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<title>doubango - open source 3GPP IMS/LTE framework for embedded systems</title>
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Doubango Telecom</h2>
Doubango Telecom is a young Telco company focused on open source projects. We are
specialized in <b>NGN</b> technologies (3GPP, TISPAN, Packet Cabel, WiMax, GSMA,
RCS-e, IETF...standards), audio/video coding, cloud computing and WebRTC.
<br />
Our products include SIP/IMS (VoIP) clients/servers/gateways, TelePresence and Telemedicine
systems, VNC stacks and audio/video codecs. Most of our products are already open
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<b>Born to Be a Star</b>
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href=""
<td align="left">
Open Source SIP TelePresence system with support for Full (1080p) and Ultra (2160p) HD video. <hr />
<iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="480" height="312" src=""
<hr />
<table border="1" width=100%>
<tr bgcolor="#99CCFF">
<td colspan="2">
Client-side components
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href="" target="_blank">
HTML5 SIP client using <a href="" target="_blank">webrtc2sip</a>
Gateway.<br />
<a style='margin: 1px' class="btn btn-small" href=""
target="_blank">Enjoy our live demo &raquo;</a>
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href=""
A complete Click-to-Call Solution using <a href="" target="_blank">
webrtc2sip</a> Gateway and <a href="" target="_blank">
sipML5</a>.<br />
<a style='margin: 1px' class="btn btn-small" href=""
target="_blank">Enjoy our live demo &raquo;</a>
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href="" target="_blank">
WebRTC extension for Safari, Opera, Firefox and IE.
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href="" target="_blank">
<li>SIP video client for <b>Windows Phone 8</b> and <b>Surface Pro</b></li>
<li>IMS/RCS Client for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8</li>
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href="" target="_blank">
SIP/IMS VideoPhone for iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) and MAC OS X.
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href="" target="_blank">
SIP/IMS Client for Android.
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href="" target="_blank">
Signaling Compression (SigComp) library
<tr bgcolor="#99CCFF">
<td colspan="2">
Server-side components
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href="" target="_blank">
Smart SIP and Media Gateway to connect <a href="">
WebRTC</a> endpoints to any SIP-legacy network.<br />
<a style='margin: 1px' class="btn btn-small" href=""
target="_blank">Enjoy our live demo &raquo;</a>
<a style='width: 75px; margin: 1px' href=""
Open Source <a target="_blank" href="">TelePresence</a>
system with a smart and powerful <a target="_blank" href="">
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Enjoy our live demo &raquo;</a>
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Adobe<62> Flash<73> to SIP/IMS Gateway.
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data-size="large">Follow @DoubangoTelecom</a>
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&copy; Doubango Telecom 2011-2015</p>
<i>Inspiring the future</i>
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