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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# * Software Name : pycrate
# * Version : 0.4
# *
# * Copyright 2017. Benoit Michau. ANSSI. P1sec.
# *
# * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * Lesser General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# * MA 02110-1301 USA
# *
# *--------------------------------------------------------
# * File Name : pycrate_csn1/
# * Created : 2017-06-12
# * Authors : Benoit Michau
# *--------------------------------------------------------
from .utils import *
from .utils import _RE_NAME, _RE_VAL
# CSN.1 object parser
# WNG: this parser is not implementing the whole CSN.1 language
# but only what is required in order to parse 3GPP specifications
class CSN1Obj(object):
"""Class to handle CSN.1 object parsing and definition
internal attributes:
- name: str, named of the object,
can be a null-string in case of anonymous object
- num :
int, static number of repetition for the object
default is 1, it can be >= 0
or -1, for an undefined number of repetitions
(x:int, (a:int, b:int)) is an alternate possible value in case
the number of repetitions is dynamic and depends on another
x: backward reference to a field into the parent object which
has to be a list
a, b: transform in the form x: a*(x+b) to be applied to the
value of the backward reference to get the length of self
- lref: enforces a limitation to the length in bits during the decoding
and potentially the encoding, used for lists and alternatives
None, no limitation
int, static limitation to the number of bits
(x:int, (a:int, b:int)) is an alternate possible value in case the
limitation of number of bits is dynamic and depends on another
object, handling is similar to num
- ref : set of str, list all reference to external CSN.1 objects
In case the CSN.1 object is a bit-field:
- bit :
int, static number of bits for the object
default is 1, it can be >= 0
or -1, for an undefined number of bits
(x:int, (a:int, b:int)) is an alternate possible value in case
the number of bits is dynamic and depends on another
object, handling is similar to num
- excl: None or CSN1Val, list of excluded values
In case the CSN.1 object is a list of objects:
- list: list, list of contained objects
In case the CSN.1 object is a list of alternatives:
- alt : list, list of alternative lists of contained objects
# CSN.1 default type is unsigned integer
# the syntax does not give hint on how to handle an object (like an integer,
# signed, unsigned, ... or like a bit string ...)
# hence, the type has to be set by hand, if not handled like this default CSN1T_UINT
# the only supported alternative yet is CSN1T_BSTR
def __init__(self, name, text='', EOT=None):
# A CSN.1 object is named or anonymous
self._name = name
# A CSN.1 object can be repeated multiple times (self._num >= 0)
# or until there is no more buffer to consume (self._num == -1)
self._num = 1
# reference to a backward field enforcing the length in bits
self._lref = None
# reference to a parent object
self._par = None
# external object's reference(s) tracker, required for regenerating source code
self._ref = set()
# A CSN.1 object is a bit-field (self._bit),
# a list of CSN.1 objects (self._list)
# or a list of alternative of list of CSN.1 objects (self._alt)
self._bit = None # in case object is a single bit-field
self._excl = None # in case object is a single bit-field with excluded value
self._list = None # in case object is a list of objects
self._alt = None # in case object is a choice between mutliple alternatives
if text:
text = self.parse_def(text, EOT)
def reduce(self):
optimizes the content of self in various ways
returns a new CSN1Obj if modified, or self
ret = self
if hasattr(self, '_alt') and self._alt is not None:
# processing alternatives
if hasattr(self, '_err'):
# ignoring error branch at this time
# TODO: handle error branch
del self._alt[self._err]
del self._err
if len(self._alt) == 1:
# if this is an alternative with a single possibility
# we convert it back to a list
if isinstance(self._alt[0], list):
self._list = self._alt[0]
# this list with a single element will get reduced below
self._list = [self._alt[0]]
self._alt = None
elif hasattr(self, '_ref') and not self._ref and \
self._num == 1 and self._lref is None and \
all([isinstance(Obj, CSN1Val) for Obj in self._alt]):
# if this is an alternative between multiple values
# we convert it to a CSN1Val with the list of given values
New = CSN1Val(name=self._name)
for alt in self._alt:
New._val.extend( alt._val )
ret = New
if hasattr(self, '_list') and self._list is not None:
# processing list
if len(self._list) == 1:
# if this is a list with a single object
# we return this single object
# WNG: this could assert in some extrem cases
New = self._list[0]
if self._num != 1:
assert( New._num == 1 )
New._num = self._num
if self._lref is not None:
assert( New._lref is None )
New._lref = self._lref
if hasattr(self, '_trunc'):
assert( hasattr(New, '_list') and New._list is not None )
New._trunc = True
# reattribute self._name to the inner object New
if self._name:
New._name = self._name
ret = New
if hasattr(self, '_alt') and not self._alt and \
hasattr(self, '_list') and not self._list:
# processing bit / octet
if isinstance(self._bit, integer_types) and \
isinstance(self._num, integer_types) and self._num > 1:
self._bit *= self._num
self._num = 1
if isinstance(self, CSN1Ref):
# processing reference
if self._obj == 'null' and self._num == 1 and self._lref is None:
# if this is a ref to null
# we convert it to a CSN1Val with a single null value
New = CSN1Val(name=self._name)
New._val = ['null']
ret = New
return ret
def resolve_refs(self):
resolves all references between internal objects
need to be done after all parents' objects have been reduce() properly
if isinstance(self._lref, tuple):
assert( isinstance(self._lref[0], str_types) )
elif isinstance(self._num, tuple):
assert( isinstance(self._num[0], str_types) )
if hasattr(self, '_bit') and isinstance(self._bit, tuple):
# CSN1Bit
assert( isinstance(self._bit[0], str_types) )
elif hasattr(self, '_list') and self._list:
# CSN1List: process internal list objects recursively
for child in self._list:
child._par = (self, self._list)
elif hasattr(self, '_alt') and self._alt:
# CSN1Alt: process internal alternatives objects recursively
#for alt in [alt for alt in self._alt if isinstance(alt, list)]:
# for child in alt[1:]:
for alt in self._alt:
if isinstance(alt, list):
for child in alt:
child._par = (self, alt)
elif isinstance(alt, CSN1Obj):
alt._par = (self, alt)
def _resolve_ref(self, attr):
ref = getattr(self, attr)
if ref[0][0] == '#':
# manual conversion is required due to special arithmetic
setattr(self, attr, (ref[0], (None, None)))
# check within parents' iteratively to find the reference
par, path = self._par, []
while True:
if par is None:
# error while searching for the reference
log('WARN: unable to resolve reference, %s' % ref[0])
log(' do it by hand within the Python file generated')
setattr(self, attr, ('# unresolved: %s' % ref[0], (None, None)))
names = [obj._name for obj in par[1]]
if ref[0] not in names:
par = par[0]._par
path.append( names.index(ref[0]) )
setattr(self, attr, (path, ref[1]))
def __repr__(self):
if self._bit is not None:
suf = 'Bit'
elif self._list:
suf = 'List'
elif self._alt:
suf = 'Alt'
suf = ''
return '%s%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, suf, self._name)
def __continue(self, text, EOT):
if text:
if EOT is None:
return True
elif text[0:1] not in EOT:
return True
return False
return False
def parse_def(self, text, EOT=None):
parses the text corresponding to the CSN.1 object definition
object definition can be:
- a bit definition, e.g. "bit (10)" or "bit == 1"
- a fixed bit value, e.g. "10110" or "HL"
- a reference to another object, e.g. "< OtherObject >"
- an inlined object definition, e.g. "< OtherObject: bit(10) >"
- a list of alternatives, e.g.
"{ 00 | 11 | 01 < Object-1 > | 10 < Object-2 > }"
self._text_def = text
while self.__continue(text, EOT):
if text[0:3] == 'bit':
# bit definition
assert( self._bit is None )
if self._list is None:
self._list = []
text = self._parse_bit(text)
elif text[0:5] == 'octet':
# octet definition
assert( self._bit is None )
if self._list is None:
self._list = []
text = self._parse_octet(text)
elif text and text[0:1] in '01LHn':
# fixed anonymous bit value
assert( self._bit is None )
if self._list is None:
self._list = []
text = self._parse_anon_val(text)
elif text[0:1] == '<':
# reference to another object or inlined object definition
assert( self._bit is None )
if self._list is None:
self._list = []
text = self._parse_obj(text[1:].lstrip())
elif text[0:1] == '{':
# precedence token, subgroup handled as an anonymous object
assert( self._bit is None )
if self._list is None:
self._list = []
text = self._parse_grp(text[1:].lstrip())
elif text[0:1] in ('|', '!'):
assert( self._bit is None and self._list is not None )
# put the previous list of object as a potential alternative
if self._alt is None:
self._alt = []
if text[0:1] == '!':
# the next list correspond to an error case
self._err = len(self._alt)
text = text[1:].lstrip()
elif text[0:2] == '//':
# TODO: handle truncation somewhere
self._trunc = True
text = text[2:].lstrip()
elif text[0:1] == '&':
lenl, bit, obj = len(self._list), None, None
assert(lenl >= 1)
if self._list[-1]._name == '' and self._list[-1]._bit:
bit = self._list[-1]
off = -2
obj = self._list[-1]
off = -1
# this should happen only within a < ... > struct
text = self.parse_def(text[1:].lstrip(), '>')
assert(len(self._list) == lenl + 1)
# 1 of the 2 objects must be bit
if bit is None:
assert( obj is not None )
bit = self._list[-1]
assert( bit._name == '' and bit._bit )
assert( bit is not None )
obj = self._list[-1]
assert( isinstance(obj, CSN1Ref) or obj._list or obj._alt )
obj._lref = bit._bit
del self._list[off]
assert(not text or text[0:1] == '>')
text = text[1:].lstrip()
m = re.match(_RE_NAME, text)
if m:
# simple reference
assert( self._bit is None and self._list is None and self._alt is None )
Ref = CSN1Ref('',
Ref = Ref.reduce()
self._list = [Ref]
text = text[m.end():].lstrip()
if text[0:1] == '>':
raise(CSN1Err('{0}: invalid text definition, {1}'\
.format(self._name, text)))
if EOT is None:
if self._alt is not None:
# in case self is an alternative object outside of any subgroups
# we need to transfer the last list within alt
return text
def __insert_list(self, Obj):
assert( self._list is not None )
self._list.append( Obj )
if isinstance(Obj, CSN1Val):
elif isinstance(Obj, CSN1Ref):
def __insert_alt(self):
assert( self._list )
# optimization to remove unneeded wrapping list of length 1
if len(self._list) == 1:
# if this is a list of a single object
# we keep only this single object
self._alt.append( self._list[0] )
self._alt.append( self._list )
self._list = None
def _parse_bit(self, text):
parses the text corresponding to a bit definition,
e.g. "bit (10)" or "bit == 1"
text = text[3:].lstrip()
if text and text[0:1] in '(*':
# Obj._bit can be of fixed length, or of dynamic length with a ref
Obj = CSN1Obj('')
Obj._bit, text = CSN1Obj._parse_repet(text)
Obj = CSN1Obj('')
Obj._bit = 1
if text and text[0:1] == '=':
text = CSN1Obj._parse_nostr(text)
if text and text[0:2] == '==':
# this is actually not an object, but a fixed value
# self (CSN1Obj) will be converted to a CSN1Val afterward
text = text[2:].lstrip()
Val = CSN1Val('')
text = Val.parse_val(text)
if isinstance(Obj._bit, tuple) or \
isinstance(Obj._bit, integer_types) and \
not all([len(v) == Obj._bit for v in Val._val]):
raise(CSN1Err('%: invalid mix of value and length constraint'\
% self._name))
Obj = Val
elif text[0:7] == 'exclude':
excl, text = CSN1Obj._parse_excl(text[7:].lstrip())
for val in excl._val:
assert( len(val) == Obj._bit )
Obj._excl = excl
self.__insert_list( Obj.reduce() )
return text
def _parse_octet(self, text):
parses the text corresponding to an octet definition,
e.g. "octet (2)"
text = text[5:].lstrip()
if text and text[0:1] in '(*':
# Obj._bit can be of fixed length, or of dynamic length with a ref
Obj = CSN1Obj('')
Obj._bit, text = CSN1Obj._parse_repet(text)
Obj._num = Obj._bit
Obj._bit = 8
Obj = CSN1Obj('')
Obj._bit = 8
self.__insert_list( Obj.reduce() )
return text
def _parse_anon_val(self, text):
parses the text corresponding to an anonymous value, e.g. "010"
Val = CSN1Val('')
text = Val.parse_val(text)
self.__insert_list( Val.reduce() )
return text
def _parse_obj(self, text):
parses the text corresponding to the definition of another object,
e.g. "< AnotherObject ... >"
m = re.match(_RE_NAME, text)
if not m:
raise(CSN1Err('{0}: invalid object name, {1}'\
.format(self._name, text)))
name =
if name == 'bit':
text = self._parse_bit(text)
if text[0:1] == '>':
text = text[1:].lstrip()
assert( text[0:1] == '&' )
text = text[m.end():].lstrip()
if text[0:1] == ':':
# inlined CSN.1 object bit definition
Obj = CSN1Obj(name)
text = Obj.parse_def(text[1:].lstrip(), EOT='>')
text = text[1:].lstrip()
Obj = Obj.reduce()
if text[0:7] == 'exclude':
excl, text = CSN1Obj._parse_excl(text[7:].lstrip())
assert( Obj._bit is not None )
for val in excl._val:
assert( len(val) == Obj._bit )
Obj._excl = excl
if text and text[0:1] in '(*':
assert( Obj._num == 1 )
Obj._num, text = CSN1Obj._parse_repet(text)
self.__insert_list( Obj )
elif text[0:1] == '>':
# new ref to another object
Obj = CSN1Ref('', name)
text = text[1:].lstrip()
if text and text[0:1] in '(*':
Obj._num, text = CSN1Obj._parse_repet(text)
self.__insert_list( Obj.reduce() )
raise(CSN1Err('{0}: invalid internal object definition, {1}'\
.format(self._name, text)))
return text
def _parse_grp(self, text):
parses the text corresponding to the definition of an embedded object
up to the terminating "}"
Obj = CSN1Obj('')
text = Obj.parse_def(text, EOT='}')
text = text[1:].lstrip()
# in case this is an alternative, transfer the last list to alt
if Obj._alt is not None:
if text and text[0:1] in '(*':
Obj._num, text = CSN1Obj._parse_repet(text)
self.__insert_list( Obj.reduce() )
return text
def _parse_repet(cls, text):
# parses the arithmetic expression for a length or number of iterations
# can be a fixed integer value
# or a dynamic value referencing a value from an upper field
# eventually transformed through a function x -> a*(x+b)
if text[0:1] == '*':
text = text[1:].lstrip()
if text[0:1] == '*':
# indefinite number of iterations
text = CSN1Obj._parse_nostr(text[1:].lstrip())
return -1, text
elif text[0:1] == '(':
# fixed of dynamic arithmetic expr
expr_arithm, text = CSN1Obj._parse_arithm(text)
text = CSN1Obj._parse_nostr(text)
return expr_arithm, text
# must be an unsigned integer
m = re.match(r'[0-9\s]{1,}', text)
if not m:
raise(CSN1Err('CSN1Obj._parse_repet: invalid definition, %s'\
% text))
text = CSN1Obj._parse_nostr(text[m.end():].lstrip())
return int(re.sub(r'\s', '',, text
assert(text[0:1] == '(')
text_tmp = text[1:].lstrip()
if text_tmp[0:1] == '*':
text_tmp = text_tmp[1:].lstrip()
if text_tmp[0:1] == ')':
text = CSN1Obj._parse_nostr(text_tmp[1:].lstrip())
return -1, text
expr_arithm, text = CSN1Obj._parse_arithm(text)
text = CSN1Obj._parse_nostr(text)
return expr_arithm, text
def _parse_nostr(cls, text):
m = SYNT_RE_NOSTR.match(text)
if m:
# TODO: handle this encoding directive, i.e. send construction.
return text[m.end():].lstrip()
return text
_scanner_arithm = [
('[0-9\s]{1,}', TOK_UINT, lambda m: int(re.sub(r'\s', '',,
(_RE_VAL, TOK_REF, lambda m:,
('\+', TOK_ADD, arithm_get_expr),
('\-', TOK_SUB, arithm_get_expr),
('\*', TOK_MUL, arithm_get_expr),
('\(', TOK_OPEN, arithm_get_expr),
('\)', TOK_CLOS, arithm_get_expr)
def _parse_arithm(cls, text):
# parses the arithmetic expression between ( and )
# 1) extract all possible arithm token up to the closure )
text = text[1:].lstrip()
op_clo, toks, err = [1, 0], [], False
while op_clo[1] < op_clo[0]:
match = False
for expr, tok, trans in cls._scanner_arithm:
m = re.match(expr, text)
if m:
toks.append( (tok, trans(m)) )
if tok == TOK_OPEN:
op_clo[0] += 1
elif tok == TOK_CLOS:
op_clo[1] += 1
# exit the for loop
match = True
text = text[m.end():].lstrip()
if not match:
# in case of invalid token, we warns and skip the whole expr
err = True
if err:
toks = [str(t[1]) for t in toks]
# just for counting "(" and ")" to jump over the arithmetic expr
toks.insert(0, '(')
text = text[1:]
while text and op_clo[1] < op_clo[0]:
if text[0:1] == '(':
op_clo[0] += 1
elif text[0:1] == ')':
op_clo[1] += 1
text = text[1:]
log('WARN: unable to process arithmetic expression, %s' % ''.join(toks))
log(' do it by hand within the Python file generated')
return ('# unprocessed: %s' % ''.join(toks),
(None, None)), text.lstrip()
# remove last closing parenthesis
del toks[-1]
# remove unneeded parenthesis
ind = [t[0] for t in toks].index(TOK_REF)
if len(toks) >= 3 and toks[ind-1][0] == TOK_OPEN and toks[ind+1][0] == TOK_CLOS:
del toks[ind+1]
del toks[ind-1]
return CSN1Obj._process_arithm(toks), text
log('WARN: unable to process arithmetic expression, (%s)'\
% ''.join([str(t[1]) for t in toks]))
log(' do it by hand within the Python file generated')
return ('# unprocessed: %s' % ''.join([str(t[1]) for t in toks]),
(None, None)), text.lstrip()
def _process_arithm(cls, toks):
# process the list of tokens into a single fixed uint or
# an lref-style tuple for dynamic value
if len(toks) == 1:
if toks[0][0] == TOK_UINT:
return toks[0][1]
elif toks[0][0]:
return (toks[0][1], (1, 0))
# WARNING: this is a very crude and incomplete way to get
# an affine-like function from the list of tokens...
# this code is really crappy
if len(toks) == 3:
return cls._process_arithm_grp(*toks)
elif len(toks) == 7:
if toks[0][0] == TOK_OPEN and toks[4][0] == TOK_CLOS \
and toks[5][0] == TOK_MUL or toks[6][0] == TOK_UINT:
tok_ref, (a, b) = cls._process_arithm_grp(*toks[1:4])
if a != 1:
return (tok_ref, (toks[6][1], b))
elif toks[0][0] == TOK_UINT and toks[1][0] == TOK_MUL \
and toks[2][0] == TOK_OPEN and toks[6][0] == TOK_CLOS:
tok_ref, (a, b) = cls._process_arithm_grp(*toks[3:6])
if a != 1:
return (tok_ref, (toks[0][1], b))
def _process_arithm_grp(cls, tok0, tok1, tok2):
# get fixed operand and variable ref
if tok0[0] == TOK_REF:
tok_ref = tok0[1]
if tok2[0] == TOK_UINT:
tok_op = tok2[1]
elif tok0[0] == TOK_UINT:
tok_op = tok0[1]
if tok2[0] == TOK_REF:
tok_ref = tok2[1]
# get operation
if tok1[0] == TOK_ADD:
return tok_ref, (1, tok_op)
elif tok1[0] == TOK_SUB:
#return tok_ref, (-1, -tok_op)
if tok0[0] == TOK_REF:
return tok_ref, (1, -tok_op)
return tok_ref, (-1, -tok_op)
elif tok1[0] == TOK_MUL:
return tok_ref, (tok_op, 0)
def _parse_excl(cls, text):
if text and text[0:1] in '01LHn':
m = SYNT_RE_VALUE.match(text)
if not m:
raise(CSN1Err('CSN1Obj._parse_excl: invalid value definition, {1}'\
text_val = re.sub('\s', '',
text = text[m.end():].lstrip()
return CSN1Val('', text_val), text
elif text[0:1] == '{':
text = text[1:].lstrip()
Val = CSN1Val('')
while text[0:1] != '}':
text = Val.parse_val(text)
if text[0:1] == '|':
text = text[1:].lstrip()
return Val, text[1:].lstrip()
class CSN1Ref(CSN1Obj):
"""Class to handle simple reference to other CSN.1 object
def __init__(self, name, obj):
self._name = name
self._obj = obj
self._num = 1
self._lref = None
self._par = None
self._ref = set( [obj] )
def __repr__(self):
if self._name:
return 'CSN1Ref(%s, obj=%s)' % (self._name, self._obj)
return 'CSN1Ref(obj=%s)' % self._obj
class CSN1Val(CSN1Obj):
"""Class to handle CSN.1 value, as used within choice
def __init__(self, name='', text=''):
self._name = name
self._val = []
self._num = 1
self._lref = None
self._par = None
self._ref = set()
if text:
text = self.parse_val(text)
def __repr__(self):
if self._name:
return 'CSN1Val(%s: %r)' % (self._name, self._val)
return 'CSN1Val(%r)' % self._val
def parse_val(self, text):
self._text_val = text
m = SYNT_RE_VALUE.match(text)
if not m:
raise(CSN1Err('{0}: invalid value definition, {1}'\
.format(self._name, text)))
text_val = re.sub('\s', '',
text = text[m.end():].lstrip()
if text and text[0:1] in '(*':
num, text = CSN1Obj._parse_repet(text)
if num == -1:
text_val += '**'
text_val = num*text_val
self._val.append( text_val )
return text
# CSN.1 predefined objects
spare_bit = CSN1Obj('spare bit')
spare_bit._bit = 1
spare_bits = CSN1Obj('spare bits')
spare_bits._bit = 1
spare_bits._num = -1
spare_padding = CSN1Val('spare padding')
spare_padding._val = ['L**']
octet = CSN1Obj('octet')
octet._bit = 8
def get_predef_obj(bit=True, bits=True, padding=True, octet=True):
"""Returns a dict with the following predefined objects:
<spare bit>
<spare bits>
<spare padding>
ret = {}
if bit:
ret['spare_bit'] = spare_bit
ret['Spare_bit'] = spare_bit
ret['Spare_Bit'] = spare_bit
if bits:
ret['spare_bits'] = spare_bits
ret['Spare_bits'] = spare_bits
ret['Spare_Bits'] = spare_bits
if padding:
ret['spare_padding'] = spare_padding
ret['Spare_padding'] = spare_padding
ret['Spare_Padding'] = spare_padding
if octet:
ret['octet'] = octet
ret['Octet'] = octet
return ret
def gen_predef_obj(bit=True, bits=True, padding=True, octet=True):
"""Returns the textual definition of the following predifined objects:
<spare bit>
<spare bits>
<spare padding>
ret = []
if bit:
spare_bit = CSN1Bit(name='spare_bit')
Spare_bit = spare_bit
Spare_Bit = spare_bit
if bits:
spare_bits = CSN1Bit(name='spare_bits', num=-1)
Spare_bits = spare_bits
Spare_Bits = spare_bits
if padding:
spare_padding = CSN1Val(name='spare_padding', val='L', num=-1)
Spare_padding = spare_padding
Spare_Padding = spare_padding
if octet:
octet = CSN1Bit(name='octet', num=8)
Octet = octet
return ''.join(ret) + '\n'
def set_predef_arg(Obj, parg):
for dep in Obj._ref:
if pythonize_name(dep) in ('spare_bit', 'Spare_bit', 'Spare_Bit'):
parg[0] = True
elif pythonize_name(dep) in ('spare_bits', 'Spare_bits', 'Spare_Bits'):
parg[1] = True
elif pythonize_name(dep) in ('spare_padding', 'Spare_padding', 'Spare_Padding'):
parg[2] = True
elif pythonize_name(dep) in ('octet', 'Octet'):
parg[3] = True
# CSN.1 definition translator
global obj_name
def translate_text(text=u'', **kwargs):
"""Scans a text (or list of texts) for CSN.1 object definitions
translate them and return prototype Python definitions, to be used with
the CSN.1 runtime
text (str, or iterable of str): textual CSN.1 definition(s)
result (3-tuple): a dict with generated Python objects,
a set of external references and
a text str containing the corresponding Python source code
if isinstance(text, (list, tuple)):
text = u'\n\n'.join(text)
elif not isinstance(text, str_types):
raise(CSN1Err('[proc] need some textual definition'))
text = clean_text(text)
Objs, ret = {}, []
global obj_name
# 0) add all predifined objects
predef = get_predef_obj(True, True, True, True)
predef_name = list(predef.keys())
predef_args = [False, False, False, False]
# 1) process definition until the end of the text
while text:
text = process_definition(text, Objs, **kwargs)
# 2) sort local / external references
ObjList = list(Objs.keys())
# collect all references
RefList = set()
for Obj in Objs.values():
for ref in Obj._ref:
# identify the set of external references
ExtSet = set()
for ref in RefList:
if ref not in ObjList and ref not in predef:
# 3) translate objects in the required local referencing order
while ObjList:
obj_len = len(ObjList)
for pyname in ObjList[:]:
Obj = Objs[pyname]
if isinstance(Obj, CSN1Val) or not Obj._ref:
# object without dependency
obj_name = pyname
Obj._root = True
ret.append( '%s = %s\n' % (pyname, translate_object(Obj)) )
ObjList.remove( pythonize_name(Obj._name) )
if all([pythonize_name(dep) not in ObjList or \
pythonize_name(dep) == pyname or \
pythonize_name(dep) in predef_name \
for dep in Obj._ref]):
# object with all local dependencies already defined
obj_name = pyname
Obj._root = True
ret.append( '%s = %s\n' % (pyname, translate_object(Obj)) )
ObjList.remove( pythonize_name(Obj._name) )
set_predef_arg(Obj, predef_args)
# ensure we keep defining objects
if len(ObjList) == obj_len:
log('ERR: unable to define objects, %r' % ObjList)
# 3) return python source
return Objs, ExtSet, \
'# code automatically generated by pycrate_csn1\n' + \
'# change object type with type=CSN1T_BSTR (default type is CSN1T_UINT) in init\n' + \
'# add dict for value interpretation with dic={...} in CSN1Bit init\n' + \
'# add dict for key interpretation with kdic={...} in CSN1Alt init\n\n' + \
'from pycrate_csn1.csnobj import *\n' + \
gen_predef_obj(*predef_args) + \
def process_definition(text, Objs, **kwargs):
"""Processes a single CSN.1 definition and returns a Python object
# look for the assignment sign ::=
m ='::=', text)
if not m:
log('CSN.1 object assignment sign ::= not found')
return ''
# get the object name
text_name = text[:m.start()].strip()
text = text[m.end():].strip()
m = SYNT_RE_NAME.match(text_name)
if not m:
raise(CSN1Err('missing CSN.1 object name'))
name =
# scan the object definition up to the 1st semi-colon
m =';', text)
if not m:
raise(CSN1Err('missing CSN.1 object end-of-definition sign ;'))
text_def = text[:m.start()].strip()
text = text[m.end():].strip()
# create a pythonic name
pyname = pythonize_name(name)
# populate the object dict
Obj = CSN1Obj(name, text_def)
Obj = Obj.reduce()
Objs[pyname] = Obj
return text
def translate_object(Obj):
if isinstance(Obj, CSN1Ref):
return translate_ref(Obj)
elif isinstance(Obj, CSN1Val):
return translate_val(Obj)
elif Obj._bit is not None:
return translate_bit(Obj)
elif Obj._list is not None:
return translate_list(Obj)
elif Obj._alt is not None:
return translate_alt(Obj)
def _translate_arithm(val):
if isinstance(val, integer_types):
return '%i' % val
if isinstance(val[1], tuple) and len(val[1]) == 2 and \
isinstance(val[1][0], integer_types) and \
isinstance(val[1][1], integer_types):
if val[1][1] != 0:
if val[1][0] == 1:
trans = 'lambda x: x + %i' % val[1][1]
trans = 'lambda x: %i * (x + %i)' % val[1]
if val[1][0] == 1:
trans = 'lambda x: x'
trans = 'lambda x: %i * x' % val[1][0]
trans = 'lambda: 0'
if isinstance(val[0], str_types):
return '(%r, %s)' % (val[0], trans)
return '(%s, %s)' % (val[0], trans)
def translate_ref(Obj):
global obj_name
name, obj, args = pythonize_name(Obj._name), Obj._obj, []
if pythonize_name(obj) == obj_name:
# self reference
cla = 'CSN1SelfRef'
elif obj[:11] == '__pycrate__':
cla = 'CSN1ExtRef'
if Obj._name:
args.append( 'name=%r' % name )
args.append( 'obj=%s' % repr(tuple(obj[12:].split('.'))) )
cla = 'CSN1Ref'
if Obj._name:
args.append('name=%r' % name)
args.append( 'obj=%s' % pythonize_name(obj) )
if Obj._num != 1:
args.append( 'num=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._num) )
if Obj._lref is not None:
args.append( 'lref=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._lref) )
return '%s(%s)' % (cla, ', '.join(args))
def translate_val(Obj):
if len(Obj._val) == 1:
if Obj._num == 1:
return 'CSN1Val(name=%r, val=%r)' \
% (pythonize_name(Obj._name), Obj._val[0])
return 'CSN1Val(name=%r, val=%r, num=%s)' \
% (pythonize_name(Obj._name), Obj._val[0],
# convert to a list of alternatives
Alt = CSN1Obj(name=Obj._name)
Alt._alt = [CSN1Val('', v) for v in Obj._val]
if hasattr(Obj, '_root') and Obj._root:
Alt._root = True
return translate_alt(Alt)
def translate_bit(Obj):
args = []
if Obj._name:
args.append( 'name=%r' % pythonize_name(Obj._name) )
if Obj._bit != 1:
if isinstance(Obj._bit, integer_types) and \
isinstance(Obj._num, integer_types) and Obj._num > 1:
# quick optimization
Obj._bit *= Obj._num
Obj._num = 1
args.append( 'bit=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._bit) )
if Obj._num != 1:
args.append( 'num=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._num) )
if Obj._lref is not None:
args.append( 'lref=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._lref) )
if Obj._excl is not None:
# we only keep raw bit-strings
args.append( 'excl=%r' % Obj._excl._val )
return 'CSN1Bit(%s)' % ', '.join(args)
def translate_list(Obj):
# translate each list internal object on a new line
args = []
if Obj._name:
args.append( 'name=%r' % pythonize_name(Obj._name) )
if Obj._num != 1:
args.append( 'num=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._num) )
if Obj._lref is not None:
args.append( 'lref=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._lref) )
if hasattr(Obj, '_trunc'):
args.append( 'trunc=True' )
if Obj._list:
args.append( 'list=' + _translate_objlist(Obj._list) )
return 'CSN1List(%s)' % ', '.join(args)
def translate_alt(Obj):
selec = build_alt_selector(Obj)
args = []
if Obj._name:
args.append( 'name=%r' % pythonize_name(Obj._name) )
if Obj._num != 1:
args.append( 'num=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._num) )
if Obj._lref is not None:
args.append( 'lref=%s' % _translate_arithm(Obj._lref) )
if hasattr(Obj, '_trunc'):
args.append( 'trunc=True' )
arg_alt = []
for (val, (val_name, objs)) in selec.items():
arg_alt.append( ' %r: (%r, %s),\n' % (val, val_name, _translate_objlist(objs)) )
# sorting alternatives
if len(arg_alt):
arg_alt = 'alt={\n' + ''.join(arg_alt)[:-2] + '}'
arg_alt = 'alt={}'
args.append( arg_alt )
return 'CSN1Alt(%s)' % ', '.join(args)
def _translate_objlist(ol):
ret = ['[\n']
for obj in ol:
ret.append( ' %s,\n' % translate_object(obj).replace('\n', '\n ') )
if len(ret) > 1:
ret[-1] = ret[-1][:-2] + ']'
ret[0] = ret[0][:-1] + ']'
return ''.join(ret)
def build_alt_selector(Obj):
# define a discriminant for each branch and build a dict according to
# determined selectors
selec, has_null, req_null = [], [], []
for alt in Obj._alt:
# check the 1st field of each alternative
if isinstance(alt, CSN1Val):
# single value that means that we exit the object
if len(alt._val) > 1:
# multiple values
for val in alt._val:
if val == 'null':
has_null.append( True )
# potential alternative
if val[-2:] == '**':
# take care of repeated value (e.g. 0**)
nv = ASN1Val()
selec.append( (val[:-2], (pythonize_name(alt._name), [nv])) )
selec.append( (val, (pythonize_name(alt._name), [])) )
has_null.append( False )
if alt._val[0] == 'null':
# no more bit to consume, exiting the structure
# potential alternative
if alt._val[0][-2:] == '**':
# take care of repeated value (e.g. 0**)
selec.append( (alt._val[0][:-2], (pythonize_name(alt._name), [alt])) )
selec.append( (alt._val[0], (pythonize_name(alt._name), [])) )
has_null.append( False )
elif isinstance(alt, CSN1Ref):
selec.append( ('', (pythonize_name(alt._name), [alt])) )
req_null.append( True )
elif isinstance(alt, list):
# list of fields
if isinstance(alt[0], CSN1Val):
if len(alt[0]._val) > 1:
# multiple values
# associate all of them with the rest of the objects' list
rest = alt[1:]
for val in alt[0]._val:
if val[-2:] == '**':
raise(CSN1Err('unsupported alternative key, %s' % val))
selec.append( (val, (pythonize_name(alt[0]._name), rest)) )
has_null.append( False )
if alt[0]._val[0][-2:] == '**':
raise(CSN1Err('unsupported alternative key, %s' % alt[0]._val[0]))
selec.append( (alt[0]._val[0], (pythonize_name(alt[0]._name), alt[1:])) )
has_null.append( False )
elif alt[0]._bit and alt[0]._excl:
# generate all the possible values and remove the excluded one(s)
vals = list(map(lambda x: '{0:0>{1}}'.format(bin(x)[2:], alt[0]._bit),
range(0, (2<<(alt[0]._bit-1)))))
for val in alt[0]._excl._val:
assert( val in vals )
# and associate all of them to the rest of the objects' list
rest = alt[1:]
for val in vals:
selec.append( (val, (pythonize_name(alt[0]._name), rest)) )
has_null.append( False )
# this means that we have a null to exit the structure as
# the only other alternative
selec.append( ('', ('', alt)) )
req_null.append( True )
elif isinstance(alt, CSN1Obj) and alt._list \
and alt._num == 1 and alt._lref is None:
# list object
if alt._list[0]._name:
alt_name = alt._list[0]._name
elif alt._name:
alt_name = alt._name
alt_name = ''
if isinstance(alt._list[0], CSN1Val):
if len(alt._list[0]._val) > 1:
# multiple values
# associate all of them with the rest of the objects' list
rest = alt._list[1:]
for val in alt._list[0]._val:
if val[-2:] == '**':
raise(CSN1Err('unsupported alternative key, %s' % val))
selec.append( (val, (pythonize_name(alt_name), rest)) )
has_null.append( False )
if alt._list[0]._val[0][-2:] == '**':
raise(CSN1Err('unsupported alternative key, %s' % alt._list[0]._val[0]))
selec.append( (alt._list[0]._val[0], (pythonize_name(alt_name), alt._list[1:])) )
has_null.append( False )
elif alt._list[0]._bit and alt._list[0]._excl:
# generate all the possible values and remove the excluded one(s)
vals = list(map(lambda x: '{0:0>{1}}'.format(bin(x)[2:], alt._list[0]._bit),
range(0, (2<<(alt._list[0]._bit-1)))))
for val in alt._list[0]._excl._val:
assert( val in vals )
# and associate all of them to the rest of the objects' list
rest = alt._list[1:]
for val in vals:
selec.append( (val, (pythonize_name(alt_name), rest)) )
has_null.append( False )
# this means that we have a null to exit the structure as
# the only other alternative
selec.append( ('', ('', alt)) )
req_null.append( True )
# ensure everything is solvable
if not req_null:
# OK, every alternative starts with a value or is null
d = _build_dict_from_alt(selec)
elif len(req_null) == 1:
# one alternative starts with an undetermined value
if has_null != [True]:
# the only possible other alternative is a single null field
raise(CSN1Err('an alternative starts with undetermined value'))
# OK
d = _build_dict_from_alt(selec)
# several alternatives starts with an undetermined value
raise(CSN1Err('mutliple alternatives start with undetermined values'))
if any(has_null):
d[None] = ('', [])
return d
def _build_dict_from_alt(selec):
d = {}
for (k, l) in selec:
# get the list of keys, enventually truncated to the length of k
if d and not all([_check_keys(k, key) for key in d.keys() if len(key) > 0]):
raise(CSN1Err('multiple alternatives start with the same value, {0!r}'\
d[k] = l
return d
def _check_keys(k1, k2):
# ensure two CSN1Alt keys are not colliding
if k1 == k2[:len(k1)] or k1[:len(k2)] == k2:
return False
return True