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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# * Software Name : pycrate
2018-02-09 21:23:26 +00:00
# * Version : 0.3
# *
# * Copyright 2017. Benoit Michau. ANSSI.
# *
# * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * Lesser General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# * MA 02110-1301 USA
# *
# *--------------------------------------------------------
# * File Name : pycrate_corenet/
# * Created : 2018-01-25
# * Authors : Benoit Michau
# *--------------------------------------------------------
__all__ = [
from .utils import *
from .ProcProto import *
from .ProcCNRanap import *
# NAS GPRS Session Management signalling procedures
# TS 24.008, version d90
# Core Network side
class SMSigProc(NASSigProc):
"""GPRS Session Management signalling procedure handler
instance attributes:
- Name : procedure name
- SM : reference to the UESMd instance running this procedure
- Iu : reference to the UEIuPSd instance connecting the UE
- Cont : 2-tuple of CN-initiated NAS message(s) and UE-initiated NAS
- Timer: timer in sec. for this procedure
- Encod: custom NAS message encoders with fixed values
- Decod: custom NAS message decoders with transform functions
# tacking all exchanged NAS message within the procedure
# potential timer
Timer = None
TimerDefault = 2
def __init__(self, tid, encod=None):
self._log('DBG', 'instantiating procedure')
self._tid = tid
self._tif = tid >> 7
self._ti = tid & 0x7f
def _log(self, logtype, msg):
log('[TESTING] [%s] [EMMSigProc] [%s] %s' % (logtype, self.Name, msg))
def __init__(self, smd, tid, encod=None):
self.SM = smd
self.Iu = smd.Iu
self.UE = smd.UE
self._tid = tid
self._tif = tid >> 7
self._ti = tid & 0x7f
self._log('DBG', 'instantiating procedure')
def _log(self, logtype, msg):
self.SM._log(logtype, '[%s] %s' % (self.Name, msg))
def output(self):
self._log('ERR', 'output() not implemented')
return []
def process(self, pdu):
if self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'UL', pdu) )
self.UEInfo = {}
self.decode_msg(pdu, self.UEInfo)
self._log('ERR', 'process() not implemented')
return []
def postprocess(self, Proc=None):
self._log('ERR', 'postprocess() not implemented')
return []
def abort(self):
# abort this procedure, and all procedures started within this one
if self._tid in self.SM.Proc:
ProcStack = self.SM.Proc[self._tid]
ind = ProcStack.index(self)
if ind >= 0:
for p in ProcStack[ind+1:]:
del ProcStack[ind:]
self._log('INF', 'aborting')
def rm_from_sm_stack(self):
# remove the procedure from the SM stack of procedures
2018-03-09 07:19:11 +00:00
if self._tid in self.SM.Proc:
ProcStack = self.SM.Proc[self._tid]
if ProcStack[-1] == self:
del ProcStack[-1]
self._log('WNG', 'SM stack corrupted')
def init_timer(self):
if self.Timer is not None:
self.TimerValue = getattr(self.SM, self.Timer, self.TimerDefault)
self.TimerStart = time()
self.TimerStop = self.TimerStart + self.TimerValue
def get_timer(self):
if self.Timer is None:
return None
return getattr(self.SM, self.Timer)
# common helpers
def _collect_cap(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'Cap') or not hasattr(self, 'UEInfo'):
for Cap in self.Cap:
if Cap in self.UEInfo:
self.UE.Cap[Cap] = self.UEInfo[Cap]
# PDP context activation: TS 24.008, section
class SMPDPCtxtAct(SMSigProc):
"""PDP context activation procedure: TS 24.008, section
CN messages:
SMActivatePDPContextAccept (PD 10, Type 66), IEs:
- Type3V : LLC_SAPI
- Type4LV : QoS
- Uint : spare
- Type1V : RadioPriority
- Type4TLV : PDPAddr (T: 43)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : PacketFlowId (T: 52)
- Type4TLV : SMCause (T: 57)
- Type1TV : ConType (T: 11)
- Type1TV : WLANOffloadInd (T: 12)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
SMActivatePDPContextReject (PD 10, Type 67), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : BackOffTimer (T: 55)
- Type4TLV : ReattemptInd (T: 107)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
UE message:
SMActivatePDPContextRequest (PD 10, Type 65), IEs:
- Type3V : NSAPI
- Type3V : LLC_SAPI
- Type4LV : QoS
- Type4LV : PDPAddr
- Type4TLV : APN (T: 40)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type1TV : ReqType (T: 10)
- Type1TV : DeviceProp (T: 12)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMActivatePDPContextAccept, TS24008_SM.SMActivatePDPContextReject),
(TS24008_SM.SMActivatePDPContextRequest, )
Decod = {
(10, 65) : {
'NSAPI' : lambda x: x[0][1].get_val(),
'LLC_SAPI': lambda x: x[0][1].get_val(),
'APN' : lambda x: [v[1] for v in x[2].get_val()],
'PDPAddr' : lambda x: (x[1][1].get_val(), x[1][2].get_val())
Cap = ('DeviceProp', )
def process(self, pdu):
if self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'UL', pdu) )
self.UEInfo, self.errcause = {}, None
self.decode_msg(pdu, self.UEInfo)
# 1) check NSAPI
if not 5 <= self.UEInfo['NSAPI'] <= 15:
# invalid mandatory info
self.errcause = 96
return self.output()
self.nsapi = self.UEInfo['NSAPI']
# 2) get APN and corresponding config
if 'APN' not in self.UEInfo or not self.UEInfo['APN']:
# missing APN
self.errcause = 27
return self.output()
# only check the 1st apn component
apn = self.UEInfo['APN'][0]
if apn in self.SM.PDPConfig:
pdpcfg = self.SM.PDPConfig[apn]
elif '*' in self.SM.PDPConfig:
pdpcfg = self.SM.PDPConfig['*']
# unknown APN
self.errcause = 27
return self.output()
self.RespIEs, pdpaddr = {}, None
# 3) check the ue request against pdpcfg
if self.UEInfo['PDPAddr'] == (0, 1) and pdpcfg['Addr'][0] == 0:
# PPP addr requested
pdpaddr = (0, pdpcfg['Addr'][1])
self.RespIEs['PDPAddr'] = (0, 0, 1, pdpcfg['Addr'][1])
elif self.UEInfo['PDPAddr'][0] == 1:
# IP addr requested
if self.UEInfo['PDPAddr'][1] == 33:
# IPv4
if pdpcfg['Addr'][0] in (1, 3):
pdpaddr = (1, pdpcfg['Addr'][1])
self.RespIEs['PDPAddr'] = (0, 1, 33, inet_aton_cn(*pdpaddr, dom='PS'))
# PDP type IPv6 only allowed
self.errcause = 51
elif self.UEInfo['PDPAddr'][1] == 87:
# IPv6
if pdpcfg['Addr'][0] in (2, 3):
pdpaddr = (2, pdpcfg['Addr'][-1])
self.RespIEs['PDPAddr'] = (0, 1, 87, inet_aton_cn(*pdpaddr, dom='PS'))
# PDP type IPv4 only allowed
self.errcause = 50
elif self.UEInfo['PDPAddr'][1] == 141:
# IPv4v6
pdpaddr = pdpcfg['Addr']
self.RespIEs['PDPAddr'] = (0, 1, (None, 33, 87, 141)[pdpaddr[0]],
inet_aton_cn(*pdpaddr, dom='PS'))
if pdpaddr[0] in (1, 2):
# single address only bearer
self.RespIEs['SMCause'] = 52
if not pdpaddr and not self.errcause:
# Unknown PDP address or PDP type
self.errcause = 28
if self.errcause:
return self.output()
# 3) check the protocol config options
if 'ProtConfig' in self.UEInfo:
self.RespIEs['ProtConfig'], pdpaddrreq = self.SM.process_protconfig(
pdpcfg, self.UEInfo['ProtConfig'])
if not pdpaddrreq:
del self.RespIEs['PDPAddr']
# set the PDP config properly
self.SM.rab_set_default(self.nsapi, self._tid, apn, pdpaddr, pdpcfg)
# just copy LLC_SAPI
self.RespIEs['LLC_SAPI'] = (0, self.UEInfo['LLC_SAPI'])
# NAS.QoS, reusing some RAB parameters
rabcfg = pdpcfg['RAB']
self.RespIEs['QoS'] = {
'DelayClass': 4, # best effort
'ReliabilityClass': 4, # unack GTP, LLC and RLC, protected data
'PeakThroughput': 9, # 256 kO/s (-> 2Mb/s)
'PrecedenceClass': 2, # normal priority
'MeanThroughput': 31, # best effort
'TrafficClass': RANAP.RANAP_IEs.TrafficClass._cont[rabcfg['TrafficClass']],
'DeliveryOrder': 1 if rabcfg['DeliveryOrder'] == 'delivery-order-requested' else 2,
'ErroneousSDU': 2 if rabcfg['SDU-Parameters'][0]['deliveryOfErroneousSDU'] == 'yes' else 3,
'MaxSDUSize': 0b10011001, # 1520 octets, see TS 24.008,
'MaxULBitrate': 0x80 + 55, # 576 + 55*64 = 4096kb/s
'MaxDLBitrate': 0x80 + 119, # 576 + 119*64 = 8192kb/s
'ResidualBER': 2+rabcfg['SDU-Parameters'][0]['residualBitErrorRatio']['exponent'],
'SDUErrorRatio': rabcfg['SDU-Parameters'][0]['sDU-ErrorRatio']['exponent'],
'TransferDelay': 10, # 100 ms
#'TrafficHandlingPriority': 0,
'GuaranteedULBitrate': 255, # no guarantee
'GuaranteedDLBitrate': 255, # no guarantee
#'SignallingInd': 0,
#'SourceStatsDesc': 0,
#'MaxDLBitrateExt': 75, # 16Mb/s, extended value (MaxDLBitrate = 254)
#'MaxULBitrateExt': 75, # 16Mb/s, extended value (MaxULBitrate = 254)
if 'ReqType' in self.UEInfo:
self._log('WNG', 'ReqType IE unsupported')
if 'NBIFOMContainer' in self.UEInfo:
self._log('WNG', 'NBIFOMContainer IE unsupported')
self.SM.Trans[self._tid] = self.nsapi
return self.postprocess()
def postprocess(self, Proc=None):
if isinstance(Proc, RANAPRABAssignment):
if not Proc.success:
# network failure
self.errcause = 38
# return SMActivatePDPContextAccept / Reject
return self.output()
elif Proc == self:
self._log('WNG', 'something bad happened with a previous procedure')
# network failure
self.errcause = 38
# return SMActivatePDPContextReject
return self.output()
elif Proc is not None:
self._err = Proc
# get the RAB config
rabcfg = self.SM.PDP[self.nsapi]['RAB']
# prepare IEs for a single RAB setup
rablist = [{
'id': 53, # id-RAB-SetupOrModifyItem
'firstCriticality': 'reject',
'firstValue': ('RAB-SetupOrModifyItemFirst', rabcfg['First']),
'secondCriticality': 'ignore',
'secondValue': ('RAB-SetupOrModifyItemSecond', rabcfg['Second'])
IEs = {'RAB_SetupOrModifyList': [rablist]}
# initiate a RANAPRABAssignment
RanapProc = self.Iu.init_ranap_proc(RANAPRABAssignment, **IEs)
if RanapProc:
# pass the info required for setting the GTPU tunnel
RanapProc._gtp_add_mobile_nsapi = [self.nsapi]
# set a callback to here
RanapProc._cb = self
return [RanapProc]
return []
def output(self):
if self.errcause:
# prepare SMActivatePDPContextReject
self.set_msg(10, 67, SMHeader={'TIPD': {'TIFlag': self._tif,
'TI': self._ti}},
self.encode_msg(10, 67)
self._log('INF', 'reject, %r' % self._nas_tx['SMCause'][0])
if self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'DL', self._nas_tx) )
return self.Iu.ret_ranap_dt(self._nas_tx)
# prepare SMActivatePDPContextAccept
self.RespIEs['SMHeader'] = {'TIPD': {'TIFlag': self._tif,
'TI': self._ti}}
self.set_msg(10, 66, **self.RespIEs)
self.encode_msg(10, 66)
if self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'DL', self._nas_tx) )
return self.Iu.ret_ranap_dt(self._nas_tx)
class SMPDPCtxtActRequest(SMSigProc):
"""PDP context activation procedure: TS 24.008, section
triggers SMPDPCtxtAct
CN message:
SMRequestPDPContextActivation (PD 10, Type 68), IEs:
- Type4LV : PDPAddr
- Type4TLV : APN (T: 40)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
UE message:
SMRequestPDPContextActivationReject (PD 10, Type 69), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMRequestPDPContextActivation, ),
(TS24008_SM.SMRequestPDPContextActivationReject, )
Init = (10, 68)
Timer = 'T3385'
# Secondary PDP context activation: TS 24.008, section
class SMSecondPDPCtxtAct(SMSigProc):
"""Secondary PDP context activation procedure: TS 24.008, section
CN messages:
SMActivateSecondaryPDPContextAccept (PD 10, Type 78), IEs:
- Type3V : LLC_SAPI
- Type4LV : QoS
- Type1V : spare
- Type1V : RadioPriority
- Type4TLV : PacketFlowId (T: 52)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type1TV : WLANOffloadInd (T: 12)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
SMActivateSecondaryPDPContextReject (PD 10, Type 79), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : BackOffTimer (T: 55)
- Type4TLV : ReattemptInd (T: 107)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
UE message:
SMActivateSecondaryPDPContextRequest (PD 10, Type 77), IEs:
- Type3V : NSAPI
- Type3V : LLC_SAPI
- Type4LV : QoS
- Type4LV : LinkedTI
- Type4TLV : TFT (T: 54)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type1TV : DeviceProp (T: 12)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMActivateSecondaryPDPContextAccept, TS24008_SM.SMActivateSecondaryPDPContextReject),
(TS24008_SM.SMActivateSecondaryPDPContextRequest, )
class SMSecondPDPCtxtActRequest(SMSigProc):
"""Secondary PDP context activation procedure: TS 24.008, section
triggers SMSecondPDPCtxtAct
CN message:
SMRequestSecondaryPDPContextActivation (PD 10, Type 91), IEs:
- Type4LV : QoS
- Type4LV : LinkedTI
- Type4TLV : TFT (T: 54)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type1TV : WLANOffloadInd (T: 12)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
UE message:
SMRequestSecondaryPDPContextActivationReject (PD 10, Type 92), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMRequestSecondaryPDPContextActivation, ),
(TS24008_SM.SMRequestSecondaryPDPContextActivationReject, )
Init = (10, 91)
Timer = 'T3385'
# PDP context modification: TS 24.008, section
class SMPDPCtxtModifUE(SMSigProc):
"""PDP context modification procedure: TS 24.008, section
CN messages:
SMModifyPDPContextAcceptMT (PD 10, Type 75), IEs:
- Type4TLV : QoS (T: 48)
- Type3TV : LLC_SAPI (T: 50)
- Type1TV : RadioPriority (T: 8)
- Type4TLV : PacketFlowId (T: 52)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type1TV : WLANOffloadInd (T: 12)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
SMModifyPDPContextReject (PD 10, Type 76), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : BackOffTimer (T: 55)
- Type4TLV : ReattemptInd (T: 107)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
UE message:
SMModifyPDPContextRequestMO (PD 10, Type 74), IEs:
- Type3TV : LLC_SAPI (T: 50)
- Type4TLV : QoS (T: 48)
- Type4TLV : TFT (T: 49)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type1TV : DeviceProp (T: 12)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMModifyPDPContextAcceptMT, TS24008_SM.SMModifyPDPContextReject),
(TS24008_SM.SMModifyPDPContextRequestMO, )
class SMPDPCtxtModifCN(SMSigProc):
"""PDP context modification procedure: TS 24.008, section
CN message:
SMModifyPDPContextRequestMT (PD 10, Type 72), IEs:
- Type1V : spare
- Type1V : RadioPriority
- Type3V : LLC_SAPI
- Type4LV : QoS
- Type4TLV : PDPAddr (T: 43)
- Type4TLV : PacketFlowId (T: 52)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : TFT (T: 54)
- Type1TV : WLANOffloadInd (T: 12)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
UE message:
SMModifyPDPContextAcceptMO (PD 10, Type 73), IEs:
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : NBIFOMContainer (T: 51)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMModifyPDPContextRequestMT, ),
(TS24008_SM.SMModifyPDPContextAcceptMO, )
Init = (10, 72)
Timer = 'T3386'
# PDP context deactivation: TS 24.008, section
class SMPDPCtxtDeactUE(SMSigProc):
"""PDP context deactivation procedure: TS 24.008, section
CN message:
SMDeactivatePDPContextAccept (PD 10, Type 71), IEs:
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
UE message:
SMDeactivatePDPContextRequest (PD 10, Type 70), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type1TV : TearDownInd (T: 9)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
- Type4TLV : T3396 (T: 55)
- Type1TV : WLANOffloadInd (T: 12)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMDeactivatePDPContextAccept, ),
(TS24008_SM.SMDeactivatePDPContextRequest, )
Decod = {
(10, 70): {
'SMCause': lambda x: x[0].to_uint()
def process(self, pdu):
if self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'UL', pdu) )
self.UEInfo, self.errcause = {}, None
self.decode_msg(pdu, self.UEInfo)
if self.UEInfo['SMCause'] != 36:
self._log('INF', 'PDP context deactivation, %r' % self.UEInfo['SMCause'])
if self._tid in self.SM.Trans:
# get the corresponding NSAPI
nsapi = self.SM.Trans[self._tid]
# no identified NSAPI, nothing to teardown
self._log('INF', 'no NSAPI corresponding to the transaction identifier %i' % self._tid)
return self.output()
self.rem_mobile_nsapi = [nsapi]
if 'TearDownInd' in self.UEInfo and self.UEInfo['TearDownInd']:
# the PDP ctx for the given NSAPI should be toredown,
# and associated PDP ctx with same PDP addr and APN too
self.rem_mobile_nsapi.extend( self.SM.PDP[nsapi]['linked'] )
if 'ProtConfig' in self.UEInfo:
self._log('WNG', 'ProtConfig IE unsupported')
if 'MBMSProtConfig' in self.UEInfo:
self._log('WNG', 'MBMSProtConfig IE unsupported')
if 'T3396' in self.UEInfo:
self._log('WNG', 'T3396 IE unsupported')
if 'WLANOffloadInd' in self.UEInfo:
self._log('WNG', 'WLANOffloadInd IE unsupported')
return self.postprocess()
def postprocess(self, Proc=None):
if isinstance(Proc, RANAPRABAssignment):
return self.output()
elif Proc == self:
self._log('WNG', 'something bad happened with a previous procedure')
return self.output()
elif Proc is not None:
self._err = Proc
# initiate a RANAPRABAssignment with the RAB_ReleaseList
rablist = []
for nsapi in self.rem_mobile_nsapi:
'id': 40, # id-RAB-ReleaseItem
'criticality': 'ignore',
'value': ('RAB-ReleaseItem', {
'rAB-ID': (nsapi, 8),
'cause' : ('nAS', 83)}) # normal-release
IEs = {'RAB_ReleaseList': [rablist]}
# initiate a RANAPRABAssignment
RanapProc = self.Iu.init_ranap_proc(RANAPRABAssignment, **IEs)
if RanapProc:
# pass the info required for deleting the GTPU tunnels
RanapProc._gtp_rem_mobile_nsapi = self.rem_mobile_nsapi
# set a callback to here
RanapProc._cb = self
return [RanapProc]
return []
def output(self):
for nsapi in self.rem_mobile_nsapi:
tid = self.SM.PDP[nsapi]['TID']
del self.SM.PDP[nsapi]
del self.SM.Trans[tid]
self.set_msg(10, 71, SMHeader={'TIPD': {'TIFlag': self._tif,
'TI': self._ti}})
self.encode_msg(10, 71)
if self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'DL', self._nas_tx) )
return self.Iu.ret_ranap_dt(self._nas_tx)
class SMPDPCtxtDeactCN(SMSigProc):
"""PDP context deactivation procedure: TS 24.008, section
CN message:
SMDeactivatePDPContextRequest (PD 10, Type 70), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type1TV : TearDownInd (T: 9)
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
- Type4TLV : T3396 (T: 55)
- Type1TV : WLANOffloadInd (T: 12)
UE message:
SMDeactivatePDPContextAccept (PD 10, Type 71), IEs:
- Type4TLV : ProtConfig (T: 39)
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMDeactivatePDPContextRequest, ),
(TS24008_SM.SMDeactivatePDPContextAccept, )
Init = (10, 70)
Timer = 'T3395'
# Notification: TS 24.008, section
class SMNotification(SMSigProc):
"""Notification procedure: TS 24.008, section
CN message:
SMNotification (PD 10, Type 93), IEs:
- Type4LV : NotificationInd
UE message:
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMNotification, ),
Init = (10, 93)
# MBMS context activation: TS 24.008, section
class SMMBMSCtxtAct(SMSigProc):
"""MBMS context activation procedure: TS 24.008, section
CN message:
SMActivateMBMSContextAccept (PD 10, Type 87), IEs:
- Type4LV : TMGI
- Type3V : LLC_SAPI
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
SMActivateMBMSContextReject (PD 10, Type 88), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
- Type4TLV : BackOffTimer (T: 55)
- Type4TLV : ReattemptInd (T: 107)
UE message:
SMActivateMBMSContextRequest (PD 10, Type 86), IEs:
- Type3V : LLC_SAPI
- Type4LV : MBMSBearerCap
- Type4LV : MCastAddr
- Type4LV : APN
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
- Type1TV : DeviceProp (T: 12)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMActivateMBMSContextAccept, TS24008_SM.SMActivateMBMSContextReject),
(TS24008_SM.SMActivateMBMSContextRequest, )
class SMMBMSCtxtActRequest(SMSigProc):
"""MBMS context activation procedure: TS 24.008, section
triggers SMMBMSCtxtAct
CN message:
SMRequestMBMSContextActivation (PD 10, Type 89), IEs:
- Type3V : LinkedNSAPI
- Type4LV : MCastAddr
- Type4LV : APN
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
UE message:
SMRequestMBMSContextActivationReject (PD 10, Type 90), IEs:
- Type3V : SMCause
- Type4TLV : MBMSProtConfig (T: 53)
Cont = (
(TS24008_SM.SMRequestMBMSContextActivation, ),
(TS24008_SM.SMRequestMBMSContextActivationReject, )
Init = (10, 89)
Timer = 'T3385'
# MBMS context deactivation: TS 24.008, section
# this is actually identical to deactivating a standard unicast PDP ctxt
SMMBMSCtxtDeact = SMPDPCtxtDeactCN
# SM UE-initiated procedures dispatcher
SMProcUeDispatcher = {
65: SMPDPCtxtAct,
70: SMPDPCtxtDeactUE,
74: SMPDPCtxtModifUE,
77: SMSecondPDPCtxtAct,
86: SMPDPCtxtAct,
SMProcUeDispatcherStr = {ProcClass.Cont[1][0]()._name: ProcClass \
for ProcClass in SMProcUeDispatcher.values()}
# SM CN-initiated procedures dispatcher
SMProcCnDispatcher = {
68: SMPDPCtxtActRequest,
70: SMPDPCtxtDeactCN,
72: SMPDPCtxtModifCN,
89: SMMBMSCtxtActRequest,
91: SMSecondPDPCtxtActRequest,
93: SMNotification,
SMProcCnDispatcherStr = {ProcClass.Cont[0][0]()._name: ProcClass \
for ProcClass in SMProcCnDispatcher.values()}