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# * coding: UTF8 *
# * Software Name : pycrate
2018-02-09 21:23:26 +00:00
# * Version : 0.3
# *
# * Copyright © 2013. Benoit Michau. ANSSI.
# *
# * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
# * by the Free Software Foundation.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You will find a copy of the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
# * License version 2 in the "license.txt" file or
# * see or write to the Free Software Foundation,
# * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# *
# *--------------------------------------------------------
# * File Name : pycrate_corenet/
# * Created : 2013-11-04
# * Authors : Benoit Michau
# *--------------------------------------------------------
__all__ = ['SMSd']
from time import localtime
from .utils import *
if python_version < 3:
from Queue import Queue, Empty, Full
from queue import Queue, Empty, Full
class SMSd(object):
Very basic SMS relay
Receive, acknowledge and forward SMS-RP messages
# verbosity level: list of log types to display when calling
# self._log(logtype, msg)
DEBUG = ('ERR', 'WNG', 'INF', 'DBG')
# time resolution for consuming the queue for TP msg
QUEUE_TO = 0.1
# SMS relay phone number
RP_OA = {'Type': 1, 'NumberingPlan': 1, 'Num': '1234'}
# TP settings for sending handcrafted SMS DELIVER to UEs
TP_OA = {'Type': 1, 'NumberingPlan': 1, 'Num': '12341234'}
TP_PID = {'Format': 0, 'Telematic': {'Telematic': 0, 'Protocol': 0}}
TP_DCS = {'Group': 0, 'Charset': 0, 'Class': 0}
# timezone for TP_SCTS information (float)
# CorenetServer reference, for checking UE MSISDN and sending MT-SMS
Server = None
def __init__(self):
self._pdu = []
# dict with dicts of ongoing RP transactions indexed by RP ref and
# ongoing TP transactions indexed by TP msg ref
# indexed by UE msisdn
self.Proc = {}
# dict with lists of RP-DATA and TP procedures in error, indexed by UE msisdn
self.Err = {}
# set 2 queues to process / forward or inject TP messages within a background thread
self._forward_q = Queue()
self._inject_q = Queue()
self._forwarding = True
self._forward_t = threadit(self.forward)
self._log('INF', 'SMS relay started')
def _log(self, logtype='DBG', msg=''):
# logtype: 'ERR', 'WNG', 'INF', 'DBG'
if logtype in self.DEBUG:
log('[%s] [SMSd] %s' % (logtype, msg))
def stop(self):
if self._forwarding:
self._forwarding = False
def forward(self):
# consume the queue
while self._forwarding:
tp_msg, num = self._forward_q.get_nowait()
except Empty:
tp_msg, num = self._inject_q.get_nowait()
except Empty:
self.send_tp(tp_msg, num)
self.process_tp(tp_msg, num)
def init_ue(self, num):
self.Proc[num] = {
'RP': {}, # dict of ongoing RP procedures at the RP layer
'TP': {} # dict of ongoing TP procedures at the TP layer
self.Err[num] = {
'RP': [], # list of RP procedures in error
'TP': [] # list of TP procedures in error
def process_rp(self, rp_msg, num):
"""process an RP message `rp_msg' sent by a UE with a given MSISDN `num',
returns an RP ACK or ERROR if rp_msg is DATA or SMMA
None if rp_msg is ACK or ERROR
if not isinstance(rp_msg, NAS.SMS_RP):
self._log('WNG', 'process_rp: invalid rp_msg')
return None
if self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'UL', rp_msg) )
if num not in self.Proc:
if rp_msg._name == 'RP_DATA_MO':
# this will return an RP_ACK or RP_ERR
ret = self._process_rp_data(rp_msg, num)
elif rp_msg._name == 'RP_SMMA':
# this will return an RP_ACK or RP_ERR
ret = self._process_rp_smma(rp_msg, num)
elif rp_msg._name in ('RP_ACK_MO', 'RP_ERROR_MO'):
# check the ref together with num
ret = self._process_rp_ack_err(rp_msg, num)
self._log('WNG', 'process_rp: invalid message %r' % rp_msg)
ret = None
if ret and self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'DL', ret) )
return ret
def _process_rp_data(self, rp_msg, num):
ref = rp_msg[2].get_val()
rp_procs = self.Proc[num]['RP']
rp_procs[ref] = (rp_msg, None)
# check RP orig / dest address
if rp_msg[3][0].get_val() > 0:
rp_orig = rp_msg[3][1]
self._log('WNG', 'process_rp_data: non-empty originator address, %r' % rp_orig)
# invalid mandatory information
del rp_procs[ref]
return NAS.RP_ERROR_MT(val={'Ref': ind[1], 'RPCause': {'Value': 96}})
if rp_msg[4][0].get_val() > 0:
rp_dest = rp_msg[4][1]
if rp_dest['Num'].decode() != self.RP_OA['Num']:
self._log('INF', 'process_rp_data: destination address, %r' % rp_dest)
self._log('WNG', 'process_rp_data: empty destination address')
# invalid mandatory information
del rp_procs[ref]
return NAS.RP_ERROR_MT(val={'Ref': ind[1], 'RPCause': {'Value': 96}})
if not isinstance(rp_msg[5][1], NAS.SMS_TP):
self._log('WNG', 'process_rp_data: invalid TP data, %r' % tp_msg[5])
# invalid mandatory information
del rp_procs[ref]
return NAS.RP_ERROR_MT(val={'Ref': ind[1], 'RPCause': {'Value': 96}})
# process TP in the background thread
self._insert_tp(rp_msg[5][1], num)
# acknowledge RP
rp_ack = NAS.RP_ACK_MT(val={'Ref': ref})
del rp_procs[ref]
return rp_ack
def _process_rp_smma(self, rp_msg, num):
ref = rp_msg[2].get_val()
self._log('INF', 'process_rp_smma: procedure ref (%s, %i)' % (num, ref))
return NAS.RP_ACK_MT(val={'Ref': ref})
def _process_rp_ack_err(self, rp_msg, num):
rp_msg_name = rp_msg._name[:-3].replace('_', '-')
ref = rp_msg[2].get_val()
rp_procs = self.Proc[num]['RP']
if ref in rp_procs:
rp_req, tp_ref = rp_procs[ref]
rp_ud = rp_msg['RPUserData']
if not rp_ud.get_trans() and isinstance(rp_ud[2], NAS.SMS_TP):
if rp_msg._name == 'RP_ACK_MO':
# TP status 0: Short message transaction completed - Short message received by the SME
stat = 0
# TP status 64: Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts - Remote procedure error
stat = 64
self._report_status(rp_req, tp_ref, stat)
# TODO: check if it requires an RP-ACK back
# delete the RP procedure
del rp_procs[ref]
if rp_msg_name == 'RP-ACK':
self._log('DBG', 'process_rp_ack_err: procedure ref (%s, %i) completed' % (num, ref))
self._log('INF', 'process_rp_ack_err: procedure ref (%s, %i) in error with cause %r'\
% (num, ref, rp_msg[3][1]))
self._log('INF', 'process_rp_ack_err: procedure ref (%s, %i) unknown' % (num, ref))
return None
def _report_status(self, rp_req, tp_ref, stat=64):
# when a downlink RP-DATA fails within CorenetServer (-> discard_rp())
# or receiving an RP-ACK/ERROR-MO with TP data (SMS-DELIVER-REPORT-RP-ACK/ERROR)
# we need to start an SMS-STATUS-REPORT toward to original sender
# 1) reassociate to the SMS SUBMIT of the initial sender
tp_oa = rp_req[5][1]['TP_OA']['Num'].decode()
self._log('WNG', 'report_status: unable to retrieve the TP originating address')
if tp_oa in self.Proc:
tp_procs = self.Proc[tp_oa]['TP']
if tp_ref in tp_procs:
tp_req, atime = self.Proc[tp_oa]['TP'][tp_ref]
# 2) send a status report to the initial sender and delete the TP transaction
del self.Proc[tp_oa]['TP'][tp_ref]
tp_stat = self._create_tp_stat_rep(tp_req, tp_oa, atime, stat)
self._inject_tp(tp_stat, tp_oa)
self._log('DBG', 'report_status: delete TP procedure (%s, %i)' % (tp_oa, tp_ref))
# no status report was requested, hence we just pass our way
self._log('DBG', 'report_status: no SMS SUBMIT requiring status report for %s' % tp_oa)
def _insert_tp(self, tp_msg, num):
"""put the tp_msg within the forwarding queue,
and let the forwarding thread take care of it
self._forward_q.put_nowait( (tp_msg, num) )
except Full as err:
self._log('ERR', 'insert_tp: TP forwarding queue is full (%i), deleting it, %s'\
% (self._forward_q.qsize(), err))
self._forward_q = Queue()
def process_tp(self, tp_msg, num):
"""process a TP message `tp_msg' sent by a UE with a given MSISDN `num'
if tp_msg._name == 'SMS_SUBMIT':
# should forward TP user data in an SMS DELIVER to the TP dest
self._process_tp_submit(tp_msg, num)
elif tp_msg._name == 'SMS_COMMAND':
# correspond to an MS invoking an operation within the SMS-Center
self._process_tp_cmd(tp_msg, num)
# are processed within _process_rp_ack_err()
self._log('WNG', 'process_tp: invalid message %r' % tp_msg)
return None
def _process_tp_submit(self, tp_msg, num):
atime = localtime()
if tp_msg[0].get_val():
# the sender UE requests a status report as a result of the SMS DELIVER process
tp_ref = tp_msg[6].get_val()
tp_ref = None
# check TP dest addr
num_dest = tp_msg[7]['Num'].decode()
if num_dest in self.Server.MSISDN:
imsi = self.Server.MSISDN[num_dest]
# unknown msisdn
# status 65: incompatible dest
self._log('INF', 'process_tp_submit: destination unknown, %s' % num_dest)
if tp_ref:
tp_stat = self._create_tp_stat_rep(tp_msg, num, atime, stat=65)
self.send_tp(tp_stat, num)
if imsi in self.Server.UE:
ued = self.Server.UE[imsi]
# UE never attached
# status 34: no response from SME
self._log('INF', 'process_tp_submit: destination offline, %s' % num_dest)
if tp_ref:
tp_stat = self._create_tp_stat_rep(tp_msg, num, atime, stat=34)
self.send_tp(tp_stat, num)
# build tp_deliver
if tp_ref is not None:
# keep track of the SMS SUBMIT for further status report
self.Proc[num]['TP'][tp_ref] = (tp_msg, atime)
tp_del = self._create_tp_deliver(tp_msg, num, atime)
self.send_tp(tp_del, num_dest, report_ref=tp_ref)
def _process_tp_cmd(self, tp_msg, num):
self._log('INF', 'process_tp_cmd: CDL %i, CD 0x%s'\
% (tp_msg['TP_CDL'].get_val(),
atime = localtime()
if tp_msg[0].get_val():
# the sender UE requests a status report of the result of the SMS COMMAND process
tp_stat = self._create_tp_stat_rep(tp_msg, num, atime, stat=0)
self.send_tp(tp_stat, num_dest)
def _create_tp_stat_rep(self, tp_msg, num, atime, stat=64):
tp_srq = 1 if isinstance(tp_msg, NAS.SMS_COMMAND) else 0
tp_mr = tp_msg[6].get_val()
tp_ra = {'Type': 1, 'NumberingPlan': 1, 'Num': num}
tp_scts = (atime, self.TIMEZONE)
if 0 <= stat <= 255:
tp_stat = stat
tp_stat = 64
tp_stat = NAS.SMS_STATUS_REPORT(val={
'TP_SRQ' : tp_srq,
'TP_MR' : tp_mr,
'TP_RA' : tp_ra,
'TP_SCTS': tp_scts,
'TP_ST' : stat})
return tp_stat
def _create_tp_deliver(self, tp_msg, num, atime):
tp_sri = tp_msg[0].get_val()
tp_udhi = tp_msg[1].get_val()
tp_oa = {'Type': 1, 'NumberingPlan': 1, 'Num': num}
tp_pid = tp_msg[8].get_val()
tp_dcs = tp_msg[9].get_val()
tp_msg_ud = tp_msg['TP_UD']
if tp_udhi:
tp_udh = tp_msg_ud[1][1].get_val()
tp_udh = None
tp_ud = tp_msg_ud[2].get_val()
tp_del = NAS.SMS_DELIVER(val={
'TP_SRI' : tp_sri,
'TP_UDHI': tp_udhi,
'TP_OA' : tp_oa,
'TP_PID' : tp_pid,
'TP_DCS' : tp_dcs,
'TP_UD' : {'UDH': {'UDH': tp_udh}, 'UD': tp_ud}
return tp_del
def _set_tp_scts(self, tp_scts):
if tp_scts.get_len() == 7:
T = localtime()
tp_scts.encode(localtime(), tz=self.TIMEZONE)
self._log('WNG', 'set_tp_scts: custom timestamping unhandled')
def _inject_tp(self, tp_msg, num):
"""put the tp_msg within the injection queue,
and let the forwarding thread take care of it
self._inject_q.put_nowait( (tp_msg, num) )
except Full as err:
self._log('ERR', 'inject_tp: TP injection queue is full (%i), deleting it, %s'\
% (self._inject_q.qsize(), err))
self._inject_q = Queue()
def _get_new_rp_ref(self, num):
if num not in self.Proc:
return 0
for i in range(0, 257):
if i not in self.Proc[num]['RP']:
if i == 256:
# no RP ref available...
self._log('ERR', 'get_new_rp_ref: no RP ref available, clearing all procedure for %s'\
% num)
return 0
return i
def send_tp(self, tp_msg, num, tp_ref=None):
"""send the SMS TP message `tp_msg' to UE msisdn `num'
associate the TP transaction ref `tp_ref' to the RP transaction
# wrap the TP msg into an RP DATA msg
ref = self._get_new_rp_ref(num)
rp_msg = NAS.RP_DATA_MT(val={'Ref': ref,
'RPOriginatorAddress': self.RP_OA})
self.Proc[num]['RP'][ref] = (rp_msg, tp_ref)
self._log('DBG', 'sending TP msg with RP ref %i' % ref)
self.send_rp(rp_msg, num)
def send_rp(self, rp_msg, num):
if self.TRACK_PDU:
self._pdu.append( (time(), 'DL', rp_msg) )
self.Server.send_smsrp(num, rp_msg)
def discard_rp(self, rp_msg, num):
"""discard an RP message `rp_msg' sent to UE with msisdn `num'
if num not in self.Proc:
rp_procs = self.Proc[num]['RP']
ref = rp_msg[2].get_val()
if ref not in rp_procs:
rp_req, tp_ref = rp_procs[ref]
if tp_ref is not None:
# downlink RP-DATA failed within corenet, status report required
# TP status 97 : Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts - SME busy
self._report_status(rp_req, tp_ref, 97)
# delete the RP transaction
del rp_procs[ref]
self._log('INF', 'discard_rp: delete RP procedure (%s, %i)' % (num, ref))
# custom methods to send TP messages from the SMSd to UEs
def send_text(self, text, num):
"""sends a given text (ascii string, that will be converted to SMS 7bit)
to a given phone number
tp_dcs = self.TP_DCS
self.TP_DCS = {'Group': 0, 'Charset': 0, 'Class': 0} # GSM 7bit
self.send_tpud(text, num=num)
self.TP_DCS = tp_dcs
def send_tpud(self, ud, num):
"""sends a given user-data (a buffer, or a tuple of buffers for inserting options)
to a given phone number
# TODO: implement SMS UD fragmentation into several tp_msg
tp_msg = NAS.SMS_DELIVER(val={'TP_MMS': 1, # no more messages
'TP_OA' : self.TP_OA,
'TP_PID': self.TP_PID,
'TP_DCS': self.TP_DCS})
if isinstance(ud, (list, tuple)):
if len(ud) > 1:
# UD header IEs
data = ud[-1]
data = ud
self._log('WNG', 'invalid TP UD')
self._inject_tp(tp_msg, num)