
108 lines
3.1 KiB

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** LCR **
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** Copyright: Andreas Eversberg **
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** Macros to do safe string operations to avoid buffer overflows **
** Macros for memory allocation, feeing and error handling **
** **
/* save strcpy/strncpy */
#define SCPY(dst, src) scpy(dst, src, sizeof(dst))
extern __inline__ void scpy(char *dst, char *src, unsigned int siz)
strncpy(dst, src, siz);
dst[siz-1] = '\0';
/* save strcat/strncat */
#define SCAT(dst, src) scat(dst, src, sizeof(dst))
extern __inline__ void scat(char *dst, char *src, unsigned int siz)
strncat(dst, src, siz);
dst[siz-1] = '\0';
/* save concat of a byte */
#define SCCAT(dst, src) sccat(dst, src, sizeof(dst))
extern __inline__ void sccat(char *dst, char chr, unsigned int siz)
if (strlen(dst) < siz-1)
dst[strlen(dst)+1] = '\0';
dst[strlen(dst)] = chr;
/* save sprintf/snprintf */
#define SPRINT(dst, fmt, arg...) sprint(dst, sizeof(dst), fmt, ## arg)
extern __inline__ void sprint(char *dst, unsigned int siz, char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(dst, siz, fmt, args);
dst[siz-1] = '\0';
/* unsave */
#define UCPY strcpy
#define UNCPY strncpy
#define UCAT strcat
#define UNCAT strncat
#define UPRINT sprintf
#define UNPRINT snprintf
#define VUNPRINT vsnprintf
/* fatal error with error message and exit */
#define FATAL(fmt, arg...) fatal(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fmt, ##arg)
extern __inline__ void fatal(const char *function, int line, char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
char buffer[256];
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR in function %s, line %d: %s", function, line, buffer);
fprintf(stderr, "This error is not recoverable, must exit here.\n");
debug(function, line, "FATAL ERROR", buffer);
debug(function, line, "FATAL ERROR", "This error is not recoverable, must exit here.\n");
/* memory allocation with setting to zero */
#define MALLOC(size) _malloc(size, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
extern __inline__ void *_malloc(unsigned long size, const char *function, int line)
void *addr;
addr = malloc(size);
if (!addr)
fatal(function, line, "No memory for %d bytes.\n", size);
memset(addr, 0, size);
/* memory freeing with clearing memory to prevent using freed memory */
#define FREE(addr, size) _free(addr, size)
extern __inline void _free(void *addr, int size)
if (size)
memset(addr, 0, size);