Based on: ttcn-syntax: Folds: If the variable "g:ttcn_fold" is defined (e.g. by ":let g:ttcn_fold = 1" in your .vimrc file), folds will automatically be defined for each {...} block. Highlight: If the variable "g:ttcn_hl_naming_convention" (e.g. by ":let g:ttcn_hl_naming_convention = 1" in your .vimrc file), Language elements following generic naming conventions will be highlighted. This is not standardized but noted on ttcn-indent: ttcn-ftplugin: You should put settings that are specific to TTCN in this file. ttcn-dict: Keyword completion for TTCN-3. In insert mode you hit ctrl-x ctrl-k to get suggestions of keywords that could complete the currently typed word. Note: ctrl-x ctrl-k is the Vim built-in method for dictionary completion; check out vimtip #91 and vimtip #102 for cool stuff and adjustments you can make! For information about TTCN-3, see