
75 lines
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--$Id: blastdb.asn 311249 2011-07-11 14:12:16Z camacho $
-- Notes:
-- taxonomy: an integer is proposed, which would require some sort of
-- table (or network connection) to do the conversions from integer
-- to various names. This could save quite a bit of space for databases
-- that are predominantly of one organism (e.g., human in htgs).
-- I've proposed here that table contain scientific-, common-, and
-- blast-names at the advice of Scott Federhen. Scott also was in
-- favor of having the complete lineage in the file, but it seems like
-- this would be seldom used and we could have a view with a link back
-- to the taxonomy page for anyone needing it. Since one file would
-- suffice for all blast databases, it seems like this should be a new file.
-- memberships: a sequence of integers is proposed. Each bit of an integer
-- would indicate membership in some (virtual) blast database (e.g., pdb,
-- swissprot) or some classification (e.g., mRNA, genomic).
-- links: a sequence of integers is proposed. Each bit of an integer would
-- indicate a link that could be established based upon the gi of the
-- database sequence.
EXPORTS Blast-def-line-set, Blast-def-line;
IMPORTS Seq-id, Seq-loc FROM NCBI-Seqloc;
Blast-def-line-set ::= SEQUENCE OF Blast-def-line -- all deflines for an entry
Blast-def-line ::= SEQUENCE {
title VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- simple title
seqid SEQUENCE OF Seq-id, -- Regular NCBI Seq-Id
taxid INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- taxonomy id
memberships SEQUENCE OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- bit arrays
other-info SEQUENCE OF INTEGER OPTIONAL -- for future use (probably genomic sequences)
-- This defines the possible sequence filtering algorithms to be used in a
-- BLAST database
Blast-filter-program ::= INTEGER {
not-set (0),
dust (10),
seg (20),
windowmasker (30),
repeat (40),
other (100),
max (255)
Blast-mask-list ::= SEQUENCE {
-- masks for a single sequence should be grouped in a Packed-seqint
masks SEQUENCE OF Seq-loc,
-- as of 01/21/2010, this field is set to false always, indicating that the
-- entire object (set of Seq-loc) is contained in this object
-- Defines the masking information for a set of sequences
Blast-db-mask-info ::= SEQUENCE {
algo-id INTEGER,
algo-program Blast-filter-program,
algo-options VisibleString,
-- This object was originally created to allow pagination of the sequence
-- masks, but this feature was discontinued in 01/21/2010
masks Blast-mask-list