
64 lines
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#define LCR_FD_READ 1
#define LCR_FD_WRITE 2
#define LCR_FD_EXCEPT 4
#define MICRO_SECONDS 1000000LL
#define TIME_SMALLER(left, right) \
(((left)->tv_sec*MICRO_SECONDS+(left)->tv_usec) <= ((right)->tv_sec*MICRO_SECONDS+(right)->tv_usec))
struct lcr_fd {
struct lcr_fd *next; /* pointer to next element in list */
int inuse; /* if in use */
int fd; /* file descriptior if in use */
int when; /* select on what event */
int (*cb)(struct lcr_fd *fd, unsigned int what, void *instance, int index); /* callback */
void *cb_instance;
int cb_index;
#define register_fd(a, b, c, d, e) _register_fd(a, b, c, d, e, __func__);
int _register_fd(struct lcr_fd *fd, int when, int (*cb)(struct lcr_fd *fd, unsigned int what, void *instance, int index), void *instance, int index, const char *func);
#define unregister_fd(a) _unregister_fd(a, __func__);
void _unregister_fd(struct lcr_fd *fd, const char *func);
int select_main(int polling, int *global_change, void (*lock)(void), void (*unlock)(void));
struct lcr_timer {
struct lcr_timer *next; /* pointer to next element in list */
int inuse; /* if in use */
int active; /* if timer is currently active */
struct timeval timeout; /* timestamp when to timeout */
int (*cb)(struct lcr_timer *timer, void *instance, int index); /* callback */
void *cb_instance;
int cb_index;
#define add_timer(a, b, c, d) _add_timer(a, b, c, d, __func__);
int _add_timer(struct lcr_timer *timer, int (*cb)(struct lcr_timer *timer, void *instance, int index), void *instance, int index, const char *func);
#define del_timer(a) _del_timer(a, __func__);
void _del_timer(struct lcr_timer *timer, const char *func);
void schedule_timer(struct lcr_timer *timer, int seconds, int microseconds);
void unsched_timer(struct lcr_timer *timer);
struct lcr_work {
struct lcr_work *next; /* pointer to next element in list */
struct lcr_work *prev_event, *next_event; /* pointer to previous/next event, if triggered */
int inuse; /* if in use */
int active; /* if timer is currently active */
int (*cb)(struct lcr_work *work, void *instance, int index); /* callback */
void *cb_instance;
int cb_index;
#define add_work(a, b, c, d) _add_work(a, b, c, d, __func__);
int _add_work(struct lcr_work *work, int (*cb)(struct lcr_work *work, void *instance, int index), void *instance, int index, const char *func);
#define del_work(a) _del_work(a, __func__);
void _del_work(struct lcr_work *work, const char *func);
#define trigger_work(a) _trigger_work(a, __func__);
void _trigger_work(struct lcr_work *work, const char *func);