
171 lines
5.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import time
import importlib
from pycrate_csn1.trans import *
# local path, specifications name, python file header, python import prefix
PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ )) + os.sep
SPECS = ['24008', '44018', '44060']
HEAD = open(PATH + 'header.txt').readlines()
IMPPREF = PATH.split(os.sep)[-2]
def build_py_path(spec, objname):
#path = (IMPPREF, spec, objname)
path = (IMPPREF, objname)
return '.'.join(path)
def process_file(spec, fn):
dbg = True
if dbg:
print('> %s/%s' % (spec, fn))
fd = open(PATH + spec + os.sep + fn)
lines = fd.readlines()
# 1) get infos (in CSN.1 comment in the 3 1st lines)
obj_name = lines[2][2:].strip()
pname = pythonize_name(obj_name)
# 2) create the header
header = HEAD[:]
header[-5] = header[-5][:-1] + pname + '.py' + '\n'
header[-4] = header[-4][:-1] + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '\n'
header.append('# specification: %s\n' % lines[0][2:].strip())
header.append('# section: %s\n' % lines[1][2:].strip())
header.append('# top-level object: %s\n' % obj_name)
# 3) compile the CSN.1 text
objs, externs, pycode = translate_text(''.join(lines[3:]))
except Exception as exc:
print(' [ERR] %s/%s: unable to translate' % (spec, fn))
print(' Exception: %s' % exc)
raise(Exception('CSN.1 object translation error'))
return ''.join(header), externs, pycode, objs
def process(specs):
global PATH
# dict to collect all objects and Python code generated
Objs = {}
for spec in specs:
print('[o] %s: processing' % spec)
cnt = 0
# compile each .csn file in the spec directory
flist = os.listdir(PATH + spec + os.sep)
for fn in flist:
if fn[-4:] == '.csn':
header, externs, pycode, objs = process_file(spec, fn)
Objs[(spec, fn[:-4])] = [header, externs, pycode, objs]
cnt += len(objs)
print('[o] %s: done, %i files, %i definitions' % (spec, len(flist), cnt))
# resolve all imports
link(Objs, specs)
# try to load all generated file
for (spec, objname) in sorted(Objs.keys()):
load_py_file(spec, objname)
def link(Objs, specs):
# resolve imports
all_files = []
for (spec, objname), (header, externs, pycode, objs) in sorted(Objs.items()):
print('[o] %s/%s' % (spec, objname))
imp = []
other_specs = specs[:]
for ref in externs:
resolved = False
if (spec, ref) in Objs:
# 1) external ref, local spec, top-level obj
imp.append('from %s import %s' % (build_py_path(spec, ref), ref))
print(' [INF] external reference solved: %s/%s' % (spec, ref))
resolved = True
for other_spec in other_specs:
if (other_spec, ref) in Objs:
# 2) external ref, other spec, top-level obj
imp.append('from %s import %s' % (build_py_path(other_spec, ref), ref))
print(' [INF] external reference solved: %s/%s' % (other_spec, ref))
resolved = True
if not resolved:
# 3) external ref, non-top-level obj
pot = []
for (o_spec, o_objname) in sorted(Objs.keys()):
# prioritize local spec reference
if o_spec == spec:
o_objs = set(Objs[(o_spec, o_objname)][3].keys())
if ref in o_objs:
pot.append( (o_spec, o_objname) )
if not pot:
for (o_spec, o_objname) in sorted(Objs.keys()):
if o_spec != spec:
o_objs = set(Objs[(o_spec, o_objname)][3].keys())
if ref in o_objs:
pot.append((o_spec, o_objname))
if len(pot) == 0:
# reference not found
print(' [ERR] %s/%s: unable to resolve reference %s' % (spec, objname, ref))
raise(Exception('CSN.1 object reference error'))
elif len(pot) > 1:
# too much references found
print(' [WNG] %s/%s: too much potential imports found for reference %s'\
% (spec, objname, ref))
print(' using the 1st one from %s/%s' % pot[0])
imp.append('from %s import %s' % (build_py_path(*pot[0]), ref))
print(' [INF] external reference solved: %s/%s/%s' % (pot[0][0], pot[0][1], ref))
imp.append('from %s import %s' % (build_py_path(*pot[0]), ref))
print(' [INF] solved reference: %s/%s/%s' % (pot[0][0], pot[0][1], ref))
if imp:
imp.insert(0, '# external references')
create_py_file(spec, objname, header, '\n'.join(imp) + '\n', pycode)
def create_py_file(spec, objname, header, imports, pycode):
#fd = open(PATH + spec + os.sep + objname + '.py', 'w')
l = os.listdir(PATH)
fn = objname + '.py'
#if fn in l:
# raise(Exception('file %s alredy exists' % fn))
fd = open(PATH + fn, 'w')
def load_py_file(spec, objname):
imppath = build_py_path(spec, objname)
except Exception as exc:
print('[ERR] %s.%s: %s' % (spec, objname, exc))
del sys.modules[imppath]
if __name__ == '__main__':