, "spi-out", "%.8x", ntohl(child->get_spi(child, FALSE)));
if (child->get_ipcomp(child) != IPCOMP_NONE)
b->add_kv(b, "cpi-in", "%.4x", ntohs(child->get_cpi(child, TRUE)));
b->add_kv(b, "cpi-out", "%.4x", ntohs(child->get_cpi(child, FALSE)));
proposal = child->get_proposal(child);
if (proposal)
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM,
&alg, &ks) && alg != ENCR_UNDEFINED)
b->add_kv(b, "encr-alg", "%N", encryption_algorithm_names, alg);
if (ks)
b->add_kv(b, "encr-keysize", "%u", ks);
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM,
&alg, &ks) && alg != ENCR_UNDEFINED)
b->add_kv(b, "integ-alg", "%N", integrity_algorithm_names, alg);
if (ks)
b->add_kv(b, "integ-keysize", "%u", ks);
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, PSEUDO_RANDOM_FUNCTION,
&alg, NULL))
b->add_kv(b, "prf-alg", "%N", pseudo_random_function_names, alg);
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP,
&alg, NULL))
b->add_kv(b, "dh-group", "%N", diffie_hellman_group_names, alg);
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, EXTENDED_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS,
&alg, NULL) && alg == EXT_SEQ_NUMBERS)
b->add_kv(b, "esn", "1");
child->get_usestats(child, TRUE, &t, &bytes, &packets);
b->add_kv(b, "bytes-in", "%" PRIu64, bytes);
b->add_kv(b, "packets-in", "%" PRIu64, packets);
if (t)
b->add_kv(b, "use-in", "%"PRIu64, (u_int64_t)(now - t));
child->get_usestats(child, FALSE, &t, &bytes, &packets);
b->add_kv(b, "bytes-out", "%"PRIu64, bytes);
b->add_kv(b, "packets-out", "%"PRIu64, packets);
if (t)
b->add_kv(b, "use-out", "%"PRIu64, (u_int64_t)(now - t));
t = child->get_lifetime(child, FALSE);
if (t)
b->add_kv(b, "rekey-time", "%"PRId64, (int64_t)(t - now));
t = child->get_lifetime(child, TRUE);
if (t)
b->add_kv(b, "life-time", "%"PRId64, (int64_t)(t - now));
t = child->get_installtime(child);
b->add_kv(b, "install-time", "%"PRId64, (int64_t)(now - t));
b->begin_list(b, "local-ts");
enumerator = child->create_ts_enumerator(child, TRUE);
while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ts))
b->add_li(b, "%R", ts);
b->end_list(b /* local-ts */);
b->begin_list(b, "remote-ts");
enumerator = child->create_ts_enumerator(child, FALSE);
while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ts))
b->add_li(b, "%R", ts);
b->end_list(b /* remote-ts */);
* List tasks in a specific queue
static void list_task_queue(private_vici_query_t *this, vici_builder_t *b,
ike_sa_t *ike_sa, task_queue_t q, char *name)
enumerator_t *enumerator;
bool has = FALSE;
task_t *task;
enumerator = ike_sa->create_task_enumerator(ike_sa, q);
while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &task))
if (!has)
b->begin_list(b, name);
has = TRUE;
b->add_li(b, "%N", task_type_names, task->get_type(task));
if (has)
* List details of an IKE_SA
static void list_ike(private_vici_query_t *this, vici_builder_t *b,
ike_sa_t *ike_sa, time_t now)
time_t t;
ike_sa_id_t *id;
identification_t *eap;
proposal_t *proposal;
u_int16_t alg, ks;
b->add_kv(b, "uniqueid", "%u", ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa));
b->add_kv(b, "version", "%u", ike_sa->get_version(ike_sa));
b->add_kv(b, "state", "%N", ike_sa_state_names, ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa));
b->add_kv(b, "local-host", "%H", ike_sa->get_my_host(ike_sa));
b->add_kv(b, "local-id", "%Y", ike_sa->get_my_id(ike_sa));
b->add_kv(b, "remote-host", "%H", ike_sa->get_other_host(ike_sa));
b->add_kv(b, "remote-id", "%Y", ike_sa->get_other_id(ike_sa));
eap = ike_sa->get_other_eap_id(ike_sa);
if (!eap->equals(eap, ike_sa->get_other_id(ike_sa)))
if (ike_sa->get_version(ike_sa) == IKEV1)
b->add_kv(b, "remote-xauth-id", "%Y", eap);
b->add_kv(b, "remote-eap-id", "%Y", eap);
id = ike_sa->get_id(ike_sa);
if (id->is_initiator(id))
b->add_kv(b, "initiator", "yes");
b->add_kv(b, "initiator-spi", "%.16"PRIx64, id->get_initiator_spi(id));
b->add_kv(b, "responder-spi", "%.16"PRIx64, id->get_responder_spi(id));
proposal = ike_sa->get_proposal(ike_sa);
if (proposal)
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, &alg, &ks))
b->add_kv(b, "encr-alg", "%N", encryption_algorithm_names, alg);
if (ks)
b->add_kv(b, "encr-keysize", "%u", ks);
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM, &alg, &ks))
b->add_kv(b, "integ-alg", "%N", integrity_algorithm_names, alg);
if (ks)
b->add_kv(b, "integ-keysize", "%u", ks);
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, PSEUDO_RANDOM_FUNCTION, &alg, NULL))
b->add_kv(b, "prf-alg", "%N", pseudo_random_function_names, alg);
if (proposal->get_algorithm(proposal, DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP, &alg, NULL))
b->add_kv(b, "dh-group", "%N", diffie_hellman_group_names, alg);
if (ike_sa->get_state(ike_sa) == IKE_ESTABLISHED)
t = ike_sa->get_statistic(ike_sa, STAT_ESTABLISHED);
b->add_kv(b, "established", "%"PRId64, (int64_t)(now - t));
t = ike_sa->get_statistic(ike_sa, STAT_REKEY);
if (t)
b->add_kv(b, "rekey-time", "%"PRId64, (int64_t)(t - now));
t = ike_sa->get_statistic(ike_sa, STAT_REAUTH);
if (t)
b->add_kv(b, "reauth-time", "%"PRId64, (int64_t)(t - now));
list_task_queue(this, b, ike_sa, TASK_QUEUE_QUEUED, "tasks-queued");
list_task_queue(this, b, ike_sa, TASK_QUEUE_ACTIVE, "tasks-active");
list_task_queue(this, b, ike_sa, TASK_QUEUE_PASSIVE, "tasks-passive");
CALLBACK(list_sas, vici_message_t*,
private_vici_query_t *this, char *name, u_int id, vici_message_t *request)
vici_builder_t *b;
enumerator_t *isas, *csas;
ike_sa_t *ike_sa;
child_sa_t *child_sa;
time_t now;
char *ike;
u_int ike_id;
bool bl;
bl = request->get_str(request, NULL, "noblock") == NULL;
ike = request->get_str(request, NULL, "ike");
ike_id = request->get_int(request, 0, "ike-id");
isas = charon->controller->create_ike_sa_enumerator(charon->controller, bl);
while (isas->enumerate(isas, &ike_sa))
if (ike && !streq(ike, ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa)))
if (ike_id && ike_id != ike_sa->get_unique_id(ike_sa))
now = time_monotonic(NULL);
b = vici_builder_create();
b->begin_section(b, ike_sa->get_name(ike_sa));
list_ike(this, b, ike_sa, now);
b->begin_section(b, "child-sas");
csas = ike_sa->create_child_sa_enumerator(ike_sa);
while (csas->enumerate(csas, &child_sa))
b->begin_section(b, child_sa->get_name(child_sa));
list_child(this, b, child_sa, now);
b->end_section(b /* child-sas */ );
this->dispatcher->raise_event(this->dispatcher, "list-sa", id,
b = vici_builder_create();
return b->finalize(b);
CALLBACK(version, vici_message_t*,
private_vici_query_t *this, char *name, u_int id, vici_message_t *request)
struct utsname utsname;
vici_builder_t *b;
b = vici_builder_create();
b->add_kv(b, "daemon", "%s", lib->ns);
b->add_kv(b, "version", "%s", VERSION);
if (uname(&utsname) == 0)
b->add_kv(b, "sysname", "%s", utsname.sysname);
b->add_kv(b, "release", "%s", utsname.release);
b->add_kv(b, "machine", "%s", utsname.machine);
return b->finalize(b);
static void manage_command(private_vici_query_t *this,
char *name, vici_command_cb_t cb, bool reg)
this->dispatcher->manage_command(this->dispatcher, name,
reg ? cb : NULL, this);
* (Un-)register dispatcher functions
static void manage_commands(private_vici_query_t *this, bool reg)
this->dispatcher->manage_event(this->dispatcher, "list-sa", reg);
manage_command(this, "list-sas", list_sas, reg);
manage_command(this, "version", version, reg);
METHOD(vici_query_t, destroy, void,
private_vici_query_t *this)
manage_commands(this, FALSE);
* See header
vici_query_t *vici_query_create(vici_dispatcher_t *dispatcher)
private_vici_query_t *this;
.public = {
.destroy = _destroy,
.dispatcher = dispatcher,
manage_commands(this, TRUE);
return &this->public;