DebugMux client for [Sony] Ericsson phones and modems
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Vadim Yanitskiy 610c6b4fd0 cosmetic: proper link name for 'doc/sedbgmux.adoc' 2024-06-02 03:32:02 +07:00
contrib DbgMux{Frame,ConnHandler}: DataBlockLimit != DataBlockCount 2024-05-02 01:42:03 +02:00
doc doc: check-in asciidoc slides from OsmoDevCon 2024 2024-05-20 15:19:43 +05:00
samples samples: add Interactive Debug listings for MD300 2024-05-02 01:58:47 +02:00
sedbgmux DbgMuxConnHandler: new handler 'DbgMuxConnHexDump' 2024-05-20 02:51:29 +05:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2022-01-18 16:22:54 +06:00
LICENSE.txt Initial commit 2022-01-18 16:22:54 +06:00 cosmetic: proper link name for 'doc/sedbgmux.adoc' 2024-06-02 03:32:02 +07:00
pyproject.toml Add and pyproject.toml 2024-04-16 02:43:21 +07:00
requirements.txt Make 'pyshark' an optional dependency 2024-04-16 03:04:02 +07:00 sedbgmux-{dump,shell}.py: add -vm/--verbose-module option 2024-05-16 14:52:23 +05:00 DbgMuxConnHandler: new handler 'DbgMuxConnHexDump' 2024-05-20 02:51:29 +05:00 Make 'pyshark' an optional dependency 2024-04-16 03:04:02 +07:00

sedbgmux - DebugMux client for [Sony] Ericsson phones and modems

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|_____/|______|_____/|_.__/ \__, |_|  |_|\__,_/_/\_\
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This repository contains an implementation of DebugMux client in Python, which can be used to communicate with a DebugMux server. The goal of this project is purely educational; it's mostly driven by my curiosity to understand how TEMS Investigation software (which is also using DebugMux) does its job.

All the knowledge about DebugMux obtained by analysing the protocol traces and looking at format strings found in the firmware images. Not all parts of the protocol are understood yet, but the current implementation is mature enough to be used and can be considered 90% complete.


The following uilities are currently available:

  • - interactive shell. Can be used to activate DebugMux mode, identify the target device, and establish connections with DPs.
  • - dump management utility. Can be used to analyze DebugMux frame captures and convert between various dump formats.

Below is an example of using

$ ./ -p /dev/ttyACM0
Welcome to DebugMux client for [Sony] Ericsson phones and modems!
DebugMux ('/dev/ttyACM0')> connect
DebugMux ('/dev/ttyACM0')> enquiry
[INFO] Identified target: 'Sony Ericsson C510', IMEI=354008032409208
[INFO] Data Provider available (DPRef=0xe494): 'OSEGW! 100 1'
[INFO] Data Provider available (DPRef=0xe495): 'Tvp'
[INFO] Data Provider available (DPRef=0xe496): 'ACC - Print Server Channel'
[INFO] Data Provider available (DPRef=0xe497): 'APP - Print Server Channel'
[INFO] Data Provider available (DPRef=0xe498): 'SDKSERVER'

DebugMux ('/dev/ttyACM0')> show target-info
Name: Sony Ericsson C510
IMEI: 354008032409208

DebugMux ('/dev/ttyACM0')> establish 0xe496 terminal
[INFO] Establishing connection with DPRef=0xe496
[INFO] Rx ConnEstablished: ConnRef=0x3d00, DPRef=0xe496
[INFO] Connection established: DPRef=0xe496, ConnRef=0x3d00, DataBlockLimit=256
... Hit Ctrl + C to escape and terminate connection
[INFO] Terminating connection ConnRef=0x3d00 with DPRef=0xe496
[INFO] Rx ConnTerminated: ConnRef=0x3d00, DPRef=0xe496
[INFO] Connection terminated: DPRef=0xe496, ConnRef=0x3d00
[INFO] Data Provider available (DPRef=0xe499): 'ACC - Print Server Channel'

The following connection handlers are currently available:

  • terminal - interactive terminal (using stdin/stdout),
  • file-logger - log received data to the specified file,
  • udp-proxy - send/receive data via a UDP socket,
  • hexdump - print hexdump for received data blocks,
  • walker - recursively list available entries in Interactive Debug DPs.

DebugMux Basics

DebugMux is a vendor specific interface/protocol exposed by Sony Ericsson phones (A1 DB2xxx, A2 DB3xxxx) and Ericsson modems. Similar to QMI (Qualcomm MSM Interface), it allows debugging various firmware subsystems at run-time.

          Host side             :     Target side (phone/modem)
+---------------------------+   :   +---------------------------+
| Client Applications (CAs) |   :   |   Data Providers (DPs)    |
+---------------------------+   :   +---------------------------+
|      DebugMux Client      |   :   |      DebugMux Server      |
+---------------------------+   :   +---------------------------+
|      Transport Layer      |   :   |      Transport Layer      |
|---------------------------|   :   |---------------------------|
|   USB  |   IrDA   |   BT  |<----->|   USB  |   IrDA   |   BT  |
+---------------------------+   :   +---------------------------+

The above diagram illustrates the client and server components. Various subsystems of the phone/modem firmware can register as Data providers. The host side Client Applications can establish one-to-one connections with the registered Data Providers. DebugMux basically provides means for CAs and DPs to communicate with each other, multiplexing their connections over a certain transport (such as USB, IrDA, or Bluetooth).

DebugMux communication is usually established from the client by sending AT*EDEBUGMUX command to the AT interpreter. This command switches the modem connection into binary mode and transfers control over the channel to the DebugMux Server. It's yet unknown how to switch the channel back to the command interpreter mode (neither sending +++ nor setting the modem status likes works), but forcing disconnection of the Transport Layer (e.g. by unplugging the USB cable) works.

Data Providers

Below is the list of known DPs:

Name Mode Description
Tvp Binary Test and Verification Protocol
Print Server Channel ASCII (Rx only) APP/ACC CPU debug logging
ACC - Print Server Channel ASCII (Rx only) ACC (access) CPU debug logging
APP - Print Server Channel ASCII (Rx only) APP (application) CPU debug logging
Interactive Debug ASCII (Rx/Rx) APP/ACC CPU interactive debug
ACC - Interactive Debug ASCII (Rx/Tx) ACC (access) CPU interactive debug
APP - Interactive Debug ASCII (Rx/Tx) APP (application) CPU interactive debug
UI Debug - Print Server Channel ASCII (Rx only) UI (User Interface) debug logging
AT channel (NUM) ASCII (Rx/Tx) AT command interpreter

Below is the list of DPs with unknown purpose:

Name Comments
SDKSERVER seen mostly on all A2 phones
OSEGW! 100 1 seen on C510 (R1HA035), C905 (R1FA035), F5521gw (R2A07), G705 (R1FA035)
Host Interface Test File Transfer OBEX? seen on W595 (R3EA037), K850 (R1FA035)
Turning Torso A skyscraper in Sweden? seen on T700 (R3CA017), K850 (R1FA035)

Interactive Debug DPs

Sony Ericsson phones flashed with development firmware builds and some Ericsson modems running the "normal" consumer firmware expose Interactive Debug DPs. These DPs offer a command prompt and give access to a virtual filesystem with lots of hidden parameters.

DebugMux ('/dev/ttyACM0')> establish 0x9b42 terminal
[INFO] Establishing connection with DPRef=0x9b42
[INFO] Rx ConnEstablished: ConnRef=0x3200, DPRef=0x9b42
[INFO] Connection established: DPRef=0x9b42, ConnRef=0x3200, DataBlockLimit=300

Welcome to Interactive Debug


The following UNIX-like commands are available:

  • . - repeat the last command,
  • ls / dir - directory listing,
  • cd - change directory (CWD displayed in prompt),
  • r / w - read / write a variable.

All input is case sensitive. Tab-completion is available, but not working properly with the existing connection handlers (should I add telnet for that?).

You can find directory listings for some phones/modems in samples folder:

Device Firmware (AT+CGMR) File
Ericsson F3607gw R1K06 samples/f3607gw_acc_interactive_debug.list
Ericsson F3607gw R1K06 samples/f3607gw_app_interactive_debug.list
Ericsson F5521gw R2A07 samples/f5521gw_acc_interactive_debug.list
Ericsson F5521gw R2A07 samples/f5521gw_app_interactive_debug.list
Ericsson MD400 R4A009 samples/md400_acc_interactive_debug.list
Ericsson MD400 R4A009 samples/md400_app_interactive_debug.list
Ericsson MD400g R6A001 samples/md400g_acc_interactive_debug.list
Ericsson MD400g R6A001 samples/md400g_app_interactive_debug.list
Sony Ericsson T700 R3CA017 samples/t700_dev_acc_interactive_debug.list
Sony Ericsson T700 R3CA017 samples/t700_dev_app_interactive_debug.list
Sony Ericsson K610 R1BA022 samples/k610_dev_interactive_debug.list
Sony Ericsson M600 R9F011 samples/M600_R9F011_interactive_debug.list
Sony Ericsson EC400 R3A002 samples/EC400_R3A002_acc_interactive_debug.list
Sony Ericsson EC400 R3A002 samples/EC400_R3A002_app_interactive_debug.list
Sony Ericsson MD300 R4A007 samples/md300_R4A007_acc_interactive_debug.list
Sony Ericsson MD300 R4A007 samples/md300_R4A007_app_interactive_debug.list

Contributions are welcome! Use the 'walker' handler to generate such listings.

DebugMux Protocol

The protocol is relatively simple and shares some similarities with HDLC. DebugMux peers communicate using frames, which have the following structure:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|       Marker (\x42\x42)       |          Length (LE)          |
|    TxCount    |    RxCount    |    MsgType    |               |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+               +
|                            MsgData                            |
+                               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|                               |              FCS              |

The following message types are known:

Value Direction Name Description
0x65 ('e') -> Enquiry Enquiry the target info and available DPs
0x66 ('f') <- Ident Target info (model, IMEI)
0x67 ('g') -> Ping Used for connection testing
0x68 ('h') <- Pong Used for connection testing
0x69 ('i') <- DPAnnounce Data Provider availability announce
0x6b ('k') -> ConnEstablish Connection establishment command
0x6c ('l') <- ConnEstablished Connection establishment result
0x6d ('m') -> ConnTerminate Connection termination command
0x6e ('n') <- ConnTerminated Connection termination result
0x6f ('o') <-> ConnData Connection data
0x70 ('p') <- FlowControl Connection flow control
0x71 ('q') <-> Ack Acknowledge

Other DebugMux Software

The following software is known to "speak" DebugMux protocol:

  • "DbgMuxLogger" by Ericsson Mobile Platforms AB
  • "DbgMuxServer" by Ericsson Mobile Platforms AB
  • "EMBLA Logger" by Ericsson AB
  • "TEMS Investigation" by Ericsson/Ascom/Infovista
  • "TSCom/TSProbe/TSTool" by Ericsson Mobile Platforms AB (?)

Those are all proprietary, black-box binaries for MS Windows.

Further reading/watching