Add function to encode EAP AT Identity

Instead of using hardcoded length, padding. Encode the AT Identity
properly to support different length in MCC/MNC or to use
different identities
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Couzens 2023-12-06 11:17:31 +00:00
parent 241a2e775e
commit 1aebe3207a
1 changed files with 33 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -748,7 +748,21 @@ class swu():
self.imsi = imsi
self.set_identification(IDI,ID_RFC822_ADDR,'0' + self.imsi + '@nai.epc.mnc' + self.mnc + '.mcc' + self.mcc + '')
def encode_eap_at_identity(self, identity):
""" Returns the EAP AT Identity as bytes """
# 4 bytes -> header (type, at_len, identity_len)
full_len = 4 + len(identity)
at_len = int(full_len / 4)
pad = 0
if full_len % 4:
pad = 4 - (full_len % 4)
at_len += 1
eap_at_identity = (bytes([0x0e, at_len])
+ struct.pack('>H', len(identity))
+ identity.encode("utf-8")
+ pad * b'\x00')
return eap_at_identity
def eap_keys_calculation(self,ck, ik):
identity = self.identification_initiator[1].encode('utf-8') #idi value
@ -2421,9 +2435,25 @@ class swu():
if i[1][4][0][0] in (AT_ANY_ID_REQ, AT_IDENTITY):
self.eap_identifier = i[1][1]
identity = '0' + self.imsi + '@nai.epc.mnc' + self.mnc + '.mcc' + self.mcc + '' # 54 bytes len (0x36)
self.eap_payload_response = bytes([2]) + bytes([self.eap_identifier]) + fromHex('0044170500000e0f0036') + identity.encode('utf-8') + fromHex('0000')
identity = (
+ self.imsi
+ '@nai.epc.mnc' + self.mnc
+ '.mcc' + self.mcc
+ ''
self.eap_payload_response = (
+ bytes([self.eap_identifier])
+ fromHex("004417050000")
+ self.encode_eap_at_identity(identity))
# update the EAP length
eap = bytearray(self.eap_payload_response)
eap_length = struct.pack('>H', len(eap))
eap[2] = eap_length[0]
eap[3] = eap_length[1]
self.eap_payload_response = bytes(eap)