# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #/** # * Software Name : pycrate # * Version : 0.3 # * # * Copyright 2017. Benoit Michau. ANSSI. # * # * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # * # * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # * Lesser General Public License for more details. # * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # * MA 02110-1301 USA # * # *-------------------------------------------------------- # * File Name : pycrate_mobile/TS24301_IE.py # * Created : 2017-06-08 # * Authors : Benoit Michau # *-------------------------------------------------------- #*/ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 3GPP TS 24.301: NAS protocol for EPS # release 13 (da0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# from binascii import unhexlify from pycrate_core.utils import * from pycrate_core.elt import Envelope, Sequence, Array, REPR_RAW, REPR_HEX, \ REPR_BIN, REPR_HD, REPR_HUM from pycrate_core.base import * from pycrate_core.repr import * from pycrate_core.charpy import Charpy from pycrate_mobile.MCC_MNC import MNC_dict from pycrate_mobile.TS24008_IE import TFT, PLMN, encode_bcd, decode_bcd #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # For Supplementary Services, some ASN.1 structures are required #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _WITH_ASN1 = True if _WITH_ASN1: from threading import Event from pycrate_asn1dir import MAP from pycrate_asn1rt import wrapper ASN_MAP_READY = Event() ASN_MAP_READY.set() _ACQUIRE_TO = 0.005 def asn_map_acquire(): if not ASN_MAP_READY.is_set(): ASN_MAP_READY.wait(_ACQUIRE_TO) if not ASN_MAP_READY.is_set(): raise(PycrateErr('unable to acquire the MAP ASN.1 module')) ASN_MAP_READY.clear() def asn_map_release(): ASN_MAP_READY.set() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Security header type # TS 24.301, 9.3.1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# SecHdrType_dict = { 0 : 'No security', 1 : 'Integrity protected', 2 : 'Integrity protected and ciphered', 3 : 'Integrity protected with new EPS security context', 4 : 'Integrity protected and ciphered with new EPS security context', 12 : 'Security header for SERVICE REQUEST' } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EPS bearer context status # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _EPSCtxtStat_dict = { 0 : 'BEARER CONTEXT-INACTIVE', 1 : 'BEARER CONTEXT-ACTIVE' } class EPSBearerCtxtStat(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('EBI_7', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_6', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_5', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_4', bl=1), Uint('EBI_3', bl=1), Uint('EBI_2', bl=1), Uint('EBI_1', bl=1), Uint('EBI_0', bl=1), Uint('EBI_15', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_14', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_13', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_12', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_11', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_10', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_9', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict), Uint('EBI_8', bl=1, dic=_EPSCtxtStat_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Additional update result # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _AddUpdRes_dict = { 0 : 'no additional information', 1 : 'CS Fallback not preferred', 2 : 'SMS only', 3 : 'reserved', } class AddUpdateRes(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=2), Uint('Value', bl=2, dic=_AddUpdRes_dict), ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Additional update type # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _PNBCIoT_dict = { 0 : 'no additional information', 1 : 'control plane CIoT EPS optimization', 2 : 'user plane CIoT EPS optimization', 3 : 'reserved' } _SAF_dict = { 0: 'NAS signalling not required after completion of TAU', 1: 'NAS signalling required after completion of TAU' } _AUTV_dict = { 1 : 'SMS only' } class AddUpdateType(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('PNB_CIoT', bl=2, dic=_PNBCIoT_dict), Uint('SAF', bl=1, dic=_SAF_dict), Uint('AUTV', bl=1, dic=_AUTV_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SMS service status # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _SMSServStat_dict = { 0 : 'SMS services not available', 1 : 'SMS services not available in this PLMN', 2 : 'Network failure', 3 : 'Congestion' } class SMSServStat(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Value', bl=3, dic=_SMSServStat_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # CSFB response # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class CSFBResponse(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Value', bl=3, dic={0:'CS fallback rejected by the UE', 1:'CS fallback accepted by the UE'}) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Detach type # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _EPSDetTypeMO_dict = { 0 : 'combined EPS/IMSI detach', 1 : 'EPS detach', 2 : 'IMSI detach', 3 : 'combined EPS/IMSI detach', 4 : 'combined EPS/IMSI detach', 5 : 'combined EPS/IMSI detach', 6 : 'reserved', 7 : 'reserved' } _EPSDetTypeMT_dict = { 0 : 're-attach not required', 1 : 're-attach required', 2 : 're-attach not required', 3 : 'IMSI detach', 4 : 're-attach not required', 5 : 're-attach not required', 6 : 'reserved', 7 : 'reserved' } class EPSDetachTypeMO(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('SwitchOff', bl=1), Uint('Type', bl=3, dic=_EPSDetTypeMO_dict) ) class EPSDetachTypeMT(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Type', bl=3, dic=_EPSDetTypeMT_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EMM cause # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _EMMCause_dict = { 2 : 'IMSI unknown in HSS', 3 : 'Illegal UE', 5 : 'IMEI not accepted', 6 : 'Illegal ME', 7 : 'EPS services not allowed', 8 : 'EPS services and non-EPS services not allowed', 9 : 'UE identity cannot be derived by the network', 10 : 'Implicitly detached', 11 : 'PLMN not allowed', 12 : 'Tracking Area not allowed', 13 : 'Roaming not allowed in this tracking area', 14 : 'EPS services not allowed in this PLMN', 15 : 'No Suitable Cells In tracking area', 16 : 'MSC temporarily not reachable', 17 : 'Network failure', 18 : 'CS domain not available', 19 : 'ESM failure', 20 : 'MAC failure', 21 : 'Synch failure', 22 : 'Congestion', 23 : 'UE security capabilities mismatch', 24 : 'Security mode rejected, unspecified', 25 : 'Not authorized for this CSG', 26 : 'Non-EPS authentication unacceptable', 35 : 'Requested service option not authorized in this PLMN', 39 : 'CS service temporarily not available', 40 : 'No EPS bearer context activated', 42 : 'Severe network failure', 95 : 'Semantically incorrect message', 96 : 'Invalid mandatory information', 97 : 'Message type non-existent or not implemented', 98 : 'Message type not compatible with the protocol state', 99 : 'Information element non-existent or not implemented', 100: 'Conditional IE error', 101: 'Message not compatible with the protocol state', 111: 'Protocol error, unspecified' } class EMMCause(Uint8): _dic = _EMMCause_dict #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EPS attach result # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# EPSAttRes_dict = { 1 : 'EPS only', 2 : 'combined EPS / IMSI attach' } class EPSAttachResult(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Value', bl=3, dic=EPSAttRes_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EPS attach type # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# EPSAttType_dict = { 1 : 'EPS Attach', 2 : 'combined EPS / IMSI attach', 6 : 'EPS emergency attach', 7 : 'reserved' } class EPSAttachType(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Value', bl=3, dic=EPSAttType_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EPS mobile identity # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# EPSIDType_dict = { 1 : 'IMSI', 3 : 'IMEISV', 6 : 'GUTI' } IDTYPE_IMSI = 1 IDTYPE_IMEISV = 3 IDTYPE_GUTI = 6 class IDDigit(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('Digit1', val=0xF, bl=4, rep=REPR_HEX), Uint('Odd', bl=1), Uint('Type', val=IDTYPE_IMSI, bl=3, dic=EPSIDType_dict), Buf('Digits', val=b'', rep=REPR_HEX) ) class IDGUTI(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('Digit1', val=0xF, bl=4, rep=REPR_HEX), Uint('Odd', bl=1), Uint('Type', val=IDTYPE_GUTI, bl=3, dic=EPSIDType_dict), PLMN(), Uint16('MMEGroupID', rep=REPR_HEX), Uint8('MMECode', rep=REPR_HEX), Uint32('MTMSI', rep=REPR_HEX) ) class EPSID(Envelope): # during encode() / _from_char() methods # specific attributes are created: # self._IDNone = IDNone() # self._IDDigit = IDDigit() # self._IDGUTI = IDGUTI() def set_val(self, vals): if isinstance(vals, dict) and 'type' in vals and 'ident' in vals: self.encode(vals['type'], vals['ident']) else: Envelope.set_val(self, vals) def decode(self): """returns the mobile identity type and value """ type = self['Type'].get_val() # if type in (IDTYPE_IMSI, IDTYPE_IMEISV): return (type, str(self[0].get_val()) + decode_bcd(self[3].get_val())) # elif type == IDTYPE_GUTI: return (type, self[3].decode(), self[4](), self[5](), self[6]()) def encode(self, type, ident): """sets the mobile identity with given type if type is IDTYPE_IMSI or IDTYPE_IMEISV: ident must be a string of digits if type is IDTYPE_GUTI: ident must be a 4-tuple (PLMN -string of digits-, MMEGroupID -uint16-, MMECode -uint8-, MTMSI -uint32-) """ if type in (IDTYPE_IMSI, IDTYPE_IMEISV): if not ident.isdigit(): raise(PycrateErr('{0}: invalid identity to encode, {1!r}'\ .format(self._name, ident))) if not hasattr(self, '_IDDigit'): self._IDDigit = IDDigit() self._content = self._IDDigit._content self._by_id = self._IDDigit._by_id self._by_name = self._IDDigit._by_name self[2]._val = type if len(ident) % 2: self[1]._val = 1 # encode digits the BCD way self[0]._val = int(ident[0]) self[3]._val = encode_bcd(ident[1:]) # elif type == IDTYPE_GUTI: if not isinstance(ident, (tuple, list)) or len(ident) != 4: raise(PycrateErr('{0}: invalid identity to encode, {1!r}'\ .format(self._name, ident))) if not hasattr(self, '_IDGUTI'): self._IDGUTI = IDGUTI() self._content = self._IDGUTI._content self._by_id = self._IDGUTI._by_id self._by_name = self._IDGUTI._by_name self[3].set_val(ident[0]) self[4].set_val(ident[1]) self[5].set_val(ident[2]) self[6].set_val(ident[3]) # else: raise(PycrateErr('{0}: invalid identity type to encode, {1!r}'\ .format(self._name, ident))) def _from_char(self, char): if not self.get_trans(): try: spare = char.get_uint(5) type = char.get_uint(3) except CharpyErr as err: raise(CharpyErr('{0} [_from_char]: {1}'.format(self._name, err))) except Exception as err: raise(EltErr('{0} [_from_char]: {1}'.format(self._name, err))) # if type in (IDTYPE_IMSI, IDTYPE_IMEISV): if not hasattr(self, '_IDDigit'): self._IDDigit = IDDigit() self._content = self._IDDigit._content self._by_id = self._IDDigit._by_id self._by_name = self._IDDigit._by_name self[0]._val = spare >> 1 self[1]._val = spare & 1 self[2]._val = type self[3]._from_char(char) # elif type == IDTYPE_GUTI: if not hasattr(self, '_IDGUTI'): self._IDGUTI = IDGUTI() self._content = self._IDGUTI._content self._by_id = self._IDGUTI._by_id self._by_name = self._IDGUTI._by_name self[0]._val = spare >> 1 self[1]._val = spare & 1 self[2]._val = type self[3]._from_char(char) self[4]._from_char(char) self[5]._from_char(char) self[6]._from_char(char) # else: raise(PycrateErr('{0}: invalid identity to decode, {1}'\ .format(self._name, type))) def repr(self): if not self._content: return Envelope.repr(self) # additional description if self._desc: desc = ' [%s]' % self._desc else: desc = '' # element transparency if self.get_trans(): trans = ' [transparent]' else: trans = '' # type = self['Type'].get_val() if type in (IDTYPE_IMSI, IDTYPE_IMEISV): return '<%s%s%s [%s] : %s>' % (self._name, desc, trans, EPSIDType_dict[type], str(self[0].get_val()) + decode_bcd(self[3].get_val())) else: return Envelope.repr(self) __repr__ = repr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EPS network feature support # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class EPSNetFeat(Envelope): ENV_SEL_TRANS = False _GEN = ( Uint('CP_CIoT', desc='control plane CIoT EPS optimization', bl=1), Uint('ERwoPDN', desc='EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection', bl=1), Uint('ESR_PS', desc='support for extended service request', bl=1), Uint('CS_LCS', desc='location service in CS', bl=2, dic={0:'no info', 1:'supported', 2:'not supported'}), Uint('EPC_LCS', desc='location service in EPC', bl=1), Uint('EMC_BS', desc='emergency bearer service in S1 mode', bl=1), Uint('IMS_VoPS', bl=1), Uint('spare', bl=4), Uint('EPCO', desc='extended protocol config options IE', bl=1), Uint('HC_CP_CIoT', desc='header compression for CP CIoT', bl=1), Uint('S1U_Data', desc='S1-U data transfer', bl=1), Uint('UP_CIoT', desc='user plane CIoT EPS optimization', bl=1) ) def _from_char(self, char): if char.len_bit() < 16: self._set_o2_trans(True) Envelope._from_char(self, char) def _set_o2_trans(self, b=True): self[7].set_trans(b) self[8].set_trans(b) self[9].set_trans(b) self[10].set_trans(b) self[11].set_trans(b) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EPS update result # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# EPSUpdRes_dict = { 0 : 'TA updated', 1 : 'combined TA/LA updated', 4 : 'TA updated and ISR activated', 5 : 'combined TA/LA updated and ISR activated' } class EPSUpdateResult(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Value', bl=3, dic=EPSUpdRes_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EPS update type # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _EPSUpdType_dict = { 0 : 'TA updating', 1 : 'combined TA/LA updating', 2 : 'combined TA/LA updating with IMSI attach', 3 : 'periodic updating', 4 : 'unused; shall be interpreted as "TA updating", if received by the network.', 5 : 'unused; shall be interpreted as "TA updating", if received by the network.' } class EPSUpdateType(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('Active', bl=1, dic={0:'No bearer establishment requested', 1:'Bearer establishment requested'}), Uint('Value', bl=3, dic=_EPSUpdType_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # NAS key set identifier # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class NAS_KSI(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('TSC', bl=1, dic={0:' native security context', 1:'mapped security context'}), Uint('Value', bl=3, dic={7:'no key available'}) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # NAS security algorithms # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _NASCiphAlgo_dict = { 0 : 'EPS encryption algorithm EEA0 (null)', 1 : 'EPS encryption algorithm 128-EEA1 (SNOW)', 2 : 'EPS encryption algorithm 128-EEA2 (AES)', 3 : 'EPS encryption algorithm 128-EEA3 (ZUC)', 4 : 'EPS encryption algorithm EEA4', 5 : 'EPS encryption algorithm EEA5', 6 : 'EPS encryption algorithm EEA6', 7 : 'EPS encryption algorithm EEA7' } _NASIntegAlgo_dict = { 0 : 'EPS integrity algorithm EIA0 (null)', 1 : 'EPS integrity algorithm 128-EIA1 (SNOW)', 2 : 'EPS integrity algorithm 128-EIA2 (AES)', 3 : 'EPS integrity algorithm 128-EIA3 (ZUC)', 4 : 'EPS integrity algorithm EIA4', 5 : 'EPS integrity algorithm EIA5', 6 : 'EPS integrity algorithm EIA6', 7 : 'EPS integrity algorithm EIA7' } class NASSecAlgo(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('CiphAlgo', bl=3, dic=_NASCiphAlgo_dict), Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('IntegAlgo', bl=3, dic=_NASIntegAlgo_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Paging identity # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class PagingIdentity(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=7), Uint('Value', bl=1, dic={0:'IMSI', 1:'TMSI'}) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Extended EMM cause # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class ExtEMMCause(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=2), Uint('EPSOptimInfo', bl=1), Uint('EUTRANAllowed', bl=1) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Service type # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# EMMServType_dict = { 0 : 'mobile originating CS fallback or 1xCS fallback', 1 : 'mobile terminating CS fallback or 1xCS fallback', 2 : 'mobile originating CS fallback emergency call or 1xCS fallback emergency call', 3 : 'unused; shall be interpreted as "mobile originating CS fallback or 1xCS fallback", if received by the network', 4 : 'unused; shall be interpreted as "mobile originating CS fallback or 1xCS fallback", if received by the network', 8 : 'packet services via S1', 9 : 'unused; shall be interpreted as "packet services via S1", if received by the network', 10 : 'unused; shall be interpreted as "packet services via S1", if received by the network', 11 : 'unused; shall be interpreted as "packet services via S1", if received by the network' } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tracking area identity # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class TAI(Envelope): _GEN = ( PLMN(), Uint16('TAC', rep=REPR_HEX) ) encode = Envelope.set_val def decode(self): return (self[0].decode(), self[1].get_val()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tracking area identity list # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _PTAIListType_dict = { 0 : 'list of TACs belonging to one PLMN, with non-consecutive TAC values', 1 : 'list of TACs belonging to one PLMN, with consecutive TAC values', 2 : 'list of TAIs belonging to different PLMNs' } class _PartialTAIList(Envelope): # dummy wrapping class pass class PartialTAIList0(_PartialTAIList): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Type', bl=2, dic=_PTAIListType_dict), Uint('Num', bl=5), # WNG: the msbit of Num should stay null PLMN(), Array('TACValues', GEN=Uint16('TAC')) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Envelope.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self[2].set_valauto(lambda: max(0, self[4].get_num()-1)) self[4].set_numauto(lambda: self[2].get_val()+1) class PartialTAIList1(_PartialTAIList): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Type', val=1, bl=2, dic=_PTAIListType_dict), Uint('Num', bl=5), # WNG: the msbit of Num should stay null PLMN(), Uint16('TAC0'), ) class PartialTAIList2(_PartialTAIList): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('Type', val=2, bl=2, dic=_PTAIListType_dict), Uint('Num', bl=5), # WNG: the msbit of Num should stay null Sequence('TAIValues', GEN=TAI()) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Envelope.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self[2].set_valauto(lambda: max(0, self[3].get_num()-1)) self[3].set_numauto(lambda: self[2].get_val()+1) class TAIList(Envelope): _PTaiListLUT = { 0 : PartialTAIList0, 1 : PartialTAIList1, 2 : PartialTAIList2 } # use an empty generator # concrete PartialTAIList0/1/2 will be setup during decoding / encoding _ptail2 = None _GEN = () def set_val(self, vals): self.clear() if self._ptail2 is not None: del self._ptail2 if vals is None: return for ptail in vals: self._set_ptail(ptail) def _set_ptail(self, ptail): if isinstance(ptail, (tuple, list)): try: PTaiL = self._PTaiListLUT[ptail[1]](val=ptail) except Exception as err: raise(PycrateErr('{0}: unable to set partial TAI list value, {1}'\ .format(self._name, err))) elif isinstance(ptail, dict): try: PTaiL = self._PTaiListLUT[ptail['Type']](val=ptail) except Exception as err: raise(PycrateErr('{0}: unable to set partial TAI list value, {1}'\ .format(self._name, err))) else: raise(PycrateErr('{0}: unable to set partial TAI list value, {1}'\ .format(self._name, ptail))) self.append(PTaiL) def encode(self, vals): """sets the list of TAI values (PLMN, TAC) after grouping them into PartialTAIList0/1/2 structures Args: vals: list/tuple of 2-tuple (PLMN, TAC(s)) PLMN: str of digits TAC(s): uint16, or list/tuple of uint16, or range within uint16 Returns: None """ self.clear() if self._ptail2 is not None: del self._ptail2 for tai in vals: if isinstance(tai[1], range): # this only works in Python3 # in Python2, range is a function which returns a list self.append(PartialTAIList1(val={'PLMN':tai[0], 'TAC0':tai[1].start, 'Num' :tai[1].stop-tai[1].start})) elif isinstance(tai[1], (tuple, list)): self.append(PartialTAIList0(val={'PLMN':tai[0], 'TACValues':tai[1]})) else: if self._ptail2 and self._ptail2[3].get_num() < 16: # extend the existing PartialTAIList2 self._ptail2.set_val({'TAIValues': {self._ptail2[3].get_num(): tai}}) else: self._ptail2 = PartialTAIList2(val={'TAIValues': [tai]}) self.append(self._ptail2) def decode(self): """returns the list of TAI values (PLMN, TAC) packed within PartialTAIList0/1/2 structures Args: None Returns: TAIList: list/tuple of 2-tuple (PLMN, TAC(s)) PLMN: str of digits TAC(s): uint16, list/tuple or uint16, or range within uint16 """ ret = [] for ptl in self: ptl_type = ptl['Type']() if ptl_type == 0: ret.append( (ptl['PLMN'].decode(), ptl['TACValues']()) ) elif ptl_type == 1: tac0 = ptl['TAC0']() ret.append( (ptl['PLMN'].decode(), range(tac0, tac0+ptl['Num']()+1)) ) else: ret.extend( [(v['PLMN'].decode(), v['TAC']()) for v in ptl['TAIValues']] ) return ret def _from_char(self, char): self.clear() if self._ptail2 is not None: del self._ptail2 while char.len_bit() >= 24 : ptl_type = char.to_uint(3) & 0b11 if ptl_type == 0: ptl = PartialTAIList0() elif ptl_type == 1: ptl = PartialTAIList1() elif ptl_type == 2: ptl = PartialTAIList2() self._ptail2 = ptl else: raise(PycrateErr('invalid Partial TAI List type: %i' % ptl_type)) ptl._from_char(char) self.append(ptl) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # UE network capability # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class UENetCap(Envelope): ENV_SEL_TRANS = False _GEN = ( Uint('EEA0', bl=1), Uint('EEA1_128', bl=1), Uint('EEA2_128', bl=1), Uint('EEA3_128', bl=1), Uint('EEA4', bl=1), Uint('EEA5', bl=1), Uint('EEA6', bl=1), Uint('EEA7', bl=1), Uint('EIA0', bl=1), Uint('EIA1_128', bl=1), Uint('EIA2_128', bl=1), Uint('EIA3_128', bl=1), Uint('EIA4', bl=1), Uint('EIA5', bl=1), Uint('EIA6', bl=1), Uint('EIA7', bl=1), # end of octet 2 (mandatory part) Uint('UEA0', bl=1), Uint('UEA1', bl=1), Uint('UEA2', bl=1), Uint('UEA3', bl=1), Uint('UEA4', bl=1), Uint('UEA5', bl=1), Uint('UEA6', bl=1), Uint('UEA7', bl=1), # end of octet 3 Uint('UCS2', bl=1), Uint('UIA1', bl=1), Uint('UIA2', bl=1), Uint('UIA3', bl=1), Uint('UIA4', bl=1), Uint('UIA5', bl=1), Uint('UIA6', bl=1), Uint('UIA7', bl=1), # end of octet 4 Uint('ProSe_dd', bl=1), Uint('ProSe', bl=1), Uint('H245_ASH', bl=1), Uint('ACC_CSFB', bl=1), Uint('LPP', bl=1), Uint('LCS', bl=1), Uint('X1_SRVCC', bl=1), Uint('NF', bl=1), # end of octet 5 Uint('ePCO', bl=1), Uint('HC_CP_CIoT', bl=1), Uint('ERw_oPDN', bl=1), Uint('S1U_data', bl=1), Uint('UP_CIoT', bl=1), Uint('CP_CIoT', bl=1), Uint('ProSe_relay', bl=1), Uint('ProSe_dc', bl=1), # end of octet 6 Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('MultiDRB', bl=1), # end of octet 7 Buf('spare', val=b'', rep=REPR_HEX) # from 0 to 6 bytes ) def _from_char(self, char): l = char.len_bit() if l <= 56: # disable all elements after bit l self.disable_from(l) elif l > 56: # enables some spare bits at the end self[-1]._bl = l-56 Envelope._from_char(self, char) def disable_from(self, ind): """disables all elements from index `ind' excluded (integer -bit offset- or element name) """ if isinstance(ind, str_types) and ind in self._by_name: ind = self._by_name.index(ind) [e.set_trans(True) for e in self._content[ind:]] def enable_upto(self, ind): """enables all elements up to index `ind' included (integer -bit offset- or element name) """ if isinstance(ind, str_types) and ind in self._by_name: ind = 1 + self._by_name.index(ind) [e.set_trans(False) for e in self._content[:ind]] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # UE security capability # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class UESecCap(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('EEA0', bl=1), Uint('EEA1_128', bl=1), Uint('EEA2_128', bl=1), Uint('EEA3_128', bl=1), Uint('EEA4', bl=1), Uint('EEA5', bl=1), Uint('EEA6', bl=1), Uint('EEA7', bl=1), Uint('EIA0', bl=1), Uint('EIA1_128', bl=1), Uint('EIA2_128', bl=1), Uint('EIA3_128', bl=1), Uint('EIA4', bl=1), Uint('EIA5', bl=1), Uint('EIA6', bl=1), Uint('EIA7', bl=1), # end of octet 2 (mandatory part) Uint('UEA0', bl=1), Uint('UEA1', bl=1), Uint('UEA2', bl=1), Uint('UEA3', bl=1), Uint('UEA4', bl=1), Uint('UEA5', bl=1), Uint('UEA6', bl=1), Uint('UEA7', bl=1), # end of octet 3 Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('UIA1', bl=1), Uint('UIA2', bl=1), Uint('UIA3', bl=1), Uint('UIA4', bl=1), Uint('UIA5', bl=1), Uint('UIA6', bl=1), Uint('UIA7', bl=1), # end of octet 4 Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('GEA1', bl=1), Uint('GEA2', bl=1), Uint('GEA3', bl=1), Uint('GEA4', bl=1), Uint('GEA5', bl=1), Uint('GEA6', bl=1), Uint('GEA7', bl=1) # end of octet 5 ) def _from_char(self, char): l = char.len_bit() if l <= 40: # disable all elements after bit l self.disable_from(l) Envelope._from_char(self, char) def disable_from(self, ind): """disables all elements from index `ind' excluded (integer -bit offset- or element name) """ if isinstance(ind, str_types) and ind in self._by_name: ind = self._by_name.index(ind) [e.set_trans(True) for e in self._content[ind:]] def enable_upto(self, ind): """enables all elements up to index `ind' included (integer -bit offset- or element name) """ if isinstance(ind, str_types) and ind in self._by_name: ind = 1 + self._by_name.index(ind) [e.set_trans(False) for e in self._content[:ind]] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SS Code # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # derived from the MAP-SS-Code ASN.1 module from TS 29.002, d40 _MAPSSCode_dict = { 0 : 'allSS', 16 : 'allLineIdentificationSS', 17 : 'clip', 18 : 'clir', 19 : 'colp', 20 : 'colr', 21 : 'mci', 24 : 'allNameIdentificationSS', 25 : 'cnap', 32 : 'allForwardingSS', 33 : 'cfu', 40 : 'allCondForwardingSS', 41 : 'cfb', 42 : 'cfnry', 43 : 'cfnrc', 36 : 'cd', 48 : 'allCallOfferingSS', 49 : 'ect', 50 : 'mah', 64 : 'allCallCompletionSS', 65 : 'cw', 66 : 'hold', 67 : 'ccbs-A', 68 : 'ccbs-B', 69 : 'mc', 80 : 'allMultiPartySS', 81 : 'multiPTY', 96 : 'allCommunityOfInterest-SS', 97 : 'cug', 112 : 'allChargingSS', 113 : 'aoci', 114 : 'aocc', 128 : 'allAdditionalInfoTransferSS', 129 : 'uus1', 130 : 'uus2', 131 : 'uus3', 144 : 'allBarringSS', 145 : 'barringOfOutgoingCalls', 146 : 'baoc', 147 : 'boic', 148 : 'boicExHC', 153 : 'barringOfIncomingCalls', 154 : 'baic', 155 : 'bicRoam', 240 : 'allPLMN-specificSS', 241 : 'plmn-specificSS-1', 242 : 'plmn-specificSS-2', 243 : 'plmn-specificSS-3', 244 : 'plmn-specificSS-4', 245 : 'plmn-specificSS-5', 246 : 'plmn-specificSS-6', 247 : 'plmn-specificSS-7', 248 : 'plmn-specificSS-8', 249 : 'plmn-specificSS-9', 250 : 'plmn-specificSS-A', 251 : 'plmn-specificSS-B', 252 : 'plmn-specificSS-C', 253 : 'plmn-specificSS-D', 254 : 'plmn-specificSS-E', 255 : 'plmn-specificSS-F', 160 : 'allCallPrioritySS', 161 : 'emlpp', 176 : 'allLCSPrivacyException', 177 : 'universal', 178 : 'callSessionRelated', 179 : 'callSessionUnrelated', 180 : 'plmnoperator', 181 : 'serviceType', 192 : 'allMOLR-SS', 193 : 'basicSelfLocation', 194 : 'autonomousSelfLocation', 195 : 'transferToThirdParty' } class SSCode(Uint8): _dic = _MAPSSCode_dict #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # LCS indicator # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class LCSInd(Uint8): _dic = {1: 'MT-LR'} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # LCS client identity # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # derived from the MAP-LCS-DataTypes ASN.1 module from TS 29.002, d40 if _WITH_ASN1: LCSClientId = wrapper.gen_ber_wrapper(MAP.MAP_LCS_DataTypes.LCS_ClientID, asn_map_acquire, asn_map_release) else: class LCSClientId(Buf): _rep = REPR_HEX #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Generic message container type # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _GenericContType_dict = { 1 : 'LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP) message container', 2 : 'Location services message container' } class GenericContType(Uint8): _dic = _GenericContType_dict #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # GUTI type # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class GUTIType(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=3), Uint('Value', bl=1, dic={0:'native GUTI', 1:'mapped GUTI'}) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Control plane service type # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _CPServType_dict = { 0 : 'mobile originating request', 1 : 'mobile terminating request' } class CPServiceType(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('Active', bl=1, dic={0:'No bearer establishment requested', 1:'Bearer establishment requested'}), Uint('Value', bl=3, dic=_CPServType_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # APN aggregate maximum bit rate # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class APN_AMBR(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint8('DL'), Uint8('UL'), Uint8('DLExt', trans=True), Uint8('ULExt', trans=True), Uint8('DLExt2', trans=True), Uint8('ULExt2', trans=True) ) def set_val(self, vals): # in case extended values are set, make them non-transparent if vals is None: self['DLExt'].set_trans(True) self['ULExt'].set_trans(True) self['DLExt2'].set_trans(True) self['ULExt2'].set_trans(True) elif isinstance(vals, (tuple, list)): if len(vals) == 6: self['DLExt'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt'].set_trans(False) self['DLExt2'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt2'].set_trans(False) elif len(vals) == 4: self['DLExt'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt'].set_trans(False) elif isinstance(vals, dict): if 'DLExt2' in vals or 'ULExt2' in vals: self['DLExt'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt'].set_trans(False) self['DLExt2'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt2'].set_trans(False) elif 'DLExt' in vals or 'ULExt' in vals: self['DLExt'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt'].set_trans(False) Envelope.set_val(self, vals) def _from_char(self, char): # in case long-enough buffer is available, make extended fields non-transparent l = char.len_byte() if l == 6: self['DLExt'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt'].set_trans(False) self['DLExt2'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt2'].set_trans(False) elif l == 4: self['DLExt'].set_trans(False) self['ULExt'].set_trans(False) Envelope._from_char(self, char) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EPS quality of service # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class EPSQoSBitrate(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint8('MaxULBitrate'), Uint8('MaxDLBitrate'), Uint8('GuaranteedULBitrate'), Uint8('GuaranteedDLBitrate') ) class EPSQoSBitrateExt(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint8('MaxULBitrate'), Uint8('MaxDLBitrate'), Uint8('GuaranteedULBitrate'), Uint8('GuaranteedDLBitrate') ) class EPSQoSBitrateExt2(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint8('MaxULBitrate'), Uint8('MaxDLBitrate'), Uint8('GuaranteedULBitrate'), Uint8('GuaranteedDLBitrate') ) class EPSQoS(Envelope): ENV_SEL_TRANS = False _GEN = ( Uint8('QCI'), EPSQoSBitrate(trans=True), EPSQoSBitrateExt(trans=True), EPSQoSBitrateExt2(trans=True) ) def set_val(self, vals): # in case extended values are set, make them non-transparent if vals is None: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(True) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt'].set_trans(True) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt2'].set_trans(True) elif isinstance(vals, (tuple, list)): if len(vals) == 4: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt2'].set_trans(False) elif len(vals) == 3: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt'].set_trans(False) elif len(vals) == 2: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) elif isinstance(vals, dict): if 'EPSQoSBitrateExt2' in vals: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt2'].set_trans(False) elif 'EPSQoSBitrateExt' in vals: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt'].set_trans(False) elif 'EPSQoSBitrate' in vals: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) Envelope.set_val(self, vals) def _from_char(self, char): # in case long-enough buffer is available, make extended fields non-transparent l = char.len_byte() if l == 13: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt2'].set_trans(False) elif l == 9: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) self['EPSQoSBitrateExt'].set_trans(False) elif l == 5: self['EPSQoSBitrate'].set_trans(False) Envelope._from_char(self, char) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ESM cause # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _ESMCause_dict = { 8 : 'Operator Determined Barring', 26 : 'Insufficient resources', 27 : 'Missing or unknown APN', 28 : 'Unknown PDN type', 29 : 'User authentication failed', 30 : 'Request rejected by Serving GW or PDN GW', 31 : 'Request rejected, unspecified', 32 : 'Service option not supported', 33 : 'Requested service option not subscribed', 34 : 'Service option temporarily out of order', 35 : 'PTI already in use', 36 : 'Regular deactivation', 37 : 'EPS QoS not accepted', 38 : 'Network failure', 39 : 'Reactivation requested', 41 : 'Semantic error in the TFT operation', 42 : 'Syntactical error in the TFT operation', 43 : 'Invalid EPS bearer identity', 44 : 'Semantic errors in packet filter(s)', 45 : 'Syntactical errors in packet filter(s)', 46 : 'Unused (see NOTE 2)', 47 : 'PTI mismatch', 49 : 'Last PDN disconnection not allowed', 50 : 'PDN type IPv4 only allowed', 51 : 'PDN type IPv6 only allowed', 52 : 'Single address bearers only allowed', 53 : 'ESM information not received', 54 : 'PDN connection does not exist', 55 : 'Multiple PDN connections for a given APN not allowed', 56 : 'Collision with network initiated request', 59 : 'Unsupported QCI value', 60 : 'Bearer handling not supported', 65 : 'Maximum number of EPS bearers reached', 66 : 'Requested APN not supported in current RAT and PLMN combination', 81 : 'Invalid PTI value', 95 : 'Semantically incorrect message', 96 : 'Invalid mandatory information', 97 : 'Message type non-existent or not implemented', 98 : 'Message type not compatible with the protocol state', 99 : 'Information element non-existent or not implemented', 100 : 'Conditional IE error', 101 : 'Message not compatible with the protocol state', 111 : 'Protocol error, unspecified', 112 : 'APN restriction value incompatible with active EPS bearer context' } class ESMCause(Uint8): _dic = _ESMCause_dict #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ESM information transfer flag # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _ESMInfoTransfer_dict = { 0 : 'security protected ESM information transfer not required', 1 : 'security protected ESM information transfer required' } class ESMInfoTransferFlag(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=3), Uint('Value', bl=1, dic=_ESMInfoTransfer_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # PDN address # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# PDNType_dict = { 1 : 'IPv4', 2 : 'IPv6', 3 : 'IPv4v6', 4 : 'non IP' } class PDNAddr(Envelope): _AddrBlLUT = {1:32, 2:64, 3:96} _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=5), Uint('Type', val=1, bl=3, dic=PDNType_dict), Buf('Addr', val=b'', rep=REPR_HEX) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Envelope.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self[2].set_blauto(lambda: self._AddrBlLUT.get(self[1].get_val(), None)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Traffic flow aggregate description # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # same format as Trafic Flow Template class TFAggregate(TFT): pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Remote UE context list # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Proximity Services (ProSe) feature _RemUEIDType_dict = { 1 : 'Encrypted IMSI', 2 : 'IMSI', 3 : 'MSISDN', 4 : 'IMEI', 5 : 'IMEISV', } class RemUEIDEncIMSI(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('Digit1', bl=4, rep=REPR_HEX), Uint('Odd', bl=1), Uint('Type', val=1, bl=3, dic=_RemUEIDType_dict), Buf('EncIMSI', val=b'', rep=REPR_HEX) ) class RemUEIDDigit(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('Digit1', bl=4, rep=REPR_HEX), Uint('Odd', bl=1), Uint('Type', val=2, bl=3, dic=_RemUEIDType_dict), Buf('Digits', val=b'', rep=REPR_HEX) ) class RemoteUEID(Envelope): # during encode() / _from_char() processing # specific attributes are created: # self._IDDigit = RemUEIDDigit() # self._IDEncIMSI = RemUEIDEncIMSI() def set_val(self, vals): if isinstance(vals, dict) and 'type' in vals and 'ident' in vals: self.encode(vals['type'], vals['ident']) else: Envelope.set_val(self, vals) def decode(self): """returns the remote UE mobile identity type and value """ type = self['Type'].get_val() if type == 1: # encrypted IMSI return (type, self[3].to_bytes()) elif type in (2, 3, 4, 5): # digits return (type, str(self[0].get_val()) + decode_bcd(self[3].get_val())) else: return (type, None) def encode(self, type=2, ident=None): """sets the remote UE mobile identity with given type if type is 1 (encrypted IMSI): ident must be an uint32 if type is 2 (IMSI), 3 (MSISDN), 4 (IMEI) or 5 (IMEISV): ident must be a string of digits """ if type == 1: if not hasattr(self, '_IDEncIMSI'): self._IDEncIMSI = RemUEIDEncIMSI() self._content = self._IDNone._content self._by_id = self._IDNone._by_id self._by_name = self._IDNone._by_name self[3].set_val(ident) elif type in (2, 3, 4, 5): if not ident.isdigit(): raise(PycrateErr('{0}: invalid identity to encode, {1!r}'\ .format(self._name, ident))) if not hasattr(self, '_IDDigit'): self._IDDigit = RemUEIDDigit() self._content = self._IDDigit._content self._by_id = self._IDDigit._by_id self._by_name = self._IDDigit._by_name self[2]._val = type if len(ident) % 2: self[1]._val = 1 # encode digits the BCD way self[0]._val = int(ident[0]) self[3]._val = encode_bcd(ident[1:]) def _from_char(self, char): if not self.get_trans(): try: spare = char.get_uint(5) type = char.get_uint(3) except CharpyErr as err: raise(CharpyErr('{0} [_from_char]: {1}'.format(self._name, err))) except Exception as err: raise(EltErr('{0} [_from_char]: {1}'.format(self._name, err))) # if type == 1: if not hasattr(self, '_IDEncIMSI'): self._IDEncIMSI = RemUEIDEncIMSI() self._content = self._IDTemp._content self._by_id = self._IDTemp._by_id self._by_name = self._IDTemp._by_name self[0]._val = spare >> 1 self[1]._val = spare & 1 self[3]._from_char(char) # elif type in (2, 3, 4, 5): if not hasattr(self, '_IDDigit'): self._IDDigit = RemUEIDDigit() self._content = self._IDDigit._content self._by_id = self._IDDigit._by_id self._by_name = self._IDDigit._by_name self[0]._val = spare >> 1 self[1]._val = spare & 1 self[2]._val = type self[3]._from_char(char) def repr(self): if not self._content: return Envelope.repr(self) # additional description if self._desc: desc = ' [%s]' % self._desc else: desc = '' # element transparency if self.get_trans(): trans = ' [transparent]' else: trans = '' # type = self['Type'].get_val() # if type == 1: if self[3]._rep in (REPR_RAW, REPR_HUM): t_repr = repr(self[3].get_val()) elif self[3]._rep == REPR_HEX: t_repr = '0x' + self[3].hex() elif self[3].rep == REPR_BIN: t_repr = '0b' + self[3].bin() else: t_repr = '' return '<%s%s%s [Encrypted IMSI] : %s>' % (self._name, desc, trans, t_repr) elif type in (2, 3, 4, 5): return '<%s%s%s [%s] : %s>' % (self._name, desc, trans, _RemUEIDType_dict[type], str(self[0].get_val()) + decode_bcd(self[3].get_val())) else: return Envelope.repr(self) __repr__ = repr class RemoteUECtxt(Envelope): _AddrBlLUT = {1:4, 2:8} _GEN = ( Uint8('Len'), Uint8('Num'), Sequence('RemoteUEIDs', GEN=RemoteUEID()), Uint('spare', bl=5), Uint('AddrType', bl=3, dic=PDNType_dict), Buf('AddrInfo', val=b'', rep=REPR_HEX) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Envelope.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self[0].set_valauto(lambda: 2+self[2].get_len()+self[5].get_len()) self[1].set_valauto(self[2].get_num) self[2].set_numauto(self[1].get_val) self[5].set_blauto(lambda: self._AddrBlLUT.get(self[4](), None)) class RemoteUECtxtList(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint8('Num'), Sequence('RemoteUECtxts', GEN=RemoteUECtxt()) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Envelope.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self[0].set_valauto(self[1].get_num) self[1].set_numauto(self[0].get_val) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # PKMF address # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Proximity Services (ProSe) feature class PKMFAddr(Envelope): _AddrBlLUT = {1:32, 2:128} _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=5), Uint('Type', val=1, bl=3, dic={1:'IPv4', 2:'IPv6'}), Buf('Addr', val=b'', rep=REPR_HEX) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Envelope.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self[2].set_blauto(lambda: self._AddrBlLUT.get(self[1](), None)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Header compression configuration # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _HdrCompConfPType_dict = { 0 : '0x0000 (No Compression)', 1 : '0x0002 (UDP/IP)', 2 : '0x0003 (ESP/IP)', 3 : '0x0004 (IP)', 4 : '0x0006 (TCP/IP)', 5 : '0x0102 (UDP/IP)', 6 : '0x0103 (ESP/IP)', 7 : '0x0104 (IP)' } class HdrCompConfig(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=1), Uint('P0x0104', bl=1), Uint('P0x0103', bl=1), Uint('P0x0102', bl=1), Uint('P0x0006', bl=1), Uint('P0x0004', bl=1), Uint('P0x0003', bl=1), Uint('P0x0002', bl=1), Uint16('MAX_CID'), Uint8('ParamsType', dic=_HdrCompConfPType_dict, trans=True), Buf('ParamsContainer', trans=True, rep=REPR_HEX) ) def set_val(self, vals): if vals is None: self[9].set_trans(True) self[10].set_trans(True) elif isinstance(vals, (tuple, list)) and len(vals) >= 10: self[9].set_trans(False) self[10].set_trans(False) elif isinstance(vals, dict) and 'ParamsType' in vals: self[9].set_trans(False) self[10].set_trans(False) Envelope.set_val(self, vals) def _from_char(self, char): if char.get_len() >= 4: self[9].set_trans(False) self[10].set_trans(False) Envelope._from_char(self, char) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Control plane only indication # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _CPOI_dict = { 0 : 'PDN connection can be used with user plane radio bearer(s)', 1 : 'PDN connection can be used for control plane CIoT EPS optimization only' } class CPOnlyInd(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=3), Uint('Value', bl=1, dic=_CPOI_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Release assistance indication # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _DDX_dict = { 0 : 'No information available', 1 : 'No further uplink or downlink data transmission subsequent to the uplink data transmission is expected', 2 : 'Only a single downlink data transmission and no further uplink data transmission subsequent to the uplink data transmission is expected', 3 : 'reserved' } class ReleaseAssistInd(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('spare', bl=2), Uint('DDX', bl=2, dic=_DDX_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Header compression configuration status # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _HdrCompConfigStat_dict = { 0 : 'header compression config used', 1 : 'header compression config not used' } class HdrCompConfigStat(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('EBI_7', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_6', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_5', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_4', bl=1), Uint('EBI_3', bl=1), Uint('EBI_2', bl=1), Uint('EBI_1', bl=1), Uint('EBI_0', bl=1), Uint('EBI_15', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_14', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_13', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_12', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_11', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_10', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_9', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict), Uint('EBI_8', bl=1, dic=_HdrCompConfigStat_dict) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Serving PLMN rate control # TS 24.301, #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class ServingPLMNRateCtrl(Uint16): _desc = 'maximum ESM data transport messages with user data per 6 min' _dic = {0xFFFF: 'not restricted'}