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2019-06-14 18:08:00 +00:00
% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
% (C) 2019 Andrey Velikiy <agreat22@gmail.com>
% (C) 2019 Fairwaves (edited)
-include ("ipa.hrl").
-export ([decode/1, encode/1]).
-spec decode(binary()) -> {ok, {binary(), binary()}} | {reply, ping | resp | ack, binary(), binary()} | {more_data, binary()} | {error, term()}.
2019-06-14 18:08:00 +00:00
decode(<<1:16, ?IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS, ?IPAC_MSGT_PING, Rest/binary>>) ->
{reply, ping, <<1:16, ?IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS, ?IPAC_MSGT_PONG>>, Rest};
decode(<<1:16, ?IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS, ?IPAC_MSGT_ID_RESP, Rest/binary>>) ->
{reply, resp, <<1:16, ?IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS, ?IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK>>, Rest};
decode(<<1:16, ?IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS, ?IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK, Rest/binary>>) ->
{reply, ack, <<1:16, ?IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS, ?IPAC_MSGT_ID_GET>>, Rest};
decode(<<PSize:16, ?IPAC_PROTO_OSMO, Packet:PSize/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
case Packet of
<<?IPAC_PROTO_EXT_GSUP, Packet1/binary>> ->
{ok, {Packet1, Rest}};
<<X, _/binary>> ->
{error, {bad_protocol_extension, X}}
decode(<<_PSize:16, X, _, _/binary>>) when X /= ?IPAC_PROTO_OSMO ->
2019-06-14 18:08:00 +00:00
{error, {bad_stream_id, X}};
decode(Rest) ->
{more_data, Rest}.
-spec encode(binary()) -> binary().
encode(Packet) ->
Len = size(Packet) + 1,
<<Len:16, ?IPAC_PROTO_OSMO, ?IPAC_PROTO_EXT_GSUP, Packet/binary>>.