
691 lines
26 KiB

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# * Software Name : pycrate
# * Version : 0.3
# *
# * Copyright 2017. Benoit Michau. ANSSI.
# *
# * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * Lesser General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# * MA 02110-1301 USA
# *
# *--------------------------------------------------------
# * File Name : pycrate_corenet/
# * Created : 2017-07-11
# * Authors : Benoit Michau
# *--------------------------------------------------------
from .utils import *
from .ProcCNRua import *
from .ProcCNRanap import *
# WNG: all procedures that call .require_smc() method need to be set in this LUT
ProcAbbrLUT = {
'MMLocationUpdating' : 'LU',
'MMConnectionEstablishment': 'CON',
'RRPagingResponse' : 'PAG',
'GMMAttach' : 'ATT',
'GMMRoutingAreaUpdating' : 'RAU',
'GMMServiceRequest' : 'SER',
class UEIuSigStack(SigStack):
# to keep track of all RANAP procedures
# reference to the UEd
UE = None
# reference to the RNCd / HNBd
RNC = None
# core network domain (CS or PS)
DOM = None
# for pure RANAP procedure (no NAS trafic, neither RAB-oriented stuff)
# should we page the UE to run the procedure successfully when UE is idle
def _log(self, logtype, msg):
self.UE._log(logtype, '[%s: %3i] %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.CtxId, msg))
def __init__(self, ued, rncd, ctx_id):
self.UE = ued
self.Server = ued.Server
if self.DOM == 'PS':
self._cndomind = 'ps-domain'
self._cndomind = 'cs-domain'
# dict of ongoing RANAP procedures (indexed by their procedure code)
self.Proc = {}
self.ProcLast = None
# list of tracked procedures (requires TRACK_PROC = True)
self._proc = []
# dict of available 2G / 3G security contexts, indexed by CKSN
# and current CKSN in use
self.SEC = {}
self.connected = Event()
if rncd is not None:
def set_ran(self, rncd):
# TODO: handle mobility from 1 RNC to another, and inter-RAT
self.SEC['CKSN'] = None
self.RNC = rncd
def unset_ran(self):
del self.RNC
self.SEC['CKSN'] = None
def set_ran_unconnected(self, rncd):
# required for paging
self.SEC['CKSN'] = None
self.RNC = rncd
def unset_ran_unconnected(self):
# required for paging
del self.RNC
self.SEC['CKSN'] = None
def is_connected(self):
#return self.RNC is not None
return self.connected.is_set()
def set_ctx(self, ctx_id):
self.CtxId = ctx_id
def unset_ctx(self):
self.CtxId = -1
# handling of RANAP procedures
def _encode_ranap_pdu(self, pdus):
ret = []
if not asn_ranap_acquire():
self._log('ERR', 'unable to acquire the RANAP module')
return ret
for pdu in pdus:
except Exception as err:
self._log('ERR', 'unable to set the RANAP pdu value')
self._errpdu = pdu
if self.DOM == 'CS' and self.UE.TRACE_ASN_RANAP_CS:
self._log('TRACE_ASN_RANAP_CS_DL', '\n' + PDU_RANAP.to_asn1())
elif self.DOM == 'PS' and self.UE.TRACE_ASN_RANAP_PS:
self._log('TRACE_ASN_RANAP_PS_DL', '\n' + PDU_RANAP.to_asn1())
ret.append( PDU_RANAP.to_aper() )
return ret
def process_ranap(self, buf):
"""process a RANAP PDU buffer sent by the RNC for a connected UE
and return a list of RANAP PDU buffer(s) to be sent back to it
# decode the RANAP PDU
if not asn_ranap_acquire():
self._log('ERR', 'unable to acquire the RANAP module')
return []
self._log('WNG', 'invalid RANAP PDU transfer-syntax: %s'\
% hexlify(buf).decode('ascii'))
# error cause: protocol, transfer-syntax-error
Proc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPErrorIndCN, Cause=('protocol', 97))
self.ProcLast = Proc.Code
return self._encode_ranap_pdu(Proc.send())
if self.DOM == 'CS' and self.UE.TRACE_ASN_RANAP_CS:
self._log('TRACE_ASN_RANAP_CS_UL', '\n' + PDU_RANAP.to_asn1())
elif self.DOM == 'PS' and self.UE.TRACE_ASN_RANAP_PS:
self._log('TRACE_ASN_RANAP_PS_UL', '\n' + PDU_RANAP.to_asn1())
pdu_rx = PDU_RANAP()
errcause = None
if pdu_rx[0] == 'initiatingMessage':
# RNC-initiated procedure, instantiate it
Proc = RANAPProcRncDispatcher[pdu_rx[1]['procedureCode']](self)
self._log('ERR', 'invalid RANAP PDU, initiatingMessage, code %i'\
% pdu_rx[1]['procedureCode'])
# error cause: protocol, abstract-syntax-error-reject
errcause = ('protocol', 100)
Proc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPErrorIndCN, Cause=errcause)
if not Proc:
return []
if self.TRACK_PROC:
self._proc.append( Proc )
# process the PDU within the procedure
Proc.recv( pdu_rx )
if Proc.Class == 2 and Proc.errcause:
Err = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPErrorIndCN, Cause=Proc.errcause)
self.ProcLast = Err.Code
return self._encode_ranap_pdu(Err.send())
elif Proc.Class == 1 or errcause:
self.ProcLast = Proc.Code
return self._encode_ranap_pdu(Proc.send())
pdu_tx = []
for ProcRet in Proc.trigger():
pdu_tx.extend( ProcRet.send() )
self.ProcLast = ProcRet.Code
return self._encode_ranap_pdu(pdu_tx)
# CN-initiated procedure, transfer the PDU to it
Proc = self.Proc[pdu_rx[1]['procedureCode']]
self._log('ERR', 'invalid RANAP PDU, %s, code %i'\
% (pdu_rx[0], pdu_rx[1]['procedureCode']))
# error cause: protocol, message-not-compatible-with-receiver-state
errcause = ('protocol', 99)
Proc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPErrorIndCN, Cause=errcause)
if not Proc:
return []
# process the PDU within the procedure
Proc.recv( pdu_rx )
if Proc.errcause:
Err = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPErrorIndCN, Cause=Proc.errcause)
self.ProcLast = Err.Code
return self._encode_ranap_pdu(Err.send())
elif errcause:
self.ProcLast = Proc.Code
return self._encode_ranap_pdu(Proc.send())
pdu_tx = []
for ProcRet in Proc.trigger():
pdu_tx.extend( ProcRet.send() )
self.ProcLast = ProcRet.Code
return self._encode_ranap_pdu(pdu_tx)
def init_ranap_proc(self, ProcClass, **kw):
"""initialize a CN-initiated RANAP procedure of class `ProcClass' for a connected UE,
encode the initiatingMessage PDU with given **kw and return the procedure
if not issubclass(ProcClass, RANAPSigProc):
self._log('WNG', 'starting an invalid procedure over a RUA connection-oriented transfer')
if ProcClass.Code in self.Proc:
self._log('ERR', 'a RANAP procedure %s is already ongoing' % ProcClass.__name__)
return None
Proc = ProcClass(self)
# no active Iu link
self._log('ERR', 'no active Iu link to initialize the RANAP procedure %s'\
% ProcClass.__name__)
return None
if Proc.Code in RANAPProcCnDispatcher and Proc.Class == 1:
# store the procedure, which requires a response from the RNC
self.Proc[Proc.Code] = Proc
if self.TRACK_PROC:
self._proc.append( Proc )
Proc.encode_pdu('ini', **kw)
return Proc
def clear(self):
# clears all running RANAP CS/PS procedures
for Proc in list(self.Proc.values()):
# SMC and security-related methods
def require_smc(self, Proc):
# check if a RANAPSecurityModeControl procedure is required
return False
elif ProcAbbrLUT[Proc.Name] in self.SMC_DISABLED_PROC:
return False
elif self.SEC['CKSN'] is None or self.SEC['CKSN'] not in self.SEC:
# no security context established, cannot run an smc
self._log('WNG', 'require_smc: no CKSN set, unable to run an SMC')
return False
return True
def get_smc_ies(self, cksn=None, newkey=False):
# if CKSN is None, take the 1st available
if cksn is None:
cksn = self._get_any_cksn()
secctx = self.SEC[cksn]
except KeyError:
# no security ctxt available at all
self._log('WNG', 'no security context available, using SMC_DUMMY')
secctx = self.SMC_DUMMY
# prepare the IEs for encoding the SMC
IEs = {}
if self.SMC_UIA is not None:
IEs['IntegrityProtectionInformation'] = \
{'permittedAlgorithms': self.SMC_UIA,
'key': (bytes_to_uint(secctx['IK'], 128), 128)}
if self.SMC_UEA is not None:
IEs['EncryptionInformation'] = \
{'permittedAlgorithms': self.SMC_UEA,
'key': (bytes_to_uint(secctx['CK'], 128), 128)}
if newkey:
# taking a new context into use, i.e. just after an auth
IEs['KeyStatus'] = 'new'
IEs['KeyStatus'] = 'old'
return IEs
def _get_any_cksn(self):
cur = self.SEC['CKSN']
if cur is not None:
if cur in self.SEC:
return cur
# given CKSN not available anymore
self.SEC['CKSN'] = None
for i in range(0, 7):
if i in self.SEC:
self.SEC['CKSN'] = i
return i
return None
def get_new_cksn(self):
for i in range(0, 7):
if i not in self.SEC:
return i
# all CKSN have been used, clear all of them except the current one
cur = self.SEC['CKSN']
for i in range(0, 7):
if i != cur:
del self.SEC[i]
if cur == 0:
return 1
return 0
def set_sec_ctx(self, cksn, ctx, vect):
if ctx == 3:
# 3G sec ctx
secctx = {'VEC': vect,
'CTX': ctx,
'CK' : vect[3],
'IK' : vect[4],
'UEA': self.SMC_UEA,
'UIA': self.SMC_UIA}
# ctx == 2, 2G sec ctx
# convert 2G Kc to 3G Ck, Ik
CK, IK = conv_C4(vect[2]), conv_C5(vect[2])
secctx = {'VEC': vect,
'CTX': ctx,
'Kc' : vect[2],
'CK' : CK,
'IK' : IK,
'UEA': self.SMC_UEA,
'UIA': self.SMC_UIA}
self.SEC[cksn] = secctx
self.SEC['CKSN'] = cksn
# network-initiated method (fg task, to be used from the interpreter)
def _send_to_rnc(self, buf):
if not self.RNC:
self._log('WNG', 'no RNC set, unable to send data')
return False
elif self.CtxId < 0:
self._log('WNG', 'no Iu context-id set, unable to send data in connected mode')
return False
# start a RUADirectTransfer
ret = self.RNC.start_rua_proc(RUADirectTransfer, Context_ID=(self.CtxId, 24),
return True if ret else False
def _send_to_rnc_ranap(self, RanapProcs):
ret = []
for RanapProc in RanapProcs:
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
pdus = self._encode_ranap_pdu(RanapProc.send())
if not pdus:
self._log('ERR', '_send_to_rnc_ranap: %s, invalid RANAP IEs' % RanapProc.Name)
return False
self.ProcLast = RanapProc.Code
for pdu in pdus:
ret.append( self._send_to_rnc(pdu) )
return all(ret)
def release(self, cause=('nAS', 83)):
"""release the Iu link with the given RANAP cause
if not self.connected.is_set():
# nothing to release
self._log('DBG', 'release: UE not connected')
return True
# prepare the RANAPRelease procedure
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPIuRelease, Cause=cause)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
def send_error_ind(self, cause, **IEs):
"""start a RANAPErrorIndCN with the given RANAP cause
IEs can contain any of the optional or extended IEs
if not self.connected.is_set():
# RANAP link disconnected
# force to connect
if not self._net_init_con():
# unable to connect with the UE
return False
return False
# prepare the RANAP procedure
IEs['Cause'] = cause
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPErrorIndCN, **IEs)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
def send_common_id(self, **IEs):
"""start a RANAPCommonID with the UE's IMSI
IEs can contain any of the extended IEs
if self.UE.IMSI is None:
return False
if not self.connected.is_set():
# RANAP link disconnected
# force to connect
if not self._net_init_con():
# unable to connect with the UE
return False
return False
# prepare the RANAP procedure
IEs['PermanentNAS_UE_ID'] = ('iMSI', NAS.encode_bcd(self.UE.IMSI))
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPCommonID, **IEs)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
def invoke_trace(self, traceref, **IEs):
"""start a RANAPCNInvokeTrace with a given trace reference (2 or 3 bytes)
IEs can contain any of the optional or extended IEs
if not self.connected.is_set():
# RANAP link disconnected
# force to connect
if not self._net_init_con():
# unable to connect with the UE
return False
return False
# prepare the RANAP procedure
IEs['TraceReference'] = traceref
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPCNInvokeTrace, **IEs)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# required for the logging within the procedure
RanapProc.TraceReference = traceref
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
def deactivate_trace(self, traceref, triggerid=None):
"""start a RANAPCNDeactivateTrace with a given trace reference (2 or 3 bytes)
and optional trigger id (2 or 3 bytes)
if not self.connected.is_set():
# RANAP link disconnected
# force to connect
if not self._net_init_con():
# unable to connect with the UE
return False
return False
# prepare the RANAP procedure
IEs = {'TraceReference': traceref}
if isinstance(triggerid, bytes_types):
IEs['TriggerID'] = triggerid
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPCNDeactivateTrace, **IEs)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# required for the logging within the procedure
RanapProc.TraceReference = traceref
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
def report_loc_ctrl(self, reqtype={'event':'direct', 'reportArea':'service-area', 'accuracyCode':0},
"""start a RANAPLocationReportingControl with a given request type
RequestType is a sequence of {event (enum), reportArea (enum), accuracyCode (int)}
IEs can contain any of the extended IEs
if not self.connected.is_set():
# RANAP link disconnected
# force to connect
if not self._net_init_con():
# unable to connect with the UE
return False
return False
# prepare the RANAP procedure
IEs['RequestType'] = reqtype
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPLocationReportingControl, **IEs)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# required for the logging within the procedure
RanapProc.RequestType = reqtype
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
def request_loc_data(self, reqtype={'requestedLocationRelatedDataType': 'decipheringKeysUEBasedOTDOA'},
"""start a RANAPLocationRelatedData with a given request type
RequestType is a sequence of {requestedLocationRelatedDataType (enum),
requestedGPSAssistanceData (octets, optional)}
IEs can contain any of the optional or extended IEs
if not self.connected.is_set():
# RANAP link disconnected
# force to connect
if not self._net_init_con():
# unable to connect with the UE
return False
return False
# prepare the RANAP procedure
IEs['LocationRelatedDataRequestType'] = reqtype
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPLocationRelatedData, **IEs)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
def report_data_vol(self, rabidlist):
"""start a RANAPDataVolumeReport for the given list of RAB IDs (uint8)
if not self.connected.is_set():
# RANAP link disconnected
# force to connect
if not self._net_init_con():
# unable to connect with the UE
return False
return False
# IE RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestList is a sequence of ProtocolIE-Container
# which is a sequence of ProtocolIE-Field
# with {id: 32, crit: reject, val: RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItem}
# IE RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItem is a sequence {RAB-ID (BIT STRING of size 8), iE-Extensions}
RIDList = []
for rabid in rabidlist:
RIDList.append({'id': 32, 'criticality': 'reject',
'value': ('RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItem', {'rAB-ID': (rabid, 8)})})
# prepare the RANAP procedure
IEs = {'RAB_DataVolumeReportRequestList': [RIDList]}
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPDataVolumeReport, **IEs)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
def request_srns_ctxt(self, rabidlist):
"""start a RANAPSRNSContextTransfer for the given list of RAB IDs (uint8)
if not self.connected.is_set():
# RANAP link disconnected
# force to connect
if not self._net_init_con():
# unable to connect with the UE
return False
return False
# IE RAB-DataForwardingList-SRNS-CtxReq is a sequence of ProtocolIE-Container
# which is a sequence of ProtocolIE-Field
# with {id: 27, crit: reject, val: RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq}
# IE RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq is a sequence {RAB-ID (BIT STRING of size 8), iE-Extensions}
RIDList = []
for rabid in rabidlist:
RIDList.append({'id': 27, 'criticality': 'reject',
'value': ('RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq', {'rAB-ID': (rabid, 8)})})
# prepare the RANAP procedure
IEs = {'RAB_DataForwardingList_SRNS_CtxReq': [RIDList]}
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPSRNSContextTransfer, **IEs)
if not RanapProc:
return False
# encode the RANAP PDU and send it over RUA
return self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc])
# NAS-related methods
def ret_ranap_dt(self, NasTx, sapi=0):
"""returns a RANAPDirectTransfer procedure initialize with the NAS PDU to
be sent
if self.DOM == 'CS' and self.UE.TRACE_NAS_CS:
self._log('TRACE_NAS_CS_DL', '\n' +
elif self.DOM == 'PS' and self.UE.TRACE_NAS_PS:
self._log('TRACE_NAS_PS_DL', '\n' +
naspdu = NasTx.to_bytes()
except Exception as err:
self._log('ERR', 'unable to encode the NAS PDU: %r' % err)
return []
if sapi == 3:
sapi = 'sapi-3'
sapi = 'sapi-0'
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RANAPDirectTransferCN,
if RanapProc:
return [RanapProc]
return []
def trigger_nas(self, RanapProc):
# this is used by IuCS/PS RANAP procedures to recall an ongoing NAS procedure
# e.g. SMC to recall a LUR or Attach
if RanapProc._cb is None:
# no callback set, this is actually useless
return []
NasProc = RanapProc._cb
return NasProc.postprocess(RanapProc)
# to send arbitrary NAS buffers to the UE
def send_nas_raw(self, naspdu, sapi=0, rx_hook=lambda x:[], wait_t=1):
"""Sends whatever bytes, or list of bytes, to the UE as NAS PDU(s)
if not self._net_init_con():
return False
self.RX_HOOK = rx_hook
if sapi == 3:
sapi = 'sapi-3'
sapi = 'sapi-0'
if isinstance(naspdu, bytes_types):
RanapProc = self.init_ranap_proc(RanapDirectTransferCN,
if RanapProc:
if not self._send_to_rnc_ranap([RanapProc]):
del self.RX_HOOK
return False
self._log('INF', 'send_nas_raw: 0x%s' % hexlify(naspdu).decode('ascii'))
del self.RX_HOOK
return False
elif isinstance(naspdu, (tuple, list)):
for pdu in naspdu:
ret = self.send_nas_raw(pdu, sapi, rx_hook, wait_t=1)
if not ret:
return False
del self.RX_HOOK
return True