
507 lines
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--$Revision: 464670 $
-- Network Id server network access
-- Vasilchenko 2003
-- ID2.asn
-- messages for id server network access
EXPORTS ID2-Blob-State;
IMPORTS Seq-id, Seq-loc FROM NCBI-Seqloc
ID2S-Chunk-Id, ID2S-Seq-annot-Info FROM NCBI-Seq-split;
-- request types
-- Requests are sent in packets to allow sending several requests at once
-- to avoid network latency, without possiblity of deadlock with server.
-- Server will not start sending replies until it will read the whole packet.
ID2-Request-Packet ::= SEQUENCE OF ID2-Request
ID2-Request ::= SEQUENCE {
-- request's serial number, can be used in asynchronic clients
-- server should copy it to corresponding field in reply
serial-number INTEGER OPTIONAL,
params ID2-Params OPTIONAL,
request CHOICE {
init NULL,
get-packages ID2-Request-Get-Packages,
get-seq-id ID2-Request-Get-Seq-id,
get-blob-id ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Id,
get-blob-info ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Info,
reget-blob ID2-Request-ReGet-Blob,
get-chunks ID2S-Request-Get-Chunks
-- Request for set of params packages know by server.
-- Packages can be used to abbreviate parameters of request.
ID2-Request-Get-Packages ::= SEQUENCE {
-- return known packages from this list
-- if unset - return all known packages
names SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,
-- return packages' names only
no-contents NULL OPTIONAL
-- Requested sequence ID, can be any string or Seq-id.
-- This request will be replied with one or more ID2-Reply-Get-Seq-id.
ID2-Request-Get-Seq-id ::= SEQUENCE {
seq-id ID2-Seq-id,
seq-id-type INTEGER {
any (0), -- return any qualified Seq-id
gi (1), -- gi is preferred
text (2), -- text Seq-id (accession etc) is preferred
general (4), -- general Seq-id is preferred
all (127), -- return all qualified Seq-ids of the sequence
label (128), -- return a sequence string label as string
-- in general id with db "LABEL"
taxid (256), -- return a sequence taxonomy ID as integer
-- in general id with db "TAXID"
hash (512) -- return a sequence hash as integer
-- in general id with db "HASH"
ID2-Seq-id ::= CHOICE {
string VisibleString,
seq-id Seq-id
-- Return blob-id with specified seq-id.
-- This request with be replied with one or more ID2-Reply-Get-Blob-Id.
ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Id ::= SEQUENCE {
-- id can be supplied by inner request
seq-id ID2-Request-Get-Seq-id,
-- return id of blob with sequence
sources SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,
-- return Blob-Ids with external features on this Seq-id
-- Return some information related to the blob.
-- This request with be replied with one or more of:
-- ID2-Reply-Get-Blob-Seq-ids - if requested by get-seq-ids field
-- ID2-Reply-Get-Blob - if requested by get-data field
-- ID2S-Reply-Get-Split-Info
-- ID2S-Reply-Get-Chunk
-- Last two can be sent in addition to ID2-Reply-Get-Blob
-- if the blob is split on the server.
-- The replies are made separate to allow server to create replies easier
-- from precalculated data. Each of these replies have ID2-Reply-Data field.
ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Info ::= SEQUENCE {
-- id can be supplied by inner request
blob-id CHOICE {
-- id can be supplied by inner request
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id,
-- generate blob-ids from request
resolve SEQUENCE {
request ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Id,
-- server will not send blobs listed here
exclude-blobs SEQUENCE OF ID2-Blob-Id OPTIONAL
-- return in addition list of Seq-ids also resolving to this blob
get-seq-ids NULL OPTIONAL,
-- level of details requested immediately
-- server will send relevant chunks if blob is splitted
get-data ID2-Get-Blob-Details OPTIONAL
-- This is similar to FTP reget command.
-- It may be unsupported by server.
-- It's defined only for plain blobs (returned in ID2-Reply-Get-Blob)
-- as all split data comes in small chunks, so reget doesn't make sense.
ID2-Request-ReGet-Blob ::= SEQUENCE {
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id,
-- blob split version to resend
split-version INTEGER,
-- start offset of data to get
offset INTEGER
-- Request for specific chunks.
-- Server will reply with one or more ID2S-Reply-Get-Chunk.
ID2S-Request-Get-Chunks ::= SEQUENCE {
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id,
-- requests for specific chunks of splitted blob
chunks SEQUENCE OF ID2S-Chunk-Id,
-- blob split version
split-version INTEGER OPTIONAL
-- The following structure describes what parts of blob are required
-- immediately after ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Info in case blob is split.
-- Seq-entry level will have probably the same values as Entry-complexities.
ID2-Get-Blob-Details ::= SEQUENCE {
-- reference location for details - can be only part of sequence
location Seq-loc OPTIONAL,
-- Seq-entry level for all data except descriptors (sequnence, annots)
seq-class-level INTEGER DEFAULT 1,
-- Seq-entry level for descriptors
descr-level INTEGER DEFAULT 1,
-- mask of descriptor types - see Seqdesc for variants' values
descr-type-mask INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
-- mask of annotation types - see for values
annot-type-mask INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
-- mask of feature types - see SeqFeatData for values
feat-type-mask INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
-- level of sequence data to load
sequence-level ENUMERATED {
none (0), -- not required
seq-map (1), -- at least seq-map
seq-data (2) -- include seq-data
} DEFAULT none
-- reply types
ID2-Reply ::= SEQUENCE {
-- request's serial number, copy from request
serial-number INTEGER OPTIONAL,
params ID2-Params OPTIONAL,
-- true if this reply is the last one for the request
-- false if more replies will follow
end-of-reply NULL OPTIONAL,
-- reply data moved at the end to make it easier to construct
-- the reply data manually from precalculated data
reply CHOICE {
init NULL,
empty NULL,
get-package ID2-Reply-Get-Package,
get-seq-id ID2-Reply-Get-Seq-id,
get-blob-id ID2-Reply-Get-Blob-Id,
get-blob-seq-ids ID2-Reply-Get-Blob-Seq-ids,
get-blob ID2-Reply-Get-Blob,
reget-blob ID2-Reply-ReGet-Blob,
get-split-info ID2S-Reply-Get-Split-Info,
get-chunk ID2S-Reply-Get-Chunk
-- additional error flag if the reply is broken in the middle
-- of transfer.
-- 'last-octet-string', and 'nothing' mean that
-- client may use ReGet request to get the remaining data.
discard ENUMERATED {
reply (0), -- whole reply should be discarded
last-octet-string (1), -- all data in embedded ID2-Reply-Data
-- except last OCTET STRING is correct
nothing (2) -- all data in embedded ID2-Reply-Data
-- is correct, but is incomplete
ID2-Error ::= SEQUENCE {
severity ENUMERATED {
-- nothing harmful happened
warning (1) ,
-- command cannot be completed this time
failed-command (2) ,
-- connection cannot be reused, reconnect is required
failed-connection (3) ,
-- server cannot be used for a while
failed-server (4) ,
-- resolve request gives no data
-- probably temporarily (see retry-delay field)
no-data (5) ,
-- data exists but client doesn't have permission to get it
restricted-data (6) ,
-- this request type is not supported by server
unsupported-command (7) ,
-- error in request packet, cannot retry
invalid-arguments (8)
-- client may retry the request after specified time in seconds
message VisibleString OPTIONAL
-- Reply to ID2-Request-Get-Packages.
ID2-Reply-Get-Package ::= SEQUENCE {
name VisibleString,
params ID2-Params OPTIONAL
-- Reply to ID2-Request-Get-Seq-id.
ID2-Reply-Get-Seq-id ::= SEQUENCE {
-- copy of request
request ID2-Request-Get-Seq-id,
-- resolved Seq-id
-- not set if error occurred
-- this Seq-id is the last one in the request
end-of-reply NULL OPTIONAL
-- Bit numbers for different blob states,
-- used in blob-state fields of several replies.
-- For example, dead & protected blob has blob-state 24 - 3rd and 4th bits set.
ID2-Blob-State ::= ENUMERATED {
live (0),
suppressed-temp (1),
suppressed (2),
dead (3),
protected (4),
withdrawn (5)
-- Reply to ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Id.
ID2-Reply-Get-Blob-Id ::= SEQUENCE {
-- requested Seq-id
seq-id Seq-id,
-- result
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id OPTIONAL,
-- version of split data
-- (0 for non split)
split-version INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
-- annotation types in this blob
-- annotation are unknown if this field is omitted
annot-info SEQUENCE OF ID2S-Seq-annot-Info OPTIONAL,
-- this Blob-id is the last one in the request
end-of-reply NULL OPTIONAL,
-- state bits of the blob, 0 or missing means regular live data
-- Reply to ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Info.
ID2-Reply-Get-Blob-Seq-ids ::= SEQUENCE {
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id,
-- list of Seq-id resolving to this Blob-Id
-- in compressed format
ids ID2-Reply-Data OPTIONAL
-- Reply to ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Info.
ID2-Reply-Get-Blob ::= SEQUENCE {
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id,
-- version of split data
-- (0 for non split)
split-version INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
-- whole blob or blob skeleton
-- not set if error occurred
data ID2-Reply-Data OPTIONAL,
-- state bits of the blob, 0 or missing means regular live data
-- Reply to ID2-Request-Get-Blob-Info.
ID2S-Reply-Get-Split-Info ::= SEQUENCE {
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id,
-- version of split data
split-version INTEGER,
-- blob split info
-- not set if error occurred
data ID2-Reply-Data OPTIONAL,
-- state bits of the blob, 0 or missing means regular live data
-- Reply to ID2-Request-ReGet-Blob.
ID2-Reply-ReGet-Blob ::= SEQUENCE {
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id,
-- version of data split
split-version INTEGER,
-- offset of data
offset INTEGER,
-- blob split info
-- not set if error occurred
data ID2-Reply-Data OPTIONAL
-- Reply to ID2S-Request-Get-Chunks.
ID2S-Reply-Get-Chunk ::= SEQUENCE {
blob-id ID2-Blob-Id,
-- id of chunk to send
chunk-id ID2S-Chunk-Id,
-- chunk data
-- not set if error occurred
data ID2-Reply-Data OPTIONAL
-- Data packing.
ID2-Reply-Data ::= SEQUENCE {
-- index of negotiated types
-- recommended types
-- Seq-entry,
-- ID2S-Split-Info,
-- ID2S-Chunk
data-type INTEGER {
seq-entry (0),
seq-annot (1),
id2s-split-info (2),
id2s-chunk (3)
} DEFAULT seq-entry,
-- serialization format (ASN.1 binary, ASN.1 text)
-- index of negotiated formats
data-format INTEGER {
asn-binary (0),
asn-text (1),
xml (2)
} DEFAULT asn-binary,
-- post serialization compression (plain, gzip, etc.)
-- index of negotiated compressions
data-compression INTEGER {
none (0),
gzip (1),
nlmzip (2),
bzip2 (3)
} DEFAULT none,
-- data blob
-- Data packed within ID2-Reply-Get-Blob-Seq-ids reply.
ID2-Blob-Seq-ids ::= SEQUENCE OF ID2-Blob-Seq-id
ID2-Blob-Seq-id ::= SEQUENCE {
seq-id Seq-id,
-- this Seq-id is replaced by sequence in another blob
-- utility types
ID2-Blob-Id ::= SEQUENCE {
sub-sat INTEGER {
main (0),
snp (1),
snp-graph (4),
cdd (8),
mgc (16),
hprd (32),
sts (64),
trna (128),
exon (512)
} DEFAULT main,
sat-key INTEGER,
-- version of blob, optional in some requests
ID2-Params ::= SEQUENCE OF ID2-Param
ID2-Param ::= SEQUENCE {
name VisibleString,
value SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,
-- no response expected
set-value (1),
-- this option is for client only
-- server replies with its value of param if known
-- server omits this param in reply if unknown to server
get-value (2),
-- no direct response expected,
-- but if the param or its value is not supported
-- an error is reported and the request is not be completed
force-value (3),
-- use named package
-- value should be unset
use-package (4)
} DEFAULT set-value