SCCP: Make sure connection oriented messages end up with the user

The user initiating the connection should get all messages related to
that connection, not the supervisor ;)
This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2012-01-28 15:53:43 +01:00
parent 9760efc644
commit e698ae2b4c
2 changed files with 24 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -142,10 +142,18 @@ idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION',
Class = proplists:get_value(protocol_class, Params),
LoopDat1 = LoopDat#state{remote_reference = RemRef, class = Class,
mtp3_label = mtp3_codec:invert_rout_lbl(Mtp3Label)},
% send N-CONNECT.ind to user
send_user(LoopDat1, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'CONNECT', indication, [{scoc_pid, self()}|Params])),
%#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'CONNECT', spec_name = indication}
{next_state, conn_pend_in, LoopDat1};
case LoopDat1#state.user_pid of
undefined ->
io:format("CR to unequipped subsystem!~n"),
RefParam = [{refusal_cause, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REF_UNEQUIPPED_USER}],
Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_CREF, RefParam, LoopDat1),
gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
{next_state, idle, LoopDat1};
_ ->
% send N-CONNECT.ind to user
send_user(LoopDat1, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'CONNECT', indication, [{scoc_pid, self()}|Params])),
{next_state, conn_pend_in, LoopDat1}
idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'ROUTING FAILURE',

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-record(scrc_state, {
user_pid % pid() of the user process
sup_pid % pid() of the supervisor
% TODO: Integrate with proper SCCP routing / GTT implementation
@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ tx_prim_to_local_ref(Prim, LocalRef) ->
start_link(InitData) ->
% make sure to store the Pid of the caller in the scrc_state
gen_fsm:start_link({local, sccp_scrc}, sccp_scrc,
[{user_pid,self()}|InitData], [{debug, [trace]}]).
[{sup_pid,self()}|InitData], [{debug, [trace]}]).
% gen_fsm init callback, called by start_link()
init(InitPropList) ->
io:format("SCRC Init PropList~p ~n", [InitPropList]),
UserPid = proplists:get_value(user_pid, InitPropList),
LoopData = #scrc_state{user_pid = UserPid, next_local_ref = 0},
UserPid = proplists:get_value(sup_pid, InitPropList),
LoopData = #scrc_state{sup_pid = UserPid, next_local_ref = 0},
TableRef = ets:new(scoc_by_ref, [set]),
put(scoc_by_ref, TableRef),
ok = ss7_links:bind_service(?MTP3_SERV_SCCP, "osmo_sccp"),
@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ terminate(Reason, _State, _LoopDat) ->
% helper function to create new SCOC instance
spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat) when is_record(LoopDat, scrc_state) ->
spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat, UserPid) when is_record(LoopDat, scrc_state) ->
% create new SCOC instance
UserPid = LoopDat#scrc_state.user_pid,
% Compute the new local reference
LocalRef = LoopDat#scrc_state.next_local_ref + 1,
LoopDat1 = LoopDat#scrc_state{next_local_ref = LocalRef},
% generate proplist for SCRC initialization
ScocPropList = [{scrc_pid, self()}, {user_pid, UserPid}, {local_reference, LocalRef}],
% FIXME: we should rather ask the supervisor to start it on our behalf
{ok, ScocPid} = sccp_scoc:start_link(ScocPropList),
% insert SCOC instance in connection table
ConnTable = get(scoc_by_ref),
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, Msg, UserPid) when is_record(Msg, sccp_msg),
% special handling for CR message here in SCRC
#sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CR} ->
% spawn a new SCOC instance/process
{LoopDat1, ScocPid} = spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat),
{LoopDat1, ScocPid} = spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat, UserPid),
% send a RCOC-CONNECTING.ind primitive to the new SCOC fsm
UserPrim = osmo_util:make_prim('RCOC','CONNECTION', indication, Msg#sccp_msg.parameters),
io:format("Sending ~p to ~p~n", [UserPrim, ScocPid]),
@ -139,11 +139,13 @@ deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, Msg, UserPid) when is_record(Msg, sccp_msg),
% N-CONNECT.req from user: spawn new SCOC and deliver primitive to it
idle(P = #primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'CONNECT',
spec_name = request}, LoopDat) ->
spec_name = request, parameters = ParamsIn}, LoopDat) ->
UserPid = proplists:get_value(user_pid, ParamsIn),
ParamsOut = proplists:delete(user_pid, ParamsIn),
% Start new SCOC instance
{LoopDat1, ScocPid} = spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat),
{LoopDat1, ScocPid} = spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat, UserPid),
% Deliver primitive to new SCOC instance
gen_fsm:send_event(ScocPid, P),
gen_fsm:send_event(ScocPid, P#primitive{parameters = ParamsOut}),
{next_state, idle, LoopDat1};
% N-UNITDATA.req from user (normally this is SCLC, but we don't have SCLC)