/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as publishd by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ #include "tinysip/dialogs/tsip_dialog_invite.h" #include "tinysip/dialogs/tsip_dialog_invite.common.h" #include "tinysdp/parsers/tsdp_parser_message.h" #include "tinysdp/tsdp_message.h" #include "tinysdp/headers/tsdp_header_S.h" #include "tinysdp/headers/tsdp_header_O.h" #include "stun/tnet_stun_types.h" #include "ice/tnet_ice_ctx.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" extern int tsip_dialog_invite_msession_start(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_create_ctx(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, tmedia_type_t media_type); static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_audio_callback(const tnet_ice_event_t *e); static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_video_callback(const tnet_ice_event_t *e); int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_media_type(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, tmedia_type_t media_type); tsk_bool_t tsip_dialog_invite_ice_got_local_candidates(const tsip_dialog_invite_t * self); int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_process_ro(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, const tsdp_message_t* sdp_ro, tsk_bool_t is_remote_offer); #define tsip_dialog_invite_ice_cancel_silent_and_sync_ctx(_self) \ tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_sync_mode_ctx((_self), tsk_true); \ tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_silent_mode_ctx((_self), tsk_true); \ tsip_dialog_invite_ice_cancel_ctx((_self)); /* "cancelled" event will not be sent and we're sure that cancel operation will be done when the function exit */ \ tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_sync_mode_ctx((_self), tsk_false); \ tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_silent_mode_ctx((_self), tsk_false); \ /* ======================== transitions ======================== */ // Use "Current" instead of "Any" to avoid priority reordering static int x0500_Current_2_Current_X_oINVITE(va_list *app); static int x0500_Current_2_Current_X_iINVITE(va_list *app); /* ======================== conds ======================== */ static tsk_bool_t _fsm_cond_get_local_candidates(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, tsip_message_t* message) { if(self->supported.ice){ tsk_bool_t use_ice = tsk_false; // "action->media.type" will be defined for locally initiated media update tmedia_type_t new_media = TSIP_DIALOG(self)->curr_action ? TSIP_DIALOG(self)->curr_action->media.type : tmedia_none; if(message && TSIP_MESSAGE_HAS_CONTENT(message) && tsk_striequals("application/sdp", TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE(message))){ // If this code is called this means that we are the "answerer" // only gets the candidates if ICE is enabled and the remote peer supports ICE tsdp_message_t* sdp_ro; const tsdp_header_M_t* M; int index; if(!(sdp_ro = tsdp_message_parse(TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_DATA(message), TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_DATA_LENGTH(message)))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to parse remote sdp message"); return tsk_false; } index = 0; while((M = (const tsdp_header_M_t*)tsdp_message_get_headerAt(sdp_ro, tsdp_htype_M, index++))){ if(!tsdp_header_M_findA(M, "candidate")){ use_ice = tsk_false; // do not use ICE if at least on media is ICE-less (e.g. MSRP) break; } use_ice = tsk_true; // only use ICE if there is a least one media line } new_media = tmedia_type_from_sdp(sdp_ro); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(sdp_ro); } else if(!message){ // we are the "offerer" -> use ICE only for audio or video medias (ignore ice for MSRP) use_ice = (new_media & tmedia_audio) || (new_media & tmedia_video); } if(use_ice){ if(!self->ice.ctx_audio && !self->ice.ctx_video){ // First time return tsk_true; } else{ if(self->ice.media_type != new_media){ return tsk_true; } return !tsip_dialog_invite_ice_got_local_candidates(self); } } } return tsk_false; } int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_init(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self) { tsk_fsm_set(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_FSM(self), // Current -> (oINVITE) -> Current TSK_FSM_ADD(tsk_fsm_state_current, _fsm_action_oINVITE, _fsm_cond_get_local_candidates, tsk_fsm_state_current, x0500_Current_2_Current_X_oINVITE, "x0500_Current_2_Current_X_oINVITE"), // Current -> (iINVITE) -> Current TSK_FSM_ADD(tsk_fsm_state_current, _fsm_action_iINVITE, _fsm_cond_get_local_candidates, tsk_fsm_state_current, x0500_Current_2_Current_X_iINVITE, "x0500_Current_2_Current_X_iINVITE") ); return 0; } int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_timers_set(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, int64_t timeout) { if(/*tnet_ice_ctx_is_active*/(self->ice.ctx_audio)){ tnet_ice_ctx_set_concheck_timeout(self->ice.ctx_audio, timeout); } if(/*tnet_ice_ctx_is_active*/(self->ice.ctx_video)){ tnet_ice_ctx_set_concheck_timeout(self->ice.ctx_video, timeout); } return 0; } static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_create_ctx(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, tmedia_type_t media_type) { int32_t transport_idx; int ret = 0; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } transport_idx = TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->network.transport_idx_default; if (!self->ice.ctx_audio && (media_type & tmedia_audio)) { self->ice.ctx_audio = tnet_ice_ctx_create(self->ice.is_jingle, TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->network.proxy_cscf_type[transport_idx]), self->use_rtcp, tsk_false, tsip_dialog_invite_ice_audio_callback, self); if (!self->ice.ctx_audio) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create ICE audio context"); return -2; } #if 0 // @deprecated ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_stun(self->ice.ctx_audio, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.hostname, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.port, kStunSoftware, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.username, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.password); #else ret = tnet_ice_ctx_add_server( self->ice.ctx_audio, "udp", // "tcp", "tls", "ws", "wss"... TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.hostname, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.port, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.enable_iceturn, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.enable_icestun, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.username, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.password); #endif ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_turn_enabled(self->ice.ctx_audio, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.enable_iceturn); ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_stun_enabled(self->ice.ctx_audio, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.enable_icestun); ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_rtcpmux(self->ice.ctx_audio, self->use_rtcpmux); } if (!self->ice.ctx_video && (media_type & tmedia_video)) { self->ice.ctx_video = tnet_ice_ctx_create(self->ice.is_jingle, TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->network.proxy_cscf_type[transport_idx]), self->use_rtcp, tsk_true, tsip_dialog_invite_ice_video_callback, self); if (!self->ice.ctx_video) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create ICE video context"); return -2; } #if 1 // @deprecated ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_stun(self->ice.ctx_video, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.hostname, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.port, kStunSoftware, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.username, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.password); #else ret = tnet_ice_ctx_add_server( self->ice.ctx_video, "udp", // "tcp", "tls", "ws", "wss"... TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.hostname, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.port, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.enable_iceturn, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.enable_icestun, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.username, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.stun.password); #endif ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_turn_enabled(self->ice.ctx_video, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.enable_iceturn); ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_stun_enabled(self->ice.ctx_video, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.enable_icestun); ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_rtcpmux(self->ice.ctx_video, self->use_rtcpmux); } // set media type ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_media_type(self, media_type); // update session manager with the right ICE contexts if (self->msession_mgr) { ret = tmedia_session_mgr_set_ice_ctx(self->msession_mgr, self->ice.ctx_audio, self->ice.ctx_video); } return ret; } int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_media_type(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, tmedia_type_t _media_type) { if(self){ tmedia_type_t av_media_type = (_media_type & tmedia_audiovideo); // filter to keep audio and video only // "none" comparison is used to exclude the "first call" if(self->ice.media_type != tmedia_none && self->ice.media_type != av_media_type){ // cancels contexts associated to old medias if(self->ice.ctx_audio && !(av_media_type & tmedia_audio)){ tnet_ice_ctx_cancel(self->ice.ctx_audio); } if(self->ice.ctx_video && !(av_media_type & tmedia_video)){ tnet_ice_ctx_cancel(self->ice.ctx_video); } // cancels contexts associated to new medias (e.g. session "remove" then "add") // cancel() on newly created contexts don't have any effect if(self->ice.ctx_audio && (!(av_media_type & tmedia_audio) && (self->ice.media_type & tmedia_audio))){ //tnet_ice_ctx_cancel(self->ice.ctx_audio); } if(self->ice.ctx_video && (!(av_media_type & tmedia_video) && (self->ice.media_type & tmedia_video))){ //tnet_ice_ctx_cancel(self->ice.ctx_video); } } self->ice.media_type = av_media_type; } return 0; } static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_start_ctx(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self) { int ret = 0; if(self){ if((self->ice.media_type & tmedia_audio)){ if(self->ice.ctx_audio && (ret = tnet_ice_ctx_start(self->ice.ctx_audio)) != 0){ return ret; } } if((self->ice.media_type & tmedia_video)){ if(self->ice.ctx_video && (ret = tnet_ice_ctx_start(self->ice.ctx_video)) != 0){ return ret; } } } return 0; } static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_cancel_ctx(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self) { int ret = 0; if(self){ if((self->ice.media_type & tmedia_audio)){ if(self->ice.ctx_audio && (ret = tnet_ice_ctx_cancel(self->ice.ctx_audio)) != 0){ return ret; } } if((self->ice.media_type & tmedia_video)){ if(self->ice.ctx_video && (ret = tnet_ice_ctx_cancel(self->ice.ctx_video)) != 0){ return ret; } } } return 0; } static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_sync_mode_ctx(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, tsk_bool_t sync_mode) { int ret = 0; if(self){ if((self->ice.media_type & tmedia_audio)){ if(self->ice.ctx_audio && (ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_sync_mode(self->ice.ctx_audio, sync_mode)) != 0){ return ret; } } if((self->ice.media_type & tmedia_video)){ if(self->ice.ctx_video && (ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_sync_mode(self->ice.ctx_video, sync_mode)) != 0){ return ret; } } } return 0; } static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_set_silent_mode_ctx(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, tsk_bool_t silent_mode) { int ret = 0; if(self){ if((self->ice.media_type & tmedia_audio)){ if(self->ice.ctx_audio && (ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_silent_mode(self->ice.ctx_audio, silent_mode)) != 0){ return ret; } } if((self->ice.media_type & tmedia_video)){ if(self->ice.ctx_video && (ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_silent_mode(self->ice.ctx_video, silent_mode)) != 0){ return ret; } } } return 0; } tsk_bool_t tsip_dialog_invite_ice_is_enabled(const tsip_dialog_invite_t * self) { if(self){ return (self->supported.ice && (tnet_ice_ctx_is_active(self->ice.ctx_audio) || tnet_ice_ctx_is_active(self->ice.ctx_video))); } return tsk_false; } tsk_bool_t tsip_dialog_invite_ice_is_connected(const tsip_dialog_invite_t * self) { if(self){ return (!tnet_ice_ctx_is_active(self->ice.ctx_audio) || tnet_ice_ctx_is_connected(self->ice.ctx_audio)) && (!tnet_ice_ctx_is_active(self->ice.ctx_video) || tnet_ice_ctx_is_connected(self->ice.ctx_video)); } return tsk_false; } tsk_bool_t tsip_dialog_invite_ice_got_local_candidates(const tsip_dialog_invite_t * self) { if(self){ return (!tnet_ice_ctx_is_active(self->ice.ctx_audio) || tnet_ice_ctx_got_local_candidates(self->ice.ctx_audio)) && (!tnet_ice_ctx_is_active(self->ice.ctx_video) || tnet_ice_ctx_got_local_candidates(self->ice.ctx_video)); } return tsk_false; } int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_save_action(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, tsk_fsm_action_id action_id, const tsip_action_t* action, const tsip_message_t* message) { if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // There are good reasons to ref() the action and message before safe_free() // /!\ do not change self->ice.last_action_id = action_id; action = tsk_object_ref((tsk_object_t*)action); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->ice.last_action); self->ice.last_action = (tsip_action_t*)action; message = tsk_object_ref((tsk_object_t*)message); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->ice.last_message); self->ice.last_message = (tsip_message_t*)message; return 0; } int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_process_lo(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo) { const tsdp_header_M_t* M; const tsdp_header_A_t *A; int ret = 0, i; if(!self || !sdp_lo){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // cancels all ICE contexts without candidates // this happens if codecs negotiations mismatch for one media out of two or three for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i){ struct tnet_ice_ctx_s *ctx = i == 0 ? self->ice.ctx_audio : self->ice.ctx_video; const char* media = i == 0 ? "audio" : "video"; if(tnet_ice_ctx_is_active(ctx)){ tsk_bool_t cancel = tsk_true; if((M = tsdp_message_find_media(sdp_lo, media))){ if((A = tsdp_header_M_findA(M, "candidate"))){ cancel = tsk_false; } } if(cancel){ ret = tnet_ice_ctx_cancel(ctx); } } } return ret; } int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_process_ro(tsip_dialog_invite_t * self, const tsdp_message_t* sdp_ro, tsk_bool_t is_remote_offer) { char* ice_remote_candidates; const tsdp_header_M_t* M; tsk_size_t index; const tsdp_header_A_t *A; const tsdp_header_O_t *O; const char* sess_ufrag = tsk_null; const char* sess_pwd = tsk_null; int ret = 0, i; struct tnet_ice_ctx_s *ctx; if(!self || !sdp_ro){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(!self->ice.ctx_audio && !self->ice.ctx_video){ return 0; } // make sure this is different SDP if((O = (const tsdp_header_O_t*)tsdp_message_get_header(sdp_ro, tsdp_htype_O))){ if(self->ice.last_sdp_ro_ver == (int32_t)O->sess_version){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("ICE: ignore processing SDP RO because version haven't changed"); return 0; } self->ice.last_sdp_ro_ver = (int32_t)O->sess_version; } // session level attributes if((A = tsdp_message_get_headerA(sdp_ro, "ice-ufrag"))){ sess_ufrag = A->value; } if((A = tsdp_message_get_headerA(sdp_ro, "ice-pwd"))){ sess_pwd = A->value; } #if 0 // Use RTCWeb Profile (tmedia_profile_rtcweb) { const tsdp_header_S_t *S; if((S = (const tsdp_header_S_t *)tsdp_message_get_header(sdp_ro, tsdp_htype_S)) && S->value){ self->ice.is_jingle = tsk_strcontains(S->value, tsk_strlen(S->value), "webrtc"); } } #endif for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i){ if((M = tsdp_message_find_media(sdp_ro, i==0 ? "audio": "video"))){ const char *ufrag = sess_ufrag, *pwd = sess_pwd; tsk_bool_t remote_use_rtcpmux = (tsdp_header_M_findA(M, "rtcp-mux") != tsk_null); ctx = (i==0 ? self->ice.ctx_audio : self->ice.ctx_video); ice_remote_candidates = tsk_null; index = 0; if((A = tsdp_header_M_findA(M, "ice-ufrag"))){ ufrag = A->value; } if((A = tsdp_header_M_findA(M, "ice-pwd"))){ pwd = A->value; } while((A = tsdp_header_M_findA_at(M, "candidate", index++))){ tsk_strcat_2(&ice_remote_candidates, "%s\r\n", A->value); } // ICE processing will be automatically stopped if the remote candidates are not valid // ICE-CONTROLLING role if we are the offerer ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_remote_candidates(ctx, ice_remote_candidates, ufrag, pwd, !is_remote_offer, self->ice.is_jingle); TSK_SAFE_FREE(ice_remote_candidates); // Now that 'rtcp-mux' option have been updated by the session pass the value to the ICE ctx ret = tnet_ice_ctx_set_rtcpmux(ctx, (self->use_rtcpmux && remote_use_rtcpmux)); } } return ret; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // == STATE MACHINE BEGIN == //-------------------------------------------------------- // Current -> (oINVITE) -> Current static int x0500_Current_2_Current_X_oINVITE(va_list *app) { int ret; tsip_dialog_invite_t *self; const tsip_action_t* action; const tsip_message_t *message; tmedia_type_t media_type; static const tsk_bool_t __force_restart_is_yes = tsk_true; self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); message = va_arg(*app, const tsip_message_t *); action = va_arg(*app, const tsip_action_t *); media_type = (action && action->media.type != tmedia_none) ? action->media.type : TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.type; self->is_client = tsk_true; tsip_dialog_invite_ice_save_action(self, _fsm_action_oINVITE, action, message); // Cancel without notifying ("silent mode") and perform the operation right now ("sync mode") tsip_dialog_invite_ice_cancel_silent_and_sync_ctx(self); // create ICE context if((ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_create_ctx(self, media_type))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("tsip_dialog_invite_ice_create_ctx() failed"); return ret; } // For now disable ICE timers until we receive the 2xx ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_timers_set(self, -1); // Start ICE ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_start_ctx(self); // alert the user only if we are in initial state which means that it's not media update if(TSIP_DIALOG(self)->state == tsip_initial){ TSIP_DIALOG_SIGNAL(self, tsip_event_code_dialog_connecting, "Dialog connecting"); } return ret; } // Current -> (iINVITE) -> Current static int x0500_Current_2_Current_X_iINVITE(va_list *app) { int ret; tsip_dialog_invite_t *self; const tsip_action_t* action; const tsip_message_t *message; self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); message = va_arg(*app, const tsip_message_t *); action = va_arg(*app, const tsip_action_t *); self->is_client = tsk_false; ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_save_action(self, _fsm_action_iINVITE, action, message); // Cancel without notifying ("silent mode") and perform the operation right now ("sync mode") tsip_dialog_invite_ice_cancel_silent_and_sync_ctx(self); // set remote candidates if(TSIP_MESSAGE_HAS_CONTENT(message)){ if(tsk_striequals("application/sdp", TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE(message))){ tsdp_message_t* sdp_ro; if(!(sdp_ro = tsdp_message_parse(TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_DATA(message), TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_DATA_LENGTH(message)))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to parse remote sdp message"); return -2; } // create ICE context if((ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_create_ctx(self, tmedia_type_from_sdp(sdp_ro)))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("tsip_dialog_invite_ice_create_ctx() failed"); return ret; } ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_process_ro(self, sdp_ro, tsk_true); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(sdp_ro); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("[%s] content-type is not supportted", TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE(message)); return -3; } } // For now disable ICE timers until we send the 2xx and receive the ACK ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_timers_set(self, -1); // Start ICE ret = tsip_dialog_invite_ice_start_ctx(self); return ret; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // == STATE MACHINE END == //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_callback(const tnet_ice_event_t *e) { int ret = 0; tsip_dialog_invite_t *dialog; TSK_DEBUG_INFO("ICE callback: %s", e->phrase); dialog = tsk_object_ref(TSK_OBJECT(e->userdata)); // Do not lock: caller is thread safe switch(e->type){ case tnet_ice_event_type_gathering_completed: case tnet_ice_event_type_conncheck_succeed: case tnet_ice_event_type_conncheck_failed: case tnet_ice_event_type_cancelled: { if(dialog->ice.last_action_id != tsk_fsm_state_none){ if(tsip_dialog_invite_ice_got_local_candidates(dialog)){ ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(dialog), dialog->ice.last_action_id, dialog->ice.last_message, dialog->ice.last_action); dialog->ice.last_action_id = tsk_fsm_state_none; } } if(dialog->ice.start_smgr){ ret = tsip_dialog_invite_msession_start(dialog); } break; } // fatal errors which discard ICE process case tnet_ice_event_type_gathering_host_candidates_failed: case tnet_ice_event_type_gathering_reflexive_candidates_failed: case tnet_ice_event_type_gathering_relay_candidates_failed: { if (dialog->ice.last_action_id != tsk_fsm_state_none) { ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(dialog), dialog->ice.last_action_id, dialog->ice.last_message, dialog->ice.last_action); dialog->ice.last_action_id = tsk_fsm_state_none; } break; } // TURN session disconnected while we're in call case tnet_ice_event_type_turn_connection_broken: { ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act_2(TSIP_DIALOG(dialog), _fsm_action_oBYE); break; } default: break; } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(dialog); return ret; } static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_audio_callback(const tnet_ice_event_t *e) { return tsip_dialog_invite_ice_callback(e); } static int tsip_dialog_invite_ice_video_callback(const tnet_ice_event_t *e) { return tsip_dialog_invite_ice_callback(e); }