# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #/** # * Software Name : pycrate # * Version : 0.2 # * # * Copyright 2017. Benoit Michau. ANSSI. # * # * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # * # * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # * Lesser General Public License for more details. # * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # * MA 02110-1301 USA # * # *-------------------------------------------------------- # * File Name : pycrate_mobile/TS23041_CBS.py # * Created : 2018-02-22 # * Authors : Benoit Michau # *-------------------------------------------------------- #*/ __all__ = [ 'CBSWarningType_dict', 'CBSWarningType', 'CBSWarningSecurityInfo', 'CBS_MessageId_dict', 'encode_cbs_pages' ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 3GPP TS 23.041: Cell Broadcast Service # release 13 (d30) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# from struct import pack, unpack from pycrate_core.elt import * from pycrate_core.base import * from .TS23038 import * from .TS23040_SMS import TP_SCTS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Warning Type # TS 23.041, section 9.3.24 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# CBSWarningType_dict = { 0 : 'Earthquake', 1 : 'Tsunami', 2 : 'Earthquake and Tsunami', 3 : 'Test', 4 : 'Other' #5-0x7f: future use } class CBSWarningType(Envelope): _GEN = ( Uint('Value', bl=7, dic=CBSWarningType_dict), Uint('EmergencyUserAlert', bl=1), Uint('Popup', bl=1), Uint('pad', bl=7, rep=REPR_HEX) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Warning-Security-Information # TS 23.041, section 9.3.25 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class CBSWarningSecurityInfo(Envelope): _GEN = ( TP_SCTS(), Buf('DigitalSignature', bl=344, rep=REPR_HEX) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Message Identifier # TS 23.041, section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# CBS_MessageId_dict = { #0-999: GSMA reserved 1000 : 'LCS CBS for E-OTD Assistance Data', 1001 : 'LCS CBS for GPS Ephemeris and Clock Correction Data', 1002 : 'LCS CBS for GPS Ephemeris and Clock Correction Data', 1003 : 'LCS CBS for GPS Almanac and Other Data', #1004-4095: future use #4096-4223: reserved for unsecure SIM download (!) #4224-4351: reserved for secured SIM download 4352: 'ETWS CBS for earthquake warning', 4353: 'ETWS CBS for tsunami warning', 4354: 'ETWS CBS for earthquake and tsunami combined warning', 4355: 'ETWS CBS for test', # silently discarded by the UE 4356: 'ETWS CBS related to other emergency types', #4357-4369: future use 4370: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Presidential Level Alerts', # also EU-Alert Level 1 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 0, not settable by MMI 4371: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Extreme Alerts with Severity of Extreme, Urgency of Immediate, and Certainty of Observed', # also EU-Alert Level 2 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4372: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Extreme Alerts with Severity of Extreme, Urgency of Immediate, and Certainty of Likely', # also EU-Alert Level 2 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4373: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Extreme, Urgency of Expected, and Certainty of Observed', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4374: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Extreme, Urgency of Expected, and Certainty of Likely', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4375: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Severe, Urgency of Immediate, and Certainty of Observed', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4376: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Severe, Urgency of Immediate, and Certainty of Likely', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4377: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Severe, Urgency of Expected, and Certainty of Observed', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4378: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Severe, Urgency of Expected, and Certainty of Likely', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4379: 'CMAS CBS for Child Abduction Emergency (Amber Alert)', # also EU-Amber / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4380: 'CMAS CBS for the Required Monthly Test', 4381: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Exercise', 4382: 'CMAS CBS for operator defined use', 4383: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Presidential Level Alerts for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 1 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 0, not settable by MMI 4384: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Extreme Alerts with Severity of Extreme, Urgency of Immediate, and Certainty of Observed for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 2 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4385: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Extreme Alerts with Severity of Extreme, Urgency of Immediate, and Certainty of Likely for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 2 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4386: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Extreme, Urgency of Expected, and Certainty of Observed for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4387: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Extreme, Urgency of Expected, and Certainty of Likely for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4388: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Severe, Urgency of Immediate, and Certainty of Observed for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4389: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Severe, Urgency of Immediate, and Certainty of Likely for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4390: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Severe, Urgency of Expected, and Certainty of Observed for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4391: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Severe Alerts with Severity of Severe, Urgency of Expected, and Certainty of Likely for additional languages', # also EU-Alert Level 3 / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4392: 'CMAS CBS for Child Abduction Emergency (Amber Alert) for additional languages', # also EU-Amber / Korean Public Alert System (KPAS) Class 1 4393: 'CMAS CBS for the Required Monthly Test for additional languages', 4394: 'CMAS CBS for CMAS Exercise for additional languages', 4395: 'CMAS CBS for operator defined use for additional languages', #4396-4399: future CMA / EU-Alert #4400-6399: future PWS 6400: 'EU-Info for the local language', #6401-40959: future use #40960-45055: operator specific #45056-65534: future operator specific 65535: 'reserved', # used with SIM, not settable by MMI } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Warning Message Content E-UTRAN # TS 23.041, section 9.3.35 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def encode_cbs_pages(msg, dcs7b=True, char_preamb=''): """translates the unicode string `msg' into a buffer containing page(s) ready for broadcast dcs7b: True, encode in GSM 7 bit characters False, encode in UCS-2 char_preamb: to add a potential prefix for specifying the language of the message (e.g. "EN", "FR" or "DE") """ if dcs7b: # char_preamb should be 2 chars (e.g. EN) followed by a CR pages = encode_7b_cbs(char_preamb + '\r' + msg) else: # char_preamb should be 2 chars, encoded in GSM 7 bits and padded txt = encode_7b(char_preamb)[0] + msg.encode('utf-16') # check number of pages needed num = len(txt) // 82 if len(txt) % 82: num += 1 pages = [txt[i*82:(i+1)*82] for i in range(0, num)] buf = [pack('>B', len(pages))] for page, page_len in pages: buf.append(page) buf.append(pack('>B', page_len)) return b''.join(buf)