ISUP: make it compile, parses IAM message correctly

This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2011-01-17 21:30:42 +01:00
parent de30a87914
commit 01f8ea3ca0
2 changed files with 63 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -100,3 +100,9 @@
screening_ind, % only in calling party
-record(isup_msg, {

View File

@ -23,11 +23,13 @@
-export([parse_isup_msg/1, encode_isup_msg/1]).
parse_isup_party(<<>>, OddEven, DigitList) ->
% in case of odd number of digits, we need to cut the last
case OddEven of
1 ->
lists:sublist(DigitList, lists:length(DigitList)-1);
lists:sublist(DigitList, length(DigitList)-1);
0 ->
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ parse_isup_party(BinBcd, OddEven) when is_binary(BinBcd) ->
% parse a single option
parse_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CALLED_P_NUM, OptLen, Content) ->
parse_isup_opt(OptType = ?ISUP_PAR_CALLED_P_NUM, _OptLen, Content) ->
% C.3.7 Called Party Number
<<OddEven:1, Nature:7, Inn:1, NumPlan:3, 0:4, Remain/binary>> = Content,
PhoneNum = parse_isup_party(Remain, OddEven),
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ parse_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CALLED_P_NUM, OptLen, Content) ->
internal_net_num = Inn,
numbering_plan = NumPlan,
phone_number = PhoneNum}};
parse_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CALLING_P_NUM, OptLen, Content) ->
parse_isup_opt(OptType = ?ISUP_PAR_CALLING_P_NUM, _OptLen, Content) ->
% C.3.8 Calling Party Number
<<OddEven:1, Nature:7, Ni:1, NumPlan:3, PresRestr:2, Screen:2, Remain/binary>> = Content,
PhoneNum = parse_isup_party(Remain, OddEven),
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ parse_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CALLING_P_NUM, OptLen, Content) ->
present_restrict = PresRestr,
screening_ind = Screen,
phone_number = PhoneNum}};
parse_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CONNECTED_NUM, OptLen, Content) ->
parse_isup_opt(OptType = ?ISUP_PAR_CONNECTED_NUM, _OptLen, Content) ->
% C.3.14 Connected Number
<<OddEven:1, Nature:7, 0:1, NumPlan:3, PresRestr:2, Screen:2, Remain/binary>> = Content,
PhoneNum = parse_isup_party(Remain, OddEven),
@ -68,9 +70,9 @@ parse_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CONNECTED_NUM, OptLen, Content) ->
present_restrict = PresRestr,
screening_ind = Screen,
phone_number = PhoneNum}};
parse_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_SUBSEQ_NUM, OptLen, Content) ->
parse_isup_opt(OptType = ?ISUP_PAR_SUBSEQ_NUM, _OptLen, Content) ->
% C.3.32 Subsequent Number
<<OddEven:1, Spare:7, Remain/binary>> = Content,
<<OddEven:1, 0:7, Remain/binary>> = Content,
PhoneNum = parse_isup_party(Remain, OddEven),
{OptType, #party_number{phone_number = PhoneNum}};
parse_isup_opt(OptType, OptLen, Content) ->
@ -86,7 +88,9 @@ parse_isup_opts(<<0>>, OptList) ->
parse_isup_opts(OptBin, OptList) when is_binary(OptBin) ->
<<OptType:8, OptLen:8, Content:OptLen/binary, Remain/binary>> = OptBin,
NewOpt = parse_isup_opt(OptType, OptLen, Content),
parse_isup_opts(Remain, [NewOpt|OptList]).
parse_isup_opts(Remain, OptList ++ [NewOpt]).
parse_isup_opts(OptBin) ->
parse_isup_opts(OptBin, []).
% References to 'Tabe C-xxx' are to Annex C of Q.767
@ -112,7 +116,11 @@ parse_isup_msgt(?ISUP_MSGT_CPG, Bin) ->
% Table C-9 Circuit group reset acknowledgement
parse_isup_msgt(?ISUP_MSGT_GRA, Bin) ->
% V: Range and status
<<PtrVar:8, Remain/binary>> = Bin,
RangStsLen = binary:at(Remain, PtrVar),
RangeStatus = binary:part(Remain, PtrVar+1, RangStsLen),
RangeStsTuple = {?ISUP_PAR_RANGE_AND_STATUS, {RangStsLen, RangeStatus}},
% Table C-11 Connect
parse_isup_msgt(?ISUP_MSGT_CON, Bin) ->
<<BackCallInd:16, Remain/binary>> = Bin,
@ -126,24 +134,38 @@ parse_isup_msgt(?ISUP_MSGT_COT, Bin) ->
% Table C-16 Initial address
parse_isup_msgt(?ISUP_MSGT_IAM, Bin) ->
<<CINat:8, FwCallInd:16/big, CallingCat:8, TransmReq:8, VarAndOpt/binary>> = Bin,
%<<CINat:8, FwCallInd:16/big, CallingCat:8, TransmReq:8, PtrVar:8, PtrOpt:8, VarAndOpt/binary>> = Bin,
FixedOpts = [{conn_ind_nature, CINat}, {fw_call_ind, FwCallInd}, {calling_cat, CallingCat},
{transm_medium_req, TransmReq}],
<<PtrVar:8, PtrOpt:8, _/binary>> = VarAndOpt,
% V: Called Party Number
VarOpts = FIXME,
CalledPartyLen = binary:at(VarAndOpt, PtrVar),
CalledParty = binary:part(VarAndOpt, PtrVar+1, CalledPartyLen),
VarOpts = [parse_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CALLED_P_NUM, CalledPartyLen, CalledParty)],
% Optional part
Remain = binary:part(VarAndOpt, 1 + PtrOpt, byte_size(VarAndOpt)-(1+PtrOpt)),
Opts = parse_isup_opts(Remain),
FixedOpts ++ VarOpts ++ Opts;
% Table C-17 Release
parse_isup_msgt(?ISUP_MSGT_REL, Bin) ->
<<PtrVar:8, PtrOpt:8, VarAndOpt/binary>> = Bin,
% V: Cause indicators
VarOpts = FIXME,
CauseIndLen = binary:at(VarAndOpt, PtrVar),
CauseInd = binary:part(VarAndOpt, PtrVar+1, CauseIndLen),
VarOpts = {?ISUP_PAR_CAUSE_IND, {CauseIndLen, CauseInd}},
Remain = binary:part(VarAndOpt, 1 + PtrOpt, byte_size(VarAndOpt)-(1+PtrOpt)),
Opts = parse_isup_opts(Remain),
VarOpts ++ Opts;
% Table C-19 Subsequent address
parse_isup_msgt(?ISUP_MSGT_SAM, Bin) ->
<<PtrVar:8, PtrOpt:8, VarAndOpt/binary>> = Bin,
% V: Subsequent number
VarOpts = FIXME,
SubseqNumLen = binary:at(VarAndOpt, PtrVar),
SubsetNum = binary:part(VarAndOpt, PtrVar+1, SubseqNumLen),
VarOpts = [{?ISUP_PAR_SUBSEQ_NUM, {SubseqNumLen, SubsetNum}}],
Remain = binary:part(VarAndOpt, 1 + PtrOpt, byte_size(VarAndOpt)-(1+PtrOpt)),
Opts = parse_isup_opts(Remain),
VarOpts ++ Opts;
% Table C-21 Suspend, Resume
parse_isup_msgt(Msgt, Bin) when Msgt == ?ISUP_MSGT_RES; Msgt == ?ISUP_MSGT_SUS ->
<<SuspResInd:8, Remain/binary>> = Bin,
@ -158,33 +180,38 @@ parse_isup_msgt(M, <<>>) when
% Table C-25
parse_isup_msgt(M, Bin) when
<<CGMsgt:8, VarBin/binary>> = Bin,
<<CGMsgt:8, PtrVar:8, VarBin/binary>> = Bin,
FixedOpts = [{cg_supv_msgt, CGMsgt}],
% V: Range and status
VarOpts = FIXME,
RangStsLen = binary:at(VarBin, PtrVar),
RangeStatus = binary:part(VarBin, PtrVar+1, RangStsLen),
VarOpts = [{?ISUP_PAR_RANGE_AND_STATUS, {RangStsLen, RangeStatus}}],
FixedOpts ++ VarOpts;
% Table C-26 Circuit group reset
parse_isup_msgt(?ISUP_MSGT_GRS, Bin) ->
<<PtrVar:8, VarBin/binary>> = Bin,
% V: Range without status
VarOpts = FIXME,
RangeLen = binary:at(VarBin, PtrVar),
Range = binary:part(VarBin, PtrVar+1, RangeLen),
[{?ISUP_PAR_RANGE_AND_STATUS, {RangeLen, Range}}].
parse_isup_msg(Databin) when is_binary(DataBin) ->
<<0:4, Cic:12/big, MsgType:8, Remain/binary>> = DataBin,
parse_isup_msg(DataBin) when is_binary(DataBin) ->
<<Cic:12/little, 0:4, MsgType:8, Remain/binary>> = DataBin,
Opts = parse_isup_msgt(MsgType, Remain),
#isup_msg{cic = Cic, msg_type = MsgType, parameters = Opts}.
% encode a phone number from a list of digits into the BCD binary sequence
encode_isup_party(BcdList) ->
encode_isup_party(BcdList, <<>>, list:length(BcdList)).
encode_isup_party(BcdList, <<>>, length(BcdList)).
encode_isup_party([], Bin, NumDigits) ->
case NumDigits rem 2 of
1 ->
@ -193,7 +220,7 @@ encode_isup_party([], Bin, NumDigits) ->
{Bin, 0}
encode_isup_party([First,Second|BcdList], Bin, NumDigits) ->
encode_isup_party(BcdList, <<Bin/binary, Second:4, First:4>>).
encode_isup_party(BcdList, <<Bin/binary, Second:4, First:4>>, NumDigits).
% encode a single option
@ -203,7 +230,7 @@ encode_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CALLED_P_NUM,
phone_number= PhoneNum}) ->
% C.3.7 Called Party Number
{PhoneBin, OddEven} = encode_isup_party(PhoneNum),
<<OddEven:1, Nature:7, Inn:1, NumPlan:3, 0:4, PhoneBin/binary>>.
<<OddEven:1, Nature:7, Inn:1, NumPlan:3, 0:4, PhoneBin/binary>>;
#party_number{nature_of_addr_ind = Nature,
number_incompl_ind = Ni,
@ -226,3 +253,5 @@ encode_isup_opt(?ISUP_PAR_CONNECTED_NUM,
encode_isup_opt(OptNum, {OptLen, Binary}) when is_binary(Binary) ->
encode_isup_msg(#isup_msg{}) ->