/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tmedia.h * @brief Base media object. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #ifndef TINYMEDIA_TMEDIA_H #define TINYMEDIA_TMEDIA_H #include "tinymedia_config.h" #include "tinysdp/tsdp_message.h" #include "tnet_socket.h" #include "tsk_params.h" TMEDIA_BEGIN_DECLS #if 0 #define TMEDIA_VA_ARGS(name, host, socket_type) tmedia_def_t, (const char*) name, (const char*) host, (tnet_socket_type_t) socket_type #define TMEDIA(self) ((tmedia_t*)(self)) typedef enum tmedia_action_e { // Dummy tma_dummy_say_hello, // MSRP tma_msrp_send_data, tma_msrp_send_file, // Audio / Video // T.38 } tmedia_action_t; typedef struct tmedia_s { TSK_DECLARE_OBJECT; const struct tmedia_plugin_def_s* plugin; char* name; uint32_t port; char* protocol; } tmedia_t; typedef tsk_list_t tmedias_L_t; #define TMED_DECLARE_MEDIA tmedia_t media typedef struct tmedia_plugin_def_s { const tsk_object_def_t* objdef; const char* name; const char* media; int (* start) (tmedia_t* ); int (* pause) (tmedia_t* ); int (* stop) (tmedia_t* ); const tsdp_header_M_t* (* get_local_offer) (tmedia_t* , va_list* ); const tsdp_header_M_t* (* get_negotiated_offer) (tmedia_t* ); int (* set_remote_offer) (tmedia_t* , const tsdp_message_t* ); int (* perform) (tmedia_t* , tmedia_action_t action, const tsk_params_L_t* ); } tmedia_plugin_def_t; TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_init(tmedia_t* self, const char* name); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_deinit(tmedia_t* self); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_plugin_register(const tmedia_plugin_def_t* def); TINYMEDIA_API tmedia_t* tmedia_factory_create(const char* name, const char* host, tnet_socket_type_t socket_type); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_start(tmedia_t* ); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_pause(tmedia_t* ); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_stop(tmedia_t* ); TINYMEDIA_API const tsdp_header_M_t* tmedia_get_local_offer(tmedia_t* , ...); TINYMEDIA_API const tsdp_header_M_t* tmedia_get_negotiated_offer(tmedia_t* ); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_set_remote_offer(tmedia_t* , const tsdp_message_t* ); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_perform(tmedia_t* , tmedia_action_t, ... ); TINYMEDIA_GEXTERN const void *tmedia_def_t; #endif TMEDIA_END_DECLS #endif /* TINYMEDIA_TMEDIA_H */