
311 lines
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default namespace ns1 = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:lost1"
## Location-to-Service Translation Protocol (LoST)
## A LoST XML instance has three request types, each with
## a cooresponding response type: find service, list services,
## and get service boundary.
start =
| listServices
| listServicesByLocation
| getServiceBoundary
| findServiceResponse
| listServicesResponse
| listServicesByLocationResponse
| getServiceBoundaryResponse
| errors
| redirect
## The queries.
div {
findService =
element findService {
attribute validateLocation {
xsd:boolean >> a:defaultValue [ "false" ]
attribute serviceBoundary {
("reference" | "value") >> a:defaultValue [ "reference" ]
attribute recursive { xsd:boolean >> a:defaultValue [ "false" ] }?
listServices = element listServices { commonRequestPattern }
listServicesByLocation =
element listServicesByLocation {
attribute recursive { xsd:boolean >> a:defaultValue [ "true" ] }?
getServiceBoundary =
element getServiceBoundary { serviceBoundaryKey, extensionPoint }
## The responses.
div {
findServiceResponse =
element findServiceResponse {
mapping+, locationValidation?, commonResponsePattern, locationUsed
listServicesResponse =
element listServicesResponse { serviceList, commonResponsePattern }
listServicesByLocationResponse =
element listServicesByLocationResponse {
serviceList, commonResponsePattern, locationUsed
getServiceBoundaryResponse =
element getServiceBoundaryResponse {
serviceBoundary, commonResponsePattern
## A pattern common to some of the queries.
div {
commonRequestPattern = service, path?, extensionPoint
## A pattern common to responses.
div {
commonResponsePattern = warnings*, path, extensionPoint
## Location in Requests
div {
requestLocation =
element location {
attribute id { xsd:token },
## Location Information
div {
locationInformation =
attribute profile { xsd:NMTOKEN }?
## Service Boundary
div {
serviceBoundary = element serviceBoundary { locationInformation }+
## Service Boundary Reference
div {
serviceBoundaryReference =
element serviceBoundaryReference {
source, serviceBoundaryKey, extensionPoint
serviceBoundaryKey = attribute key { xsd:token }
## Path -
## Contains a list of via elements -
## places through which information flowed
div {
path =
element path {
element via { source, extensionPoint }+
## Location Used
div {
locationUsed =
element locationUsed {
attribute id { xsd:token }
## Expires pattern
div {
expires =
attribute expires { xsd:dateTime | "NO-CACHE" | "NO-EXPIRATION" }
## A QName list
div {
qnameList = list { xsd:QName* }
## A location-to-service mapping.
div {
mapping =
element mapping {
element displayName {
attribute xml:lang { xsd:language }
(serviceBoundary | serviceBoundaryReference)?,
element uri { xsd:anyURI }*,
element serviceNumber {
xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9*#]+" }
attribute lastUpdated { xsd:dateTime },
attribute sourceId { xsd:token },
## Location validation
div {
locationValidation =
element locationValidation {
element valid { qnameList }?,
element invalid { qnameList }?,
element unchecked { qnameList }?,
## Errors and Warnings Container.
div {
exceptionContainer =
& internalError?
& serviceSubstitution?
& defaultMappingReturned?
& forbidden?
& notFound?
& loop?
& serviceNotImplemented?
& serverTimeout?
& serverError?
& locationInvalid?
& locationProfileUnrecognized?),
errors = element errors { exceptionContainer }
warnings = element warnings { exceptionContainer }
## Basic Exceptions
div {
## Exception pattern.
basicException = message, extensionPoint
badRequest = element badRequest { basicException }
internalError = element internalError { basicException }
serviceSubstitution = element serviceSubstitution { basicException }
defaultMappingReturned =
element defaultMappingReturned { basicException }
forbidden = element forbidden { basicException }
notFound = element notFound { basicException }
loop = element loop { basicException }
serviceNotImplemented =
element serviceNotImplemented { basicException }
serverTimeout = element serverTimeout { basicException }
serverError = element serverError { basicException }
locationInvalid = element locationInvalid { basicException }
locationValidationUnavailable =
element locationValidationUnavailable { basicException }
locationProfileUnrecognized =
element locationProfileUnrecognized {
attribute unsupportedProfiles { xsd:NMTOKENS },
## Redirect.
div {
## Redirect pattern
redirect =
element redirect {
attribute target { appUniqueString },
## Some common patterns.
div {
message =
(attribute message { xsd:token },
attribute xml:lang { xsd:language })?
service = element service { xsd:anyURI }?
appUniqueString =
xsd:token { pattern = "([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+" }
source = attribute source { appUniqueString }
serviceList =
element serviceList {
list { xsd:anyURI* }
## Patterns for inclusion of elements from schemas in
## other namespaces.
div {
## Any element not in the LoST namespace.
notLost = element * - (ns1:* | ns1:*) { anyElement }
## A wildcard pattern for including any element
## from any other namespace.
anyElement =
(element * { anyElement }
| attribute * { text }
| text)*
## A point where future extensions
## (elements from other namespaces)
## can be added.
extensionPoint = notLost*