%%% $Id: tcap_tco_server.erl,v 1.7 2005/08/04 09:33:17 vances Exp $ %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @copyright 2004-2005 Motivity Telecom %%% @author Vance Shipley [http://www.motivity.ca] %%% @end %%% %%% Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Motivity Telecom %%% %%% All rights reserved. %%% %%% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without %%% modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions %%% are met: %%% %%% - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright %%% notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. %%% - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright %%% notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in %%% the documentation and/or other materials provided with the %%% distribution. %%% - Neither the name of Motivity Telecom nor the names of its %%% contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived %%% from this software without specific prior written permission. %%% %%% THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS %%% "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT %%% LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR %%% A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT %%% OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, %%% SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT %%% LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, %%% DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY %%% THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT %%% (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE %%% OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. %%% %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%% @doc Transaction Coordinator (TCO) functional block within the %%% transaction sub-layer of ITU TCAP. %%% %%%

This module implements the transaction coordinator (TCO) %%% functional block. Adaptations to specific SCCP layer %%% and TC-User implementations may be implemented as callback %%% modules behaving to this behaviour module. This module behaves %%% to gen_server.

%%% %%%



The callback module should be implemented as a gen_server %%% behaviour but with a tcap_tco_server behaviour %%% module attribute: %%%

%%% 	-behaviour(tcap_tco_server).

%%% %%%

The call back module handles the SCCP -> TCAP primitives %%% directly, performs any reformatting required, and returns the %%% standard primitives to the tcap_tco_server handler. A %%% very simple example is the %%% sccp %%% application which implements the SCCP SAP as a pid() which sends %%% and receives messages in the primitive format. In our callback %%% module we create a handle_info/2 clause which matches %%% the primitives:

%%% %%%

handle_info({'N', _, indication, _} = Primitive, State) ->
%%% 	      {primitive, Primitive, State}.
%%% As the example above illustrates the tcap_tco_server %%% behaviour extends the allowed return values to accept the direct %%% return of a received service primitive.

%%% %%%

The handle_cast/2 function may be used in the same %%% way.

%%% %%%

Callback Functions

%%% %%%

In addition to the gen_server callbacks the following %%% callback functions are used.

%%% %%%


%%% %%%

send_primitive(Primitive, State) -> void() %%%

%%% The TCO will call this function when it has a service primitive %%% to deliver to the SCCP layer.

%%% %%%


%%% %%%

start_user(CSL, DialogueID, State) -> pid() %%%

%%% This function is called by a dialogue handler (DHA) to initialize %%% a local TC-User for a dialogue begun by a remote TC-User.


CSL is the component sublayer identifier which %%% contains the pids of the dialogue handler and component coordinator.


Returns the pid of the TC-User process whcih will handle the %%% new dialogue.

%%% %%%


%%% %%%

start_transaction(TransactionID, State) -> StartFunc %%%

%%% The callback module may optionally export this function %%% to overide the default method used to start a transaction %%% state machine (TSM).


StartFunc defines the function call used to start the TSM %%% process. It should be a module-function-arguments tuple %%% {M,F,A} used as apply(M,F,A).


The start function must create and link to the child process, %%% and should return {ok, Child} where Child is %%% the pid of the child process.


See the description of StartFunc in the supervisor module.

%%% %%%


%%% %%%

start_dialogue(DialogueID, State) -> StartFunc %%%

%%% The callback module may optionally export this function %%% to overide the default method used to start a dialogue %%% handler (DHA).


StartFunc defines the function call used to start the DHA %%% process. It should be a module-function-arguments tuple %%% {M,F,A} used as apply(M,F,A).


The start function must create and link to the child process, %%% and should return {ok, Child} where Child is %%% the pid of the child process.


See the description of StartFunc in the supervisor module.

%%% %%% @end %%% %%% @reference ITU-T Q.774 (06/97) Annex A Transaction capabilities SDLs %%% -module(tcap_tco_server). -copyright('Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Motivity Telecom Inc.'). -author('vances@motivity.ca'). -vsn('$Revision: 1.7 $'). -behaviour(gen_server). % export the gen_server interface -export([start/3, start/4, start_link/3, start_link/4, call/2, call/3, multi_call/2, multi_call/3, multi_call/4, cast/2, abcast/2, abcast/3, reply/2, enter_loop/4, enter_loop/5]). % export the gen_server call backs -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). % behaviour modules must export this function -export([behaviour_info/1]). %% define what callbacks users must export %% %% @hidden behaviour_info(callbacks) -> gen_server:behaviour_info(callbacks) % add the tcap_tco_server required callbacks ++ [{send_primitive, 2}, {start_transaction, 2}, {start_dialogue, 2}]; behaviour_info(Other) -> gen_server:behaviour_info(Other). -include("TCAPMessages.hrl"). -include("tcap.hrl"). -include("sccp.hrl"). -record(state, {supervisor, module, ext_state}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The gen_server call backs %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @hidden init([Sup, Module, Args]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), case Module:init(Args) of {ok, ExtState} -> NewState = #state{supervisor = Sup, module = Module, ext_state = ExtState}, {ok, NewState}; {ok, ExtState, Timeout} -> NewState = #state{supervisor = Sup, module = Module, ext_state = ExtState}, {ok, NewState, Timeout}; {stop, Reason} -> {stop, Reason}; ignore -> ignore; Other -> Other end. %% @hidden %% % assign a new dialogue ID handle_call(dialogueID, From, State) -> {reply, new_tid(), State}; % shutdown the server handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> {stop, shutdown, ok, State}; % unknown request handle_call(Request, From, State) -> Module = State#state.module, case Module:handle_call(Request, From, State#state.ext_state) of {reply, Reply, ExtState} -> {reply, Reply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; {reply, Reply, ExtState, Timeout} -> {reply, Reply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}, Timeout}; {noreply, ExtState} -> {noreply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; {noreply, ExtState, Timeout} -> {noreply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}, Timeout}; {stop, Reason, Reply, ExtState} -> {stop, Reason, Reply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; {stop, Reason, ExtState} -> {stop, Reason, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; Other -> Other end. %% @spec (Request, State) -> Result %% Info = term() %% State = term() %% Result = {noreply, NewState} | {noreply, NewState, Timeout} %% | {stop, Reason, NewState} %% | {primitive, Primitive, NewState} %% NewState = term() %% Timeout = int() | infinity %% Reason = term() %% Primitive = {'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, SccpParams} | %% {'N', 'NOTICE', indication, SccpParams} %% %% @doc Receive a message sent with gen_server:cast/2. %% %%

A user callback module may return an SCCP service primitive %% to TCO for processing with the return value %% {primitive, Primitive, NewState}.

%% %% @see //stdlib/gen_server:handle_cast/2 %% %% @end %% % service primitive indications from the network layer % % reference: Figure A.3/Q.774 (sheet 1 of 4) handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State) when is_record(UdataParams, 'N-UNITDATA') -> case 'TR':decode('TCMessage', UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.userData) of {ok, {unidirectional, TPDU}} -> case 'TR':decode('Unidirectional', TPDU) of {ok, Unidirectional} -> % Create a Dialogue Handler (DHA) DialogueID = new_tid(), StartFunc = get_start(dialogue, DialogueID, State), ChildSpec = {DialogueID, StartFunc, temporary, 4000, worker, [tcap_dha_fsm]}, {ok, DHA} = supervisor:start_child(State#state.supervisor, ChildSpec), % TR-UNI indication CSL <- TSL UserData = #'TR-user-data'{dialoguePortion = Unidirectional#'Unidirectional'.dialoguePortion, componentPortion = Unidirectional#'Unidirectional'.components}, TrParams = #'TR-UNI'{qos = destAddress = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress, origAddress = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress, userData = UserData}, gen_fsm:send_event(DHA, {'TR', 'UNI', indication, TrParams}), {noreply, State}; {error, Reason} -> % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (3) error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-UNI", {error, Reason}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), {noreply, State} end; {ok, {'begin', TPDU}} -> case 'TR':decode('Begin', TPDU) of {ok, Begin} -> % Assign local transaction ID TransactionID = new_tid(), StartFunc = get_start(transaction, TransactionID, State), ChildSpec = {TransactionID, StartFunc, temporary, infinity, supervisor, [tcap_tsm_fsm]}, % Is TID = no TID? % Note: The assignment of the ID above just gets the next available % value and doesn't ensure that it is not in use (unlikely) % or that there are enough resources available. The real % test is in whether the start succeeds. case supervisor:start_child(State#state.supervisor, ChildSpec) of {ok, TSM} -> % Created a Transaction State Machine (TSM) TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = Begin}, % BEGIN received TSM <- TCO gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'BEGIN', received, TsmParams}); _Other -> % TID = no TID % Build ABORT message (P-Abort Cause = Resource Limitation) Abort = {abort, #'Abort'{dtid = TPDU#'Begin'.otid, reason = {'p-abortCause', resourceLimitation}}}, NewTPDU = list_to_binary('TCMessage':encode('TCMessage', Abort)), SccpParams = #'N-UNITDATA'{calledAddress = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress, callingAddress = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress, sequenceControl = false, returnOption = false, importance = none, userData = NewTPDU}, % TR-UNI request TSL -> SCCP Module = State#state.module, Module:send_primitive({'N', 'UNITDATA', request, SccpParams}, State#state.ext_state), error_logger:error_report(["Unable to create TSM for received N-BEGIN", {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]) end, {noreply, State}; {error, Reason} -> % TODO % is OTID derivable? % Build ABORT message with appropraite P-Abort Cause value % N-UNITDATA request TSL -> SCCP % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (4) error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-BEGIN", {error, Reason}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), {noreply, State} end; {ok, {continue, TPDU}} -> case 'TR':decode('Continue', TPDU) of {ok, Continue} -> % DTID assigned? case catch ets:lookup_element(transaction, TPDU#'Continue'.dtid, 2) of {error, _Reason} -> error_logger:error_report(["DTID not found in received N-CONTINUE", {dtid, TPDU#'End'.dtid}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), % TODO % Build ABORT message with appropriate P-Abort Cause values % N-UNITDATA request TSL -> SCCP % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (4) {noreply, State}; TSM -> TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = Continue}, % CONTINUE received TSM <- TCO gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'CONTINUE', received, TsmParams}), {noreply, State} end; {error, Reason} -> % TODO % OTID derivable? % DTID assigned? % Build ABORT message with appropraite P-Abort Cause value % N-UNITDATA request TSL -> SCCP % Local Abort TSM <- TCO % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (2) error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-CONTINUE", {error, Reason}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), {noreply, State} end; {ok, {'end', TPDU}} -> case 'TR':decode('End', TPDU) of {ok, End} -> % DTID assigned? case catch ets:lookup(transaction, TPDU#'End'.dtid, 2) of {error, _Reason} -> error_logger:error_report(["DTID not found in received N-END", {dtid, TPDU#'End'.dtid}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (3) {noreply, State}; TSM -> TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = End}, % END received TSM <- TCO gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'END', received, TsmParams}), {noreply, State} end; {error, Reason} -> % TODO % DTID assigned? % Local Abort TSM <- TCO % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (5) error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-END", {error, Reason}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), {noreply, State} end; {ok, {abort, TPDU}} -> case 'TR':decode('Abort', TPDU) of {ok, Abort} -> % DTID assigned? case catch ets:lookup(transaction, TPDU#'Abort'.dtid, 2) of {error, _Reason} -> error_logger:error_report(["DTID not found in received N-ABORT", {dtid, TPDU#'Abort'.dtid}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (3) {noreply, State}; TSM -> TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = Abort}, % Abort received TSM <- TCO gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'ABORT', received, TsmParams}), {noreply, State} end; {error, Reason} -> % TODO % DTID assigned? % Local Abort TSM <- TCO % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (5) error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-ABORT", {error, Reason}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), {noreply, State} end; {ok, {error, Reason}} -> % TODO % Message type unknown % OTID derivable? % DTID assigned? % Build ABORT message with appropraite P-Abort Cause value % N-UNITDATA request TSL -> SCCP % Local Abort TSM <- TCO % Discard received message % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (2) error_logger:error_report(["Unknown TCMessage received", {error, Reason}, {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress}, {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]), {noreply, State} end; handle_cast({'N', 'NOTICE', indication, NoticeParams}, State) -> % Extract the originating transactionID case 'TR':decode('TCMessage', NoticeParams#'N-NOTICE'.userData) of {ok, {'begin', TPDU}} -> case 'TR':decode('Begin', TPDU) of {ok, Begin} -> TransactionID = Begin#'Begin'.otid; _ -> TransactionID = undefined end; {ok, {continue, TPDU}} -> case 'TR':decode('Continue', TPDU) of {ok, Continue} -> TransactionID = Continue#'Continue'.otid; _ -> TransactionID = undefined end; _ -> TransactionID = undefined end, % TR-NOTICE indication CSL <- TSL % reference: Figure A.3/Q.774 (sheet 2 of 4) % The CSL is a null layer for this indication so it becomes % TC-NOTICE indication TCU <- TSL % reference: Figure A.5/Q.774 (sheet 7 of 11) % reference: Figure A.3/Q.774 (sheet 10 of 11) TcParams = #'TC-NOTICE'{ dialogueID = TransactionID, origAddress = NoticeParams#'N-NOTICE'.callingAddress, destAddress = NoticeParams#'N-NOTICE'.calledAddress, reportCause = NoticeParams#'N-NOTICE'.reason}, % TODO: fixme!!! gen_fsm:send_event(State#state.usap, {'TC', 'NOTICE', indication, TcParams}), {noreply, State}; %% %% service primitive requests from the TR-User %% reference: Figure A.3/Q.774 (sheets 2&3 of 4) handle_cast({'TR', 'UNI', request, UniParams}, State) when is_record(UniParams, 'TR-UNI') -> % Assemble TR-portion of UNI message {SequenceControl, ReturnOption, Importance} = UniParams#'TR-UNI'.qos, DialoguePortion = (UniParams#'TR-UNI'.userData)#'TR-user-data'.dialoguePortion, ComponentPortion = (UniParams#'TR-UNI'.userData)#'TR-user-data'.componentPortion, TPDU = 'TR':encode('TCMessage', {unidirectional, #'Unidirectional'{ dialoguePortion = DialoguePortion, components = ComponentPortion}}), SccpParams = #'N-UNITDATA'{calledAddress = UniParams#'TR-UNI'.destAddress, callingAddress = UniParams#'TR-UNI'.origAddress, sequenceControl = SequenceControl, returnOption = ReturnOption, importance = Importance, userData = TPDU}, Module = State#state.module, Module:send_primitive({'N', 'UNITDATA', request, SccpParams}, State#state.ext_state), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'TR', 'BEGIN', request, BeginParams}, State) when is_record(BeginParams, 'TR-BEGIN') -> % Create a Transaction State Machine (TSM) OTID = BeginParams#'TR-BEGIN'.transactionID, ChildName = list_to_atom("tsm_" ++ integer_to_list(OTID)), {ok, {M, F, A, Mods}} = application:get_env(start_tsm), % TDODO: fixme!!! StartFunc = get_start(transaction, OTID, State), % ChildSpec = {ChildName, StartFunc, temporary, infinity, worker, [tcap_tsm_fsm]}, % {ok, TSM} = supervisor:start_child(State#state.supervisor, ChildSpec), % gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'BEGIN', transaction, BeginParams}), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'TR', 'CONTINUE', request, ContParams}, State) when is_record(ContParams, 'TR-CONTINUE') -> TransactionID = ContParams#'TR-CONTINUE'.transactionID, TSM = ets:lookup_element(transaction, TransactionID, 2), gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'CONTINUE', transaction, ContParams}), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'TR', 'END', request, EndParams}, State) when is_record(EndParams, 'TR-END') -> TransactionID = EndParams#'TR-END'.transactionID, TSM = ets:lookup_element(transaction, TransactionID, 2), gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'END', transaction, EndParams}), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'TR', 'U-ABORT', request, AbortParams}, State) when is_record(AbortParams, 'TR-U-ABORT') -> TransactionID = AbortParams#'TR-U-ABORT'.transactionID, TSM = ets:lookup_element(transaction, TransactionID, 2), gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'ABORT', transaction, AbortParams}), {noreply, State}; % % The TSM sends us a message as it's last action so % we can remove the supervisor child specification % handle_cast({'tsm-stopped', SupRef}, State) -> supervisor:delete_child(State#state.supervisor, SupRef), % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 2 of 4) {noreply, State}; % unrecognized request handle_cast(Request, State) -> Module = State#state.module, case Module:handle_cast(Request, State#state.ext_state) of {noreply, ExtState} -> {noreply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; {noreply, ExtState, Timeout} -> {noreply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}, Timeout}; {primitive, Primitive, ExtState} -> handle_cast(Primitive, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}); {stop, Reason, ExtState} -> {stop, Reason, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; Other -> Other end. %% @spec (Info, State) -> Result %% Info = timeout | term() %% State = term() %% Result = {noreply, NewState} | {noreply, NewState, Timeout} %% | {stop, Reason, NewState} %% | {primitive, Primitive, NewState} %% NewState = term() %% Timeout = int() | infinity %% Reason = term() %% Primitive = {'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, SccpParams} | %% {'N', 'NOTICE', indication, SccpParams} %% %% @doc Receive a message sent with '!'. %% %%

A user callback module may return an SCCP service primitive %% to TCO for processing with the return value %% {primitive, Primitive, NewState}.

%% %% @see //stdlib/gen_server:handle_info/2 %% handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, Reason}, State) -> {stop, Reason, State}; handle_info(Info, State) -> Module = State#state.module, case Module:handle_info(Info, State#state.ext_state) of {noreply, ExtState} -> {noreply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; {noreply, ExtState, Timeout} -> {noreply, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}, Timeout}; {primitive, Primitive, ExtState} -> handle_cast(Primitive, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}); {stop, Reason, ExtState} -> {stop, Reason, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; Other -> Other end. %% @hidden terminate(Reason, State) -> Module = State#state.module, Module:terminate(Reason, State#state.ext_state). %% @hidden code_change(OldVersion, statename, State, Extra) -> Module = State#state.module, case Module:code_change(OldVersion, State#state.ext_state, Extra) of {ok, ExtState} -> {ok, State#state{ext_state = ExtState}}; Other -> Other end. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% internal functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @hidden %% %% get the next originating transaction id from the global counter %% %% NOTE: we are simply assuming that when the counter rolls over the last %% transaction to have this ID is long gone (4.2 billion IDs) %% %% reference: Figure A.3 bis/Q.774 new_tid() -> ets:update_counter(transaction, transactionID, {2, 1, 16#ffffffff, 0}). get_start(dialogue, DialogueID, State) -> Module = State#state.module, case erlang:function_exported(Module, start_dialogue, 1) of true -> Module:start_dialogue(DialogueID, State#state.ext_state); false -> StartUserFun = fun(CSL) -> Module:start_user(CSL, DialogueID, State#state.ext_state) end, StartArgs = [DialogueID, self(), StartUserFun], {gen_fsm, start_link, [tcap_dha_fsm, StartArgs, []]} end; get_start(in_transaction, TransactionID, State) -> Module = State#state.module, case erlang:function_exported(Module, start_transaction, 1) of true -> Module:start_transaction(TransactionID, State#state.ext_state); false -> SendFun = fun(P) -> Module:send_primitive(P, State#state.ext_state) end, StartDHA = get_start(dialogue, TransactionID, State), StartArgs = [TransactionID, SendFun, StartDHA], {gen_fsm, start_link, [tcap_dha_fsm, StartArgs, []]} end; get_start(out_transaction, TransactionID, State) -> Module = State#state.module, case erlang:function_exported(Module, start_transaction, 1) of true -> Module:start_transaction(TransactionID, State#state.ext_state); false -> SendFun = fun(P) -> Module:send_primitive(P, State#state.ext_state) end, StartDHA = get_start(dialogue, TransactionID, State), StartArgs = [TransactionID, SendFun, StartDHA], {gen_fsm, start_link, [tcap_dha_fsm, StartArgs, []]} end. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The gen_server API functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @hidden start(Module, Args, Options) -> gen_server:start(?MODULE, [Module, Args], Options). %% @hidden start(ServerRef, Module, Args, Options) -> gen_fsm:start(ServerRef, ?MODULE, [Module, Args], Options). %% @hidden start_link(Module, Args, Options) -> gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [Module, Args], Options). %% @hidden start_link(ServerRef, Module, Args, Options) -> gen_fsm:start_link(ServerRef, ?MODULE, [Module, Args], Options). %% @hidden call(ServerRef, Request) -> gen_server:call(ServerRef, Request). %% @hidden call(ServerRef, Request, Timeout) -> gen_server:call(ServerRef, Request, Timeout). %% @hidden multi_call(Name, Request) -> gen_server:multi_call(Name, Request). %% @hidden multi_call(Nodes, Name, Request) -> gen_server:multi_call(Nodes, Name, Request). %% @hidden multi_call(Nodes, Name, Request, Timeout) -> gen_server:multi_call(Nodes, Name, Request, Timeout). %% @hidden cast(ServerRef, Request) -> gen_server:cast(ServerRef, Request). %% @hidden abcast(Name, Request) -> gen_server:abcast(Name, Request). %% @hidden abcast(Nodes, Name, Request) -> gen_server:abcast(Nodes, Name, Request). %% @hidden reply(Client, Reply) -> gen_server:reply(Client, Reply). %% @hidden enter_loop(Module, Options, State, ServerName, Timeout) -> gen_server:enter_loop(Module, Options, State, ServerName, Timeout). %% @hidden enter_loop(Module, Options, State, Timeout) -> gen_server:enter_loop(Module, Options, State, Timeout). % enter_loop(Module, Options, State, ServerName) -> % gen_server:enter_loop(Module, Options, State, ServerName).